Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Chapter 22

22. The First Kiss Was Stolen, And The Green Light Flashed Again! “For Flowers, For Collections!”

“Humph…ha! Humph…ha!”

After Zephyr taught Marine Six Styles, there was a wave of learning in Marine Academy. After all, they were able to compete for their own strength. Even Kuzan, who had been half asleep, was now practicing shaving and Moonwalk outside. In the equipment room , There are only a few people who are crazy about ironing, Leonardo is holding super large dumbbells in both hands and is crazy, I don’t know if he is better in Observation Haki, although Observation Haki is still in the direction of induction gas, but In the past few days, he could vaguely feel that the second leaf of the tree in his heart was about to light up.

But he doesn’t know how to light it, so he can only rely on self-consciousness. The last time he lit up the first leaf was when he was in the equipment room frantically stroking the iron and stroking it, so it has been immersed in the equipment for the past two days. The room is crazy, if it is successfully lit this time, then he should find a way to light the leaves.


Hit me hard!

“I said can you stop kidnapping and screaming, you’re going to kill me.”

Leonardo started masturbating wildly, but Miss Zhuanyuan, who was also masturbating with him in the equipment room, didn’t do it.

Since Zephyr taught Marine Six Styles some time ago in the previous exam, she found that Leonardo had reached the level of Jianhao, and Ms. Zhuanyuan was stimulated. During this time, she practiced harder than a dog. Every day, she was either in the equipment room or in the dormitory. Meditating, but she always felt that she was just a little bit away from Jianhao, that was just a little bit, she just couldn’t get to Jianhao. Today in the equipment room, she was thinking about what that little bit was. Just when I felt a little bit about to think about it, I was interrupted by this guy’s strange cry.

“What are you talking about? This is a public place. When you’re tired, you must call out. Only when you call out will you have passion. If you keep holding it like this, you will only get tired and bored the more you practice… .”

Leonardo said without squinting, while rolling the iron, Miss Zhuanyuan’s sweat-drenched lines couldn’t interfere with him at all, and there was nothing to see in a flat river…

“The more you practice, the more tired you get…. the more tired you get…”

The speaker did not intend to listen to the listener, and when Zhuanyuan heard this, his body seemed to be hit by some shock, and he suddenly stopped and stood there blankly, and his mouth began to talk to himself.

“Hello? Stupid? Are you okay? (⊙_⊙)?”

Seeing her like this, Leonardo couldn’t help but stop and stretch out his hand and shake it in front of her eyes, but he didn’t notice that the palm of his hand began to flash a little green again.

“I finally figured it out!! Thank you…!”


After I didn’t know what to do, Miss Zhuanyuan suddenly screamed in surprise, and then she jumped up and kissed him in Leonardo’s confused eyes, and then realized that she was too excited and exposed, and her face was blushing. Run out of the equipment room.


“Kiss…I’m here! Σ(⊙▽⊙a”

The entire equipment room fell into silence in an instant, and the eyes of the people who were ironing in the equipment room were already staring out.

What did they see?

Zhuanyuan big sister kisses Leonardo on the head…..

For a time, everyone’s complexion changed with the facial expressions that developed a face-changing technique, some were shocked and some were envious.

Zhuanyuan’s big sister’s head and body are a little off, and it’s different when the lights are turned off, but she looks beautiful. It’s not bad to have such a beautiful girl by her side, but the key is to have a hard backstage. Brother-in-law, at least you can save decades of struggle, Marine Admiral or even Marine Marshal is not a dream at all…

Thinking of the eyes that everyone looked at Leonardo with envy, jealousy and hatred, there was a feeling that the Chinese cabbage was arched by a pig…

“(⊙_⊙)…..she kissed me?”

Leonardo touched his lips that had just been touched, and muttered to himself, not knowing whether to ask Dauberman beside him or himself.

The process that happened just now was too fast, and he felt that his lips were touched by something soft, and then he disappeared.

“If…if I’m not mistaken, it’s really a pro.”

Dauberman came back to his senses from being hit by the picture just now, and answered with great certainty.

“Damn girl! This is the first kiss of labor and capital! (#’ dish’)”

After getting the affirmative answer, Leonardo looked sad and angry, as if he had suffered some kind of humiliation.

“…Who isn’t? -_-||”

“It’s cheap to sell it, bah! Shame…(-“-angry)”

Looking at Leonardo with a look of grief and indignation, everyone had a black line and didn’t want to pay attention to this bastard.

“Hey? Leonardo, are you green again?! ヾ(?д?)???”

“Wow! So green! Σ(?Д?;)?”

At this time, Dauberman exclaimed in surprise, and Leonardo began to glow green again as before.

With Dauberman’s shouting, everyone reacted, and over time, they found that the green light on Leonardo’s body was getting brighter and brighter, and the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes he put down blinded him.

“The first kiss of labor and capital…. The first kiss of labor and capital just disappeared…”

Leonardo, as if he hadn’t heard what everyone said, was still thinking about his first kiss being taken away so inexplicably.

Even if he is blind, the girls in the second dimension are all the same in his eyes except for their bodies. His aesthetics for the second dimension are limited to their bodies. He admits that he has some plots of a thief, but normal men are not like this. ? Who is willing to be Zhuge Liang who can be a Cao thief…

Although I have seen the anime and know this future Marine Admiral candidate, Momousagi Vice Admiral will also be a fierce family in the future, Marine is a flower, but that is not the future.

Now it’s just a garden in Yimapingchuan. It’s really not his dish. As for cultivating anything, he has no interest in it. It’s been too long, and life is too short.

But now, he has treasured it for more than ten years… No, the first kiss in his previous life for more than 30 years was added up, and it was stolen so inexplicably.

At this moment Leonardo’s heart is ashes, where is he still in the mood to care about the special green light, the wooden dragon technique that suddenly popped out of his mind.

This thing is only once in a lifetime, and he has been stolen once in two lifetimes!

So what green light, what wood dragon technique can compare? !


Wood Dragon Technique! ! ! (⊙_⊙)

Leonardo, who had been heartbroken a second ago, suddenly realized what had suddenly popped into his mind.

With a question mark on his face, he looked at himself in shock, and sure enough, the green light appeared again!

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