Netori SSS-Emperor: All Queens Shall Be Mine!

Chapter 6: The Streets Of Aestonia

Heading out of the castle that sat in the centre of the island nation of Aestonia, Wolf breathed in the ocean breeze and his eyes marveled at the clear blue sky. A flourishing port nation with heavy reliance on commerce, fishing, and tribal shake of hands, the people of Aestonia and its streets were forever bustling with hawkers, carriages and anyone looking for honest work. But mostly merchants lined the stretch of intertwined walkways joining different sections of the kingdom with each other.

Walking amongst his people, the adoptive prince was greeted with smiles. Wolf's days as an adventurer spoke volumes for his care for the common man, and having felt the result of his actions first-hand, they treated him with far greater respect than the people back at the castle. 

It all started with him slaughtering a pack of goblins as a mage, but as time went on and he aged, his methods evolved. Eventually embracing both magic and his physical prowess, he became the first ever known elemental barbarian.

"It's the prince!" Exclaimed a dog-eared woman selling fresh fish on the sidewalk. Standing by her was her daughter with an unfortunate faunan ear cut slightly off.

Smiling at them with a hint of pain hidden behind his eyes, Wolf continued walking down the road, greeting everyone as he went, for it had been a long time since he'd left the castle. Although he passed many others, the state of that girl reflected to him like a mirror to the past. He could still see himself in that puddle, the queen's hand stretched towards him.

'I probably would've ended up the same way if the queen never picked me up.' He thought, all the while ignoring the many merchants calling him to their shops. Some hoped to sell him their goods, the others either loved him for what he'd done for them in the past, but then there were also those who kept shooing him away since he too was a commoner but treated much differently than themselves.

"Is it true that you defeated Prince William in a single punch this morning?!" Asked another woman, her body stiff with fear and yet she couldn't help but ask that question of the adoptive prince. 

Having learned through punishment, it was an unspoken rule, not to speak a word against the tyrant prince as he was known for outright bashing dissenters in the open streets. And although Wolf gave her a glance, he kept his lips sealed for the truth would only fuel a flame that could consume that woman in an instant. However, with a gentle smile and a nod he eased the tension in her body.

Trying not to dwell too long with praises or dissent, Wolf continued down the path and made his way to the towering adventurer's guild. The place was also known as the right hand of the aristocracy and the lifeblood of mercenaries willing to put their lives on the line for rewards. It had been his home in his teenage years as the castle was far from ideal to test his magic theories and raw strength practice. 

With a pouch full of gold that he'd gotten from the queen back then, he managed to buy himself and his friend Renee some starter's equipment, it wasn't much but it served them well. For months they did chores like gathering herbs and ridding the forest of goblins until eventually they had enough experience to take the bigger bounties. From there it was only a matter of time until nothing was off limits, and further down the line nearing the end of his career as an adventurer, Wolf and Renee became known as the best pair of adventurers in town.

'But then…the king fell gravely ill.' Standing before the tall building with the taxidermied heads of giant salamanders hanging by the door, Wolf was reminded why he left that lifestyle. It wasn't because he grew bored or that he no longer had any challenges to face. 'If Mother hadn't called me back to the castle, maybe Renee and I would still be adventuring all over the islands.'

Readying himself to meet his childhood friend again, he reached for the door, but before he could pull a gentle hand landed on his shoulder. Turning around, Wolf noticed the same woman who'd asked him the question about his fight with William. A bit fidgety she looked nervous just standing in front of the prince.

"Please take these!" She requested, holding out a basket filled with cream-puffed pastries towards Wolf. Bowing as low as possible without kneeling the woman held the basket above her head, almost as if she was making an offering.

Baffled by the sudden request, Wolf reached into his pocket to fish out some gold, but hearing the jingle of coin, the woman looked up and stopped him before he could get anything out.

"No! I'm not selling you anything, I just want you to have this as a gift!" Her lips pursed, her eyes furrowed, she pulled the basket back to her chest. Staring for a moment at Wolf's chest, she was lost in concern for a few seconds.

Unsure of what was going on in her head, Wolf reached for her shoulder and to his touch she flinched and stepped away. However, instantly regretting her harsh jump, she bowed her head again and spoke up.

"I-I just want you to be king, please consider this as a token of this poor woman's support!" Holding the basket forward, she held it so tight it made her hands quiver.

Although still unsure why she had such a trepidant reaction, Wolf grabbed the basket out of her hand and freed her of her burden.

"Thank you," he said and the woman's spirit lifted with a smile.

Bowing one last time, she turned around and began walking away. Watching her as she went, Wolf couldn't help but wonder what exactly she was so scared of, and whether William had something to do with it? But then, he noticed the woman touching a vacant ring finger. It had a visible mark of a ring being there not too long ago, but for some reason, the ring was no longer there.

"That bastard…did he do something to her husband?" Wolf asked himself, but the actions of his brother were far too widespread to gander an assumption. Murder? Kidnapping? Or just a plain ol' beating? Nobody but that woman could say. "I'll ask her about it later."

Making a quick note of that thought, he turned back around and finally pushed the guild's door in. Expecting to meet Renee, there was much for them to do, but before any of that he needed to book a room–for the important matters, of course.

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