Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 4: 卧江峰

Wu Hao was thinking about the sun, which is quite in line with his man's personality, not too depressed. Occasionally, when I saw the rider on the shore, I was so busy, and I was not curious.

When the sky is getting late, the green color on Wu's arm disappears automatically with the faint sunlight.

In the next day, if we simply count photosynthesis, it will rise from the initial 40% to 83%. Cutting out 25% of foreign aid is equivalent to an increase of 18% by photosynthesis.

It's a bit like a mobile phone is charging, photosynthesis is very slow, about 2% of it is about an hour.

Understandably, after all, photosynthesis is an additional evolution of the human body, and it is only a stress response for survival. And only the area of ​​the two arms is performing photosynthesis, and it is very difficult to accumulate more physical strength.

This whole day, no one has ever seen Wu Hao.

On the first day of confinement, Wu Hao was not hungry and thirsty, and even more full of spirit.

On the second day of being confined, there was no foreign aid food in the morning. In the afternoon, when there was a vague girl playing on the deck, there was a support for the gauze belt again.

This time it was a pear and a hoe. Although Wu Hao's physical energy was consumed after the second night, but with photosynthesis and foreign aid food, it actually increased to 93%, and it is now possible to describe Wu Hao with a lively jump.

On the evening of the second day, there was a soft noise from the upper level of the ship's porch, and someone walked down.

Wu Hao, who had just recovered photosynthesis, returned to the ground with his hands and feet, intentionally controlling the depth of breathing and making weakness. Hungry for two days, if the physical spirit is still very good, it will make people suspicious.

"The boss's flying book urges us to move fast. At this moment, we will sail to Zongmen area tomorrow morning. This gambling will not be verified, and the number of people who want to go to the sect will always be in order, so we have to make a scorpion." Half hoarse voice: "There is enough for the little girl to learn. If she is lucky, she will forget it."

"Hey." Chen Laosan did not answer, just snorted.

The voice is not very loud. If Wu Hao’s hearing is very good, it is hard to hear clearly.

The two feet are closer.

"Dead hoe, still breathing?" Chen Laosan’s voice came.

翟老二道: "Nature is alive, the breath is still there."

The warrior who has already arrived at Samsung Xuanqi can feel the breath of ordinary people. But these two people couldn't think of it. This chick was actually weak, so they didn't doubt other abnormalities.

Then a burst of broken sound, the second child actually crushed the spar on the wall.

The bet was ruined, apparently it was the second child who didn't want to take advantage of it.

Chen Laosan listened to Wu’s breathing and turned away: “Call the wife to come over, and the sect should not be rude.”

Obviously, this grumpy Chen Laosan also made a step. He felt that the chick had been hungry for two days, and maybe a small solution was also in the cabin, so that the woman would wait.

The second child reached out and locked the lock on the door. He said: "If you are a big girl, if you don't have the training of the boss for the past six months, the third child will never let you go."

This **** is not bad. In Wu Xin’s heart, who was pretending to be dead on the ground, he understood that the second child had returned to his own protection to a certain extent, and there was no major conflict with Chen Laosan.

After the two went, soon two wives came over and they will kneel on the boat floor and help Wu Hao.

Out of the hatch, went to a simple cabin in the upper cabin. Compared to the previous closed compartment, there are more simple seats and mattresses.

The woman did not have much to say, silently took a bowl of water and two hoes.

Wu Hao made a full set of operas, hurriedly drank the water, and ate the hoe.

Not long after, there was a well-dressed woman who brought a new set of silk clothes, just like Wu Hao.

"Oh, how do you run away?" The woman began to talk slyly: "Your mother has received a dozen or so of silver, and the temple of the Yuan is not a fire pit. How many people are envious of it. Insufficient, but can also eat in Zongmen, it is better than at home."

Girl? She called me a girl? Wu Hao listened straight and frowned. Is this the original body of the body called a girl? Like another girl in the world with many poor people, there is no big name, but it is understandable.

The woman also said a lot, looking at Wu Hao’s eyes: "I will enter the Zongmen area in the morning tomorrow. I will sail in the night and the water will be urgent. Don’t reproduce the incident, the young girl. Don't lose your life."

Wu Hao seriously nodded, the fool just jumped into the river, and he was not a grievous Du Shi Niang.

The woman looked at her without making a fake look and got up with satisfaction.

With new clothes on the table, Wu Hao thought about it and changed it.

Tossing for a long time, not complicated, is also considered to be worn.

Wu Hao’s heart is jumping a lot faster, but now that the body is his own, it is largely less exciting.

[Energy saving, the evolution of clothing evolution] Metal sound in the reminder of the mind, the changed clothes gradually disappeared into particles under the eyes of Wu Hao.

Hey, what if you have a set of clothes? Fix it. Wu Yu’s heart is ready to go to sleep.

This night, Wu Hao was sleeping in bed for the first time after crossing.

No Simmons is comfortable, and the pillows are hard. However, after the idea of ​​sleep was clear, Wu Hao once again slept as if the door was closed.

On the second morning, Wu Hao woke up in the shaking of the ship. Soon there was a woman who came over to wash the washbasin and eat it.

The problem of clothing that was originally worried was not taken care of, and the woman was only taken to be washed by others.

Just after eating, suddenly a boatman shouted: "The sword is here!"

The girl who looked out from the porthole probe exclaimed: "Wow! Great rock bridge!"

Another girl called: "No, it seems to be a mountain!"

Wu Hao looked at the window probe and saw a vast stone bridge lying across the river.

A mountain bridge that crosses the river on both sides of the river.

The length of the bridge is 1,000 meters long and the height is also 100 meters.

The reason why it is high and thick is because...

Hey, where is the bridge, it is a mountain!

Magnificent traverse the mountain peaks on the river!

The bridge is made up of mountains and rocks, with lush vegetation and a stone road and handrail for the people to walk.

This mountain peak, which was originally more than a kilometer, I do not know who was smashed by the incredible power and crossed the river. In the center of the mountain, a bridge hole with a width of several tens of meters was pierced for the passage of the ship.

All the girls poked their heads out of the porthole and screamed:

"It is the famous Lijiang Peak of Jian Jianzong!"

"It’s really the legendary peaks and the rivers!"

"It's amazing! It's the first big door of my country!"

The huge building ship sails very fast, close to this magical mountain cross bridge, Wu Hao and others need to look up at the bridge.

In the center of Fengqiao, there is a striking jade marble nameplate with two large characters on the top of the stack.

These two red blood characters, combined with the detrital fluorescence of the finest spar, are dazzling in the sun.

Only two words, the body's super learning function is not enough to complete the mastery, Wu Hao does not know.

I only heard that girls read these two words: "仗剑!"

翟 翟 and Chen Laosan have jumped out of the cabin and respectfully stand in the bow.

At this time, there was a clear whistling from the bridge. It was the swordsman who greeted the swordsman with the deep mysterious power to make the sound resound between heaven and earth:

"Let's take a look at the sky, take a look at the land! Swallow the sun and spit the moon, help me smash the sword!"

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