Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

757. The Ultimate Trade Awaits Its Perfect Practioners

Simonia’s other two forces consisted of the Justicers and would attack at other various locations as required by the 2nd Branch. Due to the smoke’s ability to create illusions as well as cut off their access to the Nexus, it was imperative that they had a way to communicate with others outside of the smoke which was where the flares-like weapons came in.

Andra, the Apostle of the 2nd Branch, was in charge of the main force of the attack. This meant that she would also be leading her personnel, Time Reverberation members, and other assisting forces straight into the front lines.

Jury and Galia were also poised to attack in this same route. The three gathered at a neighboring mountain as they oversaw their front line.

For now, it was only occupied by the impaled Impuritas, but hiding within pockets of tiny Isolation Spheres were 1,000 personnel in total.

They were divided into squads of 20, equaling a total of 50 highly mobile units. This did not include the 2nd Branches’ Justicers, as well as other tricks the Andra and Galia had up their sleeves.

“The Amalgam is drawing close. She’s entered Diavola, but she’s hasn’t reached Primus Ramus yet.” Andra spoke formally, blowing smoke from a pipe. “Godspeed. To her, and all of us. Excited?”

Jury immediately knew that she was speaking to her.

“What’s there to be excited about?”

“War. What else?” Andra chuckled darkly. “No place better than to revert to our primal instincts. Slack your shoulders. You’re far too stiff for a Beholder that’ll be responsible for fighting off any major threats.”

The three were in a small open camping site in the alps.

Four logs surrounded a tree stump where a map of Grandis was laid out for them. Crystal bullets were placed in various locations, each representing an attack force and a potential front.

Arrows drawn onto the map all pointed to one sole location.

Primus Ramus – the Capital of the Diavola Kingdom, and the location of the 1st Branch.

Jury and Galia were responsible for taking on any Hearts of the City or anything that their Ateliers could not handle. Otherwise, their personnel would do most of the work.

“Just don’t burn through all of your Nex.” Galia reminded. “Our Nex supply is only this large because of many years of inactivity. Going through even a quarter will place us in a miserable spot.”

Indeed. The reason why the Beholders had a much more passive role was so that they did not have to waste Nex.

A war of this scale demanded that they use their powers strategically. While the Beholders had more than enough Nex to burn through, they had to consider that this was their ‘first’ engagement with the Impuritas.

Nex was a strategic resource that had taken a massive hit since Frost took over the Nexus, although it was steadily coming back in large supply thanks to the Repenters.

Still, it didn’t change that it was important to refrain from using their powers unnecessarily.

“But it will depend on what the appropriate reaction will be after the first stage.” Galia added as she looked down at the map.

She pointed at a red crystal that sat directly at the frontlines.

“5,000 would-be Condemned await my order inside of the forest.” She continued, right before Jury spoke.

“Somehow, that doesn’t sound like a lot.”

“It’s a matter of perspective.” Andra stated. “You have less than 100 contributing forces, but the quality is what matters. Their role defines exactly what their worth is, not by the weight of their blood. Healing Serums, Talons, Moons. The last time there were this many Moons on the battlefield was during the War in Heaven.”

“Pray that this does not become something worse.” Galia ominously stated. “Uriel will be here, as will Iscario. They’ll have significant Impuritas presence from that alone. My fallen 12th Apostle likes to surround himself with miserable souls, all so that he can shine.”

Galia took the red crystal and pushed it into the smoke.

“We will gauge their response and draw out a first wave. That is phase one.”

She placed multiple green crystals across the map in key locations. Galia knew these places by heart, as did her 1st Branch Apostle. They had both lived in Grandis for long enough to know the significance of these locations.

Additionally, there were three blue crystals that depicted the different phases of their assault.

Everything was charted out, down to the elevation, winds, and weather patterns.

Jury and Ander huddled around the map, their eyes burning the image into their minds. It was the nth time since Galia had gone over the plan. This was the last time they’d see it.

“Jury and I will not yet make our appearance until something comes up. There is a lot of land between here and Primus Ramus, so there is a possibility that the main response will be closer inland. Remember this; the Impuritas are nothing without their Hearts.”

Andra and Jury nodded simultaneously, as Andra’s eyes swelled with glee. A glint of bloodlust could be seen in her eyes, and it grew the closer they approached the beginning of their bloody war.

“Phase two will consist on a scorched earth assault. Everything marked here within 50 kilometers will be flattened by Simonia’s Justica Starfalls. That land will serve as a buffer for us.”

“And stage three?” Andra salivated as she spoke, nearly unable to contain her bloodlust.

“The 2nd Branch and Time Reverberation beings a combined assault. We will move the entirety of the black forest forward as a false front line. I do not need to remind you to not get close to them once they’re active. Infusion C can injure even a Beholder.”

Galia emphasized her last point.

Indeed. The Impuritas were trapped with all 16 canisters of Infusion C – Cataclysm.

These were only the major points of Galia’s war plan. It did not include Caldera Industries’ presence or the other assisting fronts, not to mention Inflow Direct intended to assist them when they moved further into the north.

It was kept open ended so that they could adapt as the situation called for it.

“The goal of this war is push up as far as we can to Primus Ramus.” Galia concluded. “Frost and Cer will be there long before us. We need to pull as much pressure off them by any means possible while they deal with the heart of the enemy’s forces. You may interpret it as a way to cleanse the north too, but don’t be greedy. War is ruthless. There will be remnants even after are done.”

A remorseful look overcame Galia suddenly.

“It will take a miracle for Grandis to heal after this.”

Andra was not as concerned. Galia knew this, but she did not scold nor care what she thought for that matter. Jury wanted to say something, but perhaps because of her open nature, Galia immediately sensed her intentions and smiled.

“It’s heavy, but it’s not for you to carry. I’m human. I was born as the best practitioner for this role.” She said. “… Jury. Whatever happens in this war, I want you to promise me something.”

Galia reached out to hold onto Jury’s unclawed hand.


“Do not blame yourself for whatever happens to any of us. Can you do that for me?”

After a minute of silence, Jury finally answered.

“I’ll try.”


* * *


Not long after, the trumpets of war reverberated across Grandis.

War was here.


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