New And Improved Harry Potter

Chapter 171: Harry's Recovery

Moody's POV

The talks had gone well, and the treaty was hashed out. Middleton left to draw it up all legal like, and she would return in the morning for it to be signed. Moody took the queen to show her were they would be living. He wanted her to talk to her 'generals' and let them know where their troops would be patrolling and what they would be doing. He went over the training they would receive and even showed her the mini obstacle course he set up. It had bobbing hoops and buzzing projectiles for them to dodge. There were even some on the ground for them to exercise their legs, in case they ever lost use of their wings. With four arms to use, a target range was also there. He'd train them to survive, and get the job done.

The part for the tunnels set aside for the nest was in a junction on the second level. While Alastor had been stalking the tunnels, he cleaned them. Knowing they were going to be used for spying, he didn't want anything to interfere with that. A sneeze could distract you, and then you'd miss something important. The place he picked out was near the atrium, that way the doxies would be able do see who came and went. It was far enough that the noise wasn't that bad, and there could be draperies hung on the walls to lessen it still. That and it was what they ate anyway. It would be up to the Head of the DMLE to make sure they were refreshed when needed.

Bones had made sure the part of the DMLE was made in magical oaths. Like the muggle Prime Minister, it was something that came with the office. If someone decided they would use the doxies as something other than spies, the reigning queen could take her people and leave.

Harry's POV

Inside Harry's head, he was on the bed in the medical bay. McCoy was running his medical tricorder over the wounds healing what he could. Cuts closed, and bruises lessened. His sore muscles relaxed some, but he would feel like shite when he woke in the real world.

"Well, there's was only one broken bone, so that's a plus. You might want to take it easy for a day or two. Your ribs are going to hurt," the doctor said, putting his equipment down. "You're still going to feel like you tried to bench press a hundred pounds," he added with a smirk. Okay, so his bedside manner never was the best.

"That's alright, it's probably better that I do. I grossly underestimated him. Who would have thought such a small being could pack such a punch," Harry said as he gingerly sat up. "Who do you think won?" he asked Worf who was standing next to his bed.

"It is hard to tell," the Klingon said thoughtfully. "You both fought valiantly, and there were a great many good moves throughout the fight. You had the superior magic, as shown by your shield. Had you not dropped it, there would have been no fight. Snarlfist, however, was a better warrior. He kept you on the defense most of the battle. If the goblins are honorable, they will weigh both and declare it a draw."

"Ah, man, really?" the boy whined. "I thought I did pretty good."

"Your aim was sloppy, and your strategy weak. You rushed in and missed more times then you hit. You maintained a good defense and used his height against him, like I taught you. But, he was the better fighter," Worf stated as fact. He had to admit the boy had come far from two nights/weeks ago, but he would never be a hand-to-hand fighter. No his strength laid with magic. Remembering some of the memories retrieved, this teen would do well in life to death situations. The things he came up with were amazing. The luck he had was awe inspiring.

"Well, bugger. Oh well, it's okay, at least now that particular goblin won't see me as a kid anymore," the now mostly-healed teen conceded. He really didn't care if he won, he only wanted to get his point across. It was something he tried to tell Sirius since this started, but the man was too worried to listen.

Worf suddenly looked very uncomfortable. "Harry," he said reluctantly, a grimace on his face, like what he was about to say was unpleasant, "for an unskilled warrior, you did well." He looked like someone had yanked the words from his throat. Klingons did not compliment others often, so when they it was high praise.

"Thanks," Harry said with a beaming smile. "I own it all to you."

"Yes, well… I have duties to preform," the large man said, turning sharply around and marching out the door.

"Well, I never thought I'd see the day when Worf gave a compliment," Bones said with a chuckle.

"It did seem to hurt him to do so," the teen said still smiling. "So, when can I get out of here?"

"You're all set," the doctor stated. "You can wake up at any time."

So, he did. Harry blinked his eyes at the bright lights in the room. Just like the medbay, this room was also very clean and bright, though the bed was shorter. He blinked a couple of times and when he could see he looked around. There didn't appear to be anyone in the room, but he could hear people talking just beyond his door.

"What do you mean it's a tie?" Sirius exclaimed loudly. "Harry bloody well won that fight. Didn't you see his shield? He won, I tell you." Now that the fight was over he was determined that Harry got his due. He never did place a bet, he had been too worried. However, he would have lost anyway seeing as he would have bet his entire fortune on Harry, even if he didn't think the boy would win. He was raised that goblins could wipe the floor with one wizard. They may have lost most of the wars, due to the sheer number of wizards, but one-on-one it was supposed to be a no-brainer. He did learn from all of this, never to underestimate his godson again.

"We have to take everything into consideration," the king answered. "There were many variables, but all things considered, Snarlfist got in the most blows. It is only due to your godson's magic that it is being called a draw." Ragnuk was not any happier with this than the man in front of him. He wanted his warrior to win, but they had been to lax lately and now he was going to have to up everyone's training. The paperwork alone made this an unpleasant thought.

"Sirius," Harry called to the door to stop the argument. "It's alright. I did what I wanted."

His godfather rushed into the room and made his way to his side. "Harry!" he shouted. "You did great." His face was grinning with pride.

"Yeah, I held my own," the teen stated proudly. "What happened to Snarlfist?"

"He passed out a few minutes after you did. But for some reason your wounds healed up on their own. Like that Wolverine guy in that comic book you leant me," the excited man said, all but jumping in place. He really like Wolverine. He just hoped Harry didn't get the claws. There would be no way to explain that.


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