Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 138: Encountering a traitor on the road

"Then, goodbye!"

After receiving Bang Riji's parting gift, Liu Yu bowed slightly to express his gratitude and replied softly.


Bang Riji also replied softly.


As soon as Bang Riji finished speaking, Liu Yu's figure disappeared quickly.

"Boss, do you really think it's necessary to make friends with this little girl?"

As soon as Liu Yu left, an assistant behind Bang Riji couldn't help but ask. He has been in charge of the Red Country headquarters, so he doesn't know much about Liu Yu's deeds along the way. He felt that Liu Yu was just a little girl and could not bear such a heavy gift.

"She is the youngest Jonin in Konoha. I believe her future achievements will not be lower than the so-called 'Legendary Sannin'."

Regarding the assistant's doubts, Bang Riji explained with a smile. He had a premonition that Liu Yu would definitely become a great figure in the ninja world. This was his intuition as a businessman.


There was a faint sound of breaking through the air, and a black shadow quickly passed through the forest. The gust of wind caused by the rapid movement made all the small and large birds in the forest flutter into the air.

"Hua Hua Hua -----"

The figure stopped on a tree, looked at the sun, and whispered to himself: "Just rest here for a while!"

This was Ryūha who rushed back to Konoha from the Country of Red. Since he no longer had to worry about the footsteps of ordinary people such as Kunihima, Ryūha returned very quickly alone. Within a few days, he passed through the Kingdom of Sichuan, and where he was now was a forest on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Fire.

Liuyu leaned on the tree trunk and began to eat the dry food he had prepared. While eating, he stretched his hand towards the purple gem pendant hanging on his chest.

"This is really an unexpected gain!"

Holding the purple gem in his palm, Liu Yu sighed softly. Bang Riji was right, this gem indeed had the effect of helping the user quickly restore chakra.

Holding it in his hand, Liu Yu could clearly feel a warm current flowing out of the originally cold purple gem. This warm current made Liu Yu feel comfortable all over.

"Huh? Someone is approaching?"

Liu Yu, who was resting on the tree, frowned. She could feel a figure in the distance approaching her direction quickly.

"There's more than one!"

After Liu Yu increased his perception, he could clearly feel that there were several more figures behind the figure he just discovered. They should be chasing the person in front. But looking at the distance between the two sides, it is estimated that the group behind them will not be able to catch up with the people in front.

In the forest, a figure was running very fast. If you look closely, you can see that this person is wearing Konoha's standard vest, but there is a horizontal bar on the Konoha forehead protector.

This horizontal bar has clearly indicated the identity of the visitor, who is an absconding Konoha traitor.


And this Konoha traitor couldn't help but gasp for breath while running away, and at the same time he couldn't help but look back, as if something extremely terrifying was chasing him behind him.

"Hurry, hurry!"

This Konoha rebel kept thinking in his heart that as long as he passed through this forest, he would escape from the Land of Fire.

Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the border, this Konoha rebellious nin couldn't help but have a hint of joy on his face. As long as he escapes to Kawakuni, Konoha's pursuit will be much less intense.


Just as the Konoha rebellious ninja stepped over a tree, Ryūha suddenly appeared from the tree and hit the rebellious ninja hard in the abdomen with a horizontal kick. The force is so strong that it can directly kick the incoming person away.


The momentum of the forward charge was already very high, but after receiving such a heavy blow, the rebel ninja couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood in pain. His whole body was half-bowed and he flew backwards.

"Grass Escape, Thousand Leaves Bound"

As soon as the rebel ninja's body hit the ground, countless grass blades protruded from the ground and entangled the rebel ninja tightly.


The rebellious ninja of Konoha subconsciously wanted to break free, but the blades of grass entangled him became stronger and stronger. And he was horrified to find that these blades of grass seemed to have the function of inhibiting the flow of his chakra.

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't break free."

Liu Yu jumped high from the tree, came to his prisoner and said coldly.

After previously discovering the identity of this traitorous ninja, as a member of Konoha, Ryūyu decided to stop him here without hesitation. Judging from his appearance, he should be planning to escape from the Country of Fire and head to the Country of Sichuan.


Looking at the Konoha forehead protector on Liu Yu's right arm, the tied Konoha rebel smiled desperately and helplessly. He still couldn't escape after all! I just didn't expect that I would encounter an ambush from the village here.

After waiting for a while, the Konoha ANBU responsible for chasing the rebel ninja caught up. Looking at the target who was tied into a rice dumpling and Liu Yu next to him, they were obviously stunned for a moment. However, after taking a look at the Konoha forehead protector on Liu Yu's right arm, they knew that Liu Yu was a friend, not an enemy, so they didn't appear too nervous.

"It just happened to happen!"

Liuyu looked at the Konoha Anbu who were catching up, pointed at the captured traitorous nin, and explained calmly, saying that he just happened to meet him this time.

The rebellious ninja, who was wrapped in a rice dumpling, suddenly felt a bruise in his heart when he heard Liu Yu say that she was not an ambush soldier this time, but just happened to run into him. Why was he so unlucky that he chose this path? Fortunately, he met Liu Yu.

"May I ask you are?"

Arriving in front of Ryūyu, the leader of the Konoha ANBU asked with some confusion. This is not because he suspects that there is something wrong with Liu Yu, but because of his duty, he needs to understand the situation clearly.

"Jounin Kusanagi Ryuha."

Liuyu didn't pay attention to the other party's inquiry, but replied quietly.

Hearing Ryūha say she was a jounin, the leader of Konoha ANBU was obviously startled. But he quickly realized that the Kusachi clan had indeed produced the youngest Jonin in Konoha, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

The other two Anbu behind him also looked at Liuyu with a little surprise. Regarding the youngest Jonin in Konoha, there has been a lot of commotion in the village these days. I didn't expect to meet him here today.

"Thank you very much!"

However, they didn't pay too much attention to this issue. After all, they still had their own tasks to attend to. After the leader of the Konoha Anbu expressed their gratitude, they stepped forward and grabbed the rebellious nin. With a wave of his hand, he and his companions started to return with the traitorous ninja.

Seeing the ANBU leave, Liu Yu didn't ask any questions. She knew that the ANBU were performing confidential tasks, and it was better to be less involved in some matters.

She didn't want to know why that person chose to defect. She only knew that as a member of Konoha, she had to think about issues from Konoha's standpoint.

No matter what the reason for defecting is, as long as you defect, you are an enemy.

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