Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

After all, he is only eight years old now! Promoted to Shinobi at the age of eight, there are bound to be infinite possibilities in the future!


Not long after Wuyue’s voice fell, a ninja eagle suddenly flew towards them and hovered above their heads.

Yuri Hong raised her head and said, “This is the signal of the gathering, what happened?”

“It should be.” Wuyue narrowed her eyes. “No matter what, let’s go back first.” With a flash, he left first. The two women didn’t talk too much, and followed closely behind.

Leaf Camp.

When Tsunade walked into the main business, Tsunade gave an order to Nara Shikahisa in front of him. “Let all the troops stationed, including the left and right flanks, be drawn out in one day and concentrated on the center line.”

Nara Shikahisa frowned and said, “But if this is the case, the headquarters here…”

“I will sit here.” Tsunade said lightly: “At the same time, the garrison of the headquarters is standing still. To prevent possible sneak attacks by the other party.”

“Yes, I understand.” Nara Shikaku nodded, turned around and glanced at Wuyue and the others before walking away.

“Tsunade-sensei, what happened?” Wuyue asked after Nara Shikahisa left…

“It’s really a big deal for us.”

Exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Tsunade’s sign language was amazing. “In the past two months, Sand Ninja, who has been suppressed by us in all directions, seems to be going all out. There is reliable information that all their troops stationed on the border of the country of Sichuan are rapidly gathering and rushing towards our hinterland. ”

What? !

Wuyue’s expression was startled, and she said in astonishment: “These sand ninjas are not crazy, right? Although there are a lot of them, their elite strength can’t compare to us at all. Where can the confidence come from us to force a group?”

“Forcing a group?”

“Oh, it means to fight with us.”

“It’s not self-confidence, it’s helplessness. You should know… After our last raid, the morale of Sand Ninja plummeted, and during this period of time, it has been repeatedly defeated. If they continue to consume like this, they will not turn over at all. Chance.”

“So, is this a fight?”

“Almost. And, this is only one of the reasons. On the other hand, it is the battlefield between Sand Shinobi and Iwa Shinobi. It is said that almost half of the ninjas in the village were dispatched by Iwa Shinobi, 8,000 to 4,000, Sand Shinobi. How many days can it last? Besides, they don’t have perfect logistics like we do. The longer it drags on, the more detrimental it will be for Sand Ninja.”

“5.9 So it is.” Wuyue nodded suddenly and said: “If it is analyzed like this, then the explanation is clear. Then, teacher… Do you have any tasks to assign to us?”

Tsunade said solemnly: “Well, tomorrow you will take your team to our pre-established ambush point. In any case, protect yourself first. In addition, learn Shikuji’s command strategy carefully, it will be useful to you in the future. .”

useful later?

Wuyue scratched his head. What the hell, is this an attempt to cultivate your own strategic commanding ability? I don’t want to, I don’t want to be a Hokage, what kind of command should I learn!

075 Fierce battle, fierce battle!

at dusk.

On a gravel beach in the southwest corner of the Kingdom of Chuan, Wuyue was hiding behind a huge rock wall, sticking out her head and staring straight ahead.

For this encounter, Konoha has prepared a total of four fronts: three vertical and one horizontal, the first is horizontal, and the top is at the front, which is used for early warning and exploration. The other three vertical lines lie in ambush where Sand Ninja must pass. Like three sharp knives, as long as they show up, they will give each other a fatal blow.

And Wuyue’s team is on the far left side of the three verticals, responsible for intercepting the enemy on the right wing.

“Also, haven’t you come yet?” The mute beside him looked a little anxious.

After all, this is the first time to participate in such a formal battle. It’s like a senior high school student facing the college entrance examination. When they really test their true strength, it is normal to have such emotions.

“Don’t worry.” Wuyue calmly comforted: “Relax a little and adjust your breathing.”

“Later, what are we going to do?” Hong Yuhi seems to have a slightly better mentality than Mute, but he is still a little confused about how to fight this kind of battle.

“You don’t need to think too much, just use your long-range abilities to intercept the enemy.”

Wuyue said like a leader: “Whether Kunai, shuriken or ninjutsu, as long as you see an enemy, greet them. Well, just like you did against me two months ago. The rest…you just do it. Don’t worry about it.”

“Is that so?”

“I see!”

After clarifying what to do next, the two women nodded earnestly. They weren’t fools either, and they didn’t ask each other why they didn’t need to go hand in hand with this kind of brainless nonsense.

call out.

At this moment, a dark red signal bomb broke into the air and exploded right in front of them.

“Here!” Wuyue’s eyes narrowed and she raised her hand. “be ready.”

As if to imprint his words. After a while, there was a flurry of dust flying in the distance, and even if the distance was not close, you could see a large wave of sand ninjas swarming towards this side.

This, this number of people… is too many!

Even Wu Yue was taken aback. Didn’t these sand ninjas draw up a battle plan, or set up a formation? It’s going to be a flat push directly, just the front? !

Really powerless to rant!

Chiyo old lady, is this old-fashioned? You are obviously already a lot of age, but your temper is still so explosive? ! It was the first time I had seen a stealthy ninja charging as a fully armored cavalry.

Just as Wuyue thought about it, the enemy army had completely rushed into their front line.

At this moment, the Konoha ninjas who had been in ambush everywhere, including the two girls Yuhihi Kane, suddenly attacked, and the overwhelming ninjutsu and rain-like ninja tools, as if they didn’t want money, moved towards Zhongsha Ninja. bombard the past.

This scene is really too spectacular.

Ninjutsu of various attributes wraps all kinds of ninja tools and hidden weapons, and the whole sky is like a colorful meteor shower, falling in the direction of Sand Ninja.


In the huge explosion sound, a piece of colorful light group lit up in the sand ninja camp. Severed limbs, stumps, flesh and viscera mixed with sand, gravel, grass and trees scattered in all directions, and the entire area was instantly reduced to a purgatory on earth.

“Ahhhh! My arms, my eyes!”

“Broken! My leg, my leg is broken!”

“no, do not want!”

“Yangping, Hairen, cheer up and don’t die!”

Aihong is everywhere, screaming one after another. Under this indiscriminate range attack, their casualties are obviously very tragic.

“Is this the real war?”

“Blood, a lot of blood…”

Such a scene had a great impact on Yuhihi Kane and Mute, and their strong visual senses even made them lose their minds at this moment.

“Don’t be in a daze, honestly wait for me.” Wuyue turned her head and explained softly: “Don’t fight hard when you encounter an enemy, survival is the most important thing.” The voice just fell, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

After a lot of fire, Sand Ninja lost at least one third of his combat power. However, the ensuing hand-to-hand combat is the real highlight.

The torrents of Konoha’s blue and sand ninja’s brown are intertwined, and the roar caused by the collision of ninja tools and ninjutsu is immediately played.


A muffled sound.

Wuyue’s footsteps fell to the 447 body of a sand ninja.

Before he died, the expression on the face of this sand ninja was still ferocious and bloodthirsty. He put his right hand in the ninja bag and seemed to be planning to strike the opponent with a thunderbolt. I’m afraid he didn’t even think that he would have no chance to actually take out the ninja tools.


Two figures suddenly emerged from the bushes behind Wuyue, both of them holding Kunai in their hands, one left and one right, attacking towards Wuyue’s back neck.


Wuyue turned her right hand holding the handle of the knife and pulled her body back.


A brilliant silver arc appeared in the air.

The two sneak attacking Sand Ninjas suddenly stopped, and a bloodstain stretched from their necks to their abdomens.

pat, pat.

Each part of the four bodies fell to the ground, and the bright red blood splattered on the green grass, which was particularly eye-catching.

After doing all this, Wuyue threw the long knife in her hand as if she had nothing to do, and continued to walk forward.

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)

076 Doubt

(Gentleman Exchange Country: **)

“Damn! This is trouble!”

“It’s bad.”

“I’m careless, I didn’t expect there are so many people here.”

In a depression with dense weeds, several young Konoha ninjas were surrounded by sand ninjas, and the situation was critical.

This is not surprising.

Even after the previous round of artillery baptism, Sand Shinobi still far outnumbered Konoha. Although the crowd tactics have no significant effect on Konoha’s high-end combat power, the young ninjas like Konoha are indeed a little overwhelmed.

Just between the confrontation between the two sides, a boy wearing a white suit and carrying a long knife walked slowly towards this side. The appearance of strolling in the courtyard was like a stroll after dinner, which was indescribably relaxed. Freehand.

When the boy approached, the Konoha ninjas saw the forehead guard on his head and exclaimed, “It’s ours!”

“I’ve seen him, he’s Tsunade-sama’s disciple!”

“Are you here to save us?”

“Don’t be stupid, he’s still a child. I’m afraid he can’t protect himself.”

Hearing the last sentence, the Konoha Ninja fell silent for a while.

On this battlefield, they have seen too many half-year-old children like Wuyue rushing to the front line, and when they didn’t react, they lost their lives. These children are not only from Konoha, but also from Sand Ninja. Their hands were also stained with the blood of these children. This is the cruelty of war!

Different from the sighs and helplessness of the Konoha crowd. Sand Ren here is all sneer.

“Hey, there’s a little devil here who doesn’t know whether to live or die.”

“Is he stupid to act so leisurely?”

“Isn’t that good, there is one more soul that is about to die under our hands.”

“Really?” A frivolous voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the last name Sand Ninja.

“Huh?” The Sha Ren turned his face away, looking at the boy in front of him with a shocked expression. “You, when…” As soon as he said this, he felt a pain in his chest, and the long knife went straight through his heart.


Sand Ninja’s body fell down weakly, splashing a cloud of dust.


Everyone couldn’t help but take a deep breath. The boy’s speed was so fast that even as bystanders, they only saw a white flash. Then, the sand ninja fell to the ground.

“You, who are you?” Zhongsha Ren finally realized that this is a lamb to be slaughtered, it is clearly a tiger coming down the mountain.

“Konoha Joinin, the evening sun has no moon.” As he spoke, the long knife in Wuyue’s hand was raised, and the figure disappeared again.

In the air, a cold light suddenly appeared.

Pupupu, a series of muffled noises came out, and all the sand ninjas fell one by one like wheat being harvested. Wuyue’s voice also sounded again. “Go to the Palace of Kings of Hell, don’t forget to report this name.”

Shangnin? Is this child actually a Shangnin?

Everyone in Konoha was dumbfounded, with an unbelievable look of astonishment on their faces. But seeing the corpses all over the ground, they had to believe the fact that it happened in front of them.

Wuyue still flicked the blade lightly, retracting the blade and returning it to its sheath. Indeed, for him, killing these sand ninjas is just a trivial matter. However, there was a question that puzzled him, and he urgently needed to find someone to discuss it. His eyes turned to the side. “You guys, have you seen Senior Lu Jiu?”

All the Konoha ninjas looked at each other, only one of the young men with a slightly fat body said: “I, I have seen Deputy Commander Lu Jiu before, in the dense forest to the south.”

“Thanks a lot, be careful yourself.” Wuyue nodded. A flash, and instantly disappeared.

“This… this lord, is really amazing.”

“Yeah, that speed is too fast, it’s like a flash.”

“His swordsmanship is more terrifying than his speed. These sand ninjas are cut open like watermelons lying there!”

“It’s incredible! I’m sure he will become a legend like Sannin in the near future.”

Listening to the discussions of his companions, the slightly fat man who answered earlier shook his head. “Wait and see… Maybe, the three endures are not his end.”

The jungle on the south side of the front.

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