Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 191 A strange fish with a mouth full of teeth

If he had seen the four cats looking so eager in the past, Nan Ci would have let them play in the water without hesitation.

But now that the water is polluted, Nan Ci doesn't dare to let the four cats go down there.

Even though they were rushing hard all afternoon, the water around them was still a light black color, and you could tell just by looking at the color that it was polluted.

If you are contaminated with this water, who knows if there will be any terrible consequences.

Nan Ci would definitely not let the four cats try this kind of unknown danger.

Nan Ci raised his hand and rubbed the head of the nearest dumpling, "Tangyuan, what are you looking at? Is there anything in the water?"

Originally, Nan Ci just asked this casually and didn't really think there was anything underwater.

However, just after asking, Zhang Yuan suddenly turned his head and shouted lowly at her.

This cry is very different from the usual cry. It is not cheerful or coquettish, but vigilant and angry.

It was as if something in the water was provoking it, making it very angry.

Sensing something wrong with Tangyuan's mood, Nan Ci immediately became alert, "Tangyuan, what's wrong? What's under the water?"

Tangyuan couldn't speak, so of course it couldn't give any answers, but it turned its head and stared at the water. At the same time, it opened its mouth and kept breathing into the water.

Cats will only behave like this when they are very angry and provoked.

Not only the glutinous rice balls, but also the other three cats were also breathing into the water.

Just by looking at their movements, Nan Ci knew that there must be something in the water.

And this thing gives them a sense of danger.

"Taoist Master, go call them two and get ready."

The old Taoist priest agreed softly and stood up, "Be careful, I'll go back quickly."

Before the words were spoken, he had already reached the stairs.

Nan Ci was not looking at the old Taoist priest, but took out the night vision glasses from the space and put them on himself.

After getting these glasses, Nan Ci looked at the water surface again. It was no longer pitch black, but he could clearly see several fish with their big mouths on the sea surface.

These fish are not particularly big, about one meter in length.

But after their mouths are opened, they are a full fifty centimeters.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that they have many teeth in their mouths.

Except for the two outermost rows, which are neatly arranged, the teeth in other places are like nails inserted randomly. While they are messy, it makes people's hair stand on end.

Not scared, just disgusted.

I was so disgusted that I had goosebumps all over my body.

Nan Ci gritted his teeth and tried not to feel nauseated.

Now is not the time to be disgusted.

The most important thing now is to figure out why these strange fish are gathering around the yacht.

Are they the only ones, or are there other similar fish around?

If you ignore them, will they leave on their own?

Question after question popped up in Nan Ci's mind, but he couldn't find any answers.

At this time, one of the fish suddenly opened its mouth again and flicked its tail.

The next moment, the fish jumped directly into the air and jumped directly towards the deck.

Seeing this scene, Nan Ci stopped thinking about the mess, took out a very sharp and long knife from the space, and slashed horizontally at the fish that jumped up.

The knife was not cut in half, but it left a deep wound on his body. Blood spurted out instantly and fell on the deck and the water, making a popping sound.

Because of the injury, the strange fish struggled in mid-air, and then fell back into the water, causing splashes and a splashing sound.

When several other strange fish saw this scene, not only did they not leave, but they stepped on their tails and jumped into the air.

They had no purpose before, but this time, they all came for Nan Ci.

The four cats all grew larger at this moment, and they all raised their claws to catch the strange fish that rushed up.

Nan Ci was not in a daze, and swung the long knife in his hand very fast.

Cats are born with the ability to see at night. Even if they don't wear special glasses, they can still clearly see their surroundings.

Nan Ci wears glasses and can see very clearly.

Nan Ci and the four cats cooperated together, and quickly knocked down several strange fish that had risen into the air back into the water.

The sound of heavy objects falling into the water was very harsh in the silent night.

At this moment, footsteps were heard from the stair deck.

Nanci hesitated for a moment, but still didn't put away his glasses and long knife.

Compared with being discovered by the three of them with long knives and glasses, of course, dealing with these strange fish is more important.

It was the three old Taoist priests who came up. They didn't wear special glasses, and they didn't turn on the lights. Their vision was not good, and they didn't walk fast.

"Nanci, where are you?" Mu Qianqian asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Nan Ci looked like Mu Qianqian, "I'm here, I'm fine, a fish jumped out of the water just now, and was beaten back into the water by Tangyuan and the others. But I think there should be a lot of fish like this here. , don’t take it lightly, the best way is to get out of here as soon as possible.”

Although Nanci didn't know what he would encounter ahead if he continued to drive forward, it was better than staying where he was.

Nan Ci's proposal was unanimously approved by the three of them.

During the day, with enough light, one person can sail the boat.

But now it was pitch dark all around. The old Taoist priest and Zhou Ziyang had to sail the boat together and cooperate with each other to move forward reluctantly. Even so, they did not dare to go too fast.

Mu Qianqian couldn't help much when it came to sailing the ship, so she decided to stay on the deck with Nan Ci.

In this case, it is also dangerous to stay on the deck.

"Qianqian, you hide next to Zaizai and the others. I'll go back to the room to get some things. I'll be back soon."

Mu Qianqian didn't ask Nan Ci what he wanted to take, but just said, "Then be careful, it's a little dark down there. Remember to turn on the light after you go down."

I didn’t dare to turn on the lights because I was afraid that the lights would attract more strange fish.

But once inside the cabin, there is no need to worry about this.

Nan Ci responded, quickened his pace and went down the stairs.

After arriving downstairs, of course Nan Ci did not go back to his room. He just stood in the dark corridor and took things out of the space.

There are three pairs of night vision glasses, three sharp long knives, and thermal weapons are also fully packed into a hiking bag that is nearly a person tall.

After packing these things, Nan Ci took these things and walked to the deck.

When Mu Qianqian and the others saw her, she was carrying a lot of luggage.

Mu Qianqian and the others had never opened his act, so naturally they didn't know what was inside. Taking out these things should not arouse any suspicion.

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