Naruto: This is how the thunder fruit is used

Chapter 001

“Where am I?”

The child lying on the tatami looked confused. In the corner was a kicked-up blanket, with a basin and towel beside him.。

【Wasn’t I at the graduation ceremony? Why did I appear here, and why did my hands become smaller and my brain became groggy. 】

The physical discomfort gradually came, making his vision blurred and unable to control himself.。

“Ouch, cough cough cough! ”

The discomfort finally made the child vomit. Because he had no strength, he himself fell on the vomit with a bang, and because of the random struggle, the vomit was everywhere. Most Konoha buildings are Japanese-style wooden structures

. In addition, the ground and the tatami formed a hollow, so the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground could easily spread, so soon a woman ran upstairs and found the child lying on the ground.。

“Shougo! ”

The woman was shocked, calling the child’s name, and tremblingly touched the child’s body, trying to check the child’s condition.

He was breathing heavily, his hands and feet were numb, and his eyes were blurred. He looked like he might not live long. .

The woman was obviously not an ordinary person. She quickly calmed down and quickly picked up the child. She disappeared from the place in an instant and appeared in Konoha Hospital not long after.。


When he regained consciousness, the sky was completely dark.

I saw that the child who had vomited unnaturally before had woken up. He slowly sat up and searched for memories slowly.。

“Depend on. ”

The child burst out with a national curse. He really didn’t expect that such a bloody thing as time travel would happen to him. Moreover, the method of time travel was different from that of many seniors who were overtaken by big trucks. He only remembered the last words before time travel. One scene was when taking graduation photos, the bachelor’s hat was thrown into the sky。

【Didn’t I die from having my bachelor’s cap popped open? That’s too inferior. ]

Rubbing his temples with one hand, he was a little afraid to look directly at this bleak life. As an orphan in his last life, he didn’t have much nostalgia for his previous life. He just felt sorry for the orphanage that raised him and the wealthy businessman who funded his education. .

I said sorry in my heart, and then continued to search the memory of this body. His original name was Yuki Shougo, a native of Konoha, whose parents were ninjas.

No matter how much useful information is gone, you can’t let a child who has just turned three years old and has only learned to walk and talk for two years remember too many things. It is precisely because this body is too young that the Chinese soul that has passed through it will feel uncomfortable.。

【His name is obviously Zhuangwu, why is his surname not Tokiwa?]

He complained in his heart.

So, a new question arises at this time. Now that I have traveled through time, what about the original soul? Where did he go?

I carefully searched my recent memories again, and I could vaguely recall some scenes. It was a scene of several little kids in a snow-covered forest, punching and kicking the little yellow fur lying on the ground, and then one of them turned his head and pointed. He looked at himself, looking very much like Brother Tiger in society, and then “Brother Tiger” pushed the original body, and the final scene was filled with endless water splashes.

Zhuangwu covered his face again. Is there anything else you don’t understand? As a useless college student in my previous life, I can still basically remember the plot of Naruto.

A little analysis revealed that the little yellow man lying on the ground was Uzumaki Naruto, the chosen son of the Naruto world. The original person followed a few friends to bully others. The original person was timid and unwilling to beat Naruto, and then… In the classic Japanese style, you don’t fit in with others, “Brother Tiger” takes action for justice, and his original body is pushed into the water.

By the way, it’

s winter in Konoha these days. A three-year-old child fell into a cold river. He didn’t know how long he was soaked in before he was rescued.。

【Are you afraid that your little penis will be frozen? Don’t. 】

Zhuang Wu thought with some sadness. He felt deep sympathy for this child who died young, and at the same time he was worried about his future sexual happiness. After all, he was busy with studies in his previous life and never fell in love. He didn’t want to have any regrets in this life.

At this time, there was just a click and the door of the ward was pushed open. Shougo quickly put away his thoughts and made his expression normal. He saw a nurse from Konoha Hospital walking in with a cart. He took a look and saw that it was empty. After drinking a little bit of it, I skillfully replaced it with a new bottle.

Then seeing Zhuang Wu looking at him with his big eyes, the nurse who was so cute touched Zhuang Wu’s head, said a few comforting words such as your parents will come to see you tomorrow, and helped Zhuang Wu tidy up the quilt. Walk out of the ward.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhuang Wu straightened out his disrupted thoughts. There were still many problems to solve, including how to survive future crises and how to continue on the road ahead.

The messy thinking made him go a little crazy. The physical fatigue and the excitement in his mind tortured his nerves. Zhuang Wu slept an uneasy night like this.

When I opened my eyes the next day, I saw someone already sitting by the bed. It was the mother of this body, a woman named Yuuki Yuko, a Konoha chuunin. She was in her twenties and had black hair tied up. She has a woman’s hair in a bun, bright eyes, but there is a worry that cannot be resolved. She has a beautiful nose and thin lips, and a soft face. She is a very beautiful and gentle woman.

Zhuang Wu, who had just woken up, was startled. The panic on his face only appeared for a moment, and then he calmed down.

How should one disguise himself when facing his relatives and those who are familiar with him? Zhuang Wu thought about the solution to this problem last night, and it was just two words: daze.

As the saying goes, if you do more, you will make more mistakes, if you do less, you will make fewer mistakes, and if you do not do better, if you encounter a disaster, your sense of security must be negative. Coupled with strong stimulation, a person’s temperament will change drastically, and how will a child’s temperament change? ? Sluggishness, uneasiness, and fear can all be expressed appropriately.

In addition, there are speculations about the character of the original owner: a guy who doesn’t even dare to beat up Naruto, a little yellow-haired guy, is actually relatively cowardly at heart, but he can play with the group of bully brats in the village, which shows that His usual behavior is not considered introverted. He comes from a civilian ninja family, so he can only be described as ordinary.

So how should we behave at this time? Whether to rush into the arms of the woman in front of him for comfort or to show a sluggish state, both have their own pros and cons, but looking at the woman in front of him who is not much different in age from his previous life, Zhuangwu can only choose the latter.

You are thin-skinned and cannot pretend to be a child to take advantage of others.

Seeing the child in front of her go from frightened to her eyes gradually becoming empty, Yuko couldn’t hold back her tears, and she silently pulled Shougo into her arms with tears streaming down her face.

I won’t go into details about the subsequent comfort and feeding operations. Zhuang Wu was very well-behaved throughout the whole process. He could only respond to his mother’s words with a hum, mainly because he was afraid that he would not be able to react and speak Chinese. He struggled to recall the vocabulary he had learned. .

After a few days of this, Zhuang Wu was discharged from the hospital and was taken home by his mother.

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