Nuwa System

Chapter 21 – Preparations for the North

The Gang packs up their essentials like money, weapons, and dildo tools. Nuwa keeps her essentials in her [Inventory] so she’s all set.

Ty Li hugs Appa and Nuwa “awh’s” at the sight of wholesome fluffiness. They get on Appa and he takes off heading northward. Azula leaves a message that they found the Avatar and had to move forward without the rest of the guard entourage since he was too fast.

Once they’re airborne, Azula and Nuwa pair up to get comfortable in each other’s arms, and the same goes for Mai and Ty Li.

Sokka regains his ability to speak and asks, “So.. are each of you pairs dating?”

Azula looks at Sokka like a predator, then smirks and licks Nuwa’s neck like an animal marking her territory, “We are, they aren’t.”

Nuwa gives a quiet, but obscene moan as Azula starts to play with one of her nipples from behind. Sokka hardens to full length under his cloak and immediately averts his eyes.

Ty Li adds, “Mai and I are close best friends, she’s dating Prince Zuko.”

Nuwa remembers that they have to do something about their identities since there is always a chance that they could get captured and ransomed in an enemy territory. She leans back and whispers in Azula’s ear, “Finger my pussy discreetly.”

Katara and Aang don’t know where to look seeing that Nuwa is perfectly fine with moaning and getting her nipples twisted in front of recently acquainted strangers.

Nuwa puts a cloak around her and Azula, shimmies out of her bottoms, and enters enlightenment mode as Azula’s fingers reach into her pussy and gently thrust in and out.

‘One option would be to head into the Northern Water Tribe and request an audience with our true identities, but then that would have diplomatic repercussions and depending on the course of events, may force us to be unable to cover up whose side we are on too early in the game.’

‘Another option is to enter in the Avatar’s entourage, but reveal our true identities and motives only to the chief. This method is viable, but again too risky since he may decide to detain us for ransom or peace. Moreover, we don’t know how tight-lipped he may be so if news of our conversation leaks, then once again, our jig would be up.’

‘The best option seems to be disguising our faces so we won’t be recognized and never revealing our identities as anything other than the Avatar’s entourage. We would have to disclose that Azula is a firebender, otherwise they would suspect our intentions if they found out in a fight. We could even have Azula spar the waterbenders to promote cooperation. No, never mind, Azula is still too unstable to be allowed to bend outside of life threatening situations.’

“[System], what do you recommend we use as disguises?”

*System recommends the silicone Face Mask tool that host may have seen in Mission Impossible. They are cheap, waterproof, non-irritating, and do not have to come off for months at a time. It also allows pores to breathe and sweat passes through the material, so the underside of the mask does not require regular maintenance.*

“Wonderful, get me 4 of those for The Gang. We might even be able to follow Aang everywhere with these. Make sure they’re plain-looking faces that wouldn’t draw attention.”

-5k LEE, Face Mask tool for Nuwa, [soulbound] available for 245k LEE

-5k LEE, Face Mask tool for Azula

-5k LEE, Face Mask tool for Mai

-5k LEE, Face Mask tool for Ty Li

Current Total: 11k LEE

Azula finishes Nuwa off with some rapid squelching, which is mostly covered by the airstream muffling the noise. Nuwa does give a yip with some twitching when she orgasmed under the cloak and Team Avatar look over curiously without comprehending since they were all virgins and didn’t know much about sex.

Ty Li and Mai are both turned on, but can’t imagine being so shameless. Azula is smiling and feeds Nuwa’s juices to her. Team Avatar blush furiously when Nuwa simulates a blowjob on Azula’s fingers for about 10 seconds.

+1k LEE, Total: 12k LEE

Nuwa gives a wink to the Team and addresses the Gang, “We have to wear disguises from now on. We should come up with some new names or code names for each other while we’re disguising. Mine will be Stella. What about you Azula?”

Azula seems indignant and unused to lying when it doesn’t have to do with tormenting others. “Eh, I guess I’ll go with Zulrath.”

The Gang all feel like it fits and Ty Li and Mai decide they have to pick equally awesome names.

Ty Li can’t think of anything off the top of her head other than cute pet names like Fido and Snowball.

Nuwa suggests, “Ty Li, how do you feel about Slinky?”

Ty Li seems flustered, “Is that a pet’s name?”

Nuwa replies with a smile, “No, it’s a kind of toy that can twist itself in all directions.”

Ty Li has shining eyes, “That’s what I’m best at!”

Nuwa suggests another one for Mai, “How about Kristen for you?”

Mai doesn’t mind it, “Does that also have some special meaning?”

Nuwa thinks, ‘Other than it being a Twilight reference to your expressionless face and teen pregnancy, I guess not?’

Nuwa replies, “Nope, just a normal name.”

Mai nods.

Nuwa pulls out her Face Mask from her [Inventory] by reaching into her backpack.

Everyone watches the sickening sight of Nuwa adjusting and tapping a paper-thin silicone layer onto her face for a few minutes until she has an entirely unrecognizable and average face, but still perfect teeth and killer curves.

Azula looked like she was about to unleash Monster Azula since she felt like Stella deprived her of her cute Nuwa.

Everyone else looks at her dumbfoundedly and hesitantly as if they don’t know who she is, but their brains are telling them it’s still Nuwa.

Nuwa feels awkward since she was not expecting this situation, ‘It seems the connection between faces and identity in the Avatar record is deeper than I expected.’

She quickly explains, “Guys! It’s me, Nuwa. Look, I can still summon my shield and hook. Everything’s fine. The face mask designer is a real expert at the craft, but this is a good thing since we will be able to transition between our Fire Nation identities and our “commoner” identities easily.”

Azula simmered down right away when she saw the summoned weaponry as did the rest of the Gang.

Team Avatar still looked uncomfortable, but were more interested in the weapons materializing out of midair.

Sokka immediately requested, “Miss.. um.. Stella, how do those weapons work and is it possible for me to get some?”

Nuwa gave the practiced lie, “Sorry Sokka, I found these weapons after I had stumbled into the tomb of a martial master. Ever since then, they’ve been bound to me and I can summon them at will. If I had a way to share them, I would have already done so with my friends.”

As the excitement fades, the rest of the Gang reluctantly put their masks on. What Nuwa finds strange is that even while unenlightened, the differences to their personality with their new names and faces are obvious and somewhat disconcerting.

Nuwa observes, ‘Slinky and Kristen are displaying unusually high intimacy and Zulrath seems much less high-strung than Princess Azula. The name sounds scary and domineering, but.. hey, she’s even slouching a little! Azula would never slouch. The laws of identity.. how powerful. Thankfully, I don’t feel any different.’

Appa stops just outside a town near nightfall and the big group heads over to an Inn to eat and rest.

Nuwa makes small talk on the way with Aang, “So you’re currently an airbending master, a novice water and firebender, and unable to earthbend?”

Aang nods. Nuwa and Azula leak a bit of battlelust, “Maybe we could spar with you and Katara tomorrow morning? It would allow us to get used to each other’s fighting style. If we ever end up fighting together against others, we would know how to synergize our skills.”

Aang and Katara readily agree.

They enter the best Inn in town and get one regular room and one luxury suite. Sokka and Aang seem excited to finally experience a life of riches, but they’re unceremoniously kicked out with a “girls only” notice.

Inside the suite, Ty Li and Mai curl up together, smooch, and go to bed right away looking every bit like lovers. Katara inquires to Nuwa with a whisper, “Isn’t she dating Prince Zuko?”

Nuwa replies, “I think it’s the mask and names. The change seems to have messed with their sense of identity and personality. I’m a bit worried about how they’ll feel when they take the mask off and remember how they acted, but they’re just sharing some intimacy between best friends, no harm done, right? Besides, this is the only way we’ll get any freedom to adventure. If we stuck with you guys without masks, we’d eventually be facing the relentless pursuit of the entire Fire Nation army and not a few small hunting groups.”

Katara shows a look of fear and agrees.

Azula comes up behind Katara, starts playing with her hair, and says, “I like your hair.”

Katara feels awkward having her comfort zone infringed upon, but also fluffy inside because of the compliment and finally having some friends who are girls.

Nuwa smirks and teases, “Oh, Azula? Since when did you flirt with girls other than me?”

Azula furrows her brows, “Humph, you can’t be satisfied with just me, I might as well make some ‘good friends’ for rainy days.”

Nuwa’s eyes bug out at the big personality shift, “That’s.. Sure you can.”

Katara innocently looks at each of them, “What are you talking about?”

Nuwa’s eyes shine, “Nothing, now tell your big sis, how far are you with Aang? Did you kiss? Did the tongue go in?”

Azula says, “I can tell he’s got the hots for you. He’s just not man enough to admit it.”

Katara covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, “You girls! We like each other.. But we’re letting it happen naturally.”

Nuwa’s plain face showed some disapproval, “That’s not right! What if Aang has those kinds of urges and he has to use his hands? You two are in a relationship and not taking care of each other! I won’t stand for it.”

Azula nods, remembering all the times she fingered herself to sleep thinking about Nuwa.

“[System], soulbind that Regular Strap-on Dildo to me.”

*Regular Strap-on Dildo upgraded to [Regular Strap-on Dildo].*

-7k LEE, Total: 4k LEE

Nuwa reaches into her backpack and pulls out the no longer monstrously sized strap-on dildo.

She strips Azula and affixes it to Azula’s crotch. Nuwa strong arms Katara who appears to be slowly escaping back over.

Nuwa adopts a stern demeanor and says, “Katara, I’m going to teach you how to pleasure Aang so much that he’ll drool just looking at you.”

After a short bit of thought, Katara is easily convinced into the tutelage of the registered sex therapist.

Nuwa thinks, ‘Katara has the curves to succeed, she just needs the gumption and skill.’

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