Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 38 - Wanlun Muchengdan

In the practice room, Sun Hao has no sorrow and no sorrow. He started to settle in. According to the progress of cultivation, he has been in the process for more than three years. Today he will arrive at Wanlunmu. Recently, Gu Yun’s impatience is in his eyes. However, after three years of study in the Tibetan Classics, Qu Youzhen has really had no influence on him. This may be an enemy, but definitely not his biggest opponent. Qingmu Zong, the pattern is still too small, Qu Youwei, just a small stumbling block.

In order to pursue speed, there are books in the Tibetan Classics. In three years, there are disciples who can directly build the foundation.

However, there are also records in the book. It is not the faster the foundation is built. The better the foundation is in the refining period. When building the foundation, it is the avenue of cultivation.

Sun Hao does not know whether his Wanlunmu is the foundation of the world, but from the look and description of Master, this foundation is absolutely not bad.

In the body, the flourishing annual ring wood is running in the air, the rushing in the meridians, and the rushing forward, seems to break through the level. Now, in the case of Wanlunmu, the realm of the second layer of Sun Hao’s refining is equivalent to a thin piece of paper. A rush is broken, but now is not a breakthrough, enter Wanlunmu, the water has become a breakthrough.

The five elements of the wheel are turning, and the smoldering spirit is also growing in the package of the annual ring wood, because it has been symbiotic with the annual ring wood for many years, and because of the magic of the five elements of the wheel, the conditions of the fire roots have been Nearly mature, after Wanlunmu, will be put on Sun Hao’s cultivation schedule.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao added a clear heart. Today is a key day. All useful methods must be used. Although the heart is simple, the origin is unknown, but sometimes it can have unexpectedly good results.

One turn, two turns, the annual ring wood is in the body to rotate, like a spiral, the annual ring wood cultivation master has a cloud, a round of wood has a success, ten rounds of wood have a grain, a hundred rounds of wood like a shuttle, a thousand rounds of wood like a snail, As for Wanlunmu, it is estimated that no one is practicing. Even the author of this book does not describe what shape Wanlunmu is.

Now, the strong annual wood is like a spiral in Sun Hao’s body. It rotates forward with Dantian as its origin, and it moves progressively. Because the gas is too strong, it is more pure and powerful due to the calcination through the fire. Infuriating in the meridians seems to make a sound of tidal water, a wave is higher than a wave.

On the last Sunday, the winds of the annual rings were more and more urgent in Sun Hao’s body, and the trend of the sky was coming.

At this time, Sun Hao’s heart was completely calmed down. The whole mind was completely submerged in cultivation. There was only a clear-hearted and insane running route in the heart. Everything was forgotten. Forgot Wanlunmu and forgot the music. I even forgot to practice and enter the state of transcending.

In the end, the annual ringwood that reached the Wanlunmu was invaded into Dantian.

“Boom”, the annual ring wood really seems to make a loud noise, spinning at high speed in Dantian, and at the same time, Sun Hao practiced outdoor, the wood aura in the sky was like a huge traction, the square gathered, The tides generally rushed to Sun Hao, and in an instant, Sun Hao’s cultivation room became a sea of ​​wood.

Such a large aura fluctuations make the elders who have achieved refinement a doubt, what is going on? However, they are limited in their cultivation. Although they feel different, they do not know the specific reasons. However, in the eyes of the founding monks such as Qingla, it is another scene.

He saw that there was already a whirlpool of aura in the sky, like an hourglass. A steady stream of wood aura passed through the hourglass and rushed toward Sun Hao’s house.

Wanlunmu is really powerful, and the old man can’t help but think of it. Look at the amount of aura rushing, the speed of rushing, and the later stage of the monk’s advanced refining. You must know that Sun Hao is just a layer of refining. The aura is heavy, and the old man is still seeing it for the first time in his life.

The book records that there are only some special enchantings of some big factions, and this vision will be there.

In the sky, a figure swayed and appeared in the side of the old man. Only the foundation-based monks could stand in the air with the long-lasting instrument. The Aoki sect had only two foundation-based monks, and the young and old did not know that this was the lord.

At this time, Xu Zongzhu, a face of surprise, the knowledge of the sweep, actually is a layer of disciple cultivation, such a big voice, this disciple must have got it, the mind has a calculation: “This disciple must be collected, such an excellent My disciple, I am expected to be in the Qingmu Zong.

Afraid of other refining and great elders, this lord has already preached to the elders who are preparing to come to the south court: “I and the elders of Qing are experimenting with new instruments here. If you have something to do, don’t come. Lively”

At this time, in Sun Hao’s body, Wan Lumu’s infuriating speed is getting faster and faster. The spiral is in the process of rotation, constantly gathering and compressing the infuriating gas, and gradually condensing the infuriating gas to form a Dan type. .

Tree cultivation, with the year as the wheel, the Wannian tree demon, often can condense the demon in the body, this Dan is different from the monk’s Jindan, the monk’s Jindan is a symbol of success, and the demon of the tree demon, but It is the source of cultivation, and it is made by swallowing the moon. There are a lot of demon in the second layer of the refining gas. It is estimated that this is the home of Sun Hao.

In fact, the predecessors who created the annual ring Muqigong in the way of the tree demon cultivation did not know that after Wanlunmu would condense the demon in the body, this thing may not necessarily be a good thing, saying that if Dantian had a demon, After that, when Sun Hao wants to settle Jin Dan, where does Jin Dan live?

Of course, Sun Hao now knows nothing about these things. Even if he knows it is wrong, it is estimated that he will only go with the flow.

When the demon dan gradually formed, the problem came.

The problem appeared in the smoldering spirit. In the past, everyone was angry. The gas in the air was in a state of gas. It was safe and sound, but now the woods of the annual ring are condensed, and naturally they are dissatisfied with the bubbles of the fire, desperately suppressing. Instinctively to assimilate the fire.

Of course, the five elements of the wheel are not working, and they are running. Although Wanlunmu is overbearing, the five elements of Lingling as a method of inheritance from the ancient times, its thick and strange, is not comparable to the woodwork that can only be cultivated to the three layers of refining. The spiraling Wanlunmu is the pressure to suppress the fire, the more the fire is not moving, on the contrary, the burning of the five elements of the wheel is more powerful, forcing Wanlunmu to constantly absorb the wood aura.

The fierce fire and the five elements of the round of spirits in the Sun Hao’s Dantian contested, pulled open, noisy, but fortunately, Sun Hao is in an empty and empty state of cultivation, although knowing the contest of Dantian, but not panic, if not The state is scared to death.

If it is said that Qingla and Xu Zongzhu know the situation of Sun Hao’s then the status of the five elements of Lingling in Qingmu Zong will be completely changed. Under the pressure of Wanlunmu, you can keep the fire and strength. This is a kind of auxiliary exercise method. In the auxiliary skill of this category, there is no doubt that the five elements of the round spirit are absolutely top.

The top auxiliary practice is even rare in the top Zongmen, let alone a small group like Aoki. The five-line round of Lingbi can become the inheritance of the inner axis of the patch, will it be as simple as that?

In the battle with Wanlunmu, the five elements of the round of spirits finally revealed the embarrassment, pulling for a while, the five elements of the spirit of the fire wrapped in the spirits of the bubble dripping, ran out from Sun Hao’s Dantian, ran directly The liver, the wheel of the wheel that is about to be formed by Wanlunmu, has been chased up.

Then, chasing the liver and regenerating.

In the liver, in the organs of the human body, the five elements belong to the wood, which is also the source of the woody genus. The demon was originally intended to settle down in Dantian. After running to the liver, he felt very good. He slowly calmed down and did not chase the five-wheeled spirits.

Drip and slick, the demon dan is turning slower and slower in the liver of Sun Hao, gradually forming and calming down.

And Dantian, once again occupied by the annual ring wood infuriating and fierce fire. In the liver, the demon dan is constantly emitting the genus of wood, which is full of Sun Hao’s dantian, and Sun Hao’s dantian also continually absorbs the external wood aura and gradually grows to nourish the liver.

Yao Dan found his place of residence, and finally, Sun Hao reached a balance in his body.

Wanlunmu has a successful cultivation. Later, Sun Hao can add a sentence to the practice books of the annual ring wood: “Wan Lun Mu Cheng Dan”.

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