NeToRi System

62 – Time For Tests

All Dave could do was twiddle his thumbs waiting for the test to be over. The downside of finishing early. If he did anything he might be accused of cheating after all. Hell he might be accused of it anyway if the results for this test were as good as he expected them to be. They might not believe it when comparing them to his scores up until recently. No need to add any extra weight to such accusations.

When they finally got out of the class Kate wrapped her arms around his arm. "How did you do?" she asked curiously.

Dave shrugged nonchalantly. "Fine, probably," he said.

She smiled not even questioning it despite his less than stellar track record. He had already impressed her enough to completely overcome his first impression. If he said he could do it she would believe him. He was her man after all. She didn't seem to think of her previous man she callously abandoned to be with him though.

It seemed this was a week meant for testing as not only did one of his morning classes have a written test, but the same happened again during the afternoon. He wouldn't be surprised if a few more happened throughout this week as outside of the official test weeks where the whole week was nothing but tests throughout the year there would be waves of tests every few weeks for a couple of classes to prevent them from being too overwhelmed. This seemed to be one of those.

Outside of that the rest of the day was thankfully uneventful. As much as beating up bullies brought him some primal form of pleasure his life was already stressful enough with the situation at home without his life at school adding even more to it. It would likely take some time for Jeffrey to build up his confidence to make another move, he really hoped that was the case so he could take some time focusing on other things. He still needed to find a gym for training his combat skills and get through his apprenticeship at the gym so he could finally start making some decent money. For his work as an apprentice he was barely getting a pittance in them covering his memberships and a free meal while he was there. As nice as that was his goal was financial independence from his father for himself and Jackie.

After school he swung by the gym to get in more time on his apprenticeship. To his dismay Vanessa still seemed determined to avoid him which prevented him from having any conversation with her let alone discussing what had happened between the two of them.

When he came back home surprisingly he only found Jackie. It seemed his father had really been serious about focusing on training this time. When his father was originally focused on rising the ranks in the league he had been similarly dedicated to training, but that had stopped years ago when he had became famous and successful. He still trained, but with nowhere near the same dedication. Unfortunately, his ability meant despite him slacking in training he still managed to maintain the physique that allowed him to dominate the league rather than punish his laziness.

It seemed his loss had knocked some sense in to him, even if it was too little too late. Dave wasn't going to complain though as the longer his father's focus was elsewhere the more time he himself had to grow. His physique was already catching up to his father with his physique since his father was deteriorating at an equally rapid rate as he was improving. Now with [Enhanced Neuroplasticity] he should be able to brush up and improve his martial arts skills far faster than his father could ever dream of doing.

He got to the kitchen to find Jackie with a smile wearing an apron while finishing up dinner preparations for them. He smiled walking up behind her and giving her a tender kiss on the neck as he watched what she was working on.

"Hmm looks good," he said.

She smirked lightly while still focusing on the food. "Are you talking about me or the food?" she asked. 

He chuckled lightly. "Hmm... let me think..." he said.

She pouted in response. "What? You need to think about it?" she asked. She acted outraged, but he could tell she was just playing with him.

He smiled. "Well you're a great cook..." he said. He might have been teasing her, but it wasn't an exaggeration. Though she wasn't a trained profession chef for a home cook she ranked near the top. Definitely the best he had had himself from someone not professionally trained.

She rolled her eyes. "Ok mister smooth why don't you go set the table while I finish up," she said.

"Sure," he said. It didn't take long for him to set the table for two so she could serve dinner.

After sharing an intimate meal between the two of them they ended up cuddling together on the couch watching some TV. It was some kind of crime procedural she enjoyed watching. He wasn't particularly interested, but didn't mind it either. He was resting in the corner with her pressed up beside him her chest pressing up against his. His arm was wrapped around her waist and his hand had snuck under her shirt playfully caressing her smooth abdomen. They were just enjoying each other's presence. Any time they could spend together as a couple without the interference of his father's presence was precious.

It was already almost ten at night when they heard the front door being unlocked. They quickly unentangled themselves from each other. By the time the door was unlocked and opened and they could hear his father taking off his bag and jacket she had already moved to the other end of the couch and straightened her clothing to look more proper.

It was all just in time as his father walked into the living room just moments later.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Ed Sheeran - Various Tracks

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