Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 120

*Rainelle’s POV

It was a big misunderstanding, but I couldn't say the truth, so I ended up taking a few days off. ... but fortunately, nothing to worry about happened during that time.

Seriously, if Namuel awakened while I was taking a few days off from class, I would have gone mental. Though, it was still hard to say that I should be grateful for that... or was it just my mood that made me feel low-spirited?

Whether I was pathetic, depressed, or struggling with my studies, time passed quickly.

The season when fallen leaves and various fruits were abundant had passed, and the season of white snow covering the world had come. Although the seasons changed, my daily life did not change.

...No, I'm glad it hasn't changed.

It's like having a nuclear bomb next to me, but it's better than having the actual incident! Please don't explode!!

Hoping for a simple wish, I let out a sigh. When my breath hit the window, the steam fogged the glass.

"It's snowing..."

The diabolic powder is falling from the sky... Hmm, when I was a keeper, I really hated snow. ---Cleaning the inside of the breeding grounds was all the responsibility of the keeper, so I really hated it because when it snowed, there was more work. Even if I sweep it, it piles up again!

So the thought of ‘Whoa, so nice,’ when I was young shattered after I got the job.

Now that I'm looking into the snow, I feel a little strange. Because I’m able to see it as being white and pretty.

But whoever cleans the Imperial Palace will die.

Especially outdoor cleaners. Ugh, just thinking about it fills me with sympathy. On a cold day like this, if you hold a broom and sweep outside, your hands and toes are gonna get cold and painful.

...so I hoped it only snows a bit.

...Oh, and it must be a tough season for crows, too.

The image of a certain male crow came to mind. ...Surprisingly, I hadn’t seen that male crow until now. Of course, I didn't go to Aria's mansion lately, but... since that crow had been to the Imperial Palace before, I think that guy could have visited if it wanted...

---Anyway, I can't visit him. I’m busy with class, and I’m also busy keeping an eye on Namuel...

If it was that male crow, it would survive the winter well. He was very wary of people, he was good at taking care of his own body, and he was powerful.

The problem is, after all, Namuel ... But the fortunate thing is that Aria had attracted the hidden character.

I cannot tell how surprised I was when I received a letter saying she had hired Sedarun.

---He’s an assassin, right? How did she manage to hire him? No, is it easy to hire him?

It was a relief, though, because she has achieved the goal of attracting Sedarun. ---I don't want him to be used to kill Namuel or anything like that, although I don't think it's going to happen because the employer is Aria.

I hope Aria doesn't turn around and try to assassinate Karmeut. ---That won’t happen, right?

I was anxious.

But I’m also keeping an eye on Namuel, so Aria won't be able to do anything easily. ...Don’t you dare. I have my way!

"Rainelle-nim, let's start today’s class."

While I was in my thoughts for a moment, it seemed that the time for the class had come. When I heard Namuel's voice, I turned my head to look at him.

He didn't look any different from when he first started teaching. He was still calm and composed. ---I even wondered if it was simply an illusion that he seemed weird when I asked him subtly about Aria.

Of course, I'm not mistaken, but the fact that no significant incident occurred even until the seasons changed also meant that he hadn't eaten the Crobanlock yet.

So, in other words, he’s still not sure about his feelings for Aria.

...That's terribly difficult.

This was enough to make me feel pity for Aria.

Did he ever meet Aria after he received the Crobanlock?

If he hadn't met her, then I'd really, really, really feel pity for Aria –because it means a one-sided love-

If they had met, why wouldn't he eat the Crobanlock? That question arises.

It was said that it was best not to get involved in other people's relationships... but it's dangerous if I just leave it alone.

Karmeut is in danger, so how can I do that?!!

I shrugged and focused on Namuel's class.

---I keep feeling it while taking classes, but his explanations are amazing. It's not funny, but it sticks in my head.

...Haa, why is such a man so slow when it comes to Aria? Should I say I'm glad that he’s slow? No! It’s not exactly a relief!!

As this stalemate(?) continues, I’ve started thinking that it will be nice if things happen soon rather than later! Why?

You know what? It's better to let it out than be constipated!!

---Huh? Something's wrong with the metaphor, but let's move on.

How convenient would it be if I can change his feelings as I want? But that's not possible, Well, there's no point in talking about it.

"...? Rainelle-nim? Do you have any questions?"

Namuel's green eyes, which blinked slowly as he asked that, were exuding calmness. He seemed to be wondering what I was confused about and about how to explain it so that I could easily understand.

"...No, I have no questions, because Namuel's explanation is good."

"Thank you for saying that."

I'm not sure if he was really happy, but he was smiling softly...

Yeah, what can I say? Objectively, he was very handsome, and his eyes were pretty.

But not as good as Karmeut. How wonderful is Karmeut? Those golden eyes and golden hair. The colors that sparkle in the sunlight are even more enchanting!!

I was secretly proud of Karmeut for a while when I heard Namuel's voice,

"Um... Rainelle-nim. If it's okay with you, can I ask you something?"

"---Namuel asks me a question?"

"---Can't I?"

"No, no, I'm just surprised."

Why wouldn't I be surprised? In terms of knowledge, the person who is overwhelmingly higher than me is Namuel. Besides, Namuel is a wizard. So I don't think there's anything to ask...?

I stared at Namuel with my eyes wide open. Then, after coughing several times, he hesitated and opened his mouth.

"I have something to ask you about Crobanlock..."


"Yes. Didn't Myrdin-nim speculate that Crobanlock is a fragment of the eggshell of the Black Bird? And since Rainelle-nim met the Black Bird in person..."

As he spoke up there, I immediately understood what he was trying to say.

Aha, indeed, it is something to be curious about from Namuel's point of view. Even more so if there is someone in front of him who can give him a clear answer.

Because by nature, wizards are beings who seek knowledge.

"You seem to have a lot of questions."

"It's embarrassing, but yes."

"Why is it shameful to crave knowledge? On the contrary, I was surprised that you didn't ask me until now."

"Is, is that so?"

I just remembered about it now, but it’s true.

Oh, by the way, before, Karmeut stopped him along with Myrdin-nim.

Then, there was a problem with my class.

"...since the class has progressed to a certain extent, you can afford to ask now?"

To that, Namuel replied with a shy smile.

"The progress is not perfect, but there's no denying that it's true. Of course, the standard of 'perfect' is very vague."

"Is that a compliment---?"

"Yes, it is. To be honest, I expected it to take a little longer to get to this point. It may sound rude, but Rainelle-nim is a crow after all."

"No, I understand, because crows aren't smart or wise compared to humans."

Namuel, who nodded softly while saying thank you, continued,

"Rainelle-nim is very enthusiastic. In my personal opinion, I even wanted the apprentice wizards to see and learn from you."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"No, no. It would be selfish to take away class time to satisfy my personal greed for knowledge."

"I have learned a lot and received a lot of help from Namuel, so this is nothing. And---"

I purposely smiled and winked playfully so that Namuel would not feel burdened.

“Private talk during class is exciting.”

Hearing those words, Namuel chuckled a little. It was a sound full of playfulness that was hard to imagine from his normal appearance.

"I see. I understand. Then I’ll ask you. ...Do you know, by any chance, if there is a condition in which Crobanrock is found?"

I couldn't help but tilt my head.

---Well, didn't Myrdin-nim previously say that there is no such thing as conditions?

Namuel nodded and said.

"Of course, you may be puzzled, as Myrdin-nim had said that there was nothing in common between the discovery sites."

"Then why did you ask such a question?"

At that, Namuel shut his mouth. He remained silent as he hesitated.

I thought it was better to wait for him to speak, so I also remain to be silent. And looked like this decision was correct. After some time had passed, Namuel opened his mouth,

"---Before, I received a Crobanlock as a gift. Although it was very valuable, someone gave it to me, saying that it would be great if it could help me."

He chose the words carefully, but I knew who it was.

"After talking with that person a few times, I got to know... that the Crobanlock was found in a place similar to the one I found."


This is... unexpected. I didn't know it would be like that. Well, this doesn't even appear in the original game, does it? ---Even if it's described, it's not in my memory, so that's that.

I looked at Namuel, tasting the feeling of lamenting for my memory.

"When I asked His Majesty, he said that he had awakened through Crobanlock. And the one who obtained it was Rainelle-nim."

"Ah, yeah..."

That's right. I rescued him in the forest when Kamut was a prince. Aiming to be a cute pet crow who is useful.

"...So you want to know where I found a Crobanlock?"

"If you don’t mind."

"Of course not. So, um..."

I tried to remember.

---Honestly, I think he knows the name of the place well from what happened to Karmeut. But I don't think that's what Namuel was asking...

"The Crobanlock I found was hanging from a tree, like a tree fruit."

"...Is that so?"

I was surprised to see Namuel's eyes wide open. ---It was the first time I had ever seen Namuel show such a surprised face.

"...Is it strange?"

"Oh. It's not strange. It's just..."


"I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but... Mine, the one from that person, and Rainelle-nim's discovery of Crobanlock is very similar."

Huh? Really?

This was a very surprising discovery.

But, Myrdin-nim clearly said that…

"Myrdin-nim obviously said there is no condition to where Crobanlock can be found..."

"Yes, yes. From snowy mountains to volcanic areas, there was no restriction."

Namuel, who said that while tapping the cover of a thick hardcover book with his index finger, spoke again,

"Of course, it could be a simple coincidence, but there is also the possibility that it is not. Considering that, I think it is worth to be researched."

Namuel, whose cheeks were dyed red faintly, seemed excited. At the sight, these words popped out of my mouth unconsciously:

"Is Namuel not going to eat Crobanlock?"

Hearing those words, Namuel fixed his gaze on me. He seemed to be confused as he did not know my intention and why I was asking such a question.

"---May I ask what you meant?"

"...? Because I can't understand Namuel's reaction…?"

I can guess the reason, but I answered back in a clueless tone.

“Crobanlock is a fruit that can awaken humans. There is a risk of death, but if you overcome that possibility, you will gain abilities that you have never realized before.”

I deliberately tilted my head while adding more words.

"It's rather surprising that Namuel hasn't eaten it until now. Don’t you want to eat it? If you eat it, you might discover a power that you didn't even know you have."


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