Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Welcome to the X-Mansion
3rd POV:
The Military Generals were watching. They had only one chance to prove them that this experiment would be worth their venture and funding. If they succeeded in showing they could create super soldiers, they would have a highly lucrative military contract on their hands.
Mentally sneering at Starks foolishness. Still, with Starks monopoly removed he was free to fill in the power vacuum.
They had already a volunteer, Norman Osborn thought.
Aleksei Sytsevich.
They would first make him wear the rhinoceros armor made of titanium and then give him small doses of gamma radiation until he would be enhanced enough to carry the armor on his person. Prognoses showed everything should work out perfectly.
The head scientist nodded at him showing that they could begin the experiment. After giving the go the military and his board of directors watched as the experiment progressed.
For a moment everything seemed to advance as it should, but then Sytsevich began screaming. Norman watched with some displeasure as the experiment seemed to go wrong.
When the head scientist examined him, it was discovered that while the body was enhanced, the suit melded to him and was unable to be removed. Sytsevich also seemed to have grown in size and muscle mass, slightly stretching the rhinoceros armor out, though it still seemed to remain perfectly functional. He was taken to the medical ward for further observation.
The Generals were not impressed. The Contract slipped through his fingers.
Norman scowled at the missed opportunity.
Zero had to be careful. Now, with him being a fully fledged reality warper causality and effect kind of flew out the window. He could drop a nuclear explosion somewhere and only one person would experience it with everything and everyone else being untouched. Going by complete logic, that should not be possible until he finds a work around. Now he can just will it and it happens. Thank you ROB. He could create black holes, without the event horizon affecting anything. And so on and so forth.
Basically, he was now a walking cheat code.
Oh, he would still touch up on scientific subjects for the sake of developing technology in his company, but he no longer needed it for his reality warping.
Still, gotta stay humble. He did not fear his power, but he feared losing himself in it. Temptation was a slow and insidious killer after all. Gotta stay sharp and focused.
He sipped his tea casually with his legs crossed, creating a small portal were the tea spilled and it landed in his mouth. Professor X was also taking a sip. As did Ororo and Jean. Logan demanded a beer, so he got one. And of course, Scott refused anything.
From Zeros group, they all went with tea as well.
Zero smacked his lips against each other, an indicator for good taste.
Things were tense for a bit, when strangers arrived at their house, but they calmed down relatively quickly.
''Can we get on with the conversation? We have already lost enough time,'' Scott bit out rudely, interrupting the party.
''Who is this sassy lost child? He is ruining a perfectly fine tea party,'' Zero asked, looking at Xavier. Logan snorted into his beer, which in turn caused Scott to frown with displeasure.
''We didn't come here for tea. We came to rescue mutants from you and bring them were they belong,'' Scott retorted. Zeros groups tensed, ready for battle.
''Forgive my young charge, please. He still has a long way to go as a leader until he understands more about diplomacy,'' Xavier threw Scott a little under the bus. They have agreed that they would engage diplomatically and show no hostilities. If the host was polite enough to invite them for drinks, there was no reason to be so rude. Scott stepped back, his jaw clenched.
''Oh, well. The tea is already ruined. So, why do you want to take the mutants and what makes you think some of us here are mutants? Are you mutants?,'' Zero questioned.
''Yes actually we are all mutants and in possession of the X-Gene. As is Pietro and Laura here. And the way we found them was with Cerebro. It is a device that allows me to detect people with a newly awakened X-Gene or those who possess it and have it dormant. We would like to invite them to my 'School of Gifted Youngsters' and offer them a home so that they might be under their own kind and learn to control their abilities,'' Xavier explained forthcomingly.
''If you possess this X-Gene, then what is your powers? Do you already know ours?,'' Pietro asked.
Xaviers group looked a bit at each other and then Ororo stepped forward.
''I can control the weather. I'm sorry, but I doubt I can give a demonstration in here,'' Ororo explained.
''I have telepathy and telekinesis,'' Jean explained friendly, floating her cup a little. Though she made no demonstration of her telepathy. Wanda raised her eyebrow at the similar powers between them.
Zero had to admit. It was impressive that the 17 year old, still functioned in ANY capacity. Seems Xavier went for the duo. Not only did he suppress her trauma but also the Phoenix. And because nothing can be ever easy her emotions are somewhat muted, which for a girl in puberty is SO great. She is one bad experience away from an identity crisis.
She can feel everyone's minds without wanting too, cause she has no control over her telepathy. Despite no demonstration, she could hear everyones surface thoughts. Except Zeros which immediately drew her attention. And of course the Phoenix was getting angrier, which was the reason why her control sucked. The Phoenix was exerting power to try and escape to reconnect with its avatar, which boosted Jeans original powers and created a positive feed back loop.
After inspecting her mind, Zero inspected Xaviers mind as well. Of fucking course the idiot knew about Jeans issues, but never bothered to check up on the Phoenix and try to help her. Not that he even knew what the Phoenix was. He thought it was Jeans own innate power.
Well, that is one impressive amount of dung that he was delivered.
And of course Zero had to clean it, before it exploded in all their faces.
''I can shoot laser beams from my eyes,'' Scott explained.
Logan grunted and extended his adamantium claws, causing Laura to narrow her eyes.
Xavier put his fingers on his head and talked to everyone 'I can use telepathy as well', giving a small demonstration of his ability. Though he immediately startled when he couldn't peer into Zeros mind.
And of course the first thing the idiot does, is peer into someones mind at the first opportunity. Fucking mind rapist.
Zero had no problems with reading someones mind. But enemies. ENEMIES. Not friends or innocents. They well damn, had the right for privacy.
At best he looked into minds like Sarahs for a bit. Or made a system of an automatic feedback response, a little like the Living Tribunal, where 'tasks' (aka crimes and risks) would automatically get filtered through. Like that pedophile he beat as Nexus or Jeans case.
''And yes we do know what your powers are. Cerebro showed me. I do have one question though. How come I can not look into your mind?,'' Xavier asked politely. Zero repressed his fury at his gall to be so polite after mind raping everyone.
''You may not,'' Zero curtly replied. Xavier waited a little for something more, but alas, no such thing. He subtly checked the other peoples mind in Zeros group but was firmly rebuked.
''I did not know about your powers the first time, but kindly stay out of every persons mind,'' Wanda scowled, having advanced enough to make a mental barrier around someones head.
''I apologize, for trying to pry your secrets. But anyway, we came here to offer you a chance to join our school. What do you say?,'' Xavier apologized.
''What about those that do not have the X-Gene?,'' Sarah asked.
''It is only for mutants. Besides it is not your choice to make,'' Scott replied hotly.
''Well, we are making the choice now. We all come or none of us. We are a package,'' Pietro retorted. Laura nodded at that.
''There is no reason why you can't come and make it your home too. As I understand, you Ms. Kinney are a geneticist. We can always use more doctors or teachers. As for you Mr. Zero and Ms. and Mr Maximoff. You can be like Logan. He trains mutants to use their abilities in the training room. As for young Ms. Kinney, she is still a minor. She can finish her education at our school,'' Xavier offered politely, hiding his frustration with Scott. Zero felt icky at the casual display of mind raping masked by politeness. Something that was mirrored by the others.
Zeros group looked at each other until they finally looked at their leader. First they will hear what he has to say then they can argue.
''Sure. We'll join you and train the kids,'' Zero quickly accepted the offer. He cast a look at his friends. All of them got familiar enough with each other that they could communicate with each other through manners alone, even if Zero had his helmet. He accepted far to quickly without seemingly thinking about the ups and downs of the offer. Clearly there was more going on here in the shadows.
They had work to do.
The first thing Zero did when the X-Jet landed on the school premises was take a look at the Cerebro as they were walking and introduced to all important locations in the school. It was an impressive piece of technology. He could not deny that.
Well might as well try it as a pure novelty. It's supposed to find people possessing the X-Gene right. It better live up to the reputation. Zero had to admit. There were far more mutants then he already expected, scattered all over the world. Most of them dormant. Which begs the question how they are activated. Something to investigate later. There are also a few mutants inside HYDRA bases.
She exists in this universe? She EXISTS in this universe?! He had to destroy Cerebro. No. That would not be inconspicuous and maybe detrimental to his plans. He needed to play this smart. X-Mansion is really not that far away from NYC only a 17 minute train ride away from it. If he remembered correctly she lived here, but went to Midtown High, because of Peter. Do not geek out Zero. Be calm. This is real life. Maybe it won't even work out between the two of them.
Unfortunately, for now he could only observe. If push comes to show, he will manipulate probabilities to make certain events happen. As far as he was concerned that was not mind control, so it was an easy choice. Once the two meet, they can decide for themselves if they can be a couple or not.
Back to the point.
Soon enough the tour of the school was over, they were shown their rooms in the teachers headquarters and the students headquarter for Laura. Then they were invited for food and went to the kitchen.
There were some students there already.
''Oh my. That is, like, a huge group. Have you all decided to join us? It is like totes amazing,'' Kitty asked.
''They have indeed, Ms. Pryde. Though only one of them is a student. Young Ms. Kinney here. The rest of them will be joining our staff and help you train you powers better,'' Xavier explained.
''Why don't you introduce yourself to them?,'' Munroe suggested.
''Oh, I'm Katherine Pryde. But everyone calls me, like, Kitty. I can become intangible,'' Kitty introduced herself first.
''I can teleport,'' Kurt replied.
''Wait. Like Zero? Can you show it to us?,'' Pietro asked.
''Wait, you can teleport too?,'' Kurt inquired surprised.
''I can create portals. Which is different from teleporting. Still, I would like to see a demonstration please,'' Zero answered, opening a portal and dropping a laptop through before throwing it through another portal away.
''Oh. Well, I would have to remove my watch for that. It is kind of inhibitor to my powers,'' Kurt informed a little apprehensively.
''It is alright Mr. Wagner. You can trust them. They are here to help you,'' Xavier informed.
Kurt took a deep breath, before giving a resolved nod. He took his watch off and immediately he transformed from a normal human to a blue skinned demon looking guy with a tail. He stopped for a bit to see their reactions and when he saw none he teleported behind Zero with a small pop and some smoke.
''Buh,'' Kurt tried to spook him only too receive no reaction.
''Interesting. It creates a small sound and some smoke. This is detrimental to your combat and utility performance,'' Zero analyzed, making Kurt raise an eyebrow. Pietro snorted.
''Oh, great. It has already begun,'' Pietro whispered to Wanda, making Logan cast a glance at them.
''Aynway. I'm Evan Daniels. I can create bone constructs, mostly spikes. Tough I do need to drink a lot of milk after I use my powers to make up the calcium deficit,'' Evan introduced himself.
''I'm Rogue, sugars. I can absorb powers and memories,'' Rogue informed them, not mentioning the fact she couldn't control her powers and thus could not touch anyone.
''There are many more students in our facility that possess the X-Gene, but it is actually fortuitous that you met them all now. These young people are currently the only members of the newly formed group named X-Men. Jean and Scott are also part of the X-Men. It was created as a response team for when people like us need saving or someone like us needs to be stopped before they can harm someone,'' Xavier explained.
''Yup, we are the coolest guys in the school,'' Evans hang his arm around Kurt who has already put his watch back on and returned to his team.
''But, wait. Like, we introduced ourselves. But what about you all?,'' Kitty asked.
''I'm Pietro. I can run fast and think fast,'' Pietro introduced himself first.
''I'm Wand Maximoff and his twin. I can use telepathy and telekinesis,'' Wanda introduced herself.
''Oh great, another one,'' Rogue murmured.
''I'm Sarah Kinney. I'm a geneticist, but have no X-Gene,'' Sarah told them.
''Laura Kinney,'' Laura replied curtly, but not trusting them to reveal more. The others were a little disappointed.
''Zero. You already know what I can do,'' he answered.
''So, leader. Do you think they have potential? Are they worth our time?,'' Pietro asked Zero.
''Yes. I already have formed a few plans and training programs. All I need is to see their performance and make the final adjustments to adapt it to their current performance,'' Zero informed.
''Oh, no. Like, I don't like the sound of that. Please don't tell me he is a slave driver like Logan. Please, professors,'' Kitty whined. Storm chuckled.
''Well, first they need to fill out some paperwork and then see where their own combat prowess lies. But that is a matter between us adults. They still need to be introduced Hank. Once that is done, then they can evaluate you and work with us in training you all,'' Ororo replied, Logan grunted in agreement.
''Indeed. With that being said, don't let us old people disturb you any more than we already did. It is your free time after all. Go and enjoy yourselves,'' Xavier said his goodbyes, making the student smile.
''Will do, professor,'' Kurt called after them.
''Don't forget to do your homework,'' Xavier called back as he rolled away in his chair, with the adults following him. Scott and Jean stayed behind, as the students groaned.
''So, what is, like, your opinion of them?,'' Kitty asked them. She put some marmalade on her bread now that that interaction was over.
''Wanda was hot,'' Evans immediately replied. The rest of them rolled their eyes.
''In your dreams, Evans. She is supposed to be a teacher. Besides she is 19,'' Jean chastised,''I'm more interested in Zero. I can't read his mind and neither could the professor.''
Scott frowned hiding a scowl.
''I don't trust them. They are all hiding something. Have you seen how the looked at Zero for his leadership?,'' Scott asked, not liking that they wouldn't immediately accept Xavier as their leader. But also not liking that Jean was paying close attention to another guy.
The rest of the group rolled their eyes and ignored him.
''Well, whatever their secrets. I'm sure we can learn a lot from them. It is not like Professor X would let them near us, if they wouldn't be somewhat trustworthy,'' Kurt argued.
''I just don't like we have another slave driver. One Logan was,like, enough,'' Kitty groaned into her bread.
After filing some papers, with some difficulties from Zero who did not wish to unmask himself, the adults came into what was a big laboratory. It was seemingly empty until a clang was heard making them all look up. A blue furry man was dangling with his feet from the ceiling and fixing something with his hands. He noticed them and showed a finger, before quickly adding the final touches to his reparations and put the panel back into place. Then he dropped to the ground from 35 meters.
''Ah, you must be the new staff members and student that Charles went to gather. A pleasure to meet you. I'm Henry McCoy. But most people call me Hank,'' Hank introduced himself and held out his hand.
Zero went first and introduced himself. The others followed his example and each shook his hand. Hank could see that they were not shaken or disgusted by his outer appearance as, unfortunately, some of the people outside the X-Mansion who saw his true appearance were. Hank approved of that and already liked the new additions a little.
''It is actually good that we found you here, Hank. Our new members, sans Sarah and Laura here, need to be evaluated. Am I correct in assuming that the Danger Room has been repaired now?,'' Ororo asked.
''Yes, of course. Should we evaluate them now or later?,'' Hank asked.
''Now would be optimal, if you could. The new training sessions will arrive soon and having more hands on deck would be good, I think,'' Charles arugued.
''That is more than fine with me,'' Logan gave his two cents, his voice gruff. Munroe and McCoy also agreed.
''Before we do anything. I have been thinking. Who joins the X-Men?,'' Zero inquired.
''Well, while everyone can apply not everyone can join. First you need to be almost an adult, then your powers need to have some sort of combat application. In truth however, most people don't apply even if they have combat potential. They only want to control their powers. Why?,'' Ororo replied.
Zero looked at the Maximoff twins. Eventually Wanda nodded.
''Laura, how would you like to become a part of the X-Men? Already I can tell they are missing a kind of mentality. The kind that belongs on the battle field. And seeing as you are their age, they be more inclined to listen to you,'' Zero explained his reasoning. Laura looked at her mother, who merely looked back without saying anything. It was her choice.
''I see I'm not the only one that takes issue with that. You've got a sharp eye, bub,'' Logan approved.
''We are not trying to make them killers,'' Xavier retorted.
''No. But hesitation is defeat,'' Zero replied, saying all he needed to say. Logan grunted approvingly.
''We don't even know what her powers are. Her integration in our school would have followed after you all,'' Ororo revealed.
''I have the same powers as him. Except only my talons are made of adamantium. I will join,'' Laura informed stepping forward and pointing at Logan. He raised his eyebrow and looked at Sarah. He had it explained to him that someone with an X-Gene would almost always sire another person with a X-Gene. And, while low, the chance could be that the babe shares the same powers as her parent. Could it be...? It might be possible. He is missing a huge chunk of memory still. He needed to find Sarah later and ask her questions.
''Well. In that case I guess you can join our evaluation sparring match right now. Depending on the results you may join,'' Xavier informed.
The sparring match went well and Laura is now part of the X-Men. Then the were shown their rooms and were let alone to make themselves familiar. No surprise there, seeing as the day was almost over. It had a bathroom so it was easy to clean themselves of their sweat. Though Sarah just enjoyed a good cozy bath.
Zero agreed to quickly. He thought fast (not as fast as Pietro), but there was always a delay until he made his decisions. He agreed far to quickly to joining the X-Mansion. Unfortunately for now it seemed that they couldn't communicate about the elephant in the room, with all the eyes and ears around. Or even the telepaths. Sarah shuddered. It was really different when a stranger did it to you, compared to a friend who you know and trust.
She was both nurse and doctor for the students. A downgrade from a geneticist, but probably for the better. She used her gifts for long enough to harm, now it was time to heal. Not that she was alone. She was working with Hank in that.
She was so proud of her little girl. They grew closer together thanks to getting saved by Zero and the twins. In her deepest parts of her heart she knew she wouldn't have had this chance if they hadn't saved her. How she never noticed the trigger scent was beyond her. While she was a little sad that Laura was still involved in fighting, it was now because of her choice and nothing else.
Also a lot of the damage done to her mentally was undone over the months. The worst part was Laura considering herself a weapon only worth for distraction. Her helping with cooking, or cutting clothes and helping with sewing, or making a small incision in Zeros shoulder when he got hit by a splintering bullet in one of their random fights helped alleviate most of her beliefs.
Gosh. Zero and Laura were so cute together. And her daughter was really trying to court him, how could she not help her in that regard. Zero really was doing wonders in healing her, just by being himself. They way she constantly looked up to him and hoped for approval and him being all flustered in trying to deal with her was adorable.
Thankfully, Wanda did not seem to develop any feelings for Zero. So Laura had no competition there.
Sarah released a sigh.
Today was truly hectic.
A knock was heard on the door. Sarah who already dressed herself went to answer it. Logan was t the door and he looked serious, but before she could express her worry at what could have happened, he lightly pushed her inside and closed the door locking it behind him.
''Laura Kinney. Does the girl bear any relation to me?,'' Logan asked approaching her. Sarah stumbled back until eventually she hit a wall and pressed herself against it. She didn't answer. too shocked at the development.
''The girl. Does she bear any relation to me?,'' Logan growled, starting to lose his patience. He wouldn't hurt her, but he would try to intimidate her. He was certain she had answers for him that could trigger some memories or reveal who he used to be.
''Before I answer. Who do you think you are?,'' Sarah asked slowly, trying to calm her beating heart down. Logan growled again, unsheathing his claws for further intimidation tactic.
''I forgot many things. All I know is that I'm Logan. Listen, if you and I did THAT. If we used to be together, then you might have some answers in the form of personal info about me. Tell me,'' Logan answered.
''You're name is not Logan. It was one of your identities that you disguised yourself as over the years, with how long lived you are, to hide from the government. You very first original name was James Howlett. But the government found you anyway,'' Sarah replied trying to buy time. More like HYDRA found him and her, but she wouldn't mention that and complicate matters.
Logan flinched. Suddenly beset by a series of flashes that he sometimes used to have.
''James Howlett?,'' Logan asked for clarity after calming down. He retracted his claws, suddenly very aware that he could do something foolish if she continued to reveal more about himself.
''Indeed. You appeared a number of times over the course of history. You even fought alongside Steve Rogers, as a member of the Howling Commados,'' Sarah further informed.
''Was he my friend? What happened when the government picked me up?,'' Logan asked.
''I can't say. You would have to find him and ask him himself. You know where to find him. As for what happened to you? What always happens when the government finds people of exceptional skills. Especially some one as long lived as you. You're older than 250 years. It was called...,'' Sarah continued.
''Weapon X,'' Logan supplied, his head pounding.
''Yes. You were taken and your skeleton was coated in adamantium. Personally, if you ask me, that was foolish. It is poisoning you, weakening you. They should have only coated your claws and nothing more.
Either way. The experiment was a success. But before they could make use of you, you escaped and killed everyone. It wasn't up until recently that Weapon X was picked up again,'' Sarah further informed.
''Laura Kinney. Right. How did she came to be?,'' Logan asked, rubbing his head. The memories weren't strictly returning, but a sense of familiarity washed over him with this new information. He knew in his heart that it had to be true.
''The facility called her X-23. I always called her Laura when we were alone. The tried to clone you with the genetic material they had of you. But they were not ... careful. Then they brought me, a geneticist and tasked me with it.
The genetic sample was too badly damaged to ever perform a fully cloned person of yourself, what with half of it missing. So I concluded another way. I took your sample and with artificial insemination gave birth to her and supplied the other half of the missing genetic material,'' Sarah replied forthcomingly, seeing as Logan started to calm down. He starred at her incomprehensibly for a moment.
''You mean to tell me, she is my....,'' Logan gaped.
''By technicality. Yes. She is your daughter,'' Sarah finished his thought. A sharp noise was heard as adamantium cut through the lock of the door and Laura opened the door starring at them both. Logan looked at her. His daughter. God, that needed some getting used to. Mostly with copious amount of beer. Lauras talons were out and she looked ready for battle.
Right. Logan remembered how she said that she had his powers. Which meant she probably heard some of the commotion with her super hearing.
''I now what this looks like. I never intended any harm to befall your mother,'' Logan explained himself.
''Then you can step away from her. You have what you need. Don't you?,'' Laura calmly countered not sheathing her talons.
Logan complied and then the three of them just stood around for a bit, unsure how to proceed. Eventually Logan just excused himself and walked out. Laura stepped inside after sheathing her claws and closed the door.
''I see. So that was the original Weapon X. You never did reveal his name,'' Laura said. It was weird to finally put a face to her father/donor after all this time.
''I did not want to trouble you, Laura. And you never asked after we escaped the facility,'' Sarah explained.
Laura nodded. Fair enough.
''Will you two court each other now? If you do, try not to make me a sibling,'' Laura bluntly requested. Sarah looked shocked, before recomposing herself.
''I wouldn't know. But we probably won't get together. Too much baggage. That is unimportant. Tell me, how are you? Are you fine around so many new people?,'' Sarah asked, wanting to change the subject. Laura frowned a bit.
''I have you all. Not that I would have came here alone anyway,'' Laura curtly replied.
''Well, we are not going anywhere for a while. Zero has planned something (*Laura nodded*) and this may take a while. But look at it this way. You can gather new experiences. And who knows, new opportunities will present themselves to you,'' Sarah told her. Laura nooded, not having much to add.
The Kinneys looked at the doors lock. Frankly it was a little embarassing that not even a day passed, before they needed to replace something they destroyed.