Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #5

*Rainelle’s POV

Thinking so, I glared at Karmeut, but Karmeut suddenly transformed into a wolf.

Karmeut, who had become a dashing, golden-colored large wolf, quietly looked at me, then put his paws together politely and punched his own face.


Oh really! What is that?! You're cute! Like a puppy punching their face to admit to doing something wrong, what the heck! Cute!

No, no! Don't be fooled by that cuteness! I'm angry!

"Kak! (Humph!)"

As I turn my head, a groan followed. Glancing back at the sound, I only moved my eyes and looked at Karmeut.

Karmeut was sitting in front of the closet, licking his snout while wagging his tail. Then, when I seemed to be looking at him, he pretended to be pitiful, drooping the corners of his eyes and whimpering.

I felt a little weak at the attitude.

Should I just forgive him?

It was the moment I was thinking like that, *Knock, knock*

I heard knocks.

At that sound, Karmeut returned to his human form. He opened the door and it was a lady-in-waiting who appeared, and she seemed to have brought tea and refreshments.

"Rainelle, let's eat cookies and make up. I’m the wrong one."

Karmeut seemed sincere when he said that, and it was a waste of time to keep getting angry. So, I came down, pretending he didn't win.

No, no! I didn't come down pretending to let go of my anger because I coveted cookies! ...Really! "Is it delicious, Rainelle?"

When Karmeut broke a cookie by hand and offered it to me, I accept it happily and nodded my head.

"Caw! (Delicious!)"

Wow, how long has it been since I ate a cookie in the form of a crow? I didn't even think about it when I was an empress!

I hummed, bobbing my head in a good mood. Then Karmeut looked at him and asked,

“Are you a little less angry now?”

At that, I nodded my head vigorously, which made him let out a sigh of relief.

"That’s a relief. Sorry, Rainelle. I won't talk about bugs anymore."

His appearance made me feel a little awkward. I didn't expect him to be feeling so sorry.

So I changed into my human form and sat down next to Karmeut. I could sense him flinching and looking at me.

"It's okay, I forgive you."


"Honestly, I was angry, but half of it was a joke... More than anything, we came here to relax."

As I said “So let's have fun,” I leaned my head on Karmeut's shoulder. Then I felt a reflexive stroke of my hair.

"Yes, let's have fun and relax.”

"I'm comfortable and happy to go back to being a crow, but what about Karmeut?"

"Me? Well..."

Karmeut was silent for a moment, lost in thought. But not long after. He laughed quietly while stroking my hair.

"I’m happy to be alone with Rainelle."

Embarrassed by the words, I slightly twisted my body.

"What is that."

“Really. It's because I don't have as much free time as I did when I was the crown prince.”

Saying so, he kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the touch, then I said,

"...To be honest, even back then, Karmeut was already busy."

"Ah, hmm......"

"I remember that you worked so hard to succeed to the throne..."

At that, Karmeut slowly avoided my gaze, then I burst into laughter.

"It's okay, I like such Karmeut."


"Working a lot to fulfill a responsibility. That's cool."

I know that being responsible can be difficult at times. Especially if it's a ruler who leads a country.

Since Karmeut is the emperor now, he is in a position where no one dares to say anything even if he throws everything away and just plays around.

So, it was wonderful to see him focusing on his duties and sticking to his work.

"I’m always grateful that you care about me even though you're so busy. That's why I like Karmeut."

Saying so, I took out his wings and wrapped them around Karmeut. Then Karmeut smiled and hugged me gently.

"I like you like that."

Hearing that, he burst into laughter. Knowing that he liked it, he couldn't help but laugh too.

"Then what shall we do now? What do you want to do, Rainelle?"


I thought for a moment.

Since we are here to play, what can we do here...?

“I want to go for a walk with Karmeut.”

"A walk? Will that be all right?"

"Karmeut in the form of a wolf, and I in the form of a crow!"

Karmeut widened his eyes. Then he smiled a little and nodded his head.

"Yes, then let’s do that."

“Yayy! ...Oh. Wouldn't that makes it difficult for the escorts?"

What I felt while staying in the Imperial Palace as the empress was that it was difficult not only for the maids or ladies-in-waiting who always have to follow me around and serve me, but also for the escort knights.

Especially in the case of the escort knights, they almost didn't want to leave me and Karmeut even for a moment like a shadow after Namuel’s incident...

Karmeut laughed.

"Rainelle, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Huh? What?"

"Rainelle is the queen of all birds."

"...Huh? What do you mean?"

As I tilted her head in puzzlement, Karmeut kindly added:

"Why don't you ask the birds to look around and confirm if the area is safe?"


"Besides, if you change into a big figure, most monsters won't dare to come close."

My eyes lit up at those words. What made me happy more than anything was that Karmeut believed in me.

I was very grateful to him for believing that I was a strong figure.

"...Of course, I don't want you to be in danger."

Karmeut laughed again when I told him that.

“Karmeut, I also solved Namuel’s incident.”

"Do you know how surprised and anxious I was at that time? Fortunately, you were safe..."

“I want to tell Karmeut about that. Karmeut almost died then.”

At that, Karmeut put on a troubled expression and went quiet. Karmeut’s situation was much more dangerous then, and he was really close to dying.

"Then let's protect each other. If either one gets hurt or is in danger, we should defend each other."

Karmeut nodded at my words.

"Yeah, all right. Of course."

After he answered like that, laughter leaked out of me for no reason. Was it the same for Karmeut?

He too chuckled.

"Then shall we prepare to leave?"


As soon as the words were uttered, I transformed into a crow and landed on Karmeut's shoulder.

He smiled at my actions, stroked my back a few times, and left the room.

...As expected, the escort knights seemed to have a lot to say.

"It's dangerous, Your Majesty."

...Look, as expected.

Thinking so, I looked at Galenos.

*3rd person POV

Galenos alternately looked at Karmeut and the crow on his shoulder with a serious expression, then he opened his mouth,

"Taking a walk around the lake alone with Her Majesty the Empress..."

"Sir Windster."

"It's safe around the villa. But if you go as far as the mountains..."

“Sir, I am well aware of your loyalty. But... have you forgotten what the Empress is?"

Galenos looked at her as if he was momentarily at a loss for words. At his action, she spread her wings and flew up slightly, landing on Galenos' shoulder.

Then she spread one wing and patted Galenos on the head. Galenos let out a long sigh and murmured,

"Your Majesty the Empress..."


As if she knew nothing, she tilted her head and looked at him. Galenos wiped his face.

"...I understand. I'll be waiting."

"It's because of you that we can go out with peace of mind, Sir Windster."

Saying so, Karmeut patted Galenos on the shoulder. Then, Galenos sighed again, looking a little, no, looking pitiful.

*Rainelle’s POV

But I still want to roam freely together with Karmeut! I came here on vacation after all!

...Furthermore, although I made the offer, Karmeut accepted it!

While making such an excuse inside, I patted Galenos a few more times before moving back to Karmeut's shoulder.

As soon as I sat on his shoulder, Karmeut smiled and caressed my back. Then he headed straight outside.

---Somehow, I think I heard Galenos sighing from behind, but…

Let's pretend I didn't hear it. It's too much of a waste to give up this outing.

While I was thinking about that, Karmeut arrived near the lake before I knew it. There was a lake right next to the villa, so we could arrive right away.


When he called out, I quickly spread my wings and flew up. Then Karmeut changed into a wolf form.

The golden, gorgeous wolf sniffed and snorted briefly, sticking out his tongue and licking his snout once. Then he looked this way.


At the wolf's behavior, I briefly waved the tips of my wings and landed on the wolf's head. Then I could see the wolf's tail wagging vigorously.

"Cow, caw, caw!"

As I flew forward with a cheerful cry, the wolf ran behind me. Then, uhh, he caught up quickly.

"Caw? (Already?)"

Oh, he’s fast.

As if he knew my mind, the wolf jumped up and panted lightly as if playfully, then kicked off the ground and started running straight ahead.

I couldn't lose to Karmeut, so I gave strength to my wings and flapped them vigorously.

The air around the lake was cool. And it was wonderful to see the wolf’s golden fur shined even more beautifully in the sunlight reflected on the surface of the water.

As expected, it's a fraudulent beauty!

He's cool even in his human form, but he's so beautiful in his wolf form too! That's a scam, a scam!

Thinking so, I grumbled inwardly. Then, wanting to play a joke, I flew over to the wolf's head, grabbed the wolf's fur slightly with my foot, and then released it.


At my action, Karmeut let out a small cry and tilted his head. After that, he seemed to be smiling.


Then he jumped so fast that I was frightened and had to increase my altitude.

Ooh, I was surprised!

After startling me, Karmeut paused in place as if he told me it was a joke, then wagged his tail slowly.

Seeing that, I landed on the wolf's head. Then I poked the wolf's nose with my beak.

I flinched and flapped my wings when he licked his maw. Then he wiggled his tail once before starting to run again.

Karmeut, you look so excited.

It made me feel better to see Karmeut running while wagging his tail excitedly, like a puppy rolling in the snow.

This is good.

Since Karmeut was originally a human who then can turn into a wolf, I thought he wouldn't enjoy it very much. But looking at it like this, I realized that it wasn't like that.

I'm glad we came to play.

Karmeut is excited, and I am also happy to be able to spread my wings wide and fly happily for the first time in a long time.

While thinking so, I flew over Karmeut's head. No need to worry about safety. Even now, some birds constantly chirped to let me know if there was anything dangerous around us.


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