New And Improved Harry Potter

Chapter 169: Goblins vs. Wizards

The drums started, and Harry went to the fight area. Snarlfist met him there and the two circled each other. They did this five times, weighing each other with their eyes. Each found the other lacking. Suddenly the goblin darted forward and conjured a knife, which he used to slash at the human's shoulder. A golden dome flared, and the knife was reflected, making them both jump back.

The audience booed and were calling the teen various names of a coward.

Sirius perked up, he had forgotten Harry's defensive system. Maybe his godson wouldn't get hurt after all.

"What is the meaning of this, coward? How can you fight fairly if no one can touch you, weakling?" he growled, snarling at the young human, spitting mad. He would have his taste of blood from this boy, one way or another.

"Wait, sorry, hold on. I'll disable that," Harry said sheepishly and quickly thought to Picard, 'Captain, you need to drop the defense system to 10%, so I can fight this guy. Only use the shields if I'm in deadly danger.'

'Understood,' came the voice in his head.

"Right," Harry said to the goblin with a nod, "Sorry about that. Let's try again, shall we?" He took the fighting stance once more and they circled each other again.

This time Harry took the first step, moving his hand in a grabbing motion, he caught the goblin in the stomach, and tossed him over his shoulder.

The goblin landed on his feet and jabbed the boy's kidney with quick fists.

"Ow, dammit that hurt, you little bugger," the teen protested, whirling around and conjuring a good-sized rock, which he then threw at his opponent, who effortlessly dodged it.

Snarlfist circled his right hand in the air and many blunt projectiles appeared, like oversized squashed up bullets. Smirking viciously, he swished his hand forward and directed the weapons to the human. They rained down on Harry with quite a force. Not enough to kill, but he would feel it in the morning.

"Shite," Harry said, darting back and forth so he wouldn't be hit. He conjured a round shield to deflect what he could. His arm bouncing with the impacts. A few glanced off him, and he knew he would have bruises later. One had hit the side of his head, making him shake it to clear the fuzzies. There was a trickle of blood slowly running down the side of his face.

The goblins in the audience cheered and money was exchanged. First blood had been drawn.

Sirius was openly worried, his hands wrung, and his face was tense.

Waters wasn't quite as concerned, he knew the goblin would only wound his client. It was the kid's fault for picking a fight. Besides, he'd sue the hell out of the bank should Potter die.

"Fuck this shite," our hero said to himself, standing and turning towards his opponent, dispersing his shield. He then conjured a bat'leth, which is a double-sided scimitar type weapon with a curved blade, four points, two at the end and two further in, and three leather wrapped handholds on the back. Worf had drilled him on the basics, so he was fairly certain he could hold his own. He grabbed the two outer handholds, lowered himself a bit to be at level with the smaller being, like the Klingon had taught him, and said, "Let's dance."

Snarlfist grinned at the turn of events and conjured his own weapons, one long hooked blade, and a short sword. "Let's," he said.

And the two met in the middle clashing blades, both trying to find an opening. They danced around each other, both drawing blood with shallow cuts on arms and legs. Jumping a twirling, they fought. Worf giving Harry instructions in his head, correcting him on stance and movement. Then the goblin made a quick parry and got under Harry's defense, getting him in the side.

The noise in the arena rose as the onlookers cheered and more money changed hands.

"Harry!" he heard Sirius yell.

Harry leaped back and held the bat'leth in front of him as a shield, twirling it with his magic so nothing could get past it. He glanced down, pulled his shirt open at the slice and saw it was a nasty wound, but nonfatal. The cut was deep, but the blood flowed sluggishly. He grabbed the bat'leth once more and snarled. "Arsehole, that was fucked up. I'm done playing now." He then moved forward and swung the weapon with all his might, catching the gloating goblin in the shoulder, rendering his left arm useless, and causing him to drop the hooked blade.

The audience booed at this turn of events, while Sirius and Albert cheered.

"You'll pay for that, human," Snarlfist said, lifting his sword in his right hand, adjusting his stance to compensate and darting towards Harry.

They danced a while more, both landing blows and drawing blood. A quick strike here, a long draw there, drawing more and more blood. Soon both fighters started getting tired. Their aims became sluggish and missed more times than not.

Snarlfist, for all he was of warrior race, had spent years behind a desk and was not as up to shape as he should have been. Banking was not doing the goblins any good when it came to fighting. They still had the instinct, but not the stamina. Something that was going to be rectified after this fight. It showed them that they had become lax.

Both the contenders met in the middle, metal met metal as they each tried to force the other down. Harry's height gave him and advantage, but Snarlfist's strength was just as potent. Back and forth they went in a final volley to end the fight. Neither giving up.

Just as they were about to go for the 'kill', they heard a voice call, "Halt."

The audience booed, except for Sirius who had spent the last thirty minutes on the edge of his seat, ready to jump in if he had to. No, his godfather sighed with relief that it was over.

"What the fuck? This was just getting interesting," Harry said, moving away from Snarlfist, who did the same. Both were in terrible condition, each sported some nasty wounds. The goblin's left arm still hung at his side, and he had a bad cut on his chest and right arm. While Harry was still nursing his side and had a large cut on his right leg, making it hard to stand. Both were covered in blood, but none of it seems fatal. At least nothing a healer couldn't handle, if treated soon.

"Time is up," Ragnuk stated, getting between them.

"That fucking sucks," the teen said, swaying a bit on his feet, seeing the goblin do the same. They had both suffered blood loss, and it looked like it was catching up to them.

"Nevertheless, this fight is over," was the terse reply.

"Oh, okay. Who won?" Harry asked and then promptly passed out.


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