Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 139: Prison Visit


Sorry this chapter took so long. Life caught up while I took a break from translation so it took a while for me to get back! But the translated chapters will continue, just maybe not as frequently as before!

As some of you may be aware, I’m starting to collaborate with Lily on the translations. We’ll be working on them together as and when either of us has time so that we can at least keep this going!

And for those of you who have come over from Lang Ya Scribe and Lily’s pages, welcome. 🙂 I shall endeavour to keep my translations up to their standards, though maybe with a lot less notes and explanations!

The Sky cell was the most heavily guarded cell in Sky Prison, but it did not mean that it had the poorest conditions. On the contrary, it was spacious and clean. It’s just that its walls were thicker than other cells and it had several more layers of iron bars.

Xia Jiang squatted in the corner of the cell, his eyes closed as he recalled the course of events leading to his failure. In all his many decades in the bureaucracy, he had always been thorough when acting so ruthlessly, and had never encountered such a wretched situation until now. Though on the surface it would seem that his apprentice had unexpectedly betrayed him, the fact that he was unable to convince the Liang Emperor of this betrayal shows that this was the result of an expert’s design.

At the moment, the Liang Emperor’s trust in Xuanjing Bureau had dropped to freezing point, and he was so angry that he refused to see Xia Jiang. He merely ordered Meng Zhi to visit Xia Jiang regularly to ask if this former Xuanjing Bureau director was ready to confess his guilt.

Even though he was asked to confess many times and even if Xia Jiang agreed to confess, he was unable to because he couldn’t actually hand over Wei Zheng. Moreover, confessing to the crime of framing a prince is a path to certain death.

One thing was very clear to Xia Jiang – the Liang Emperor would be ruthless in handling this matter once involved.

The wet and mouldy air of the cell wafted through his nose. Xia Jiang gritted his teeth as he thought of the frail and delicate young man who could be crushed with a pinch of the fingers, yet at the same time so valiant he could inspire fear in other’s hearts. When he had first heard of Su Zhe, he didn’t pay him much attention, thinking that he was just another Jianghu person who had ambitions in the Imperial court and likely had little power to do so. More importantly, he had no interest in the fight for the throne at the time. It didn’t matter to him if the Crown Prince or Prince Yu won because Xuanjing Bureau would continue to remain, so there was nothing to worry about.

But the situation changed drastically. Prince Jing suddenly appeared almost out of nowhere, and rose rapidly in power, filling Xia Jiang with a sense of foreboding. It was only then that Xia Jiang began to seriously counter this change in circumstances. However, he had never expected the jianghu person he had overlooked to cost him the victory that was already in his hand, and reduce him to this.

Now, Xia Jiang was no longer thinking about how to bring down Prince Jing. He was thinking about how to survive, especially given that there was not even the slightest response to the two written letters he had passed on to the court.

Just at that moment, the iron lock outside the door clanged and the door was thrown wide open. However, Xia Jiang made no move to escape, for the only person who dared to open the door so carelessly was Meng Zhi.

Meng Zhi. Who ranked second in the Lang Ya list of martial arts masters, and first in all of Great Liang.

The Commander General of the Imperial Guard brought pen, ink, paper, and inkstones, evidently showing that the emperor was not satisfied with the suspect’s last confession.

“Xia Jiang, your majesty has limited patience, and if you still will not truthfully confess to your crimes, your majesty will have to sentence a severe punishment with no mercy.” Meng Zhi said coldly, with his arms folded across his chest.

“It is already a capital crime, how much more serious can the sentence be?” Xia Jiang stood up, supporting himself with the stone wall. “Commander Meng, what I have confessed is the truth. Why doesn’t your Majesty believe it?”

Meng Zhi expressionlessly said, “You identify Mei Changsu as an old supporter of Prince Qi. Is there any evidence?”

“He admitted it himself…”

“If you were an old supporter of Prince Qi, would you admit it yourself? Besides for no reason. Why should he take the initiative to show you that he is an old man of King Qi? Is Mei Changsu Xiang stupid enough to find death?” Meng Zhi sneered, “If you want your Majesty to believe, don’t bite at will, just tell the truth, such as handing over Wei Zheng.”

“Wei Zheng is not in my hands anymore, how can I hand him over?”

“If you don’t hand him over, then you are pleading guilty?”

Interrogation fell into the same strange cycle like the previous few times. Xia Jiang felt he was going to go mad. He took a few breaths to calm himself and said, “Commander Meng, I admit that I moved and imprisoned Wei Zheng in the Imperial Court of Justice and deliberately led the raiders into the Xuanjing Bureau with evil intentions, but everything else that Xia Dong said I instigated her to do are all falsehoods. His Majesty can’t just believe only what he chooses!”

Meng Zhi stared at him for a long time, his eyes cold. “Xia Jiang, fortunately for you, Xia Dong kept exonerating you…..As it stands, even if you refuse to accept blame for what you have done, how can you push all the guilt onto your own disciple? His Majesty has given you many opportunities to defend yourself, so how can you say that His Majesty believes only what he chooses? Xia Dong is clearly your cherished disciple. Why would she frame you?”

The muscles on Xia Jiang’s face twitched uncontrollably. He could offer no good explanation to Meng Zhi. Everyone was well aware of his relationship with Xia Dong, and there had never been any news of conflict between the master and his disciple. If he were to say they’d already fallen out prior to the incident, others would inevitably be suspicious, and especially more so, when he couldn’t say what the reason for the fallout was.

“You can drag this out and refuse to plead guilty. It doesn’t matter,” Meng Zhi continued, “Your two junior officials have already confessed that you had instructed them to allow the raiders into Xuanjing Bureau, so you don’t need to keep denying it.”

“I was going to wipe them out with one fell swoop! I set up gunpowder in the dungeons just to kill these raiders. Didn’t they mention this?”

“Based on their confession, no.” Meng Zhi’s steady voice could make a person despair. “After I sealed up Xuanjing Bureau, I could find no traces of gunpowder in the dungeon. Neither Xia Chun nor Xia Qiu mentioned this in their confessions. Do you have any other proof of innocence?”

Xia Jiang turned pale. On the day of the incident, in order to encourage Prince Jing to take bold action, he had intentionally led Xia Chun and Xia Qiu out, keeping them away from the operations. Naturally, he wouldn’t have told them about the gunpowder trap. After all, once the gunpowder exploded, Xia Dong would have blown up with it. So he wouldn’t have mentioned it to Xia Qiu. Not even to Xia Chun, who though not blood related, had been disciples with her since their childhood, to avoid sprouting off new problems. Now there is nobody with any evidence…..except those two junior officials….

“Commander Meng, please report to His Majesty that there is a problem with the confessions of both these junior officials. They are very clear that the gunpowder had been prepared to destroy the raiders…..”

“Too late,” Meng Zhi coldly extinguished Xia Jiang’s last hope without any show of pity. “Both the junior officials only recognize you as their superior, forgetting that they are court officials. When being tried, they said that they were merely obeying orders, so they were innocent of any wrongdoing. His Highness Prince Xu reported this arrogance to His Majesty. Naturally, this angered His Majesty and he ordered the prison supervisor to flog them forty times and they died before the count ended.”

“Dead…..” Great beads of sweat rolled down Xia Jiang’s forehead. He took two steps forward blankly and asked, “Why was His Highness Prince Xu at the trial?”

“This was a special case. His Majesty did not want court officials to participate in the proceedings. Even though His Highness Prince Xu pays no attention to court affairs due to his disability, he is still after all a prince. What is so unusual about appointing him to oversee the trial?”

Xia Jiang closed his eyes, unable to move, his four limbs feeling like they were being shackled. Because of the fight over the concubine, Prince Xu had been greatly oppressed by Prince Yu. If he wanted to pick this moment to vent his anger, it would be quite normal. That may be how things are in the world. The person one never paid any attention to while one was in power would be the person who delivers the greatest blow. There is no way to foresee or avoid it.

Looking upon this man who had been forced into despair, Meng Zhi’s eyes were bright, his expression not softened in the least. “Xia Jiang, you have until today. Actually, both cause and consequence are borne by you. What does it mean for His Majesty to lose trust in Xuanjing Bureau, you would know best. He is increasingly not wanting to hear any matters concerning you. I would probably eventually stop coming. Then, you would definitely be done for. When you will die is still uncertain, but likely before autumn ends. Until then, you’ll have to remain in this cell for a while. I believe you have more debts than this so make full use of this time. Here’s paper and ink. Take your time to reflect and to write them down. Don’t bring them along to your grave and carry your sins along with you to the next life.”

After saying this, the Commander General of the Imperial Guard turned around and left without another glance at Xia Jiang. He locked the door well behind him, leaving Xia Jiang alone in suffocating silence in the dark room.

Exiting the Sky cell, did not leave immediately but walked along the long corridor until he came to the women’s prison, looking for Xia Dong. The women’s prison was located in the uppermost level, making it a lot brighter and more airy than below. When Meng Zhi entered, Xia Dong was standing in the centre of her prison cell, her head raised looking up at the sunlight streaming in wanly through the tall window, not looking up even when she heard sound at the door.

“Xia da ren, someone requested that I come and check on you. Are you okay?”

Xia Dong didn’t reply. As the sun shone on her face, her skin seemed translucent and her wrinkles were clear and distinct. She narrowed her eyes, as if counting the specks of dust in the light. Such a state of pure tranquility was in reality just another form of despair.

Meng Zhi suddenly didn’t know what to say. What comfort could he offer this woman? Tell her that someone would plead for her, that her life would remain intact? After all the heartbreak and suffering she had gone through in her life, why would Xia Dong still care if she lived or died…….

After a long silence, Meng Zhi could only ask helplessly, “Xia da ren, do you have anything you would like to convey to anyone?”

Xia Dong finally turned her gaze slowly towards him, her bright eyes stirring faintly. “How are Chun xiong and Qiu xiong doing?”

“Oh, neither of them were there on the day of the incident. Since it could not be assumed that they were both accomplices, they will probably just be dismissed from their positions. There will probably be some other form of punishment, but it should be nothing too serious…..”

“Then….what about him?”

“He is the principal culprit, so he can’t escape responsibility.” Meng Zhi felt there was no need to be tactful. “He is guilty and deserves to be punished. Xia da ren should not keep this matter to heart.”

Xia Dong bowed her head and smiled bitterly, “I will not keep it to heart. My heart has been gone for a long time, where would I keep it?”

“Xia da ren, General Nie Feng did not die peacefully. Until the truth is revealed, please take good care of yourself.”

At the thought of Nie Feng, Xia Dong’s eyes flashed with pain, and she involuntarily raised a hand to slowly stroke the gray hair from her temples. Perhaps breaking down like this was the easiest. To weep with grief, escape, feel numb, even dying are all easier than gritting one’s teeth to persevere on. But she knew herself that she was incapable of choosing that easier path.

Because she was Nie Feng’s wife, even though she had nothing left to live for, she hoped that the deceased could rest in peace. She had to get to the bottom of the tragic truth and offer it at her husband’s grave.

“Meng da ren, please tell Mister Su that Xia Dong believes he is not the kind of person to run aimlessly after fame and fortune. Xia Dong also believes that he is able to return justice to the dead. Moving forward, even if I am exiled, I will still support him. Please tell him not to be distracted by me.”

Meng Zhi bowed solemnly towards her, referring to her by her other title, “Lady Nie’s words, I will definitely convey to Mister Su. Regarding that old case, Mister Su is not the only one who will not let it be buried. His Highness Prince Jing has also vowed to investigate it to the end. Although General Nie’s reputation wasn’t harmed, he played a key role in the Chiyan case. If he is unable to reveal the truth to the world, General Nie’s spirit will not rest in peace. It is difficult to predict when this dream can be realized, so I beg Lady Nie to be patient and continue to endure.”

Xia Dong turned around. The light flashed across her cheeks, leaving a silhouette on the side of her nose. She didn’t reply, but the calm and perseverance in her eyes spoke volumes. Meng Zhi also didn’t say anymore, but clasped his hands in a bow and withdrew from the prison cell. In the darkness outside, an old jailer peered furtively from his hiding place, or perhaps he thought he was hidden.

The Han cell was as empty as before, desolate and quiet. Meng Zhi merely cast a hasty glance in its direction before he strode away.

Prince Qi’s last footsteps were left in that cell, along with the dreams and hopes of many, but the Commander General of the Imperial Guard understood that now was far from the time to mourn.

Afterthoughts: Loved Xia Dong here. Love that there is so much more space here in the written work for character development. Xia Dong, so tough, yet so very very tender and vulnerable.

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