Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #9

*Rainelle’s POV

It was just a flu, and even that doesn't seem to be severe, but we returned to the Imperial Palace. In addition, the physician who looked after me did not leave my side, so it was troublesome.

Still, I played to my heart's content on vacation, and since I didn't want to worry about Karmeut, I quietly returned to the Imperial Palace.

"...I’m just drowsy."

Karmeut, however, was extremely cautious. I wonder why.

Uhh, it's a flu, so I’ll get better if I rest. He doesn't have to carry me in his arms every time I move a bit.

With a slight grumble, I wrapped myself in the duvet and rolled over.

Still, it's a familiar room, so I feel comfortable. The duvet is also fluffy and soft.

I took out my wings and wrapped them around my body. Thanks to Karmeut, who canceled all of my schedules, saying that I should rest comfortably for the time being, it felt like I was enjoying my vacation at the Imperial Palace.

"Actually, Karmeut went to work as soon as he arrived."

When I thought so, I let out a sigh...

Could Karmeut be a workaholic? Otherwise he wouldn't be able to go to work as soon as he gets back.

"He told me to rest comfortably, so let’s just get some rest."

I am still tired and sleepy. If I doze off in the sunlight in this state, I will be able to sleep comfortably.

...No, come to think of it, let's change spots.

I flapped my wings and headed toward the window. I sat in the rocking chair that I liked, enjoying the sunlight. The warm sunlight and gentle breeze made me fall asleep.

I'm sleepy, so I'm going to take a nap.

With that thought in mind, I leaned over to the chair that swayed slightly and closed my eyes.


*3rd person POV

Karmeut could not shake his thoughts about Rainelle even as he moved his quill.


Of course, it is something that cannot be confirmed yet, and it could have simply been a body ailment. However, when he heard that it was similar to pregnancy symptoms, it was inevitable that his thoughts kept rushing to that direction and his expectations were high.

‘Rainelle can change into a human, but her origin is a crow. If so, do I have to make a nest?’

However, it was not feasible to ask her directly. It wasn't decided yet, so he didn't want to give unnecessary expectations or pressure.

"...Your majesty?"

"...Ah, ah. You're here, Marquis."

At the sudden call, Karmeut lifted his head and saw Namuel looking at him with a puzzled look on his face. Receiving that gaze, Karmeut cleared his throat and looked at him.

“I have brought documents that require approval from His Majesty.”

Saying that, Namuel set the papers down on Karmeut's desk. These were documents that he could not just process directly as the agent of the royal mages.

Looking at the papers, Karmeut sighed inwardly. No matter how capable his men were, he had a lot of work to do.

"Okay, I’ll review and look through it."

“Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Saying that, Namuel bowed respectfully.

He sincerely served the current emperor and empress. It was only natural that he would have a sense of loyalty to those who showed trust by letting him, who should have been executed, alive and even placing him in an important position.

Besides, didn't Namuel try to kill the Emperor? He didn't do it consciously, but the guilt and weight of it lingered in his chest.

"...Your majesty. What are you worried about?"

That was why Namuel didn't leave right away and asked such question.

At his words, Karmeut blinked slowly and shook his head slowly.

"No, it's nothing..."

Then he paused.

‘Namuel is a wizard. Of course, the person who knew best about the crow that ate Crobanlock is Myrdin-nim, but since that crow was a male, it seemed like I couldn't get any advice in this case…’

But what about Namuel? Karmeut knew that he too was conducting his own investigation.

‘I'm not sure if would be from guilt or loyalty, but it'll probably help.’

"...Marquis. I have something to ask you."

“I will listen to Your Majesty.”

Namuel straightened his posture and listened. Karmeut looked at him with a very serious expression and slowly opened his mouth,

“Do you know about the hybrids?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

"Then there must be some among the hybrids who take the form of birds?"

"You're talking about the Hoin tribe."

"Can you explain about the Hoin tribe?"

Karmeut's question was unexpected, but Namuel nodded his head and organized the information in his head.

“Hoin people are a hybrid race with wings on their backs and tail feathers growing around their tailbone. Just like there are different types of birds, there are many types of Hoin people, but they cannot transform into a perfect bird like the Empress. Therefore, they tend to build nests on cliffs or high mountains and live in groups."

"Are there any examples of them living alone like a tiger and beastman?"

"There are some. But I know of no examples of living completely alone like tigers and beasts."

"Is that so......"

Kamut was silent for a moment. Namuel waited until Karmeut openef his mouth again,

"...When the members of the tribe reproduce, no...... when they conceive a life, what do they usually do?"

At that, Namuel blinked. It was unexpected enough that he asked about the hybrid race, but the question now was even more unexpected.

But he was a wizard. It was a job that uses the head a lot to achieve the top level. As a result, he was able to draw a conclusion.

“Your Majesty, by any chance……”

So he cautiously asked the question. Then Karmeut was stunned and shook his head.

"No, it's not what the Marquis thinks. I'm just trying to know in advance."

Hearing that, Namuel nodded.

"...I see. But Your Majesty, I think it's best to just refer to the Hoin tribe."

Saying that, Namuel added with a serious expression.

"He Majesty the Empress can be said to be an extremely rare case. It may be the same as the Hoin tribe, but it may be different. They may look like a bird, but they also act like a human."

“…Let me hear it.”

Namuel nodded at Karmeut's serious expression. Then he opened his mouth.

“Usually, the male decorates the nest. There are times when they give a nest as a gift when they are courting. Regarding that case, they tend to decorate the nest a bit more. Carefully select the spot and tidy up the surroundings so that the female can relax and raise the child safely."

Karmeut listened to Namuel's words.

"They keep things, as fluffy and soft as possible, and gather them inside the nest. Then they dry meat and make preserved food."

“Is it for the sake of a partner who is about to give birth?”

"That's right. If they run out of food in the middle and starve, it will affect the next generation.”

"Then, the awareness of the boundaries of their territory will also increase considerably.”

"That is right. If there are intruders, it means that there will be fewer food."

At those words, Karmeut stroked his chin and fell into thought. Namuel, who saw him looking like that, opened his mouth again,

“...I will collect data about the Hoin tribe and the crows, the deliver them to you, Your Majesty.”

"I'd appreciate it if you would do that."

"I just did what I have to do."

A playful smile appeared on Karmeut's lips as he looked at the man bending down again.

"...By the way, are things going well with the Count Gwynell’s daughter?"

At those words, Namuel's expression momentarily shook.

“Uh, yes… Thanks to the consideration of the Empress and His Majesty the Emperor…”

"If you hold a wedding, I'm willing to officiate it myself, so I'm sure you'll bring good news."

At those words, Namuel's face turned red. Seeing him like that, Karmeut burst into a small laugh.

‘The encounter between the wizard and the young lady seems to be positive.’


*Rainelle’s POV

I flapped my wings in a somewhat bad mood. Then, I saw the man with long white beard standing behind Karmeut, flinching.

"I don’t want to."


"...It's just a flu. But I need to do further examination?"

I slept well and woke up, but this is the situation now. I was kind of uncomfortable and annoyed.

"Because you never know. It's better than letting go of minor symptoms only to find out later that it was a serious illness."

Karmeut soothed in a gentle tone. ...Judging by how we come to this, he didn't seem to have given up on the body examination.

I let out a long sigh at his attitude and folded and unfolded his wings. ...I wasn't happy at the thought of being examined, but I didn't want to worry Karmeut.

My good mood from the nap seemed to be sinking, but I slowly nodded.

"...Okay. I just need to get examined, right?"


I swallowed a sigh inwardly at Karmeut's smile.

“Then, Your Majesty the Empress, I will do a checkup on you.”

I didn't like that, but he nodded anyway.

Hahh, this will just be a moment.

Thinking so, I obediently entrusted myself to the attending physician.

The Imperial Palace’s physician seemed to be checking my condition so meticulously that it seemed a little excessive. And Karmeut was also looking at me seriously.

I was a little embarrassed by the sight.

...Eh, is something so serious?

But remembering the past, I thought it would only be natural with Karmeut. He reacted so sensitively even when I was a crow, so…

Thinking like that, it's not strange.

Okay, let's just do what Karmeut wants.

I suppressed the uncomfortable feelings as he thought so.

Ah, I just want to get some more sleep.


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