Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 297 Leave the base

Two months later.

"Nan Ci, I'm digging sweet potatoes and potatoes today. Do you want to go take a look?"

Before Mu Qianqian entered the house, the sound came in.

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Nan Ci turned over on the sofa and touched Tiantian on his hand. Then his voice sounded, "I won't go."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Qianqian was already at the edge of the sofa.

Mu Qianqian pushed Nan Ci gently, "Nan Ci, wake up, open your eyes and take a look!"

Nan Ci opened his eyes helplessly and looked at Mu Qianqian who was standing close in front of him, "If you speak, just speak. If you call me, call me. Can you not sound like you are calling a dying person?"

She even opened her eyes and took a look. It sounded like she was going to die!

"Who makes you so lazy!"

Mu Qianqian also felt helpless.

After knowing each other for such a long time, why hadn't she discovered before that Nan Ci actually had such a side?

In the past, Nan Ci was not only smart and capable, but also always vigilant. It was impossible for him to just lie down and sleep every day.

But since the base became regular, Nan Ci seemed to have had a switch turned on, and his whole person had changed.

I'm not sleeping every day, I'm on my way to bed every day.

The only things that could wake her up were four cats and food.

All matters in the base were left to her, Zhou Ziyang and the old Taoist priests.

Even Xu Guang, who had agreed before that he just wanted to have a place to stay in the base, has now become a coolie.

There were several times when someone in the base wanted to develop his own power first, but Xu Guang took care of it.

The more Mu Qianqian thought about it, the more tired she became. Seeing that Nan Ci still didn't open her eyes, she could only push her hard again, "Nan Ci, don't sleep now! Get up and take a look! This is the first time in the base that we have closed the door. Food, you are the director of the base, how can you not go and take a look?"

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is the first time to harvest grain.

Mu Qianqian felt that if Nan Ci didn't show up in the base for too long, people in the base would forget about her.

She is the head of the base, how could she be forgotten?

Although Nan Ci didn't want to go, Mu Qianqian kept whispering in her ears, so she had to open her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll go take a look."

Hearing Nan Ci's answer, Mu Qianqian was completely relieved and became happy, "Then let's leave quickly!"

The two people and four cats got into the car together and headed towards the largest field.

Two months ago, all the planting land in the base was planted with potatoes, corn and sweet potatoes.

The growth cycles of these three grains are relatively short and the yields are relatively high.

Although the taste may not be that good, it doesn't matter.

At first, people in the base were not optimistic.

After all, the base has done planting before, and every time it was good to leave but failed.

After months of exhausting work, the final harvest was very little.

If they had not worked hard to provide them with food rations, those people would not have wanted to waste their energy farming.

But such thoughts did not last long.

A week after the seeds were planted, green seedlings sprouted in the ground.

And these seedlings grow better and faster.

Under normal circumstances, the maturity interval between these three crops is about seventy or eighty days.

It’s only been two months since we’ve fully calculated, and we’re already harvesting it. How can we not surprise people?

When Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian arrived, there were already people standing on the edge of the crop field, with excited expressions on everyone's faces, and everyone was eager to try.

"Taoist Master, when can we start harvesting crops?"

"That's right, everyone is waiting! Why don't you let us start?"

"What are we waiting for?"

Listening to everyone's urging, the expression on the old Taoist priest's face remained unchanged, and when he spoke, his voice was also lazy.

"Waiting for the base commander."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, but soon became unhappy.

"It's been two months, and the base director hasn't shown up in the base yet. You guys are in charge of everything in the base.

The base director didn't care about anything before, but now that the crops are ripe, she's here to pick peaches. This is too much! "

"That's right! Let us tell you, what does such a base commander want her to do? Taoist priest, you are the only one suitable to be the base commander!"

"I think Captain Mu and Captain Zhou are quite suitable!"

Mu Qianqian and Nan Ci had just gotten off the car when they heard the voices of these people.

"These people! What are they talking nonsense about?"

Mu Qianqian's face was gloomy, and even her voice was cold.

"I think they are just too full! That's why they are talking nonsense here!"

Nan Ci was not angry, and looked at Mu Qianqian with a smile, "Why are you angry? They are confirming that you still have the abilities of Taoist Priest and Zhou Ziyang, which is a good thing!

If the three of you weren't really capable, they definitely wouldn't have said that. "

Seeing Nan Ci's serious expression, Mu Qianqian was so angry that she lost her temper, "It's okay if they talk nonsense, why did you start talking nonsense too?"

Just as Nan Ci was about to say that he was not talking nonsense, he heard someone in the crowd speak angrily.

"What the hell are you people talking about!"

"I think you are just ungrateful!"

"Have you forgotten what the base looked like two months ago? Who do you rely on to have a stable life now?

Who do you rely on to have food to eat and clothes to wear? "

"If it weren't for the base commander, you would have been buried in the belly of the mutated fish long ago!"

"I don't know what's wrong! If I were the base commander and heard you say this, I would kick you out of the base!"

His voice was full of anger, because he was shouting at the top of his lungs all the time, and even his voice was broken.

But Nan Ci still heard it, it was Sun Hao's voice.

"Not bad, not bad, Sun Hao is really good." Mu Qianqian praised sincerely, "This person didn't save you in vain, and he also knows how to protect you."

Nan Ci was also a little surprised.

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen Sun Hao for a while.

Sun Hao now takes orders directly from the old Taoist priest.

In this situation, Sun Hao still knew how to defend himself, which shows that he really respects himself in his heart.

Even though Nan Ci was not greedy for power, he still felt a little moved after hearing Sun Hao's words.

At this moment, the old Taoist priest's lazy voice also sounded, "The few people who took the lead in saying this just now, please stand up and leave the base!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

The people who had been shouting just now became mute in an instant, with panic in their eyes.

They really didn't expect that the old Taoist priest, who had always been smiling, would be so merciless that he asked them to leave the base as soon as he opened his mouth.

Life in the base has been very peaceful in the past two months, but they have not forgotten the dangers outside.

If he really left the base and couldn't go very far in the boat, he would probably be eaten by the mutant fish.

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