New Love

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: New Love

Is the tavern owner.

He just slept and went out to patrol the night. He was worried that if someone drank too much, something would happen.

She had just gone through some unknown absurdity, she was so nervous, Jiang Yun had not calmed down yet. In the middle of the night, she finally took a breath. She came here so suddenly, she was a little stiff and couldn’t help herself. He straightened his back and became careful.

The door was locked, and people outside would definitely not be able to come in, but it was unnerving. The thick walls seemed to be thinning in an instant, like paper that would break with a poke.

This kind of secret stimulation was more annoying than in the bathroom before, but he didn’t do anything at the moment, but he taught Jiang Yun that he couldn’t help his heart palpitations.

In the years when she was with Qin Zhao, she never did anything out of the ordinary. She could not hold other things if she was alone in her heart. She never had any crooked thoughts at all. The reaction is also normal.

In fact, to a certain extent, she and Qin Zhao have long been separated. Regardless of whether the other party agrees or not, these behaviors have nothing to do with it, not to mention that if you are an adult, others can’t control it.

But this is just a departure from the actual idea. As far as reality is concerned, it is neither suitable for emotion nor reason. Those people outside are all friends of Qin Zhao, they all know her, and they have been in communication more or less, while Lu Nianzhi is with Qin Zhao. Qin Zhao was very friendly, and they had a very good relationship before that, so that Qin Zhao often talked about this person and would always say a few words to Jiang Yun.

Their absurdity is somewhat unethical, with unspeakable taboos in them.

The night was too quiet, and the room was empty and depressing, as if it was about to collapse at any moment. Jiang Yun couldn’t help curling up his fair and round toes, pressing his feet tightly against Lu Nianzhi’s legs, feeling the warmth on the other’s skin, as if he could feel more at ease.

Lu Nianzhi lowered his eyes and loosened his grip on her ankle a little, letting her come to him.

Jiang Yun was so white that even the skin on the back of his feet was white and tender, and he could faintly see the cyan meridian lines under the flesh.

Lu Nianzhi’s hand inadvertently brushed against the back of her foot, perhaps a little itchy, she shrank uncontrollably and moved subconsciously. Lu Nianzhi tightened his grip again, not letting her back away, the strength in his hand was a little heavy.

The two looked at each other, and the air was almost stagnant.

Some behaviors are unintentional, but they are hooking when they are done. For example, Jiang Yun’s hands are behind him, and his body is slightly raised. When she opened it, she showed her smooth shoulder on the left side and thin straight legs, which was quite mature and charming.

At the age of twenty-six, after the youthful years, experienced the polishing of wind and frost, the charm that has settled in the bones begins to show. You don’t have to do anything, just move it like that and it’s very attractive.

Her legs are side by side. Since one foot is against Lu Nianzhi, her right leg has to be slightly bent to be stable. In this posture, she is half-upward, and the smooth silk fabric will concave her figure. The curve is outlined, inadvertently tempting.

Lu Nianzhi looked at her, took all her subtle reactions into his eyes, and knew what she was worried about.

“With the door closed, he can’t come in,” she said in a voice that only two people could hear. “It’s okay.”

In appeasing Jiang Yun, his tone was rarely peaceful and gentle.

Jiang Yun was not used to it, she was already tense, but after hearing this, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Her face was thin, her face was calm and unchanged, but her ears were a little hot.

Lu Nianzhi is fine if he doesn’t speak, but when he speaks, something is wrong.

Jiang Yun pursed his lips, and after a long while, gave a low hum.

At this time, there was another knock on the door outside, but it didn’t make a sound, just twice, as if to determine whether the people inside had fallen asleep.

Jiang Yun subconsciously grasped the sheet under her body to relieve her tension and discomfort. She didn’t turn her head away, broke free from Lu Nianzhi’s deep eyes, and looked at the door calmly.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t speak anymore.

I don’t know how long it took, but it wasn’t long anyway. I couldn’t wait for a response from the room. The tavern owner thought it should be fine, but Jiang Yun was drunk and fell asleep without turning off the lights, so he didn’t continue knocking on the door, and he didn’t bother anymore. Don’t worry. Gently left.

Jiang Yun heard the slight footsteps, and immediately relaxed, his tense body softened, and he moved his legs.

The person in front of her was still holding on to her, so she looked away, raised her hand and tucked her hair as if nothing had happened, stepped back a little, and said softly, “Let go…”

Lu Nianzhi just let go, but he didn’t plan to get up, but still sat beside the bed.

Jiang Yun glanced at him calmly, and pulled his nightgown to cover the light. His thin white thighs were naked, and then he pulled down the neckline of the nightgown that was loosely draped over his arms, restraining all his emotions, for a while. , and then said: “It’s time to go, there is no one outside now.”

If he doesn’t leave yet, if someone gets up at night and comes out again, just like before, when will he go. Jiang Yun was really tired and had no strength all over her body. She couldn’t keep her eyelids open. gone.

Lu Nianzhi was too calm, looking at her with long beautiful eyes, “Are you worried?”

Jiang Yun was stunned for a while, but he said frankly, “No.”

It’s just a little embarrassing, and there is a feeling that I can’t tell.

She has always been relatively quiet, she has never done anything too far away, and she has never even thought about it. Such a reaction is normal.

Qin Zhao can cheat and still be poised and unhurried, like someone who has nothing to do with her performance, but she can’t.

“They won’t find out.” Lu Nianzhi said, stroked her face, and then stood up.

Jiang Yun couldn’t think of a word to answer, just listened.

“Let’s go.” Lu Nianzhi said again.

Jiang Yun didn’t respond, and watched her open the door and leave. After a while, she didn’t hear any movement outside, so she lay down at ease.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he slept with the lights on in the second half of the night.

The next time the tavern was completely silent, and everyone rested until dawn.

Most of the shops on North Street only open after 8:30. At dawn, the whole street is not noisy, and no one gets up on the second floor of the tavern. It was too late last night, and everyone was so drunk that everyone was woken up. Not wanting to move, I continued to sleep with my head covered.

Jiang Yun slept so deeply that he was never woken up by the noise outside. It was past eleven o’clock when he woke up. Her usual routine is very regular. She goes to bed early and gets up early. Usually, she wakes up before dawn, even on weekends, it will not exceed ten o’clock. When she opens her eyes and sees that it is already this time, she has to get up quickly and go to the bathroom to wash up. , after all, in someone else’s place, it’s not very good to sleep until three poles in the sun.

Because of last night’s hangover, her head hurt a little after waking up, and she felt very uncomfortable. After taking a shower, she came out and sat on the edge of the bed to rest for a while before changing her clothes.

There was an unpleasant smell of alcohol on the clothes. Fortunately, the smell was relatively mild, so I could barely endure it, and I could change it when I got home.

After changing clothes, Jiang Yun tidied up the room and bathroom. The bathroom was messy, the bathtub was not filled with water, and the bottles and jars for washing were also scattered. They were all made by the two of them last night.

Jiang Yun has always been attentive and will not leave any traces to be found.

After doing all this, she took her things and went out, checking her phone as she walked.

The phone was on mute, and I received a bunch of text messages and missed calls in the past night.

Who else could do this except Qin Zhao, Jiang Yun clicked in, exited without looking at it, and then opened WeChat to see if there was any news from other people. She doesn’t want to see Qin Zhao now, and she doesn’t even want to see the news of the other party, but considering that there are so many bad things that have not been resolved, she has to contact this person after a while, so she can only hold back the attack.

Qin Zhao is at the top of her chat list, the first and only one. Before Xu Zhiyi appeared, Qin Zhao had to hold her mobile phone and put herself on top, saying that she would be the most important person to her.

Jiang Yun is more rational and doesn’t care about these things very much. In her heart, the other half is the most important thing, and it doesn’t have to be reflected on a social software, but when Qin Zhao said that, she even took out her mobile phone to show her, saying that she has been When it was her pinning, Jiang Yun was helpless and a little moved.

“You have long been the most important person in my life, in the past and in the future.” Qin Zhao said at that time.

Memories are like dull knives, a knife is not fatal, but it still hurts.

No matter how free and easy Jiang Yun is, he still feels a little sad when he thinks of these pasts, and feels sad and ironic.

She moved her hands, and without hesitation, canceled the pinning, and deleted Qin Zhao from the chat list, out of sight.

In addition to Qin Zhao, someone else sent her a message, a colleague who used to have a better relationship in the company, and asked her how she was doing these two days and whether she planned to find a new job in the near future. A colleague has a network and can introduce her to another company, which is no worse than the original one.

Jiang Yun didn’t plan to work for the time being, and wanted to rest for a while, so he would finish his personal affairs first, so he thought about it, thanked him, and declined.

There is also a friend request on WeChat, which was sent by Lu Nianzhi.

The two of them only have each other’s numbers and have never added friends. The application was sent around 8 o’clock. The avatar was a pure white picture with nothing, and the note was the person’s name.

Neat and direct, no twists and turns.

Jiang Yun was stunned, hesitating whether to agree.

After hesitating for a moment, I finally clicked towards [Accept].

At this time, she had already walked down the stairs and reached the first floor, but before she clicked on it, a familiar voice suddenly came from not far away.


The unique title made her pause.

—It’s Qin Zhao.

When she was a few months old, Qin Zhao always shouted like this, saying that it would be closer to her.

Jiang Yun raised his head and looked straight.

Qin Zhao was standing four or five steps away.

There were other people next to them, the girl in overalls smiled and said, “Azhao came all the way back, and stopped before taking a break, for fear that we would abduct people away. no.”

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