He ran his eyes down my outfit in surprise, stepping out fully into the street.
"What the hell Talia! " he half-yelled at me. I ignored him, moving to the side of the car. Getting in, I sat waiting for him to take me home. He stood looking ahead before pivoting sharply and moving to wards the car. Aggressively, the opened the door to the car and get in Inserting the key into the ignition but stopped mid-way. I was nervous truthfully. No matter how much i proved stubborn to my brother, I was always afraid of him like was of my parents.
"I called. You didn't just pretend not to see it but had the guts to hang up on me. "He said, his eyes looking somewhere close to me.
"I'm speaking to you answer me, "He said, but i still kept mute.
"Damn it Tali, what are you doing?! "He yelled, same time hitting the steering wheel in anger causing me to tremble slightly "
Can we just go home?"" I finally said "
You wanna play it this way huh?" the laughed lightly but I could fell the anger. Thankfully, he reversed the engine and before you Know it, we were on the street.
"so you've started partying behind everyone's back. You left the house without telling anyone and decided to come home when ever you like.. look at the time Talia, it's past 7! A high school student like you for goodness sake"
"So what? I asked, my anger rising as well.
" So what?!"He mocked in a high pitched voice that cracked terribly
"You're kidding me. It must be that you are just coming from his house... that Tory guy isn't it?!"
" I didn't come from his house! Don't you dare think that lowly of me" I said
"Why wouldn't I? When the best thing you could do is to leave the house by evening to a party your crush is hosting."
We had arrived at the house. Dave honked, the gate keeper unlocked the gate and opened it. When dave packed at the garage, I was the first to leave the car but soon enough, I heard dave yelling have behind me.
"Dave, please leave me alone!" I yelled as I got into the house. He grabbed my arm and spin me around to face him
"I'm your elder brother, you listen to me! " He screamed back at me "Dave, Talia? What's wrong down there? "I heard sam ask from upstairs but we ignored him, just staring each other even though he clouded over me.
"I do what I want with my life Dave, you're not in charge. I am." I spoke bravely to his face. "Then do it wisely and stop being stupid like you are now, You even reek of alcohol. Talia, if you think this dude likes you, you are fooling your fucking self. You'll just be one of the many girls" he looked me up and down with the last sentences
"You're not him. I retorted."
"Let me tell you what guys do. They don't fucking love a girl in high school. It's just to fuck around and you stupid girl might just be one of the fools."
"Stop speaking for yourself Dave, you think I don't know?! All those! innocent girls whose heart you've shattered . You're not one to advise me so keep your advise to yourself, thank you." I said, hitting him right were i wanted it to He went quiet, seeming stunned.
"You're fucking grounded. Try anything funny and what you've done today will reach the ears of our parents. Hand over your phone right now, " He stretched out his hand for the phone. I was alarmed and I scooted away from him
"No, mum will know something's wrong"
"Do you need me to tell her now? He threatened, his hand still hanging. I stared at his hand, my eyes stinging badly with tears. I painfully handed him the phone which he snatched from me
"It's either parents call or no one else" with that he left I turned and found food spread on the dining table. I took my eyes upstairs to find my younger siblings staring innocently but inquisitively at me. I had to swallow my anger and call them down
"Haven't you both eaten?" I asked, the sound of food unappetizing me. Rachael shook her head. I heaved and took them both to the dinning table. They took their seats without saying a thing which very unusual of them to do. They felt the atmosphere was dense. I filled their places with pasta and sauce and served it to them
"Aren't you eating or even calling Dave to have this dinner?" Rachael asked
"I'm not, I don't know about Dave," I replied, my mind slowly drifting into space. On my way upstairs, I stared at the hallway to Dave's room, suddenly feeling guilty for exposing his deepest secret to his face. Dave back in high school was a player but was so good at pretending that not even mum or dad knew about it. When Dave left his phone open on the bed as we were catching up on a series he went to do same thing personal for a minute. I went through this chat and found interesting stuffs. One of the chats, he was arguing with a female She said the most words and her message portrayed a hurting heart while my brother on the other hand made fun of the situation. I covered my mouth in shock when another chat popped up and I clicked it to find nudes pictures of one of the seniors in our school. He request for it and she relentlessly gave it to him. I speedily went through thin old chats and found similar things. Immediately I dropped the phone back on its spot with it's screen black when I thought heard footsteps Despite that, I never could hate him. He was my best friend beside Ella and was my knight in high school till he was done. I was scared he was never going to see me the same way again.
.. .. ..
By the time mum and dad were back, everything seemed normal again Only that David was a little distant from me than i expected. I felt guilty that he had to keep my secret with him like a burden.
As for Tony, I never received a text or call from him ever since Dave gave me back my phone, I went to school to hearing the same old news about his weekend party. What I wasn't expecting was for chima to tell me that Tony sent a message for me through a note. Quite old fashioned for someone like him. It read thus; "Hey Talia, if you're reading this, it means that you've gotten my message. I couldn't reach you anymore because I was afraid your brother was gonna pick the call. I don't know what happened but i'm really Sorry for the trouble I caused you. Was waiting for at least a reply to the messages sent to you but i was disappointed severally, I do really hope by seeing this message, you can give me a call or chat me up on WhatsApp? There's my number below the notes.
I was elated seeing the message, Immediately I got home, the first thing I did was to chat him up. There was an instant reply, giving me goosebumps. At that moment, I felt as if he was physically with me.
He requested seeing me at the party that weekend but I gave him an uncertain answer. An idea popped into my head and a smile stretch on my face. That evening when our parents came back, I then permission ahead of time, that I was going to my friend's house by Friday for Chemistry tutorials. By magic, they let me go thinking I was going to Ella's place but innocently, they didn't know.
I had plans with Chima that was to be executed that Friday. My driver was to take me to her place and pick me up by dot 6'o clock. My bag was loaded with the necessary things I needed like clothes, the rest Chima had it provided for me.
It was easy to leave the house unsuspected, even Dave didn't ask questions too much. As soon as I reached, I got dressed up with chima and headed for her dresser. Because I was meeting Tony, I felt i had to look beautiful. Chima helped me with the makeup so I didn't have to bother myself. For the first time in forever, I felt so fake about my appearance but I couldn't help loving my new look