Old Ancestor: Thrown Out By The Nanny From The Start

Chapter 134 - Space Cannon Saves the Day

Chapter 134: Space Cannon Saves the Day


Back in Moon.

At the Pegasus Grassland.

Tremors spread out from the grassland toward the entire country and even affected some surrounding countries.


The sound was ear-splitting.

When the spiritual essence was pushed into the injection device, all the people in the underground shelter felt suffocated.

But it only lasted for a split moment.

In the surveillance footage on Skynet, the viewers could see a dot of light light up on Earth. In the next second, the dot quickly moved toward the meteorite.

It wasn’t a missile.

It was a beam of light.

It kept moving away from Earth and into space.

“What’s that?”

“Where did that light come from?”


“Is that real?”

“Holy crap!”

“The space cannon is working! Hooray!”

“Moon is amazing!”

The surveillance footage was very clear. The beam of light shot up into the sky and headed directly for the meteorite. When it made contact with Despair One, the meteorite cracked. It then shattered into a million pieces and flew in all directions.

Himmel Soan recorded the scene with his mental force and broadcasted it on Skynet. The desperate viewers froze for a moment when they saw this. The next second, they cried out in ecstasy and embraced the people around them.

One launch.

That was all Himmel Soan needed.

The meteorite was pulverized, and the collision created an extremely bright light. The viewers thought they were going blind.

The light soon reached Earth, and the sky turned white from the blinding light.

“Gosh! What was that?”

“It was the space cannon! The Moonian space cannon!”

“That’s great!”

“Oh, no!”


“Gosh! Run!”

“Have you lost your mind? Where can we possibly go?”

They didn’t celebrate for very long before panic set in again. After the meteorite exploded, many pieces flew toward Earth. They were only a fraction in size of the super meteorite, but the largest ones were 1/10,000 the size of Earth.

They were still big enough to destroy the planet. It was too early to celebrate!

Himmel Soan had anticipated this. However, he didn’t expect it to be on such a big scale. Earth wouldn’t be able to withstand the larger pieces.

“Switch the space cannon to the dispersion mode!”

“Yes, sir!”

Himmel Soan changed the space cannon’s mode. In this mode, the spiritual essence would be scattered into space. One launch would create hundreds of millions of smaller shells. Although they were smaller, they were still much more effective than the energy cannon.

Yosef immediately gave the order and changed the space cannon’s mode.


The ground shook again, and countless streaks of light flew out of Earth. Small explosions took place after that. All the broken pieces were taken out.

The shells destroyed all the larger pieces.

Some smaller pieces of the meteorite weren’t hit, which breached the atmosphere and descended toward Earth. But they couldn’t pose much threat now.

The largest ones were about the size of a fist. The space cannon wouldn’t work well in destroying something so small. After all, it was only a machine, not a living person.

The space cannon was too big, and it took time to change targets. It would work wonders on large targets, but not so much on the smaller pieces.

Himmel Soan activated his mental force and suddenly disappeared. The next second, he appeared in the sky and stopped dozens of small pieces of meteorites.

He had covered Earth with his mental force and could sense all the pieces that were flying into the atmosphere.

He kept jumping from one spot to the next, crushing all the broken pieces that were falling toward Moon.

Still, there was only so much he could do. If only he could recover a little bit more of his power, he could destroy the broken pieces with his mental force alone.

But as of now, he was still too weak to do that.

While Moon was safe, other countries were in trouble. There weren’t many broken pieces, but they could all lead to serious consequences. One piece would leave a giant crater that was 5km in diameter and 300m deep.

Almost nothing on Earth could withstand the impact.

If other countries had listened to Himmel Soan and built the underground shelters, Himmel Soan wouldn’t have needed to worry about the broken meteorite pieces now!

In Flamia.

“The meteorite has been destroyed! We’re safe! We’re going to live!”


Someone cheered loudly in an ark, and more people joined in. Over half a dozen arks had been joined together, and the passengers could see the nearby arks from the windows.

“Are you alright?”

A guy from Flamia’s Ark-36 shouted at someone in Ark-35.

The reply soon came, “We’re all fine! What about you?”

“We’re doing alright, too! We’re safe!”

“I saw from the broadcast that many smaller pieces have entered the atmosphere. The Moonian website has posted an announcement!”

“I saw it, too. They’re only the size of my fist. It’ll be alright!”

“We’re inside the arks. The ceilings will hold, right?”

“Of course—”


The passengers in Ark-36 were still talking when a broken piece of the meteorite fell on top of the ark.

There was a loud bang, and Ark-36 exploded.

Everything happened in a split second. The debris flew everywhere, and all the passengers on the ark were killed.

The passengers on Ark-35 were petrified.

“Get the ark moving!”

“What are you talking about?”

“We have to leave here! The ark can’t withstand the meteorite pieces! We have to get away!”

“Where can you possibly go?”

“Oh no!”

The passengers looked at the surveillance footage, which was showing the sky above their ark.

They could see a meteorite piece the size of a fist quickly approaching them. It grew larger and larger on the screen.


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