National Beauty

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 2. 3. 4

After resolving the worries of the side concubine, Song Jianing was able to raise her fetus with peace of mind, pamper her and become a princess. The only disadvantage of becoming a princess was that she was far away from her natal family and could not return to the government at any time. Brother Mao couldn’t often visit her sisters and nieces. Finally, at the Mid-Autumn Festival, the female family members of the National Palace finally had a reason to enter the palace.

Mrs. Tai led a family of women to visit Queen Li in the Central Palace, and then to the East Palace.

“Mother…” Song Jianing supported her lower abdomen and looked eagerly at her mother who hadn’t seen him in a long time. Zhaozhao led Brother You to run over and acted like a baby with the elders.

Lin held Brother You’er in his arms, but stared at his daughter’s belly in disbelief. Didn’t he just have been pregnant for five months? Why is it so bulging? She was quite fat when she was pregnant with her daughter, and she gave birth to a fat daughter, but there is no daughter so…

“An’an, there are probably two of them.” The wife was older and saw a lot. She guessed the possibility of twins at a glance. Not to mention the possibility of twins in other people’s houses. Her second daughter-in-law was pregnant with twins at first, and she gave birth to them in one breath. grandson.

Song Jianing took a look at his belly. Although the children belonged to her, she had no idea how many children were found. Zhao Heng called the imperial doctor to see him earlier. The imperial doctor said that he could feel the fetal movement in the seventh month of pregnancy before he could tell whether it was twins. .

“Mother, how is everything at home?” Song Jianing asked with concern after entering the room to take a seat.

A trace of melancholy flashed in Lin’s eyes. The family is pretty good. The Guo family was originally a powerful man. Now there is a princess. Even the noble ladies who once looked down on her are flattering. But those are things outside of the body, and Lin doesn’t care. What she cares about is the husband who gets along day and night.

For some reason, Guo Boyan has suddenly grown old in the past two years. He used to be full of spirits, but now he has no compelling sharpness in his eyes, his body is still burly, and his appearance is still outstanding, but Lin can feel that her husband has something on his mind. In the dead of night, she asked softly, Guo Boyan refused to say, and then he became more and more normal. Only occasionally, Lin could capture the loneliness in his eyes, trance mixed with nostalgia and grief.

Are you thinking about stepson Guo Xiao?

If this is the case, Lin can do nothing. As a mother, he can also experience the suffering of others losing their children.

Fortunately, Mao’s brother gradually became sensible. When Guo Boyan taught his son to practice martial arts, he would restore some of his former demeanor.

“It’s all good, you don’t need to worry about it.” Lin said to his daughter with a smile, reporting good news but not worrying.

Song Jianing was relieved.

Guo Boyan was not the only one who missed his eldest son. Emperor Xuande also missed his eldest son. Before the news of Guo Xiao’s “death” came to Beijing, King Chu had been imprisoned in Nangong. After all, Emperor Xuande had not been for three or four years. I have seen his favorite eldest son, but I haven’t seen his two fat grandchildren.

I have always thought that before the accident of King Rui, Emperor Xuande suppressed his heart of being a father by disappointment and chill. After the accident of King Rui, Emperor Xuande, who learned the truth, relied on the hope that the third son would successfully ascend to the throne and the great Zhou Jiangshan would be the king. heart.

But he missed his son. With his health worsening, Emperor Xuande could almost feel that his expiration date was approaching. The more he was like this, the more he thought about it. He wanted to toss and turn in the dark night and he wanted to dream of being the eldest son. Father San, I want to murmur in a dream. At this time, the one who accompanied the old emperor was Empress Li.

This night Emperor Xuande was suddenly awakened by a low cry. He opened his eyes and saw Empress Li lying with his back facing him, her shoulders trembling slightly with the dim candlelight. He is old, and Empress Li is only in her early thirties, with a graceful posture. Emperor Xuande almost stepped into the coffin with half of his leg. Of course he didn’t have that kind of thought. He only leaned in affectionately, and slowly turned his favorite woman in the second half of his life around: “Why are you crying?”

Empress Li choked: “The emperor, you just talked in a dream again, and you have been calling Yuanchong…”

Yuan Chong is the character of the king of Chu.

Emperor Xuande froze there.

“The emperor, why are you so troublesome? Your majesty is your son. You asked him to come and see him, why bother with yourself.” Empress Li persuaded distressedly when he fell into the arms of Emperor Xuande.

Emperor Xuande said nothing, only the emperor could understand the bitterness of it.

“The emperor, it is not convenient for you to see the majesty, let me go and see it for you, let the majesty know at any rate, you have not forgotten him, you have not forgotten brother Sheng to become a brother.” Knowing Emperor Xuande’s scruples, Empress Li cried After a while, he wiped his tears and said, “I have taken Brother Sheng for a while. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I just said to see Brother Sheng. No one would think too much.”

Emperor Xuande faintly felt wrong, but he really wanted the eldest son to know the suffering of his father.

“Then you, go there these few days.” Emperor Xuande sighed while hugging his little wife who would be most considerate of him.

With the permission of the emperor, the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Queen Li went to Nangong in a micro service.

Nangong is a forbidden palace, and the desertedness inside can be imagined, but deserted is a relative imperial palace, and the forbidden palace is also a high-walled compound. Although the food, clothing, housing and transportation of King Chu’s family are a little worse, they are better than ordinary farmers. There is no good food, no good food, and no shame. In Nangong, the king of Chu had a very happy life. In spring, he took his two sons to plow and sow. In summer, he pulled grass and watered. In autumn, he harvested grain. In winter, a family of four surrounded the stove. Sharing family relationships.

After Zhao Heng canonized the crown prince, the Nangong palace people became more afraid to neglect the family of the king of Chu, lest Zhao Heng become the throne in the future and punish them to vent their anger for the elder brother.

The king of Chu was very happy to learn that his younger brother had become a prince. He was impulsive, but he was not stupid. After sober, he guessed that the fire in his palace was intentional to harm him. There are three younger brothers. It is impossible for your own brother. The fourth child is not that kind of person, and only the second child is left. Now that his own brother has driven the second child off, the King of Chu is very proud.

“His Royal Highness, the emperor has looked at you and the two little sons.” The palace man reported with a thin voice.

The king of Chu was teaching Brother Sheng and Brother Cheng to practice martial arts. Feng Zheng was sitting under the eaves of the gallery, watching while making shoes for his father three. Hearing the words of the palace people, Brother Sheng, who had grown into a half-year-old, subconsciously walked two steps to his father, remembering that Empress Li once robbed him, Feng Zheng was even more embarrassed, and when he was in a hurry, he took the big needle in the sole Dive into the belly of the finger.

She lost the sole of her shoe in pain.

“Mother!” Brother Cheng saw it, and was the first one to take care of his mother, and Brother Sheng followed closely. The two sons pulled their hands to stop the bleeding, and Feng Zheng looked at her husband with a pale face. After being in confinement for so long, the prince’s protégé and uncle did not find a chance to see them. Who is Empress Li, who would never be kind to him.

Feng Zheng had fear in his eyes, hoping to be blessed by her husband.

The daughter-in-law was afraid of this, the king of Chu was not angry, his eyes widened, and he suddenly shouted to the palace clerk: “Go! The emperor ordered our family of four to think behind closed doors. Without the emperor’s will, Lao Tzu will see no one!”

His voice was loud and thunderous, and the palace man was so frightened that he ran away in a hurry and went back to Queen Li helplessly.

King Chu’s voice was so loud that Empress Li heard it all the way from a long distance, and she heard her, and her heart was cold.

She didn’t want Zhao Heng to ascend the throne. The three living princes, Zhao Heng had the deepest thoughts. After sitting on the dragon chair, she would not put her unrelated queen mother in the eyes. With the remaining two, the emperor could not change his words and pass the throne to the broken-arm King Gong, only the most favored King Chu had the chance to stand up.

Queen Li sincerely wanted to help King Chu. King Chu was broad-minded, courageous, and easy to coax, and if King Chu wanted to turn over, he needed her help, and he would naturally appreciate her afterwards. With this thought in mind, Queen Li took the opportunity to come to Nangong to discuss with King Chu, but she did not expect that King Chu would not even see her.

“Lead the way.” This was her last hope, and Queen Li didn’t want to give up easily.

The palace man hesitated for a moment, then turned to lead the way.

However, King Chu still didn’t want to see her. A good man didn’t do anything with a woman. King Chu led his wife and children in directly, closing the door, allowing Queen Li to cool off in the yard by herself, for as long as she wished. When things came to this point, Queen Li was completely chilled, smiled bitterly, and led the maids away in despair.

Not long after Empress Li returned to the palace, what happened to Empress Li in Nangong was quietly reported to the Prince of Donggong.

Zhao Heng’s slightly chilled body finally recovered to its usual temperature, and walked to the window with his hands under his hands and looked into the distance.

The autumn is high and the sky is clear blue.

Over the years, some people have changed, and some people are still as they remembered.

He is the same female compatriot, and the father and the emperor have not reconciled until their deaths. He is luckier than the emperor and has a good brother who treats him the same way.

When Song Jianing was pregnant in July, Zhao Heng once again announced two imperial physicians, who had touched the fetal movement of the prince’s concubine. The two imperial physicians vowed to ensure that the prince was pregnant with twins.

Song Jianing was very happy.

Zhao Heng still remembered the thrills she had when she gave birth to a daughter, and first asked the emperor’s doctor whether twins would be dangerous. The imperial physician dared to scare the prince’s husband and wife, just explaining that most twins were born prematurely, and the mother and child would be safe and sound if they took good care of them. This kind of function word did not comfort Zhao Heng, and he became more nervous since then.

Emperor Xuande was also nervous. The third wife was blessed and pregnant with two grandchildren in one breath. It was such a happy event when he was old. Emperor Xuande, who had been able to go to court with human support, wanted to wait until that day.

Song Jianing has always been a good daughter-in-law of filial piety, and the emperor’s father-in-law hopes so much, and Song Jianing is particularly proud. At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Song Jianing gave birth to twin sons after a period of shocking and unsafe toss. The two little brothers were born thin and pitiful, but the whole hospital kneeled to ensure that the two little masters are healthy.

From Emperor Xuande to Brother Mao, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Song Jianing was hiding on the hot Kang for confinement. The younger brothers ate the nursing mother’s milk. They were the same day by day. At the full moon, they both grew white and fat, and they couldn’t tell that they were born early. There were more and more grandchildren, and Emperor Xuande ordered the full moon ceremony to be held in the palace, which was really lively.

But after the excitement, Emperor Xuande fell ill. In fact, he was already sick. But this time, Emperor Xuande, who was diligent in political affairs, was already bedridden and unable to read the memorial. There is no need to be diagnosed by a doctor, everyone around Emperor Xuande knew that he was afraid that he would not be able to pass this level.

Empress Li and his concubines took turns to wait in front of the dragon couch. Zhao Heng and Prince Gong also stayed in the Chongzheng Hall, and accompanied the father and the emperor with a heavy heart.

Emperor Xuande was reluctant to leave, reluctant to leave his wife, concubine, and children and grandchildren. He stayed until March until the spring blossoms. When he woke up that day, Emperor Xuande looked at the magnificent beams above his head, as if he had sensed something.

“You all retreat, I have something to say to the prince.” Emperor Xuande slowly looked at his third child.

Looking at the eyes of the King of God, Zhao Heng breathed hard, walked to the bed, he slowly knelt down, and took the hand of his father on the side.

Emperor Xuande saw his son’s tears, and his most forbearing third child cried for him.

Emperor Xuande laughed, smiling, thinking of his life.

When I was young, I made many wishes, some of which were realized, and some were always a dream.

Who is sorry, who is sorry?

One by one, shadows appeared in my mind, and gradually, only those people were in my eyes.

“Father, Father…”

Someone yelled anxiously in his ears, Emperor Xuande tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see who it was, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t see it anymore. Emperor Xuande’s lips trembled, his old hands tightly grasped his son, and exhausted his last effort to tell him: “I, I am sorry for your elder brother, after I die, you, you must be kind to…”

The last words, Emperor Xuande could not say after all.

The second emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, went.

Zhao Hengfu got on the bed, his face covered, only his exposed hands, clenched too tightly, and his veins exposed.

For a long time, in the ears of Emperor Xuande, the new emperor’s repressive promise of grief came: “Children, follow orders.”

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