Chapter 13: The Realm Of Instinct
"Hey big guy, here..."
Skylar happily wolfing down a juicy red fruit in one hand yelled softly at the gaint snake waiting at a corner with his other hand outstretched and holding another fruit in her direcetion. An act definitely inviting her for a share.
Well, maybe she doesn't like fruit... Skylar thought in a bid to console himself after he was ignored by the white giant snake.
The annoying sound of Skylar chewing and drinking with occasional gulping sound, which he choose to ignore and minimize, continued to echo on loudly in the room until he emptied the content of the two large containers he was offered.
Skylar slumped down on the large bench and rested his body for a few minutes after his eventful feast.
He stood up after his short rest and approached the giant snake staring at him diligently with a peculiar look in her eyes at a corner.
"Hey, let's go"
He said after he reached her with his hand folded and his clear eyes locked to her pair of eyes staring meaningfully at him.
To the trial ground;
Along a wide corridor with ceiling supported by pillars with height in the hundred of meters; Skylar tailing behind the white gaint snake looked excitedly at the scene the corridor provided, a scene that seem to jump out of fantasy.
Wow, what are in this large rooms and why are all the rooms here so humongous, if i think about it now that room with the altar is probably the smallest room i think i have seen so far and its size was almost as big as a football pitch...
Skylar thought as he looked to his right side which along the corridor holds a series of outlines of very gigantic doors which probably leads into rooms with unbelievable dimensions and of unknown purpose.
Skylar turned his head to his right side where this corridor that has an ancient atmosphere felt the most unreal or make people assume its a projection.
He moved closer after turning his head to have a clear view of the very tall balcony held together by super tall inscribed white columns arranged at a symbolic interval along the corridor.
At the same time he also saw brightly glowing vines and herbs of different size ranges which find their support on and embrace ceremoniously the divinely crafted balcony and column as they add to the glory and feel of the ancient mystery permeating the corridor.
So practically, the source of light in this place are this luminescent plants, especially this one that look like a sunflower...
Skylar thought as he switched his view from the clouds illuminated by the glows of the plants life as they try to force their way in from the space above the balcony to the arched ceiling of the balcony to a gigantic glowing flower like the one in the room he just left which like the others clings firmly to the very high ceiling of the corridor.
At the end of the corridor in front of the duo was the outline of a gigantic door which opened, revealing a gap its size as its content magically and slowly vanish into the wall beside it.
"Uncle, at this rate you should come in" The serpent voice echoed in skylar mind, urging him to act as expected.
Skylar with is mind still relishing the unreal beauty and feel the corridor offered him absentmindedly entered through the space, the door revealed and into the large space behind.
The qualification trial ground;
Its sky's filled with grey gloomy clouds, The light illuminating it is dull and everything in it reflect grey light which made the place seem like the land of the dead, old and decaying.
This is what any human like Skylar who is carefully observing the soil of the trial ground would conclude about the place.
Another crazy landscape...
Skylar thought as he threw to the floor the damp and decaying grey soil he held in his hand and raised is head to observe carefully the layout of the trial ground.
In front of Skylar was a sea of boulders that seem like gaint pillars carved from rocks. The base of the boulder below; the shadows they cast block off totally the illumination coming from the grey clouds above which in turn make those places dark and therefore become a perfect location for an ambush.
"Uncle listen, at this rate your task is simple, all you need to do is reach the other side where you will find the exit and leave, that's all, i wish you good luck"
The intructional and seductive voice of the serpent announced in Skylar's mind which also quickly vanished with its presence, provably an effort to avoid getting a reply.
This crazy bitch she did not even explain everything clearly and she wished me good luck, ah no, it can't be this simple, there is definitely a trick somewhere...
Skylar thought and suddenly pinched his nose to block of the flow of air through it.
"Shit, what's this crazy smell..., wait, its like the smell of sewer, how"
Skylar muttered as he tried to stop the intense smell from dominating his senses.
"Now this is good" He muttered after dealing with the smell.
I can sense you mfu.ckers, i know you are hiding in the dark waiting for me to walk in foolishly into your traps, but wait, how can i overcome this, there a lot of this guys, probably millions and i can barely match their average level strength wise, is their a trick to getting to the other side, ah yes, i get it...
Skylar thought as he scanned the boulder closest to him with his sixth sense.
Skylar figure after his enlightenment suddenly start sprinting in the direction of the opposite side ignoring the large obstacle on his way which he might probably collide with if he didn't stop.
As Skylar sprinting figure neared the faint boulder, suddenly his figure disengaged with the ground as it leaped high into the air aiming for the top of the boulder. But a wooden spear from the dark aiming for him made him fail to get to his destination as he narrowly dodged it midair. Then he fell below to the dark shadow of the boulders amidst his hungary adversary hungry for his flesh and thirsting for his blood.
"They have too much energy"
someone in a dark room watching the scene projected on a wall commented, their voice sweet and typically feminine.
"Yes, they are very hyperactive and at this rate they've found themselve in the worst possible situation ever"
Another person added, probably the green serpent.
"Mistress will he be alright"
the sweet young voice asked with great concern.
Fu.k, giant rats standing on two legs, so they are the source of that smell, just look at their ugly dirty grey fur, why are this mfu.kers using weapon, this is definitely the first i have seen...
Skylar thought as he stood to his feet, his back to the boulder and surrounded in front by growling ferocious rats with eyes glowing red from bloodlust.
"Don't stare at me like that, idiots" Skylar addressed his enemies approaching him slowly as he moved backwards a bit towards the boulder behind him.
If there are about 60 rats per pillar how many will i have to face till i reach the other side, impossible, there is no way, more than a million pillars, i will be dead in no time, so...
Skylar thought as he try to find a way out of his predicament.
"Act two"
Immediately Skylar said the word, his figure suddenly appeared launched into the air, this time aiming for a cliff edge on the gigantic boulder. But, a pebble lunched from a figure Skykar failed to spot, hiding behind the group of rats hit his forehead squarely which made his figure plummet rapidly into the ground with a thud.
The group of rats suddenly took few steps to the back when the figure in front of them landed face down on the ground.
After the rats waited for a short period of time for reason known only to them; a very skinny rat among them, a bold one went on all his four and stealthily approached the figure motionless on the ground in front of them.
Soon, the bold rat got very close to the tiny figure while its whiskers look out for unusual changes in the creatures presence. The others confirming the absence of abnormality after seeing the bold rat excitedly going for the tiny creature all quickly with unreal speed made their dash for a share of the creature's meat.
And just a moment after, what the hungry rats behind witneesed as they near the creature was the head of the bold rat in front detached from his body flew very high into the air and a jet of fresh blood chasing after it in haste.
"Mistress, combat realm of instinct"
the sweet and typically feminine voice echoed in the dark room where the scene of unconscious Skylar decimating a group of rat is projected on its wall.
"I always know he was a beast in disguise and at this rate he may just annihilate all those hungry guys i prepared for him"
The mistress pass her comment with her seductive voice that also expressed her excitement.
"Mistress look..."
The excited feminine voice echoed as the figure of Skylar in the projection eliminated a group of giant rats in no time by just a rapid throw of pebbles.
"I wish big sis can see this"
the feminine voice added with a wisful tone.