Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 Souvenirs and Stadium

Aaron withdrew his gaze from the billboard, and was about to turn his head to see who else was sitting in this box with them, when he heard Harry sitting next to him shout: "Dobby."

Aaron followed Harry's gaze and saw an unusually small guy sitting in the penultimate seat in the row behind them.The little guy's legs were too short and could only be stretched out on the chair in front of him.It was wrapped in a tea towel for wiping the tea set, like a loose robe. Its face was buried in its hands, with only a pair of long, bat-like big ears exposed.

The little guy raised his head and loosened his fingers, revealing a pair of huge brown eyes and a nose shaped and sized like a giant tomato.There was no doubt that it was a house elf.

"Sir, did you just call me Dobby?" the elf asked curiously from between his fingers. His voice was very high-pitched, a slightly trembling and harsh voice.

At this time, Ron, Hermione and Mr. Weasley all turned to look over with interest.

"I'm sorry," Harry said to the elf, "I thought you were someone I knew before."

"But I know Dobby too, sir!" said the elf sharply.

She covered her face with her hands, as if she was blinded by the light, even though the light in the top box was not strong.

"My name is Winky, sir...sir, you..." When her eyes fell on the scar on Harry's forehead, her dark brown eyes suddenly opened as wide as two small dishes, "You must be Ha." Leigh Porter!”

"Yes," said Harry.

"Oh, Dobby talks about you all day long, sir!" Winky lowered her hands a little, with a look of awe on her face.

"How is Dobby?" Harry asked, "Are you getting used to your freedom?"

"Ah, sir." Winky shook his head and said, "To be disrespectful to you, sir. I'm afraid it won't be of any benefit to Dobby if you free him."

"Why?" Harry asked in surprise, "Is there something wrong with him?"

"Dobby thinks about freedom all the time, sir," said Winky sadly. "All these unrealistic ideas, sir. He can't find a job, sir."

"Why can't you find a job?" Harry asked.

Winky lowered her voice half an octave and whispered, "He wants to be paid, sir."

"Payment?" Harry asked blankly, "What? Shouldn't he be paid?"

Winky seemed horrified by the idea and brought her fingers together so that her face was half hidden again.She squealed from behind her fingers: "House elves don't get paid for their work, sir! No, it won't do, it won't do. I said to Dobby, I said, 'Find yourself a decent family and settle down, Dobby. Than.' He was all about having fun, sir, and that's not appropriate for a house elf. I said, 'You're running around like that, and the next thing I'm going to hear is you're like some bastard- Like a cheap goblin, he was arrested by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.'"

"But it's time for him to have some fun," Harry said.

"House elves are not supposed to have fun, Harry Potter." Winky said seriously, covering her face with her hands. "House elves obey their master's orders completely. I'm afraid of heights, Harry Potter." She glanced towards the edge of the box and took a breath, "But my master sent me to the top box, so here I am, sir."

"He clearly knows that you are afraid of heights, why did he send you here?" Harry asked with a dissatisfied frown.

"Master...Master asked me to save a seat for him, Harry Potter. He is too busy." Winky turned her head and looked at the empty seat next to her, "Winky really hopes she can return to Master's In the tent, Harry Potter. But Winky did as she was told. Winky was a very good house elf." She looked fearfully at the edge of the box again and covered her eyes completely.

Harry turned around and looked at everyone.

"That's the house-elf?" Ron asked softly. "They're queer ones, aren't they?"

"Dobby is even weirder," Harry said with feeling.

Ron pulled out his panoramic binoculars and set to work, watching the crowd on the other side of the stadium.

"That's great!" he said, fiddling with the playback knob on the side of the telescope. "I can ask that old guy over there to pick his nose again...and again...and again..."

At this moment, Hermione was eagerly leafing through her velvet-bound, fringed competition instructions."There will be a performance by the team mascot before the game," she read aloud.

"Oh, that's always worth seeing," said Mr. Weasley. "You know, teams from each country bring some strange creatures from their own countries to put on a show here."

Over the next half hour, the box they were in gradually filled up with people.Mr. Weasley kept shaking hands with people, and those people looked like they were great wizards.Percy stood up hurriedly again and again, looking like he was sitting on the back of a porcupine covered in quills.When Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge himself arrived, Percy bowed too low and his glasses fell to the ground, shattering.Embarrassed, he repaired the lens with his wand and then sat blankly in his seat.Percy shot Harry a jealous look when Cornelius Fudge greeted him like an old friend.Fudge held Harry's hand as kindly as a father, greeted him, and introduced him to the wizard sitting next to him.

"Harry Potter, you know," he loudly told the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, who was wearing a gorgeous black velvet robe trimmed with gold and looked like he didn't understand a word of English. "Harry Potter...oh , think about it, you should know who he is... the boy who narrowly escaped death in the hands of the mysterious man... you must know who he is, right?"

The Bulgarian wizard suddenly saw the scar on Harry's forehead, and immediately pointed at it excitedly, mumbling a series of words loudly.

"I knew I would always make him understand." Fudge said to Harry tiredly, "I'm not very good at languages. When it comes to this kind of thing, you need Barty Crouch. Ah, I saw his The house elf occupied a seat for him... What a thoughtful thought, these guys in Bulgaria always want to get the best seats... Ah, Lucius is here!"

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately turned their heads.Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and a woman were seen squeezing into the three still-empty seats in the second row behind Mr. Weasley.

"Ah, hello, Fudge." Malfoy stretched out his hand as he walked past the Minister of Magic. "I take it you haven't met my wife Narcissa yet? And our son Decorah."

"Hello, hello." Fudge smiled and bowed to Mrs. Malfoy.Mrs. Malfoy is a woman with light skin and yellow hair. She is not ugly, but she always has a look of disgust, as if she smells something bad.

Fudge turned to Mr. Malfoy and said: "Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk - Mr. Oblonsk - he is the Minister of Magic in Bulgaria. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he doesn't understand what I'm talking about." Say something. Let me see who else... You know Arthur Weasley, right?"

This moment is really tense.Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy looked at each other, and Aaron clearly remembered the first time he met the two of them: it was at Flourish and Blotts, and they had a fight.

Mr. Malfoy's cold gray eyes glanced past Mr. Weasley back and forth across the rows of seats.He said softly: "Oh my god, Arthur. What did you sell to get a seat in the top box? Your belongings must not be worth so much, right?"

Fudge didn't understand what he was saying. He said, "Lucius has just donated a large amount of money to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies recently, Arthur. He is the honored guest I invited."

"Oh - great," said Mr. Weasley with a forced smile on his face.

When Mr. Malfoy's eyes glanced at Aaron and Hermione, his lips immediately frowned.Aaron looked back at Malfoy indifferently, and Hermione blushed slightly, but looked at him without flinching.

Aaron knew exactly why Mr. Malfoy's lips puckered that way.The Malfoy family has always been proud of being purebred wizards. In other words, they believe that descendants of Muggles, such as themselves and Hermione, are inferior.

However, under the gaze of the Minister of Magic, Mr. Malfoy obviously did not dare to say anything out of the ordinary.He nodded sarcastically to Mr. Weasley and continued walking to his seat.Draco glared disdainfully at Aaron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione before sitting down between his parents.

"Nasty guy." Ron muttered, and he, Aaron, Harry, and Hermione turned their attention to the arena again.

Then Ludo Bagman burst into the box.

"Is everyone ready?" His round face shone like a giant ball of cheese. "Minister, can we start?"

"Get started, Ludo," said Fudge kindly.

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