Nowhere to Run

Chapter 17: A Bridge Too Far

Chapter 17: A Bridge Too Far


“If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand before you, defeat them,”

-Clan Aureon’s credo.


  A mighty wind howled through the dark, seemingly endless forest now turned into a murky, soaked mire extending beyond the dikes Rudo had just opened. It was a moonless night, and dark clouds completely blocked the dim starlight, but it didn’t diminish his sight in the slightest. His large, sharp bird eyes allowed him to see through the dark like it was broad daylight, and feeling the North perpetually calling him made it easy to find his way through the woods.

  Rudo looked satisfied, almost pleased, with his handiwork, as the force of nature he had just unleashed completely leveled every square inch of the forest save the sturdier trees. But this hasn’t been his idea. He recalled Nina coming up with such an outlandish if clever plan, and rallying everyone to follow it. Heck! Even HE fell under her spell, those mysterious powers of her stirring up his heart, and twisting his insides, prompting him to try his utter best and push his limits for her sake. It was absolutely terrifying.

  But now it was time to return to the outpost and help in the defense, the real question remained on how. He jumped from the levees to the meadows below, sinking up to his knees upon landing. Oh, boy. Rudo barged ahead, struggling through the mud, realizing that opening the floodgates maybe wasn’t that good of an idea. He had no other choice but to press on.

  Meanwhile, Nina tussled over the shoulders of the Northman that carried her, desperately trying to free herself to no avail. The man handled her around effortlessly, seemingly unhindered by her persistent kicking, struggling through the mud, and walking away from the outpost at a creeping but steady pace. She tried yelling at the top of her lungs, but the sack covering her head muffled her cries. Please! Let me go!

  She peeked through the sackcloth, catching just a glimpse of their surroundings, but enough to realize that they had already reached the forest. The Northman dropped her into the cart like a sack of potatoes, her body bouncing with its suspension after being slammed against the hard wooden deck. Nina let out a gut-wrenching yelp. Ouch!

-“Careful… she’s not some dead hog,” a rough, familiar voice said. White Feather removed the sackcloth from her head just to make sure it was indeed the girl they were looking for, earning a spat on the face. -“And she’s livid,”

-“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!” Nina roared.

-“Yes… you should have,” he countered, handling her by the waist to her complete shock, the harrowing memory of her close encounter with the Northmen instantly came to mind. Nonono! Please, Gods! No! Nina began weeping immediately. He brought her close to him and swiftly inspected her thoroughly, undoing her padded jacket and feeling her body beneath it as if looking for something, finally finding the larger of his spellcasters behind her back. Gotcha! He snatched it from her, at last leaving the poor girl alone. He promptly inspected the weapon. -“I see you’ve made good use of it,” he said, opening the small port to remove the empty brass. “But you took TWO of my guns! Where is the other?!”

-“I don’t have it!” she growled between sobs. -“It was in my bag! It must still be at the outpost!”

-“Damn it!” he cursed under his breath, resigning on leaving his weapon behind. -“Wolfein! We’re leaving! Gather the men and let’s get moving!”

-“Ja!” the Northman said, turning to address his men, promptly noticing they were short of one man. They got Kurt in the back. Poor bastard. -“Leif! Virheim! Till vagnen! Fort! Resten är med mig!”

  A pair of Northmen stepped up, complying immediately. They then climbed onto the cart as instructed, one taking hold of Nina while the other watched their backs with a crossbow at the ready. Nina gulped, her heart pounding wildly, and her body shaking like a leaf under the Northman’s powerful grasp. She dared to turn her head, only meeting his cold, piercing gaze. Shit!

-“Gonn? Vad fan gör du här din jäkla tönt?!” the Northman with the crossbow said, talking at someone behind her. Only then she noticed a third Northman seated in the driver’s seat. She turned immediately, her heart clenching as she recognized the youthful Nord boy from that horrific night, the same that Rudo let go. Sky-blue eyes stared at ice-blue ones just briefly, yet feeling like an eternity. He promptly looked away, avoiding her gaze. You!

-“The kid’s with me now,” White Feather interrupted, climbing to the driver’s seat, taking the reins from him, and finally driving away. Wolfein and the remaining Northmen followed immediately, riding alongside the cart.

  Nina watched in horror as the Clan outpost gradually disappeared behind the trees, tenebrous forest swiftly taking its place. She thought about everyone in the outpost facing the Northmen and their uncertain fate, their faces flashing before her eyes. What will be of them now?! What will be of ME?! She shut her eyes, weeping powerfully, her mind now drifting to Rudo and fearing he couldn’t find her.

  A sudden, bizarre, and desperate idea came to her mind as if was the result of divine inspiration. She refused to remain completely helpless, steeling herself to finally get down to business, and put her trust in the only one that could save her now. It’s worth a shot! Maybe she pushed him too much, but if there was someone who could pull off the impossible, it was him, and she was set to let him know of her location in the only way she could. This HAS to work! Nina shut her eyes and took a deep breath, spreading her legs just slightly, squeezing her muscles tightly.

  The Northman holding her looked down, taking notice of a warm liquid running down his thigs, jolting abruptly upon realizing he was sitting in the middle of a large puddle of urine. -“Vad tusan!?! Den flicka just peed herself!”

-“Hon gjorde vad?!”

-“Halla mun, Leif!” he growled at his ally who just laughed it off. He then turned to her, livid. -“Now I will plug that little fitta of yours, hora!” he said, lunging over her, slamming her body against the cart’s wooden deck, pressing her face against its soaked surface, threatening to crush her under his weight. Nina groaned; weeping uncontrollably, prey of absolute terror. He then unsheathed his sword, pointing it at her eyes to her complete shock. Please, Gods! No!

-“No, you won’t,” White Feather said collectedly, handling the driving duties to his young assistant and producing his spellcaster, cocking its mechanism and pointing it directly at the Northman’s face to land the point home. -“We’ll stick to the plan. You’ll leave her alone and do as you’re told. Understood?”


-“Because I say so!” he growled fiercely, sticking the weapon’s end into the Northman’s nose, shocking him with something more than just the knowledge of the Nord language. He gulped nervously, complying begrudgingly, sheathing his sword away, and finally leaving poor Nina alone weeping on the cart’s floor. -“Now fall in line and stay sharp! He’ll come,”

-“Who?! Who will come, wizard?!”

-“Den draken,” White Feather said to the Northman’s shock. Damn it! He cursed under his breath, realizing that the dragon would be drawn to her by the smell. His mind raced, already devising his next course of action. Everything is going according to the plan, and that filthy little pest will not ruin it! Not this time.

  They soon reached the stone bridge leading to Clan Kano lands, crossing it as if the devil itself was after them. He brought the cart to a sudden halt and jumped to the gravel road, pulling a pair of sizeable kegs from under the seat. -“Bring the rest, kid. I want to show you something,”

  The Nord boy complied immediately, promptly pulling another pair of kegs with him as instructed, his heart filled with a mixture of intense curiosity and crippling anxiety. Wolfein and his riders caught up with them shortly after, stopping next to the cart to find out why. -“Why did you stop, wizard?!”

-“I’ll make sure nobody follows us. I’ll set the bridge to blow,”

-“T-to blow?!” Wolfein countered, shocked. -“A-and what about the others?”

-“Their fates are sealed. I won’t be taking any chances,”

-“V-very well,”

  Wolfein and the rest wasted little time, riding away at full tilt; fully aware of what was coming, having already witnessed his magic at the outpost. White Feather planted the kegs at the bridge's abutments, watched closely by his new assistant who took diligent notes, lighting the longest stretch of cord to make sure they had enough time to leave the blast area. -“Now we run, kiddo. This one’s gonna be big,”

  They jumped back at the cart and immediately rode away, swiftly tearing their way through the forest at their maximum speed. Nina was left a whimpering, battered mess after yet another close call, weeping her heart out over the cart’s wooden deck, drenched in her own urine, strained by an intense pain after being manhandled, and the indignity she almost went through again.

  But even though the mage had just prevented that animal from outright ravishing her, she was hardly safe; dreading what kind of fate awaited her if they managed to escape with her. Please, Gods! Don’t let them get away! Nina shut her eyes and prayed, hoping that Rudo picked up her scent, and came to rescue her.


  It was her only hope.


  Dust just began to disperse at the outpost, but the air was still filled with a thick smoke making it difficult to breathe, and impossible to see. Fuck! Kuro groaned, his body aching, still recovering from the powerful blast that dazed both raiders and defenders alike. Reinn! He looked around frantically, ignoring the pain, his heart pounding wildly, and his breathing laborious, being quickly taken over by despair. -“REINN!”

-“We’re fine!” Raznak shouted, coughing, barely catching a sigh of him through the dense smoke. -“Don’t just stand there, you idiot! Go and make sure everyone is safe!”

-“Got it, Boss!” Kuro said, racing to the barracks. He made his way through the wagons surrounding the building before tripping with something in the ground. He took a closer look, finding ‘Tracker’ lying face-first in the mud. NO!

-“Track!” he yelled, rolling him over his back to inspect him, finding him still breathing to his relief but unconscious, with trails of blood running from his nose. The blast must have knocked him down from the roof! -“Track! Can you hear me?! TRACK!”

  Fuck! He dragged him inside the building, noticing its wooden door lying in the aisle. The blast destroyed the locks and the hinges, hurling the hefty wooden door down the aisle as if it weighed nothing, smashing it against the stone wall. Kuro checked each room with his heart in his mouth and his scimitar at the ready, the weapon shaking in his hands, now worrying about Nana and her girls, fearing the worst. -“Nana! Nana, where are you?!”

-“Over here!” the woman said, coughing, poking out from the last door at the end of the aisle. -“We are fine but they took Nina!”

-“I know!” he countered, dragging ‘Tracker’ the rest of the way to the door. -“Track’s injured pretty badly! Please look after him! I have to go back outside to help! Block the door and stay inside!”

-“Be careful,”

  Kuro nodded in response and raced outside, immediately spotting the drakenirr warrior that previously trespassed the defenses wandering the courtyard, looking around frantically, seemingly uninterested in anything other than his prize. He took a deep breath, realizing it was up to him to take him down as everyone else was busy, drawing his trusty dagger from his boot, now wielding a blade in each hand, bracing for what he knew would be a difficult fight. -“Hey! You!”

  The Northman turned immediately, spitting white foam like a rabid animal, his breath forming clouds of moisture in the chilling night air. -“Yes, you! You big-ass freak! You want a piece of me?!”

-“Var är draken?! Den draken!”

-“I don’t get anything you’re saying but I’ll be your ‘draken’ now! Bring it on!”

  The drakenirr let out a mighty war cry and lunged at Kuro, striking with such ferocity that it knocked his sword out of his hands when he tried to parry it. Damn it! He barely evaded a second blow, feeling the axe’s edge narrowly grazing his neck. Kuro then dodged a third swing, leaping out of its reach to where his sword had landed, rolling over his back, grabbing it swiftly, and promptly bringing it to bear. -“That’s all you’ve got! Come on!”

  The Nord warrior charged again, howling like a wild animal, white foam drooling from his mouth. Kuro grinned. That was exactly what he wanted him to do. He saw the perfect opportunity to strike back, deflecting the powerful swing with his scimitar, leaving him vulnerable to a counterattack. He then drove his dagger through his chest, exactly how Verkan had taught him.

  Kuro turned to see his handiwork, expecting to see the drakenirr lying on the ground, only to find him not only standing but unflinching. What the hell?! He inspected his dagger in disbelief, finding it covered in blood as expected. Although he had inflicted a crippling, if not lethal wound, the drakenirr seemingly just ignored it. So the legends are true then! They can really take a beating! Shit!

  Meanwhile, the Northmen intensified their assault, battering the outpost’s wooden gates with all their might, being countered by the defenders’ best efforts plus the sheer weight of the carts. The foremost raiders pushed with their shoulders lacking a ram, while the rearguard protected them, placing their round shields overhead as a continuous volley of rocks kept coming their way.

  Jävlar! The Nord chieftain cursed under his breath, realizing that the blast could have only been the wizard’s doing. He looked over his shoulders, gazing at his men and the battered landscape, realizing the situation just turned for the worse. Not only would the muddied field make retreating difficult, and leave them open to a counter-attack, but traversing the now-flooded swamp would be impossible if he decided to return from where they came from. That fucking mage planned this! And he already has the girl! He had no choice but to press on.

-“Finn! Skicka dina män att klättra på väggarna!” he commanded, his second-in-command complying immediately, promptly directing the rearmost men to climb to the side walls.

  But he wouldn’t let the wizard take all the spoils. He trusted his nephew Wolfein would make sure this White Feather fulfilled his part of the deal. He carried on, determined to bring this siege to an end as quickly as possible and make everyone pay for their insolence.

  After all, it is fated.

  The situation was desperate. The mercenaries and Clan warriors pushed the carts against the gates with all their might, keeping them closed if just barely, locked in a deadly tug of war with their lives at the stake, and they were losing. Shit! Reinn groaned, her breath forming a cloud of moisture in the freezing night air, pushing the wagon for dear life. When things got this wrong?! She saw the Northmen through a slit in the gate just as they were leaving, immediately realizing their intent. -“Boss! They’re going for the walls!”

  Fuck! Raznak cursed, instantly recognizing the danger. He looked over his shoulders; the thick smoke had dissipated just enough to allow him to see Kuro across the courtyard already battling a Northman, and ‘Tracker’ was nowhere to be seen. He began to panic, torn between sending the clan warriors to the walls and weakening the gates or risking being encircled and overrun. -“Arkan! Keep your men at the gates! We’ll keep them off the walls!”

-“Tha, commander!”

-“Rain! Come with me!”

-“Yes, sir!” Reinn replied, waving at the crowd for someone to take her spot at the gate, being promptly taken by a yearning Ekto. She gestured to Kastus to follow her, to which he nodded decidedly. -“We’re good to go! If only Sylus was with us!”

-“It wouldn’t make much of a difference!”

  They unsheathed their weapons, each racing to a different stretch of the wall, being promptly met with a small group of bloodthirsty Nord raiders just trying to climb it. -“Rain! Over here!” he called, bringing his large broadsword to bear to keep the Northmen at bay.

-“I’m coming!” she yelled, rushing to meet him, finding the Northmen forming a ladder with their shields, and a single raider already trying to climb, fended off only by Raznak. Shit! The Nord warrior pushed on, deflecting the lengthy weapon, finally leaping to the top of the wall, only to meet the deadly end of Reinn’s sword, trusting him through the throat just above his breastplate, bringing him down forthright. -“Fuck you!”

  Suddenly, a powerful blow knocked her down. What was that?! Reinn fell on her butt dazed, seeing the world around her spinning like a whirlwind. A crossbow bolt just hit her in the head, ricocheting on her helmet. She shook her head; her ears now ringing with a distant buzz, watching Raznak hesitate between helping her or fending the Northmen off. She stood up again, inspecting her surroundings, turning just in time to watch as another group tried to climb the opposite wall.

  She raced across the courtyard, kicking an unfortunate Northman squarely in the face just as he reached the top of the wall, hurling him back to the mud below. Then another bolt came from beneath, now impaling her kite shield right next to her head. Shit! She stood on top of the wall, swinging her sword at each Northman that tried to climb. If earlier the situation seemed desperate, now it felt absolutely hopeless. She sighed, no matter how bravely they fought; it was only a matter of time before the Northmen made their way in.


  There was no choice but to fight.


  Rudo relentlessly made his way through the knee-deep quagmire he had just created. He already made a few miles from the dikes since he began the tortuous march but there was still a long way remaining, and the dark, ravaged forest still stretched as far as his giant bird eyes could see. He carried on; using the wrench he was given to help him better traverse the mud.

  But he’s been feeling increasingly troubled for the past few hours. He didn’t even know how but he could feel something was off. Heck! He had agreed with the plan only because it was Nina who asked him to begin with! I shoulda be there helpin’ fighting the Norzmen too! Not here stuck in the mud! Rudo sighed, he had no choice but to continue and keep battling exhaustion, and the deep, drenched mire.

  A faint, peculiar scent found its way to his nose, and he promptly picked it up. Wat’s dat? Rudo wondered, sniffing around, struggling to identify where it came from, being blended with the woods’ spoor and the swamp’s stench. He shut his eyes, the smell making his nostrils itchy each time he sniffed in a strangely familiar way, recalling having smelled it before, not long ago. It smells like pee… kinda like Nina’s.

  He froze.

  Shet! Rudo suddenly felt his body shaking, his insides twisting, and his chest clenching as the realization gradually settled in. His heart began battering against his ribcage like never before as a sudden adrenaline rush flooded his system. He had faced death countless times before and didn’t even sweat. Why was he so… terrified? He looked around frantically, cursing being stuck so far away from her. Why?! Why I’m so… scared?! Why I feel so pissed?!

  If he couldn’t run through the mud then he would leap over it. Rudo let out a loud sigh, kicking the mud repeatedly to gain a solid foothold, and prepared his body for what would be the most powerful leap he had ever attempted. He closed his eyes briefly; Nina's tender smile promptly came to mind. I’ve promised it! She’s counting on me! He didn't know why he was so worked up but he would be caught dead before letting anything happen to her. Rudo focused his mind on the horizon and relaxed his muscles, taking a deep breath. All the necessary calculations came instinctively.

  Suddenly, there was a thundering crack, and Rudo promptly found himself airborne, tearing above the treetops like lightning, the usual thrill that normally filled in his heart when pushing his limits now giving place to absolute terror. Rudo shielded his body with his limbs, ripping through countless tree branches on his fall, his sturdy legs absorbing the brunt of the impact, sinking to the neck in the mud upon landing. Shet!

  He quickly stood up, clearing the mud around him as fast as he could until gaining a solid foothold, drawing a deep breath, and taking off again, soaring above the ruined forest like a swift arrow towards its mark, gaining a few hundred yards with each leap but awfully aware of the toll it would take on his body later. Still, he carried on, knowing that Nina counted on him. She’s been the only person in his entire life that had treated him nicely, and he wouldn’t desert her now.

  Rudo repeated the process a third time, glimpsing the lights at the outpost over the horizon just barely before his inevitable descent, and couldn’t help but think about Kuro and Reinn and the others, knowing they were also in dire need. He could only hope they could hold their own against the Nord onslaught. He landed on solid ground this time, his legs absorbing the brunt of the fall again. Yes! He closed his eyes and sniffed around, quickly finding Nina’s scent, and making sure he went in the right direction before taking off.

  And off he went. Rudo tore through what was left of the forest at a breathtaking pace, no longer hindered by Nina’s weight, making entire miles in mere seconds. He quickly spotted the gravel road that lead to the bridge, completely overshooting it by how fast he was going. Rudo swiftly changed direction by running straight into a tree, cushioning the sudden halt and the unforgiving momentum with his legs before leaping back to the road.

  He promptly reached the bridge after just a few minutes but came to a sudden halt as he picked up another scent, this time a powerful, dreadfully familiar one that he instantly recalled from the mines. Rudo sniffed around frantically, recognizing the overwhelming sting of sulfur. It could only mean one thing. Shet! He jumped to the riverbank below, finding the explosive charges that the wizard had planted and the live fuse burning. Shet! Shet! Shet! This is bad! He thought briefly about defusing it, but if he knew anything about White Feather is that he was extremely deceiving, and probably prepared the mixture without a stabilizer just in case anyone tried to mess with the charges. Attempting to remove them would only set them off.


  He had to hurry.


  Kastus watched as Reinn charged fearlessly into the fray with his heart in his mouth, his mind blank, and his body completely petrified. What should I do?! What should I do?! He looked around frantically, ultimately turning toward the barracks as if a supernatural power just called him, instantly spotting Kuro through the dense smoke, locked in combat with a Nord warrior.

  A sickening feeling took over him as if someone punched him in the guts. His breathing became fast and laborious, his body shook like a leaf, his heart pounded wildly inside his chest, and cold sweat went down his face, watching in horror as the Northman took the upper hand and jumped over Kuro. NO!

  He charged. His body moved on its own, lunging at the Northman with a force he didn’t know he was capable of. Kastus let out a powerful yelp as the drakenirr grew closer and closer, shutting his eyes at the last instant, raising his shield, and bracing for impact.

  The drakenirr turned immediately, but it was too late. Kastus roared a deafening cry, crashing into him, smashing his shield into his face, and hurling him a few feet away. He might have killed him right then and there if only he had wielded his sword instead of his wooden shield but everything happened so damn fast that drawing his weapon didn’t even occur to him.

-“Thanks for the save, bud!” Kuro said, swiftly jumping back onto his feet. -“You better keep an eye on him! This guy is good!” The drakenirr also stood up, taking a brief time to catch his breath and wipe the blood off his face, spitting a mouthful of blood along a pair of broken teeth, looking at his bloody hand briefly before staring back at them with a wicked grin. Oh, shit!

-“Kastus! Watch out!” Kuro warned as the Nord warrior charged. Kastus barely had time to react, shielding his body just in time to block the Northman’s blow, striking with such inhuman strength that it shattered his wooden shield and broke his arm behind it, hurling him against the stone wall.

-“AAAARGH! MY ARM!” Kastus cried, contorting in pain in the mud. Kuro wasted no time, charging at the Northman with renewed tenacity, quickly locking weapons. His fury quickly turned into dread; however, as his foe’s inhuman strength became evident immediately. Shit!

  He pushed Kuro away, knocking him back with a powerful kick in the stomach, his coat of plates softening the blow. Kuro exploited the impulse, rolling over his back to quickly stand again. He glanced over his shoulders; the walls were terribly close behind him now. He kept retreating; the drakenirr kept pushing. Kuro then threw his dagger but the Northman deflected it.

  Kuro finally hit the wall, trapped by the resilient Nord warrior from the front and the hard stone from his back. Shit! He quickly came up with a desperate plan. It’s now or never! He drew a deep breath, taking his chances, bracing for what was coming. The drakenirr knocked his sword out of his hand or so he let him believe. He launched an overhead swing that Kuro dodged by the skin of his teeth, the axe slamming against the stone, sending fragments and sparks flying. Kuro then pulled the Nord warrior over his shoulders by his beard and catapulted him outside the walls.

-“And stay down!” Kuro roared, watching from the top of the wall as the drakenirr twisted in the mud below. -“Kastus!” he recalled, racing to where his friend was lying, quickly reaching him. -“Buddy! Are you ok?!”

-“No!” he yelled, holding his swollen limb. -“My arm is broken!” Shit!

-“Come! I’ll get you to safety!” Kuro said, pulling him up to his feet, and dragging him to the barracks. They walked through the aisle to the last room where Nana and her girls were hiding. She swung the door open as if feeling their presence, exchanging stern looks with Kuro. -“Nana! Please take care of him too! I need to get back quickly!”

  Nana nodded in return, allowing Kastus into the room, and quickly locking the door behind her. Kuro picked a full quiver and raced to the courtyard, hurriedly retrieving his weapons. The smoke had completely dissipated by now, allowing seeing at a greater distance. He scanned the walls, quickly finding both Reinn and Raznak fighting for dear life, fending off assaults from the side walls. Fuck!

  Kuro drew his bow and rushed to help ‘Boss’ since he seemed in most need. He jumped on top of the North wall, firing an arrow at each Northman in rapid succession, hitting the one trying to climb the walls in the neck, taking him down instantly, and forcing the rest to hide behind their shields. -“Where the hell have you been?!” Raznak growled, raising his helmet’s visor to better speak.

-“You’re welcome, ‘Boss’!”

-“I was wondering where our fucking archers were!” he countered fiercely. -“Where the hell is everyone?!”

-“It’s just me now!” Kuro said as Raznak’s face turned dead white. -“Track fell from the roof and Kastus’ arm is broken! They’re alive but they’re out of the fight!”

-“Fuck!” Raznak cursed, now anxiously contemplating their situation. He scanned their surroundings frantically, spotting the Clan warriors still holding the entrance and Reinn fending off more Northmen at the opposite wall. -“Stay here and keep them at bay! I’ll help Rain!”

-“Sure, ‘Boss’!”

  Raznak met with Reinn, finding twice as many Northmen than in his previous position already building an improvised ramp with their shields. A crossbow bolt suddenly made him recoil, blinding him momentarily. -“FUCK!” The wooden projectile shattered against his breastplate, peppering his face with dozens of tiny splinters that luckily missed his eyes. Damn it!

-“Boss! Are you ok?!” Reinn asked, concerned.

-“I’m fine!” Raznak said, blinking rapidly to try to get the remaining splinters out of his eyelids, lowering again his helmet’s visor to protect his face. He turned to Reinn, taking notice of her kite shield riddled with wooden bolts, courtesy of a pair of Nord raiders below armed with crossbows. Damn it! -“Those bastards almost got me!”

-“More of them are coming!” she warned, blocking another missile that impaled her shield, swinging her sword at the Northman that tried to climb which dodged the blow ducking. -“We won’t be able to hold them off for much longer!”

-“We just might if we take that pair with the crossbows down! I’ll go for Hunter!”

  Raznak went again, tearing through the courtyard. Their situation gradually went for the worse. The warriors kept the gates firmly shut, aided by the weight of the carts, but the Northmen kept the pressure. Daingead! Arkan cursed, as he watched through a slit between planks as the Northmen rotated the front row of men once they had run out of steam. He realized they themselves would get exhausted eventually.

  His thoughts were interrupted, however, when a pair of Northmen climbed over the gates, which promptly turned to help climb a second pair. One was pulled down by an intrepid Clan warrior who jumped to action and quickly finished him off, but the others remained on top of the carts, helping the rest ascend. Arkan gulped nervously, now facing a new dilemma: fend off the Northmen climbing the gates or keep said gates shut.

  Arkan looked over his shoulders, watching as his fellow clansmen gave their all. Most of them were busy pushing the carts, keeping the gates closed while a remaining few battled the Nord raiders on top of them. But his concerns disappeared when a swift, deadly arrow hit the leading Northman squarely in the chest, piercing his mail armor and killing him instantly, forcing the remainder to flee for cover.

  He turned immediately, finding the responsible for the mortal shot not too far away. Kuro! -“You dishonorable bastard! Thanks for the help!”

-“We need anyone you can spare!” Raznak responded. -“We won’t hold them for long on our own!”

-“We have our own problems here!” Arkan countered, pushing the carts urgently. -“We cannot reach the top of the carts! I need Kuro to cover us with his longbow!”

-“I can’t leave the walls unprotected! We are only three!”

  Daingead! Arkan cursed under his breath. Things are going from bad to worse! -“Regar!” he growled, immediately earning his warrior’s attention. -“Take your fist and aid the mercenaries! Keep the walls clear!”

-“Tha, sire!” Regar complied instantly, racing to the North wall where the mercenaries were, being promptly followed by his Fist, soon taking their positions. Now that’s the spirit! Kuro gave an encouraging pat on Sitka’s back before leaving with Raznak, tearing through the courtyard to the spot that Reinn held.

  Reinn’s shield now looked like a hedgehog, being utterly riddled with bolts. A few had found their way through her mail hauberk, being only partially stopped by the thick padding beneath it. Still, she carried on, holding the wall adamantly, fighting not only the Northmen but also exhaustion and pain, feeling grateful that her wounds although painful, weren’t severe. She sighed, taking a deep breath, fully aware it would mean their end if the Northmen managed to break in.

-“Rain! Are you ok?!” Raznak asked with a concerned tone as both he and Kuro took positions next to her.

-“I’m still holding!” Reinn replied, taking a step back from the wall to get out of the crossbowmen’s line of fire, turning to Kuro who stared back. -“It’s nice to see someone still cares!”

-“Well, excuse me, princess! I was about to ask but Boss beat me to it!” Kuro said, only earning a scowl. He then noticed the handful of bolts that pierced her mail. -“Hey, need a bandage for that?”

-“Only one around your mouth!”

-“I guess that’s a no,”

-“Can you take those crossbowmen out?!” Raznak interrupted, exasperated. -“We can’t fend off the others from behind the wall!”

  Kuro glanced outside just briefly, popping from behind the stone wall, immediately spotting his targets. -“Sure, Boss! I just need their eyes on something else for a second!”

-“Rain! With me on the count of three!” Raznak said, taking a deep breath. -“You ready? One! Two! Three!”

  The pair stood up, being instantly greeted by a couple of missiles that impaled Reinn’s shield. Kuro emerged immediately, firing his longbow in rapid succession, both arrows finding their mark with deadly accuracy. A single Nord warrior took his chances and leaped to the courtyard. Raznak turned to face him; smashing the Northman’s face with his broadsword’s pommel, and then slashing his throat, putting him down instantly.

-“See, Reinn? He isn’t the ‘Boss’ for nothing!” Kuro cheered.

-“Good job, Kuro! Now go and help the warriors! We’ll keep them at bay!” Raznak commanded.

-“Yes, sir!” Kuro said decidedly, turning right away and going on as commanded. The situation seemingly stabilized for the time being. But he had only made it halfway to the gates when a blaring, restless bellowing coming from the stables suddenly caught his attention. Something’s disturbing the bulls! He turned immediately.

  You've got to be kidding me!

  A pair of vicious Nord raiders lunged at Kuro. He raised his longbow, firing an arrow at each Northman in rapid succession but the missiles struck on their shields. He promptly dropped his longbow, unsheathing his scimitar just in time to deflect one Northman’s strike, and skillfully evade the other’s.

-“THEY’RE HERE!” Kuro yelled at the top of his lungs as he stood his ground, parrying another attack. He saw more Northmen coming from behind the stables, the realization bringing his heart to a halt. Damn it! They were keeping us busy here while they encircled the outpost!

  Every single head turned to the barracks, watching the Northmen pouring through the narrow aisle between the buildings in utter horror. Kuro wrestled a Nord warrior for dear life when another one sneaked on him, landing a powerful blow on his back, hurling him away. His coat of plates withstood the blow wonderfully. But instead of looking who had knocked him, Kuro tried to save himself from falling. The filthy, muddy courtyard shot out from under him. He tried to stand but someone hit him again. Fuck! He fell face-first into the mud. A foot came up from behind and kicked him in the head.

  Kuro rolled on his back. He saw a blade coming straight down to his eyes, skillfully deflecting it with his bracers, the sword burying itself beside his head. A Northman jumped on top of him, grappling his neck with a powerful grip, and began choking him. Kuro was trying to reach his dagger in his boots when an arrow came out of nowhere, impaling his assailant’s face.

  He shoved the corpse aside, looking around desperately, finding the second Northman also with an arrow through his head. He turned to the barracks, discovering ‘Tracker’ at its doors making a battered thumbs-up gesture, leaning against the doorframe being supported by Kastus. Kuro couldn’t help but chuckle, returning a beaten thumbs-up. Great shot!

  But the sight of more Northmen coming brought Kuro back to the fight. -“They’re coming from the stables!” he warned again as if the previous warning wasn’t enough, picking his weapons and firing a few arrows at the stables, forcing the Northmen to take cover.

-“To the barracks!” Raznak commanded, waving at the clan warriors holding the gate, and tapping Reinn’s helmet repeatedly to make sure she heard it. Kuro promptly joined them.

-“Arkan! They will cut us from both sides if we remain here!” Ekto urged, still holding the gates. -“We have to retreat!”

-“They will flood the courtyard if we leave!” Arkan countered.

-“They’re pouring through the walls!” Ekto pointed out. -“We have to go! Now!”

  He’s right! Arkan admitted begrudgingly, glancing at the barracks, and spotting the remaining carts forming a semi-circle in the entrance. He hesitated in giving the order but knew there was no other choice. Shit! -“Pull back! To the barracks! Now!”

  The warriors complied immediately, leaving the gates behind, and racing toward the building. The Northmen then pushed the gates open now with only the carts’ resistance which promptly toppled under the onslaught. The Northmen poured through the narrow gap between the gates and the toppled carts. The remainder raiders just finished climbing the walls and now began flooding the courtyard. A few crossbowmen took positions on top of the walls and promptly began their barrage.

  Regar and his fist didn’t hear the order amid the chaos and thus only realized everyone pulled back already when the Northmen began engulfing them. He gave the order to retreat immediately. They were making their way halfway through the courtyard when a deafening cry send shudders down their spines as they ran for their lives. The remaining warriors reached the barracks when they realized they were short of one man, turning right away just to find their leader twitching on the ground with an arrow through his thigh. NO!

  Denai let out an ear-splitting yelp, lacking a tongue, and rushed to help his Serkal. Sitka froze, watching in horror as his fellow clansman and friend charged at the Northmen by himself. Gobei wasted no time, chasing after him, prompting Sitka to do the same as the remaining warriors watched from behind the carts in awe and disbelief.

  They rushed past Regar, clashing with the Northmen who quickly recoiled from their storm while Sitka helped him stand. -“What… what are you doing, Sitka?! Leave me here and save yourself!” Regar commanded.

-“No, sire! I shall not!” Sitka countered, pulling a wounded Regar up to his feet, and dragging him against his will.

-“T-that’s an order, warrior!”

-“Fuck that order, sire!” he growled fiercely, giving Regar pause. -“I will not leave anyone behind! Not again! Did you hear me?! NOT AGAIN!”

  Denai and Gobei fearlessly held the Northmen at bay while Sitka dragged Regar all the way to the barracks. He whistled powerfully to clue his fellow clansmen to withdraw. The pair quickly turned and ran, racing through the courtyard, but suddenly, a bolt struck Denai on the back, piercing a weak spot on his lamellar armor. He fell to his knees immediately.

-“DENAI! NO!” Sitka tried to reach him, jumping over the carts, but a knowing Gobei stopped him, pulling him back. He watched helplessly as Denai valiantly stood up again, blood pouring from his mouth. He raised his head to look at his friend, locking gazes just briefly, Denai smiling crimson teeth as a last farewell to a poor Sitka who could do nothing but watch, weeping silently, instantly realizing what his brother in arms was about to do.

  A defiant grin formed on Denai’s lips as he charged into the fray, taking blows left and right yet pushing on undeterred as if they meant nothing, shoving aside every single Northman that stood in his way. He lunged at the nearest pair of crossbowmen, determined to regain his lost honor and give his ancestors a magnificent performance. The Nord pair panicked, firing their weapons, riddling his body with steel bolts that Denai just ignored, letting out a mighty cry, and tackling both Northmen down the wall, taking them with him.

-“WE WITNESS YOU, BROTHER!” Arkan yelled, having been moved to tears by such a courageous display from someone he had thought unworthy just minutes ago. He unsheathed his sword, being instantly followed by the rest, aware they were next in line and ready to fight to the last man. -“Sitka! Take Regar inside!”

-“NO! I can still fight!” Regar said.

-“That’s an order, Regar!”

-“Fuck that order, sire!” Regar growled, echoing Sitka’s response, taking everyone aback. -“I’ll be damned if I let you all fight alone!”

-“You… stubborn maggots!” Arkan said, letting out a single sob as tears came down his face, trying to wipe them with his armored gloves but failing miserably. -“You honor me. Let’s show these barbarians what true warriors are made of!”


  Reinn and Raznak pushed the remaining cart to seal the entrance just as the Northmen engulfed them. They tried to climb over the carts and some of them even attempted squeezing through the narrow gaps between the wagons but were immediately discouraged. Raznak was just blocking the carts’ wheels when suddenly something stung him under the arm.

  He jolted, feeling a burning sensation spreading quickly, his entire side numbed, finding a steel bolt sticking under his arm having pierced the mail covering the breastplate’s opening. He froze. His heart began to race, pounding wildly against his ribcage, now breathing becoming difficult after the realization that he has just been shot gradually sank in. Fuck!

-“BOSS!” Reinn panicked, rushing to him as he collapsed against the carts, paralyzed by pain. She caught him before he hit the floor.

-“I’m… fine!” he sputtered, coughing a mouthful of blood. -“I just got the wind knocked out of me,”

  Kuro rushed to their side, having just witnessed what happened. -“How is he?!” he asked with his heart in his mouth.

-“Don’t worry about me, you idiot!” Raznak countered fiercely, still conscious. -“Listen! If the Northmen get inside… Nana’s girls…”

-“I know,” Kuro said with a somber expression, aware of Lady Nana’s grim request. -“We need to get you to safety first. Reinn, take him inside,”

-“Please, keep everyone safe…!”

  Reinn and Kuro exchanged uneasy glances as she held a barely conscious Raznak and the fight seemingly came to a pause. Even the chaotic battle noise gave place to a somber, dreadful silence. She let out a rowdy sob as the chances of surviving now seemed a bridge too far. -“I have never imagined it would end like this!” Reinn said, crying down a single tear.

-“This isn’t the end just yet,” Kuro said confidently, placing a hand over her spaulder-protected shoulders. -“It’s going to be ok,”

  You liar! Reinn couldn’t help but cry even more, knowing full well he only tried to comfort her. But if she was going to die, she would do it without regrets. She took a deep breath and unfastened her helmet, raising her hand to gently take hold of Kuro’s head, pulling his face closer to her own. He could barely react, puckering his lips just slightly before Reinn’s encased them in soft yet electrifying contact. Their kiss was brief. There was just nothing more to say. They stared at each for what seemed an eternity before each one went on their way.

   She dragged Raznak inside the barracks. She took him to Lady Nana without saying a word then raced outside again. Nana sighed, now having to tend over both Raznak and ‘Tracker’. Kastus remained with them, helping in any way he could. Kuro climbed over the carts, jumping to the rooftop while dodging bolts and arrows that whistled all around him. He promptly took a firing position behind the chimney and began returning fire.

  The Northmen now completely surrounded the makeshift fortress, threatening to swallow it at the slightest opportunity. The situation was desperate. The Northmen kept the pressure and the Clan warriors kept them at bay in a terrifying back-and-forth that could only be cheated for so long. Reinn knew the end was nigh, but it wouldn’t find her unprepared. She would keep fighting nonetheless. She strapped her helmet tightly and readied her sword, standing tall, howling a defiant roar that echoed through the outpost, bracing for what was about to come.

  Reinn could only wonder. How much time could they keep holding? What would happen to Nana and her girls?! What would be of poor Nina?! It didn’t matter anymore.


  She would find it soon enough.



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