Naruto World in Tensei Eyes

Chapter 18 Class A Mission

Chapter 18 Class A Mission

Hyuga Kyou would be deceiving himself and others if he said he wasn't interested in the secret technique that even a strong man of Orochimaru level was interested in, so he said bluntly, "Then what do you need me to do for you?"

Orochimaru answered irrelevantly and said, "What do you think of Itachi Uchiha?"

Hyuga Kyou said without hesitation: "Unlike many so-called geniuses, he is a real genius! Maybe in just three to five years, he can grow to an unmatched level."

Taking out a scroll from his arms and throwing it to Hyuga Kyou, Orochimaru said: "Help me pay more attention to him, I am very interested in this Uchiha."

After all, Orochimaru's figure disappeared into the shadows, as if it had never appeared before.

Holding the secret scroll that Orochimaru threw over, Hyuga Kyou thought in his heart: "Is it Itachi's Sharingan or Itachi's body that Orochimaru covets?"

Itachi's excellence is unquestionable, and even the third generation has praised him in public, but Hyuga Kyou is a little confused about what Orochimaru's so-called "pay more attention" really means.

After returning to the campsite, Hyuga Kyou found Itachi was writing and drawing in the small book he carried with him, so he asked casually, "What are you writing?"

Itachi replied seriously: "I'm recording the task log."

According to the regulations of the village, ninjas who perform missions must record mission logs. When returning to the village to hand over missions, mission logs will be kept as files and sealed in the archives of the mission center.

But rules are rules, and there are very few ninjas who are willing to record mission logs in detail.

Most of the ninjas, like Hyuga mirror, simply dictated the mission process when handing over the mission, and then the staff of the mission center recorded it on the spot, and finally stored it in the archives.

Hyuga mirror said with emotion: "Itachi, you are the most meticulous ninja I have ever seen so far. Although you are young, you are meticulous in everything you do."

After closing the notebook, Itachi replied, "I just want to learn more from my senior."

Hyuga mirror shook his head and smiled, but said nothing more.

Afterwards, the return trip went smoothly. Unlike the dawdling when they came here, Hyuga mirror and Itachi, who rushed at full speed in the way of ninjas, returned to the village in only a week.

After the mission center submitted the mission log, the mission center immediately raised the difficulty level of this mission from B to A!

As for the reason, it was because this mission involved Yunyin Village, which is also the Five Great Ninja Village, and the other side also dispatched the Erwei Jinzhu Rikiyuki and his guard team.

Renzhuli can often be regarded as the strongest combat power below Elixir in Ninja Village, and it is the pillar of a Ninja Village. Therefore, if you encounter such a difficult person in a mission and can successfully complete the commission, according to the usual practice, The mission center will upgrade the mission evaluation to one level as appropriate.

Of course, the bounties issued to Hinata mirror and Itachi are still the standard for B-level tasks, but they have an additional A-level task completion record on their resumes.

Completing an A-level mission is very rare for Chunin, let alone Itachi who has not yet graduated, so Itachi who walked out of the mission center was very happy.

Looking at Itachi's smiling face, Hyuga Kyou said with emotion: "Only now, can I really look like a child."

At this time Itachi bowed deeply to Hyuga Kage, and said sincerely: "Senior, thank you for your guidance. I have learned a lot in this mission. You are a real Konoha ninja!"

Hyuga mirror said with a smile: "I don't remember what I taught you."

Itachi replied: "You are indeed not a talkative person, but you taught me a lot with your actions, especially when you encountered Ninao Jinchuriki, you let me understand the persistence that a Konoha ninja should have!"

Hyuga Kyou was startled when he heard the words, and immediately asked: "Don't you think I was embarrassed at that time?"

Itachi shook his head.

Hyuga Kyou raised the corner of his mouth: "Then do you know why I can remain calm when faced with Yun Nin's humiliation?"

Itachi thought for a while, and tentatively replied, "Because anger interferes with judgment, shouldn't ninjas be angry?"

"No..." After waving his hand, Hyuga Kyou said with a mysterious smile, "It's because when I think of Uchiha Itachi who is going to suffer together, I suddenly feel much better!"

Itachi only said that Xiang Jing was joking with him that day, so after chatting for a few words, he said goodbye and left.

Watching Itachi's leaving figure, Hyuga Kyou sighed softly.

It has to be said that the Uchiha clan is indeed an outlier. They are too easy to go to extremes, narrow-minded, and want to destroy the world just for a crush.Fraternal love is like a weasel, in order to avoid the loss of life, he can kill his parents and relatives with his own hands.

If it's just extreme thinking, that's all. There are too many people like this in the world.

But Uchiha is different, the more extreme they are, the stronger their pupil power, and once they evolve into Kaleidoscope Sharingan, these people have both the motivation to put their extreme ideas into practice and the strength to realize them.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

In Hokage's office.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzawa was smoking a pipe, looking at the document in his hand.

Suddenly, Sandai asked the Hokage assistant beside him: "The kid from the Uchiha family just completed an A-level mission?"

Because the village has already launched comprehensive monitoring of the Uchiha clan, itachi just completed the task before the document was passed to the Hokage office.

The assistant replied: "Yes, it was originally a B-level commission, but Yun Yin was involved in the task, and the other party also dispatched Ninao Jinchu Rikito, so the mission center raised the task evaluation and raised the B-level to A class."

Sandai flipped through the mission records and said, "Is this Hyuga Kyou related to Orochimaru?"

The assistant replied: "Yes, during the war, Orochimaru arranged him from the front line to the field hospital through his relationship, and served as a hospital guard for a period of time. He does not know how to use medical ninjutsu, but he is proficient in wound dressing, The word-of-mouth in the medical class is not bad, except for the close relationship with Dashewan, there are no other stains."

The third generation took out Hyuga Kyou's personal file again, glanced at it, and then frowned: "Has he been cleaned?"

The assistant replied: "Yes, Nebu once cleaned him, but because he encountered an unidentified wandering ninja, the cleaning operation failed, and the root ninja Mitsui Chuichi who was accompanying him died."

The third generation frowned and tightened a little: "Unidentified wandering ninja? Can you confirm?"

The assistant replied: "There is also news from Sha Yin that the assassination team responsible for the cleansing operation has also been wiped out, but the news they sent is a bit vague. It seems that they know who the murderer is, but they don't want to tell us. , so the intelligence team analyzed that this so-called wandering ninja is probably a rebellious ninja of Sand Hidden."

The brows of the third generation were relaxed: "Since you can be sure that Hyuga Kyou did not do it, then observe it for a while, and if there is nothing abnormal, cross him off the cleaning list."

With the defection of Orochimaru and the ensuing Nine-Tails Rebellion, the village lost Orochimaru, the Fourth Hokage, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, three kage-level combat powers, and a large number of ninjas.

And according to the news sent back by the spies lurking in the other major ninja villages, these ninja villages seemed to be plotting something together after learning that Konoha had been hit hard, and they were all a little ready to move.

Coupled with the problems of the Uchiha clan in the village, the three generations who were troubled internally and externally were a little tired of coping, so the cleaning operation proposed by Danzo has been stopped indefinitely by him.

(End of this chapter)

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