Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 96: A Gathering in the Forest

Dyne continued to lead the team. His sensing was so strong that he could roughly tell the direction of the Genesis Tree.

Soon, the group moved and came into a shocking scene.

The hammer that they acquired proved useful a few minutes after they had acquired it. Soon, a vast land of thick green grass shrouded the entire area. The grass blades were also sharp and with it piling up to the top.

This stoned grass's height was so thick that it created a wall reaching more than twenty meters. Some plants were even growing on top of these jade-green rocky plants. And this large wall expanded endlessly to the sides. And the group couldn’t even see what was beyond it as it seemed that it was a thick patch of plants that had turned to stone.

“Wow. It’s bigger than the ones in-game…” Dyne laughed as he watched the wall that stopped them from moving forward.

“Make sense. If we need this hammer in real life, it can’t be as easy as planting a few rocks in front.” Dyne sighed.

“Should we circle around?” Vahn asked.

“Might take longer. I am sensing the familiar energy of the Genesis Tree that way. And I have an idea on how to use this wall. We might soon be chased by a whole bunch of monsters, so we need to use these walls to help us escape or limit the monsters attacking us.” Dyne explained.

“Besides… If that Basilisk comes here, he will search for us. And I have a feeling that it might get a whiff of our scent…” Dyne frowned and knew that Fate would be working against them.

“Gala. Try to break through the blade grass. Make a small hole in it just enough for us to move inside. That way, the Basilisk will have a hard time moving here.” Dyne instructed.

Gala used the hammer and began to smash the petrified plants that were on the bottom. He made a small opening that would allow them to move in while crouching. Vahn guarded the area while Dyne disappeared into the forest again in an attempt to draw the monsters away from the area.

Using the Chicken King and the Golden Compass, Dyne was able to draw away the enemies who could hear plants' smashing and would be attracted over.

But Dyne’s malicious and speedy attacked caused them to chase around the area, and in the chaos, the monsters began to fight each other. By the time that Dyne had gone back, Gala had already made a path that allowed them to move under the petrified plant field.

Dyne collected several jade pieces and noted that this was an important item to store and preserve medicines.

Vahn and Gala did the same.

“These Jade stones are also medicinal. It improves the circulation of blood and even the Spirit.” Gala explained.

“This forest would always be cleared of these plants as the miners would work tirelessly to gather more jade stones. But the Mist has caused it to grow more.”

“Then be careful with these Jade. We need to purify the Mist’s remaining energy. Don’t use it as you did. Have either Tetsu or Meta analyze it first when you get back.” Dyne instructed.

The moment they passed through the stony Jade, the entire forest beyond it was already shining with green energy. The trees and most plants were petrified, but yet there were more plants growing.

“Strange… This forest allows plants to grow as if the petrification is selective.” Dyne glanced at the many objects around them.

“Gala. Was there… a monster in the forest before the Mist?”

“I have no memories of such reports,” Gala answered.

“What about a large plant? Was there a huge plant in this forest other than the Genesis Tree?”

“A large plant? Well, there was a large flower to the far east side of this forest.”

Dyne’s expression changed.

“A large plant? I see. It really is Evil Forest!” Dyne exclaimed.

“What?” Gala was confused.

“That plant must have been awakened by the Mist! It must have turned into a monster!” Dyne explained.

Final Fantasy IX uses a strange Mist that is similar to Legend of Legaia as an important plot point.

In Final Fantasy IX, the Mist was generated when the souls of the dead were returning to Gaia, which is the name of the planet. Although different, the concept seemed similar to how the Mist in Legaia causes the souls returning to Nauru Valley to be lost.

And in Final Fantasy IX, that Mist gave birth to the plant in Evil Forest, which petrified it. And now, with this detail, Dyne confirmed that this was another one of Strafe’s side quests.

“Interesting…” Dyne smirked.

“Master Dyne?” Vahn had seen this exciting look.

“Aside from the Basilisk, I am guessing that the large plant that Gala mentioned has become a monster because of the Mist. And that plant was the cause of this petrification. It must have been a special plant, to begin with! Alright, for now, we head to the center of this forest. I can sense the Genesis Tree over there. But if we find plant-like creatures other than those mushroom monsters or that Mantis, we have to avoid it!” Dyne explained.

“So this forest has turned scarier…” Gala frowned.

“Yes. For now, let’s move.” Dyne ordered the team, and they continued to stealthily move around the forest, following the direction that Dyne could sense the Genesis Tree was.

More monsters appeared, but Dyne and the group would immediately flee and run away. Though they were circling around, with Dyne’s compass senses, they were slowly moving towards the center of the forest.

Whenever there were lone monsters, they would kill them and have Vahn divide the experience between them.

Gala was amazed at the power of the Ra-Seru and was able to absorb the life energy quickly.

“What an amazing technique! If the Monks have this, we would surely reach the peak!” Gala was amazed.

“Yeah. Songi would definitely think that. The darkness in this forest would belong to Songi unless I acquire it. But mark my words, Gala. The prophecy of Rem should not be taken lightly. Even if I acquire the darkness of this forest, Songi will seek other means to become stronger!” Dyne warned Gala.

“You must not allow any monks to know of Vahn and Meta. I still have some paint left, and I can retouch the white paint on Vahn’s hands. You must continue to hide the Ra-Seru. For I fear that this will lead Songi to seek for the same power.”

Gala was stunned but nodded.

“I intentionally fought Songi for you to see his darkness. He broke many laws in that battle. You know it. So don’t think that he would turn to the light. The moment you lost from him by taking that Jigul Grass, Songi’s descent had already begun!” Dyne added.

“SKREEEE!” a shrill cry rang out from the far end of the forest.

Dyne ordered the group to keep low and hide on the nearby marshes. The camouflage they had matched well on the ground causing the monsters not to detect their presence.

The monsters they saw were strange green spider-like creatures but were definitely made up of stems, leaves, and plants' flowers. There were large pink orchid-like flowers that were flying as it was rushing for a certain location.

The group kept quiet as they took notice of this scene.

“What are those creatures? The people of Chorak didn’t report these creatures…” Gala marveled.

“And those large flying plants… They look like the large flower in the east of this forest…” Gala could identify the large plant.

Suddenly, several green vine-like creatures were jumping on the branches.

Gala was the most bothered by this scene. Those creatures did not exist in the detailed explanation of the miners of Chorak who would work here. And since they would often request to be escorted by Biron to protect them from the monsters, the Monks were also informed of the creatures that roamed in this place. But those creatures were all new.

Dyne, however, knew what these creatures were.

They were the plant enemies that Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Garnet, and the people of Tantalus would face in the evil forest, which was the first dungeon in Final Fantasy IX.

“I gotta hand it to you, Strafe. This is one hell of a nostalgia trip! You managed to fuse Legend of Legaia and Final Fantasy IX perfectly!” Dyne praised.

“Hehehe. I knew you’d like it.” Strafe proudly declared.

Dyne smiled and turned back his attention to his surroundings. On the other side, another group of creatures was moving.

Dyne was shocked to see Mad Mantis and Mush Mush leading their lower forms. The Twin Tombs and Mushrin ran on the other side of the area.

And finally, another group was there. A group of Gizams and Nighto and several Level 2 forms were marching towards a certain location.

“What’s going on?” Vahn wondered. These creatures were the leaders of each group. And yet, here they were moving with great speed as if being drawn by something.

“Master Dyne!” Gala realized it.

“Don’t worry. I expected this would happen. But don’t fear. Those groups won’t be able to harm the Genesis Tree. But we have to move too. It looks like something is going to happen at the Genesis Tree!” Dyne explained.

The group slowly followed the trail. The creatures seemed to have kept a certain perimeter from each other, and the monsters were even snarling when a group would leave its location.

The temperature around them, however, was getting colder and colder.

It was then that Dyne saw a familiar creature leading the Gizams and Nighto. It was a boss that would appear later in Legend of Legaia. And yet, here it was. Dyne confirmed that it was that boss in the last map in Legend of Legaia.

"Koru!" Dyne exclaimed. A hinge of wariness and excitement surged as Dyne glanced at the snail-like Seru.

This chapter was a lot of fun to write. I just couldn't help but connect it to Evil Forest of Final Fantasy IX. In Legend of Legaia, these plants were just considered to be natural. There were no explanations as to why they were petrified and why they were like that. But this chapter answers the why by connecting it with another game.

Now here are a lot of pictures...

1. The grass weeds, and how they are "smashed" But imagine it being like a wall of weeds growing around/



2. Final Fantasy IX creatures: (Downloaded from

A. The Spider Plant


B. The large flying orchid


C. Plant Cage


3. Koru, the Ice Seru in Legend of Legaia.



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