NeToRi System

44 – Standing Up

Jackie had actually delayed dinner for him, but this seemed to have annoyed his father who took to drinking instead.

By the time he got home his father was already quite drunk. It seemed when dinner was delayed he had started drinking more in his annoyance.

When he came in Jackie started serving dinner which seemed to tip off his father that dinner had been delayed for Dave's sake and he did not take it well.

"You made me wait just for this useless piece of shit?" he asked aggressively pointing at Dave.

He staggered over to Jackie trying to grab her.

Jackie was practically shaking as she watched him approach. "N-no, it was... it was just... I-I..." was all she managed to get out.

Dave stepped in front of Jackie blocking his father. Jackie gave him a grateful look and her shaking calmed down.

"Get the fuck... out of my... way boy," he managed to get out despite his slightly slurred speech which caused Jackie to flinch.

Dave started his father in the eyes, he refused to budge. Adrenaline was surging through his veins. "No! You're going to leave her alone. Now sit the fuck back down!" he yelled.

"What do you think you're going to do about it?" his father sneered while making a grab for him.

Even drunk if his father got ahold of him he would be in some serious danger. Dave managed to avoid his grab and shoved him back as hard as he could before squaring up ready to start a fight.

Due to his father's drunk state he stumbled and fell even hitting his head against the edge of the dinner table on the way down.

Jackie covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my god!" she yelled.

The dining room was entirely silent. His father didn't seem to be getting up or even moving.

After a few moments without any response Dave carefully crouched beside his father. He couldn't see any blood which was a good start. He held his hand over his father's mouth. Thankfully, he still seemed to be breathing which was a massive relief. It wasn't that he would actually mind his father dying all that much at this point, but he didn't want either himself or Jackie to take the fall for it. He just wasn't worth that it.

"Ok, he's still breathing," he reassured Jackie.

"W-what do we do?" she asked, barely managing to contain a panic attack.

"Ok, you call 911. Just tell them he was drunk, fell, hit his head and has been unconscious since," he told her. His father had been very drunk and if they did actually run his blood they would easily believe their story.

She nodded rapidly. "O-ok," she said quickly calling emergency services.

Dave pulled her aside telling her not to say anything about the fight and just repeat what she had told them over the phone and wait for his father to wake up before deciding what to do from there. He also told her if they requested to run his blood work to definitely give them permission to get his alcohol levels on record.

It didn't take long after the call had been completed for an ambulance to appear. They checked his vitals before loading him into the ambulance.

Jackie went along with them to the hospital leaving Dave home alone.

As soon as they left the concerned look disappeared from Dave's face. He just went about his business and started working out and studying as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

While working out Kate texted him.

[Kate: How did your class go?]

[Dave: Class was good. Afterwards my dad god drunk and hit his head though.]

[Kate: Oh no! Is he ok?]

[Dave: He will probably be fine.]

[Kate: Are you sure?]

[Dave: It's not the first time he has been drunk or hit his head. He was unconscious so the ambulance had to take him to the hospital.]

[Kate: Shouldn't you be more concerned?]

[Dave: I would be if he wasn't trying to beat my stepmom before he fell.]

He had decided wasn't going to hide everything from Kate. Sure he wasn't going to tell her everything about his relationship with his father already when they had only known each other for a couple of weeks. However he didn't really want to outright lie to her so he just decided to leave some of the truth out instead.

[Kate: Oh no! Why did he do that?]

[Dave: It's not too out of the ordinary when he gets drunk.]

He didn't receive a response for a while. He wasn't surprised or disappointed. It wasn't the kind of situation people thought would happen to someone close to them. It makes for an awkward situation. He could see the typing symbol pop up a few times before disappearing for a while again until he finally received a message back.

[Kate: Do you want me to come over?]

He smiled.

[Dave: No, it's ok really. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last]

Even though this time he lucked out because his father was drunk off his ass and in no shape to fight he wasn't planning on putting up with it anymore. 

[Kate: Ok, let me know if you change your mind]

[Dave: There are other ways you can cheer me up....]

[Kate: and now I'm sure you're actually fine]

She went silent for a while again before he finally received a picture of her bent over with nothing but a bra and panties on showing off her ample cleavage.

Not even a few moments later he also got a picture she took of her back in the mirror showing off her ass.

[Dave: Damn! Wasn't actually expecting it, but nice]

Right as he was getting ready for some solo fun with the new material Kate provided he heard the front door close.

[Dave: Sorry, gotta go! ttyl]

[Kate: I'm sure you'll be "busy" for a while ;)]

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Bad Omens - Various Tracks

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