National Beauty

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 011

He lied that he was assassinated in Beijing, and Guo Boyan stabbed a small or small Louzi. He was on vacation and had to go to the Ministry of Justice and the palace the next day. Before leaving the house, Guo Boyan ordered his children to be called to Zhenghetang.

Guo Xiao lives nearby and comes first.

Guo Boyan was sitting on the red sandalwood magistrate’s chair, calculating the most suitable date for the wedding date. Hearing the sound of his son’s footsteps, he raised his eyes with a tea bowl. The son is sixteen. He is a bit taller than before he left Beijing at the beginning of the year, and his head is up to his chin. He is slender and tall, handsome as a bamboo, and his facial features are slightly green, but in time, he will surely grow into a heroic hero like him. .

“Father, are you looking for me?” Guo Xiao raised his foot and asked respectfully, his grim eyebrows were exactly the same as Guo Boyan.

Guo Boyan was not dissatisfied with such a decent, civilized and martial son. He smiled and pointed to the chair on the left: “Sit, did you feel scared by such a big event yesterday?”

Guo Xiao nodded, but he was funny in his heart. My father looked down on him too much. The arrow wounds like that were pierced at close range instead of being shot from a distance, which scared the grandmother and the others. Furthermore, in Guo Xiao’s memory, his father was so skilled, he was always invincible, and there was no reason why his father was chased by an assassin and fled in embarrassment. Guo Xiao expected that there was something else in it, and his father didn’t want to talk about it.

“How is father’s injury?” he asked concerned.

Guo Boyan smiled: “A little injury, just a few days later.”

Because of this injury, Lin will soon be able to enter the door smoothly, so when it comes to the wound, Guo Boyan unconsciously reveals a bit of pride.

Guo Xiao looked at his father unexpectedly, guessing that there must be something happy for his father. He was praised by the emperor for his meritorious service in the Southern Tour.

The father and son chatted for a few words, the eldest girl Ting Fang arrived, wearing a jade hairpin on her head, wearing a lotus-green twill, calm and elegant, came in and asked: “Is my father’s wound still hurting? I heard that you rode out the door yesterday, Until the arrow is healed, my father should take the carriage. I’m afraid you will be injured accidentally.”

His daughter was filial and sensible, Guo Xiao’s expression softened, and said with satisfaction: “Okay, remember it for my father.”

Ting Fang smiled lightly. The fourteen-year-old girl has a face like peach blossoms and eyes like an elk, and she is lovely. Compared with her elder brother, she has a better appearance than the old lady of the country’s wife, Tan. Guo Boyan was in a daze, as if seeing the dead wife of Cardamom through his daughter, and thinking of what he was going to say next, Guo Boyan suddenly felt a little guilty towards a pair of girls.

In the past few years, he has been serving the emperor, traveling around, and living at home is only a handful throughout the year. His son is okay. He took it out for two years and spent two years with him. Father and son get along day and night, and his son will ask him for advice. When it’s the daughter’s turn, the father and daughter are emotionally divided, except for a few daily greetings, there is nothing to say.

But what about guilt? Lin still wants to marry, and the only thing he can do is to care more about these two children in the future.

After taking a sip of tea, Guo Boyan put down his tea bowl and looked at his son and said, “I was assassinated yesterday, how did I come back, do you both know?”

Guo Xiao said: “Yes, I heard that she is the sister of Lin Dong’s family in Fairview Place.”

Guo Boyan hummed, leaning back in his chair and sighed: “I sent someone to find out. Lin’s husband died. She spent four years as a widow with her daughter. After returning to Beijing, she brought her daughter to her quiet back home. The neighborhood praised her for her dignity. Staying quiet, I was abducted by me, and my reputation has been affected all the way. For my father to rely on their mother and daughter to retreat, now her reputation is damaged, how can I just ignore it for my father? I thought deeply about my father last night and decided to marry her. Come, what do you two think?”

Guo Xiao pursed his lower lip. After his father was injured, he sent the leader to inquire about a lot of news. He said that Lin’s beauty was so beautiful that people who went to the Lin’s family to marry before he came out of the cabinet kept coming. He said that Lin’s married away from Jiangnan and returned in April this year. The only time he went out in half a year, he happened to ran into his father.

Recalling the spring mood at the corners of his father’s eyes and brows, Guo Xiao immediately understood that his father personally performed such a big show for the widow. A widow with a daughter can confuse her wise and valiant father to such a point. She must have used some means that can’t make it to the table in private. It is such a scourge. If she really marries into her own family, will the government have a peaceful day? ?

The son never said that the father had passed, let alone the renewal of the marriage. Guo Xiao could only pin his hopes with his grandmother: “Father, does grandmother know?”

Guo Boyan nodded: “Your grandmother has met Lin and praised her for her knowledge of the book, and she has agreed to advance and retreat.”

Guo Xiao’s face changed slightly, he was only sixteen, and he couldn’t hide in the city government even after encountering such a major event, not to mention that it was not an ordinary major event. When the father continued to marry, the name of the wife of the country’s father who originally belonged to the deceased mother fell on the woman next to her. The other party was still a widow with questionable character, and Guo Xiao was very dissatisfied.

Suddenly there is a stepmother, how can Ting Fang feel better? But she was more sensitive and worried that her brother would be outspoken and upset her father. She got up first and smiled to ease the atmosphere: “Father has worked for many years, and my grandmother has been urging you to marry us back as soon as possible. Now we finally got our wish. Father rest assured, my brother and I will meet. Be filial to your mother.”

His daughter is so easy to talk, Guo Boyan reciprocated her, and said with a stern face: “If she does something wrong, you can bring it up directly and don’t have to worry about being a father.” In his heart, he was sure that Lin would be a good mother and would never bully. The children left behind by the original spouse, besides, just like Lin’s fragility when the wind blows, Guo Boyan is even more worried that Lin’s will be bullied by the Diao slaves when he enters the door.

The daughter expressed her opinion, and Guo Boyan looked at his son.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, Guo Xiao left the seat and said, “Congratulations, father, rest assured, the son will be strict with himself and never let the mother bother.”

Guo Boyan nodded in satisfaction and smiled: “I will also ask your mother to take good care of you. By the way, Jianing will also move over. She has just been ten years old. She grew up in Jiangnan and has never seen the world before. Brothers and sisters, please remind her more when going out as a guest, and don’t let outsiders watch the jokes of our national government.”

Ting Fang responded softly.

After passing the anger with his children, Guo Boyan left the door refreshedly. The brothers and sisters drove the people to the door. As they walked back, Ting Fang lowered his head slightly, her eyebrows frowned, full of thoughts. She had a handkerchief and lost her mother when she was young. Her father continued to marry. The new wife seemed to be kind to the daughter left behind by her original husband, but in fact she was extremely eccentric. All the good things were given to her children first. ⑨️❣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Ting Fang doesn’t care about the cost of food and clothing, but her father is not close to her. After Lin enters the door, will her father be even less in the eyes of her?

“Sister, don’t worry, everything is with me, and no one wants you to be wronged.” Guo Xiao patted his sister on the shoulder and promised in a low voice.

Ting Fang’s uneasy heart suddenly became calm, even if her father was partial, she still had her own brothers and grandmothers, and her life wouldn’t be too bad.

Wei Guogong was assassinated on the fourth day of the fifth day. The streets and alleys of the capital are all about this incident. Among them, the most popular thing is the romantic deeds of Wei Guogong and the widowed aunt of the wealthy Lin family. Lin’s beauty has long been heard by everyone. Nowadays, men and women are living together all the way, in the narrow and closed carriage, is the grandfather of the country unable to control it?

From ancient times to the present, common people like to hear this kind of peachy story most. Regardless of the facts, as long as there is a man and a woman, there is gossip.

Just as the people were waiting to see the Lin’s jokes, on the sixth day of the sixth day, the matchmaker invited by the Weiguo government came to Lin’s family with joy, and for fear that the neighbours didn’t know it, the matchmaker greeted the Liu who came to meet him at the door. The prince made it clear: “The grandfather of the country is grateful for Lingmei’s kindness, and learned that Lingmei has no marriage at the moment, so I am here to propose marriage.”

The neighbors are dumbfounded, true or false, the dignified grandfather, the celebrity in front of the emperor, is actually willing to marry a twenty-seven-year-old widow?

The neighbours were unbelievable. Song Jianing, who received the news, dropped the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in shock and asked Lin Xiuxiu blankly: “Who will propose a marriage?”

Lin Xiuxiu said excitedly: “Duke Wei, the one who hijacked your carriage, go, my mother is in front to entertain the matchmaker, let’s listen to the corner.”

Song Jianing is a good boy, she would never do what the adults would not let her do, but she was too eager to know the exact news, and she followed her cousin to hide under the window of the front yard hall and listened with her ears erect.

“…Our father-in-law is the most fair. When he learned that Miss Lin was wronged because of him, he immediately discussed with Mrs. Lin to marry Miss Lin… The father-in-law also said, let Miss Lin relax and he will pick up the child. The young lady went over together, pampered like her own daughter, that is an endless enjoyment of glory and wealth…”

After the matchmaker finished speaking, Liu’s hearty laughter came from inside.

My aunt is going to be the wife of the country’s father. Lin Xiuxiu and You Rongyan looked down, only to see the cousin’s bitter face, she almost cried.

“Cousin upset?” Lin Xiuxiu asked suspiciously.

Song Jianing’s mind was full of confusion, and all kinds of messy thoughts flashed one after another. For a while, it was Liang Shao’s hypocritical face, another was Guo Xiao’s indifferent face persuading her to admit her fate, another was Princess Duanhui’s contemptuous eyes, and another was after rebirth, Guo Boyan. Several meetings with their mother and daughter.

Unconsciously, Song Jianing lost her younger sister and ran to find her mother.

Lin was sitting on the warm couch next to the window, sewing winter clothes for her daughter. Hearing the familiar footsteps, she paused her needlework and looked at the door.

“Mother, Lord Guo has sent someone to propose a marriage…” Song Jianing ran over, panting, anxiously.

What was expected, Lin’s heart was like still water, only wondering how his daughter reacted. Putting down the needle and thread, she took her daughter into her arms, and while wiping the sweat from her forehead, she asked softly: “Does An’an not like the grandfather of the country?”

Song Jianing was startled, why was his mother so calm? Could it be…

The daughter was silly, Lin smiled softly: “What do you think?”

Song Jianing was thinking about Guo Boyan. Guo Boyan, who was in his prime of life, was tall and mighty, and even more powerful. Such an excellent man also had a life-saving grace for his mother. It is reasonable for his mother to like him, right? Change to Guo Xiao, if Guo Xiao is willing to give her the title of wife after taking her away, and then give her endless love, wouldn’t she be unhappy?

However, when her mother married into the Guogong Mansion, she had to look up and see Guo Xiao down…

No, even if we meet, she is also Guo Xiao’s nominal sister!

Song Jianing’s watery apricot eyes are getting clearer and clearer. In this world, what is safer than a sister who becomes a lecherous man?

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