Chapter 8: I’ve Missed You So Much
Locking the door behind him as soon as he'd entered the booked room, Wolf turned around to face Renee who was already sitting on the edge of the bed and taking her boots off. Throwing her socks, and anklets to the side, she stared at the ground with not a single thought running through her head. Heaving a sigh, she followed the wooden floor to Wolf's feet, and then let her gaze climb up his masculine frame.
She wished she could open her arms wide and invite him to bed, however, the brand of betrayal left on her heart–wouldn't let her do it.
"Why did you leave, that too for a whole year?" She muttered, her throat heavy with emotions.
Gulping, she tried to drown that sorrow, but her attempt to mask her true feelings only ended up making her more vulnerable. Flooding out through her lips came a hic, followed soon after by a hissing cry. Sniffling, she looked away while barely holding her tears, but at this point, it was far too late to keep up her pretense.
"Ohhh…fuck you, Wolf…" She huffed, her mouth wide open as she began drawing deep breaths to calm herself. Crossing her arms tight under her armored breasts, she wiped the trail of tears with one hand while the other squeezed tight against her chest. "I thought you left me for good, met some stupid bimbo at the castle and forgot about me! Do you have any idea how it feels not knowing whether the person you've been with your entire life will ever return to you or not?"
Her voice grew weaker and weaker as she spoke, yet her cries grew louder. Her body trembled under the weight of the emotions that she'd been hiding for over a year. She felt crushed by the weight of the exertion she'd placed on herself every night while hoping he would come back and hold her even for a second…
"I-it was a nightmare," swallowing hard, she looked into Wolf's eyes. Her face painted with dried tear marks already, reflected exactly how she felt. "I almost gave up. I was even about to go today to those giant salamander caves, not knowing whether I could still take those monsters on by myself."
At a loss for words, Wolf stood before her as still as an idol. His heart ached for her sorrow, but there was something that ached far worse. Lifting his head, he began taking off his fur coat. A look of shock took over Renee, she couldn't believe he was still planning to do the deeds despite all that she'd just said.
"Wolf not now…" She whispered, but the moment his coat was on the floor and he turned to his side to show off one of his arms, a gasp escaped Renee.
Masked under a veil of magic were brands seared into his flesh. Each a language only known to witches, somehow the prince had figured out how to use it on himself. Thanks to those brands, one hand of the prince burned with clear blue flames that could freeze fire itself and the other burned so bright it could cinder a forest into dust with a single touch of the finger.
"Y-your mother's witch brands?! WHY?!" Leaping off the bed, Renee rushed over to him. Grabbing his arm, she took a closer look at both the cursed witch's brands. "W-wolf…Why would you do this to yourself?!"
Before Wolf could present an answer, Renee turned him around to see the brand on his back left on him by his dead mother. Still seared into his back like a scar, it served as a curse–a memento of sorts, by his witch of a mother.
"By the goddess…you already had one curse, but now…really, why would you…"
"To protect you and the queen," slowly turning back to face her, Wolf grabbed Renee by her arms and pulled her even closer. As their bodies pressed against each other, the two could feel their beating hearts pounding right next to each other. Sharing a deep glance into each other's eyes, the secret lovers held their silence for a moment, but then it was broken by the revelation of truth. "I studied every book in that castle, everything the old kings procured on those shelves, and after a lot of consideration, the only way I could find to get even stronger was to use the brands as mediators between magic and the physical."
"But why? As far as I know, you're the strongest man in Aestonia, so why?" Renee's nail dug into Wolf's chest and the desperation in her eyes continued to grow deeper. She was scared that he was pushing himself too far, but her questions were swiftly put to rest.
"I know but I also know that William is gonna cheat in the coming competition, and what happens if he wins? Do you think he'll keep me alive, that he'll keep anyone alive that doesn't simply bow to his every whim?" Grabbing her hand, Wolf moved it around on his toned body, making her feel the tension held within every fibre of his being. "And don't worry, I worked myself to the bone to ensure I could handle the brands. I used to be a scholar, Renee, have a little trust in me."
As her hands moved across his chest, his arms, and the back of his body, Renee could feel the difference in Wolf since they'd last met. And it may not have been obvious at first, but he'd gone from a tall stallion to a breeding bull made of solid steel. The mere tension of his muscles fought against her finger as she tried to press them in, the feeling not only set her doubts to rest but also erupted in her a ticklish feeling.
Gradually bringing eyes and her hands to his face, she got up on her toes and was lost deep into his gaze.
"As reckless as ever and still crushing over the queen, huh?" With a light chuckle, she threw her arms over his shoulder and brushed her lips against his. "Good thing I don't mind sharing your crazy then~"
And with that, she sealed her lover with a passionate kiss.