Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 883 - Decision 2

Under the blessing of the body strength, the bracelet of Bei Tansi, in Lin Sheng’s eyes, faded from camouflage and recovered into a black watch with a strong technology style.

“Huh ?!” Lin Sheng frowned. what is this? Is there such a serious technology style in this world?

Next, he was interested in asking North Tans about Ryan.

But there are no clues. North Tansi resigned unwillingly to leave.

Lin Sheng watched him leave.

The Lord of Light is destroyed, the war will come to an end, and the world will develop step by step.

Lin Sheng didn’t plan to fully intervene in it. With the entrance of Shengzi, the weight was enough.

If the Son can’t solve it, it’s not too late for him to do it himself.

“So, now, stabilize the situation, and then enjoy the Light Godhead of the hand.”

He dropped the tea cup, and his subject suddenly followed the shadow passage and quickly returned to the inside of the holy river.

There was a change of vision, and he had returned to the Holy Spirit in a flash.

On the other side of the Austrian world, a trace of true spirits he separated continued to be promoted step by step.

After a few years, the Church of the Holy Light has established a strong foothold and developed, and then it will be the time to sweep the whole world.

At that time, maybe he would go in and see.

But now.

Sitting on the throne of the Holy Spirit Palace, Lin Sheng held out his hand, and a magnificent white-gold spiky crystal slowly appeared in his huge palm.

The crystal is covered with countless spikes, and it slowly rotates like a star.

“Is this the godhead of the Lord of Light?”

Through the analysis of the Holy River, Lin Sheng has devoured so many other weak and inferior godheads, whose nature has long been clear.

“The so-called godhead is nothing but a large machine built on the power of faith and using the will of faith.

The oracle uses the godhead to transform the will of faith into other abilities.

All kinds of powers, all kinds of powers, are nothing more than the structure of the Godhead machine. “

Lin Sheng thoughtfully.

In essence, these pseudo-gods themselves are still divine fire divinity without any change.

They just built a huge machine around the **** fire, then collected faith as energy, and then transformed it into the **** fire, and then converted into various powers through the **** god machine.

“There is a good reference, how to turn your will into all kinds of wonderful abilities. From this point, the godhead is simply a confluence of gods’ wonderful inspiration.”

He reached for a pinch.

Suddenly the Lord of Time’s personality turned into a plume of smoke, flew into his mouth and nose, and lodged in him.

Godhead is a tool. As long as he is willing to inject divine power into it, he can grasp all the power of the Lord of Light in one second.

As long as he is willing, he can be the most powerful Lord God in the Austrian world system at any time. none of them.

Because the faith in him is too strong.

“Unfortunately, what I am after is not a foreign object like the godhead, but the real sublimation of my own fire.”

The biggest meaning of the Austrian world to him is not the godhead. This thing is just a small gift. The real gain is the true spirit.

At this time, the Austrian world was continuously supplying a large number of true spirits to him.

Lin Sheng stood up with countless scene colors flowing in his eyes.

Suddenly, his consciousness glanced at many worlds devoted to the true spirit.

With the separation of spirits, he can clearly cross the world and easily sense all the dynamics of all his true spirits.

“The godhead has the Lord of Light and other godheads of the Light God.

With a few thoughts, he soon found several new worlds with great potential.

These worlds have one thing in common, that is, the level of strength is high enough, and the world as a whole is large enough.

The higher the level, the larger it is, the more true spirits can be extracted.

Lin Sheng inspected one by one and determined that the development of his true spirit was smooth in these several worlds. It also draws back consciousness and prepares for a break.

Just regaining consciousness, he suddenly remembered that he hadn’t paid attention to the situation on the Kuroshio side for a long time.

Now that I’m free, it’s better to see how Kuroshio is now.

The development of the Holy Spirit Palace to this point is far from being able to destroy the ordinary Kuroshio in the world.

In other words, Lin Sheng has seen through the Kuroshio itself, and it has its limits.

After the Kuroshio left him, the attack intensity has not changed much.

At best, it is an increase in quantity.

The purpose is self-evident. It is nothing more than constantly extracting the details of the world to reach the balance of breeding and harvesting.

“Also, it’s time to see what’s behind the Kuroshio.”

Lin Sheng moved his heart, and began to look for the trace of the Kuroshio in all the real worlds that he had separated.

Soon, there are more than 300 worlds with traces of Kuroshio.

Then Lin Sheng arranged and divided according to the sequence of the occurrence of the Kuroshio in the world.

To his surprise, the main world was eroded by the Kuroshio first.

He groaned and rose from the throne.

Then step out.

The power of the Lord of Light’s deities unfolded, and a circle of golden aura formed a light gate in front of him.

Lin Sheng walked in slowly.

For him, the godhead is more similar to the Yin Sacred Wheel.

He still relies on his own essential soul and divine fire.

Behind the light gate is a large dark area covered by the Kuroshio in the main world.

Lin Sheng stepped in.

As soon as he entered the Kuroshio fog, he suddenly dazzled with white light. The will of faith is transformed into divine power, and then transformed into purely purified power, and the already powerful divine power is elevated to an exaggerated degree.

In the face of the Kuroshio fog, for the first time, the divine power of purification divinity has been strengthened.

The white light supported a circular area with a radius of more than one meter beside Lin Sheng.

He floated in the light, surrounded by darkness, needless to say that he had entered the hinterland of the Kuroshio.

“With the transformation of the Lord of Light’s Godhead, well, a divine power is much bigger than before.

One Divine Power can now serve more than five. “

He looked around casually. Originally unclear vision, under the combined force of the godhead and the overcast holy chakra, Lin Sheng’s gaze also turned into a substantial distortion and purification power, and instantly burned and purified everything that the sight referred to.

In the dark, his eyes were like searchlights, penetrated the black mist, and hit the ground.

The white light brought by the two sights instantly illuminated the surroundings.

He was standing over an abandoned factory, with countless dark weird creatures below. Once dropped, they may be under siege at any time.

But Lin Sheng was unmoved.

After the breakthrough of the Linger, his guardian deity has greatly improved both in strength and the maximum number of guardable.

and so…..

“Let’s light it up, I hate it.”

Lin Sheng reached out a bit.

Divine power poured into the godhead. In the hands of the Lord of Light, only the light godhead with powerful divine power. In Lin Sheng’s hands, it seemed to be far beyond.

Countless white lights flew out, centering on Lin Sheng, illuminating the surroundings.

“let’s start.”

Lin Sheng did not notify anyone, but flew in the black mist at high speed alone.

He was looking for the roots based on the density of the black mist.

Soon, in less than ten minutes, Lin Sheng reached the source of the Kuroshio inflow in the main world.

In the darkness, a rough, irregular entrance is standing quietly in a secret place in the sky.

Below is the peak of a mountain peak soaring into the clouds.

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