National Destiny: Bound God-level luck to create the strongest sect

Chapter 87 The first round of competition, start

"Listen to me, Brother Su, this is not absolute. If so, the Spiritual Beast Palace will not become a second-rank sect. Whether it is strong or not depends on luck. How could they pin all their hopes on the sect? What about this illusory luck."

"In addition to this contracted beast, they have another method, which is to find wild monsters and form a contract, but the latter is a hundred times more difficult than the former."

"After all, the former is 100% sure to succeed."

"So in addition to this method, they also keep many monsters as backup."

"But the quality of those domesticated monsters is very poor. It is better to hatch without eggs. There is no way. If a little dish dog is hatched, there is only one choice."

"If you're unlucky, you're a noob, but if you're lucky, you see."

Xu Jin asked Su Ming to focus on the man and woman in the Spirit Beast Palace and said:

"Now they have put away the spiritual pet, but you must have seen it, Brother Su, that man's spiritual pet is named Void Beast."

"This Void Beast ranks at the top of the Ten Thousand Monsters Ranking, ranking No. 90. Its talent skill is that it can escape into the void. Its claws are as hard as a top-grade magic weapon, and its hair is as hard as iron. It is impossible to guard against a sneak attack, and it is simply a natural killer."

"The five-color phoenix bird is even more powerful than the void beast. It is called the five-color dragon bird. It contains the blood of the divine beast Peacock King Ming in its body. The concentration is very high. Because it is a mixed blood, there is no specific ranking, but it can at least rank in the top [-] on the list of ten thousand monsters. name"

"Its innate skill is the colorful feathers on its back. Each feather has a natural skill. I don't know what it is."

Su Ming watched Xu Jin holding a small notebook and talking to him.

"What is this in your hand?"

He pointed to the small notebook and said.

"Ah? What are you talking about? This is the list of ten thousand monsters produced by Tianji Pavilion, which introduces all kinds of monsters on the list in great detail."

Su Ming had also heard Fang Liuxi mention the Tianji Pavilion before, as if they were also responsible for the green list.

"What is this Heavenly Secret Pavilion?"

"Tianji Pavilion, this force can be regarded as a neutral force. The owner of Tianji Pavilion, Tianjizi, claims to be an omniscient existence. He is a force that specializes in selling information. Like the Qingbang and Wanyao rankings, they are all Tianji Pavilion. Produced."

"And the news that they sold is absolutely 100% true, so the various rankings they produced can be said to be absolutely correct."

Su Ming nodded, and then asked:

"I know who the one with the white hair and the black eyepatch is, so you don't need to introduce it. Who is the master Duobao you mentioned earlier?"

"Do you know Wanbao Chamber of Commerce?" "Yes"

"Master Duobao is the chairman of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, so I don't need to introduce you."

"Good guy, come on, I understand without your introduction."

So far, Su Ming has almost understood those sects.

After understanding, while there was still time, I chatted with Xu Jin and others.

Xuanqing and the others didn't know where they went, they should have gone to prepare for the Zongmen Tianjiao battle.

As time passed, more and more sects came to the valley, almost filling the entire valley.

Two hours later.

The figures of Xuan Qing and others appeared in front of everyone again.

Xuan Qing glanced down, and said:
"Welcome everyone to participate in the Zongmen Tianjiao Battle. I am one of the organizers of this time. Xuanqing, the suzerain of Xuantian Sword Sect, has met all fellow Taoists."

"I am Hongyun, the suzerain of the Tianxia Sect, and one of the sponsors."

"My seat of Xuan Dao Sect" "My seat of Spiritual Beast Palace"

After the introductions, Xuan Qing went on to say:

"Now the Zongmen Tianjiao battle is officially started, let me tell you about the competition process and rules."

"The process and rules are very simple. This Sect's Tianjiao Battle is different from the past. In the past, the strongest disciples of each sect were sent out for a one-on-one duel until the strongest one was selected."

"But because there are too many sects participating in the Zongmen Tianjiao battle this time, we will conduct three rounds of the competition this time."

"The three-round competition adopts a point system, and the top ten sects with points will be eligible for the Fairy Mystery Realm."

"Now we start the first round, please follow us."

After finishing speaking, Xuanqing and several suzerains made efforts at the same time to open a passage in the center of the square in the valley, leading to nowhere.

Su Ming and others and the national athletes followed Xuan Qing's footsteps into the passage.

Walking through the passage, what appeared in front of Su Ming and the others was no longer in the valley, but in a tower.

The space inside the tower is very huge, much larger than the space in the valley.

Looking up, you can hardly see the top, as if it is boundless and there is no end in sight.

"Everyone, the first round of the competition will be held in this tower. This tower is the Wandao Tower used by the Wandao Alliance for testing. It is an ancient treasure."

"There is no limit to the number of floors. You can get 10 points for passing the 10th floor, 20 points for passing the 20th floor, and 30 points for the 40th floor. The extension will continue."

At this time, I don't know who raised his hand and asked Xuan Qing:

"May I ask what is inside the Wandao Pagoda? How to test it?"

"I can't disclose the contents of the Wan Dao Pagoda for the time being. If it is revealed, it will be unfair. This pagoda is divided into two types."

"One is a military test, and the other is a skill test."

"It depends on your choice. As for the order of the test, I will randomly click on it now. The sect whose name is called, come up and test."

After all, a bunch of light balls appeared in front of Xuanqing, and the light balls kept spinning, he grabbed one at random, and the light balls turned into a jade tablet, appearing in Xuanqing's hand.

He took a closer look, as if remembering something, and said with a smile on his cold eyes: "The first one to challenge the sect is the Ninth Rank Sect, Huang Feng Sect."

The last time Su Ming was a scammer, he reported the sect of Kim Hyun-joon's sect Huang Fengzong to Xuanqing during the auction last time.

This time, he was the first to come out to challenge.

Seeing that Jin Xianjun was covered tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed, he quickly pushed his two apprentices out.

Then he lowered his head, wishing he could shrink into a quail.

Seeing Kim Hyun Joon's performance like this, the kimchi country's live broadcast room simply hated iron and steel.

"This Kim Hyun-joon has completely disgraced Smecta, our kimchi nation."

"Don't be cowardly, I'll go, you're not going to die, Smecta."

"Hey, forget it, I have given up hope for this guy, I might as well become stronger Smecta by myself."

"It's better to ask our leader to build a good relationship with Longguo, and forget about holding a golden thigh. This Jin Xianjun can be regarded as abolishing Smecta."

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