Ninja school teacher, I can become stronger by teaching

Chapter 453: Extremely dangerous knife

 Chapter 453 An Extremely Dangerous Knife

 After briefly testing the effect of the secret repair medicine, Mu Yue returned to the camp as quickly as possible, and then found Metkai and the others.

 Because they have just completed a very difficult S-level mission, Kakashi and the others are currently in a recuperation period and have not carried out the mission.

Obito’s eyes lit up when he saw Mu Yue walking over with a big egg in his arms.

“Teacher Muyue, is this also the egg of a very powerful psychic beast?” Obito asked curiously.

 Mu Yue gave Kakashi a psychic beast egg before, and emphasized that it had great potential, which made Obito a little envious.

 He doesn’t have a psychic beast yet, and he especially wants to sign a contract with a handsome and powerful psychic beast.

The thing that worries Obito the most is the future civil war between him and Kakashi.

If his own strength is not inferior to Kakashi, but he ends up losing the battle because Kakashi has a powerful psychic beast, Obito will really explode with anger.

“It’s hard to say how powerful it is, but it’s not bad anyway.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

There are too many uncertainties about the unknown Pokémon egg. It may be a mini dragon or a green caterpillar.

 This was a complete surprise for Metkay.

Mu Yue nodded and affirmed Kakashi's words, "Akai's achievements were recognized by the Sandaime Hokage, so he was specially promoted to Jonin."

Obviously they were good brothers who failed the exam together, but why did Metkai suddenly sneak away and become a Jonin?

Obito looked at Mu Yue, and he still felt that the words coming out of Mu Yue's mouth were the most credible and the best to understand.

 Unlike Obito, Kakashi did not think this was a mistake.

Mingming failed to pass the jounin examination not long ago because of his theory, but now he has been promoted to jounin inexplicably.

Metkay graduated at the same time as him, and they have been performing missions together as teammates on the battlefield. Logically speaking, his achievements should be similar to those of Metkay.

“Ninja certificate, Kai, did you lose your certificate when you completed the mission?” Obito thought it was the certificate that Mu Yue had obtained for Metkai.

Mu Yue answered Obito's question while responding to the greetings of other disciples. Finally, she walked up to Metkai and handed Metkai his brand new ninja certificate.

“Failure to pass the Jonin examination does not mean that you cannot become a Jonin.” Kakashi looked at the certificate and thought for a moment before saying.

"This is..." Metkai didn't react at first. When he saw the word "jounin" for ninja level on the certificate, he couldn't control his expression of excitement.

Compared to Metkai becoming a Jonin, Obito would rather believe that the staff who processed the certificates made a mistake.

"This is wrong, how could you be a jounin? Didn't you pass the jounin test, Kai?" Obito couldn't help but ask.

 “What the hell, if you fail, doesn’t it mean you failed? Why can you be promoted?” Obito was deceived by Kakashi.

“You can cut trees with a knife, or you can use chakra-powered fists to break trees. What I mean is that the only way to be promoted to Jonin is through the Jonin examination.” Kakashi explained using a metaphor.

“Teacher Muyue, is there any news about me?” Obito still had a trace of luck in his heart.

Mu Yue shook her head and looked at Zhisui, "Except for Akai, Zhisui is qualified to participate in the Jonin inspection. After reporting, he can return to the village to participate in the inspection."

Hearing what Mu Yue said, Obito basically knew who the psychic beast egg Mu Yue brought was going to be given to.

 “What is it, so happy?” Obito watched Metkai burst out laughing and couldn’t help but stepped forward curiously.

  When Obito saw the ninja level column, Obito's face changed, his eyes widened and his mouth opened unconsciously, looking extremely shocked.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Metkai puffed up his chest. Now he is an outstanding ninja recognized by the Hokage. The next step is to secure the title of Mu Yue's strongest disciple and take a solid step towards becoming the strongest in physical skills.

Obito froze on the spot like a stone sculpture, and his whole person looked very stiff.

Kakashi became a Jonin Obito first and could use Kakashi's age as an excuse, but there is really no excuse for Metkai becoming a Jounin Obito first because he and Metkai started from the rear of the crane together. Came over.

Before Mu Yue entered the ninja school, they were both famous as low-ranking students. At that time, Obito's grades were slightly better than Metkai's.

  After becoming Mu Yue’s disciples, the two of them gradually transformed from low-level people into geniuses. During the ninja school period, they had wins and losses against each other. It can be said that they are almost the same in all aspects.

  Now they are fighting together as teammates on the battlefield. They both failed the Jonin examination, but Metkai was promoted to Jonin based on merit, while Obito had nothing. He was killed by Metkai.

 When he thought that Shisui could participate in the Jonin inspection, and Shisui was both civil and military, he had a high probability of passing the inspection, Obito suddenly felt that there was no hope for the black man in front of him.

If Shisui becomes a jounin, then he will really become the only one among Mu Yue's disciples who is not a jounin.

Obito used to pity Nohara Rin who did not have the opportunity to participate in the Jonin inspection and directly became a special Jonin. Now Obito just wants to say that it is not impossible to be a special Jonin.

 “Are the Jonin inspecting it?” Shisui fell into thinking.

Shisui is actually quite happy now, feeling the joy of harvesting fruits after working hard.

Before Obito and the others left, Shisui went on a mission with them. Obito and the others returned to Konoha to recuperate, but Shisui still stayed on the battlefield to perform the mission. Except for the time when he was injured, Shisui didn't get much rest.

 Promoting to jounin is one of the motivations for Shisui to work **** the battlefield. Becoming a jounin can make him more valued in the Uchiha clan, and his words will have more weight.

But Shisui had difficulty making up his mind to return to Konoha alone to participate in the inspection. On the one hand, he was worried that without his strength, Kakashi and the others would be more likely to encounter danger when performing difficult tasks.

On the other hand, he was worried that they would make silent progress without Obito for a while. Shisui had finally mastered the Fire Breathing Chakra mode. He didn't want to meet again when Metkai Obito and the others were armed and transparent. world.

 Finally, I am worried about Mu Yue, because there is very little information about Mu Yue in the future, and it is impossible to determine the specific time of death, so every battle is possible.

"I recommend Shisui that you report it now and then return to Konoha for inspection." Mu Yue noticed Shisui's entanglement and said.

“Human energy is not unlimited. It needs to be relaxed and relaxed. You have done well enough, and you can relax your tense nerves appropriately.”

If Shisui returns to the village to participate in the jounin inspection, Shisui can rest and recuperate while Muyue can also receive promotion rewards. It can be said to be a win-win choice.

"Yeah." Feeling Mu Yue's concern, Zhishui nodded with warmth in his heart and decided to listen to Mu Yue.

Obito showed a complicated expression when he saw Shisui agreeing. After all, things developed in the direction he least wanted to see.

"Can you dig out a few Seven Ninja Swordsmen from the soil and give me a few chops?" Obito was so eager for achievements that he was a little delirious.

The corner of Kakashi's mouth raised. He had already thought of a hundred words in his mind to mock Obito's ninja level. As long as Obito dared to mess with him, Kakashi would tell Obito to break his defense.

After saying the advice to Shisui, Muyue handed the Pokémon egg in his hand to Metkai, and congratulated with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Kai, for becoming a Jonin." Metkai laughed and thanked Muyue. Then he took the Pokémon egg.

Kakashi, who was standing next to Obito, suddenly felt a strong sense of sourness, as if someone was eating lemons non-stop.

  When Kakashi looked at Obito, he could vaguely hear words such as "It's just that" and "I don't like psychic beasts very much".

"Akai, you have to be more careful this time. Eggs are very fragile." Nohara Lin reminded.

Metkay is too easily excited, and Nohara Lin is a little worried that Metkay will crush the egg with force when he gets excited.

"Really? When I touch it, the egg seems to be quite hard." Metkai said while holding the egg in his left hand and scratching his head in his right hand.

Although he felt that the egg in his hand was not fragile, Metkai still switched to holding the egg with both hands for stability. After all, it was a gift from Mu Yue, so he had to cherish it.

"Anyway, it's not a bad thing to be more careful." Nohara Lin said as she watched Metkai become cautious and nodded.

There is no feeling for the psychic beastson, because although she does not have a psychic beast now, she will soon have a psychic beast, and she is also one of the wet forests of one of the three holy places.

Tsunade said that as long as Nohara Lin passes her assessment, Tsunade will accept Nohara Lin as a formal disciple, and will let Nohara Lin sign a psychic blood contract with Shigulin.

Tsunade's so-called assessment is not about who Nohara Rin can defeat or how long she can survive in the battle with Tsunade, but designated medical knowledge for Nohara Rin to learn. If she learns well, she will pass.

Nohara Rin is somewhat confident in this regard. She cannot compare with Kakashi Obito and the others in combat, but she does have a talent beyond ordinary people in terms of medical knowledge.

In addition, there is another point. Both Kakashi and Metkai have become Jonin, and she is a special Jonin. Muyue should be prepared to wait until she is promoted to a formal Jonin before giving gifts.

                               Because the disciple was very grateful for the big critical hit, I received the reward - Soft Fist (Mastery Level)]

As Metkai accepted the gift, a reward message popped up on Muyue's panel, and a lot of experience in Soft Fist training came to mind.

Mu Yue saw that the reward only said Soft Fist and thought it was only the most basic Soft Fist. After sorting out her memory, she found that the Sixty-Four Bagua and Huitian were also included.

It would be very happy if he had obtained the master-level Soft Fist Muyue when he first obtained Byakugan, but for him now, the positioning of Soft Fist is a bit awkward.

Although it is a taijutsu passed down from the Hyuga clan, Juquan plays an important role in the entire taijutsu system of Konoha.

Soft Fist can directly damage the enemy's chakra meridian system and internal organs. Because the internal organs can hardly be exercised, even the strongest ninja will be fatally hit by Soft Fist.

However, most ninjas have high attack and low defense, and Mu Yue has an armed color and can also enter a variety of breathing chakra modes, and the attack is simply too high.

Mu Yue can kill people using Rou Fist, but he can kill them more easily using other methods, but it will consume more chakra.

After exploding Metkai's gold coins, Mu Yue sent the secret medicine away, and told Metkai and Nohara Lin to keep it safe and take it directly if they were seriously injured.

Mu Yue then looked at the Pokémon egg given to Kakashi with her white eyes.

It seems that because the designated personnel began to hatch, Mu Yue's white eyes no longer looked at nothingness, and she could vaguely see some outlines.

I can’t tell exactly what it is, but it seems to be a four-legged Pokémon that looks like a dog.

In the end, Mu Yue took Kakashi away on the pretext of taking a school exam, and was going to check whether Kakashi's changes in the properties of thunder chakra and sword skills in the past two months had met the training requirements of Wuxiang Yida.

Mu Yue first gave Kakashi an appraisal.

  【Name: Hatake Kakashi】

  【Chakra: 7800】

[Skills: Transparent World, Change of Thunder Attribute Chakra Nature (Mastery Level: 100/15000), Earth Attribute Chakra Nature Change (Proficiency Level: 2700/3000), Hatake Swordsmanship (Mastery Level: 150/15000), Thunder Breathing (Proficiency Level: 2600/3000)…]

More than 7,000 chakras, a proficiency-level property change plus a property change close to the proficiency level. This is almost the standard configuration of Konoha jounin. The data of ordinary Konoha jounin are basically in this range. float.

However, if you include Kakashi’s other skills, this panel is not ordinary. He has world penetration, mastery-level Hatake Swordsmanship, and several mastery-level thunder and earth escapes.

Taking into account Kakashi's age, Kakashi's panel is indeed a well-deserved genius. After a few years of practice, he has achieved data that others cannot achieve after more than ten or twenty years of practice.

 “Use your Thunder Escape Sword Technique to attack me with all your strength.” Mu Yue closed the panel and said.

The information displayed by the identification technique is not comprehensive enough. Only by combining actual combat performance can he make the most accurate judgment.

 Kakashi immediately adjusted his breathing without any nonsense, concentrated his breathing to the extreme, entered the state of transparent world, and pulled out the White Fang short blade.


Dazzling yellow lightning flowed along Kakashi's palm into the White Fang short blade and extended a lightning blade. Kakashi stepped forward with his right foot and moved his left foot backward to make a charging stance.

 Under the influence of the transparent world, Kakashi mobilized all his strength and poured it into the sword. The next sword will be the strongest blow he can deliver.

After all, the opponent is Mu Yue, and Mu Yue's strength allows Kakashi to use his full strength without any scruples.

  The seven Ninja Swordsmen who put them into a bitter fight were randomly killed by Mu Yue. It was obviously impossible for Mu Yue to be injured by his attack.

 Kakashi really wants to have the ability to hurt Mu Yue, because this means that he has the ability to change the future, but reality and hard work goals still need to be distinguished.

 “Fire God!”


A roar of thunder and lightning exploded, and Kakashi brandished the thunder blade and rushed towards Muyue at high speed, as fast as a thunder dragon flying, like real lightning, both fast and dazzling.

If Muyue hadn't brought Kakashi to a place farther away, all the patrolling ninjas in the camp would have found him.

Facing the menacing Kakashi, Muyue entered the Thunder Breath Chakra mode and then made a lightning sword with a single grip in the void, and slashed at the incoming Kakashi.

It’s not that this is the only way to use Wuxiang Yitab. In fact, using Yama directly will be more powerful, but Mu Yue doesn’t need that power. After all, he just wants to test Kakashi’s strength, not cut Kakashi into Kakashi.

Because he was in a transparent world, Kakashi could still see Muyue's movements clearly even though he was surrounded by yellow lightning.

The moment Mu Yue swung the sword, Kakashi felt a sudden chill in his heart. Mu Yue's seemingly ordinary slash used a certain profound and terrifying technique, giving Kakashi a feeling of extreme danger.

Danger! Danger!

 Kakashi's perception is like a repeater transmitting this information to Kakashi. If the person standing in front of him is not Mu Yue, Kakashi will give up attacking and think about the possibility of dodge.

 (End of this chapter)

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