National Beauty

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 209

Did the Khitan people sneak into the palace from the government’s mansion?

Zhao Heng clenched the hilt of the sword tightly and cast his stern eyes on the Guannan direction where Guo Boyan led troops and horses to garrison. The guards of the palace are strict, and the defense of the palace is not much worse than that of the palace. The Khitan people want to go over the wall without knowing it. First, they must find out the rules of the guards at night, and then they must be familiar with the layout of the back gardens of the two palaces. The path leads to the quiet, and if you are not careful, you will go in the wrong direction.

To rob her and her daughter, it would be difficult for the Khitan people to evade the guards of the two residences smoothly at one time, but Zhao Heng believed that neither his palace nor the Guogong Mansion of the Guo family would call the Khitans to Ye Chuang. Twice without any notice. The only explanation is that the Khitan people bought the servants in the mansion first, and after secretly planning, they succeeded in one fell swoop.

“Is there an insider?” Zhao Heng asked coldly.

The guard bowed his head and said: “The princess was taken away by the Khitans in the morning. General Zhang and Mother Cen interrogated the servants of the mansion separately. Director Zhang personally interrogated three times. When his subordinates set off in the evening, they still did not find any clues. Lord, you are the king. It has been eight years since the mansion was opened, and there has never been a villain in the mansion. The subordinates dare to infer that the problem lies with the mansion.”

Zhao Heng stood with his back to him, his face cold, his mind was already a mess. She and her daughter were kidnapped for a day and night. What is the use of investigating the **** and the guards now? He just wanted to know whether their wives had suffered and whether they were thoughtful. He just wanted to know where the gangster took them. He just wanted to return to Beijing immediately and save them personally!

However, he was ordered to supervise the battle, and he was not allowed to leave the barracks without authorization. When he left, the father would condemn the crime, and the military spirit would be shaken. The battle that had just been reversed might once again be the upper hand of the Liao army. Tell the truth about Father Ming? As soon as the thought came up, it was extinguished by Zhao Heng. She was his princess. She could not spread any news that would damage her innocence. Unless the Khitans really used their wives as hostages in front of the army, he could not. Make it public!

“The order continues, border martial law, strict inspection of cars and goods, women and children can’t get it, no matter the old or young.” Zhao Heng said coldly with his hands clenched fists.

Father Fu immediately went out to make arrangements.

Zhao Heng then ordered the guards: “The princess hugs the ill, stays behind closed doors, and is not visited. If the news is leaked, please wait…”

“The prince can rest assured, if this matter is missed, the subordinates and others must apologize.” The guard raised his head and swore to the sky.

Zhao Henghan dismissed the guards with a face, and then ordered people to spread Guo Boyan.

Not far from Guannan, the horse galloped, and within an hour, Guo Boyan rushed to him, and Father Fu invited him inside, and he guarded outside the door. Guo Boyan glanced at him, and then went in with the curtain. As soon as he raised his head, he met the sharp gaze of King Shou Wang’s sword. Guo Boyan’s heart was stunned, and he bowed in salute: “The minister pays homage to the prince.”

He bent down, but Zhao Heng didn’t tell him to flatten up. He walked in front of Guo Boyan before stopping, staring at the fine lines in the corner of Guo Boyan’s eyes and said: “Report from the capital, yesterday morning, the princess and the princess were robbed by thieves.”

Guo Boyan was shocked, forgetting his respect and humiliation, suddenly raised his head and wanted to ask how this is possible, but before he could say anything, he got affirmation from the look of the king of life like a murderous god. After the shock, Guo Boyan’s eyes filled with anger, mixed with worries about his daughter and granddaughter. Although An An is not his biological person, Guo Boyan has always treated the child as his daughter for so many years.

“Thief, come and go freely, suspect that there is an internal response, the Royal Palace has thoroughly investigated it.” Zhao Heng continued, his eyes cold as frost.

Guo Boyan made it through at one point, and said in a deep voice: “The minister is sending someone back to Beijing. If there is a traitor in the court, the minister is willing to receive punishment, but the princess and princess are missing. Can the prince have a countermeasure?”

In addition to strictly guarding the border, Zhao Heng had no countermeasures except to send people to search in secret.

Guo Boyan was anxious, how did he explain to Lin and his mother? His mother was too old and could not stand the blow. Last year, the eldest son was killed in battle, and his mother lost her half of her life. An accident happened to Niang Ruoan…the eldest son Guo Xiao and stepdaughter Song Jianing passed in his mind one after another, and Guo Boyan’s body suddenly changed. Stiff, and then, a chill rushed from the soles of the feet to my heart.

The thief, will it be his Pingzhang?

Guo Boyan’s eyes were dull.

He has never wanted to believe that his son is really dead. If there is only a charred corpse and the eldest son’s sword, Guo Boyan will definitely not admit that the corpse is a son, but someone has seen his son be chopped off by the Liao soldiers. Injured, he saw his son fall into the sea of ​​fire, so Guo Xiao recognized it, and accepted the fact that his son died in battle. It was like being cut off from his heart, and the pain caused him to leave his wife in the middle of the night, and he cried out in the dark. .

Guo Boyan never doubted the news of his son’s death, but now that his daughter was taken away, Guo Boyan suddenly remembered the scene. That year, the arrow in the chest of his son was in danger. He used An An as a bait to stimulate his son to persevere and return to the capital. However, he made conditions to his son, either to make his son completely forget An An, or the son suspended his death and disfigured his face, and then…

Like a glare of lightning in the dark clouds, Guo Boyan stared at the ground firmly, suppressing the ecstasy and despair in his body, lest he would be noticed by King Shou. There seemed to be something to shed in his eyes, because his beloved eldest son might still be alive, Guo Boyan could not control his joy, but he was also desperate, for the madness of the eldest son, for his innocent daughter and granddaughter, for the possibility that the Guo family might be exposed once things were exposed. Shouwang suffered revenge.

Thinking of the dearest relatives in Beijing, it didn’t take long for Guo Boyan’s ecstasy to become bitter and firm.

If he could choose, he would rather his daughter be robbed by the Khitans than his Pingzhang died and resurrected. He would rather Pingzhang died in the battle as his proud and heroic son, rather than Pingzhang becoming a heroic son. A **** who gave up the whole family for the sake of women!

With all sorts of clues, Guo Boyan successfully concealed his anxiety and went back to make arrangements for the time being.

Zhao Heng had no intention of fighting. He stayed in the study alone, and read every letter she wrote for a while, read the maps of the Northern Xinjiang of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and guessed the route that the Khitan people might choose. In just half a day, Father Fu was ordered to send more than a dozen waves of dark guards. Go out and hunt. Another one was sent away, and Father Fu turned back to the study, and saw the prince propped his elbows on the table, his forehead with his hands, his face was covered by his arms, only his ten fingers pinched his forehead deeply.

Father Fu was stunned.

He has never seen a prince like this. The Shou prince he is familiar with has always been deserted, and he has no expressions of happiness or happiness. Even if he has lost the battle with Liao, the prince has never shown a trace of depression, like a transcendent. A **** outside the world, but at this moment, that **** suddenly turned into an ordinary mortal corpse, will be irritable and helpless, and will…

Suddenly there was a rush of horseshoes outside.

Zhao Heng looked up, his eyes were bloodshot, extremely terrible, as if Father Fu was the one who robbed his wife and daughter.

Fu Gonggonghan was so heartbroken that he almost instinctively lowered his head, and retreated as he said: “Look at the little one.”

Zhao Heng closed his eyes, but the disguised calm was broken in a blink of an eye. The moment he heard Liu Xi’s voice, Zhao Heng got up abruptly and walked quickly to the outer room, his clothes breezy.

“The prince, it’s useless to be small, the princess was taken away!” Seeing the prince, Liu Xi thumped and knelt down, lying on the ground. Yesterday, after swallowing Mongolian sweat medicine, Liu Xi didn’t know anything. He finally woke up and found someone else in an inn in a small county with a safe little princess lying on the bed. Only the princess was missing. Things were strange. Liu Xi first sent the princess back to the palace, and then rushed to report back to the prince in person. He ran desperately, now lying on the ground, Liu Xi is still gasping for breath.

“What do you mean? The princess got it back?” Duke Fu asked anxiously for the master, which was what he wanted to know.

Liu Xi nodded and looked at the prince in front of him and said: “The princess is unscathed. He just misses the princess and cries.”

“The gangster appeared, said and did, and confessed truthfully.” The daughter returned, Zhao Heng’s anger and fear remained undiminished, squatting down and staring at Liu Xidao.

Liu Xi didn’t intend to conceal anything. He calmed down for a moment. He knelt and straightened his body. Starting from the time the princess took the princess and the son to the garden to relax, he talked about everything in every detail. Everything he could remember would be told to the master without a word. Including the carriage leaving the palace, the conversation he heard in the car.

“The Khitan people did not agree to the princess’s request to change the princess. The princess couldn’t bear the princess falling into the hands of the other party and asked to go with the princess.”

Zhao Heng clasped his teeth tightly. He loves his daughter, and she only cares more about her daughter than him. In that case, how could she watch her daughter be taken away by someone in that situation?

“The other party acquiesced. The princess said that her journey with the princess was unpredictable. He asked the young man to tell the prince that she could meet the prince in this life and marry the prince. It was worth it. If there is another life, if the prince does not dislike it, the princess still wants Marry you.” Liu Xi lowered his head and tried to repeat the words of the princess. After saying this, he couldn’t help but want to see what the prince was looking on, only to catch a glimpse of the prince’s tight lips. Liu Xi suddenly remembered something, and hurry up. He added: “By the way, before the princess said that she would like to marry you again in the next life, that person seemed quite dissatisfied, and once reprimanded the princess to shut up.”

Zhao Heng was immersed in her “last words” and did not hear what Liu Xi added.

Father Fu wiped the corners of his eyes and cursed angrily: “Khitan barbarian, come up with a plan to dismantle the princess and princess. Hearing what the princess said, your conscience is disturbed?”

“Say it again.” Zhao Heng moved his eyes slightly, and finally walked out of his memories.

Liu Xi repeated it truthfully.

Zhao Heng closed his eyes and tried to imagine the situation in the carriage. No, what’s wrong, if he were the Khitanese, he would threaten the princess to take the little son into the carriage with the princess who had already caught it, and at the same time hijack the mother and son who Shouwang cares most to increase the bargaining chip, even if the son is too crying on the road Easily exposed, he would also take her with his daughter instead of just taking her one.

When she took the initiative to change her daughter, the person satirized her for overestimating her weight in his heart, but in the end the other party still robbed her.

She conveyed her affection to him through Liu Xi, who could have listened to the excitement, but somehow interrupted.

First satirize his love for her, then stop her from expressing affection…

Obviously he could **** her daughter, but she only snatched her one.

Instead of sneaking in from the palace, he took a detour from the palace and moved freely in the dark and strange night.

A man familiar with the Guo family, a man who doesn’t like to hear their husband and wife affectionately.

Zhao Heng stood up slowly, making a fist with one hand, creaking.

Guo Xiao, Guo Xiao!

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