Naruto: The Hidden Protector

25: How dare he not come to greet this young mistress

Izanami, lost in her thoughts, found herself standing before the reception desk almost unconsciously.

“Hello, miss. How can I help you today?” The receptionist asked kindly, breaking Izanami out of her reverie.

Collecting herself, Izanami addressed the receptionist with a hint of impatience in her tone. “Hmph, of course, this young mistress has some business here but that is no concern for you. But before that, where is your Hokage? Shouldn’t he come and greet me? This young mistress doesn’t have all day. If he’s just trying to delay our meeting, then he should prepare to pay off the added interest on the debt Konoha owes us.”

There was silence all of a sudden. Everyone who heard this whether they were civilians or ninjas was able to react as they heard her arrogant words.

As Izanami stood before the reception desk, her impatience palpable, a collective murmur arose from those nearby. "Did this girl go insane or something? Why would the Hokage come to greet her? Even if she's a noble, isn't this arrogance a bit too much?" Their shock and anger were evident, especially among the ninjas. To them, the Hokage was an idol.

Sensing the hostility in the air, Izanami turned her gaze to the surrounding audience and asked arrogantly, "What are you looking at? Never seen a princess before? Tsk, is this how Konoha is? Everywhere you look, you can only see mad horn dogs who have no manners. I wouldn't even be surprised if the people here kidnapped little girls to satisfy their lust. Maybe I should also charge this to the debt this village owes."

Hearing her words, the ninjas all turned away from her. Although they wanted to curse at this little girl for insulting the Hokage, they didn’t dare to make trouble. They knew that this girl just wanted some excuse for extorting money from the village.

As ninjas, their ability to assess the situation was far better than the civilians who still kept glaring at the girl. Although the Hokage wouldn’t punish some civilians, he surely would punish the ninjas for creating more trouble for him, especially when they realized that this girl was here to collect the debt money the village owed to them.

The receptionist, a retired ninja, quickly composed herself, masking any expression of annoyance or agitation. With professional grace, she assured Izanami that she would promptly inform the Hokage of her presence and inquire about his availability at that moment. However, her professional facade almost faltered upon hearing the words Izanami uttered next.

"Huh, who do you think I am? I don’t care if your Hokage is unavailable right now," Izanami retorted, her arrogance palpable. "Just tell him to stop his boring stuff and come greet me. I won't waste my time waiting for your Hokage to finish his porn book."

The receptionist tried her best to maintain her composure, but her patience was wearing thin. Who did this girl think she was? Hadn't her parents taught her any manners? She needed to learn how to respect her elders.

Just as the receptionist was about to address the girl's behavior, an ANBU ninja arrived on the scene. He approached Izanami and said in a cold voice, "The Hokage-sama has requested your presence."

Izanami narrowed her eyes as she said, “ Watch your tone mongrel. Is this how Konoha is treating the representative of the World Bank? Maybe I should just increase more interest value to the debt this nasty village owns the World Bank so no one dares to threaten this young mistress. “

The ANBU Root operative, clad in the distinctive uniform, remained unfazed by Izanami's threats. As a mere pawn in Danzo's game, he was singularly focused on carrying out his orders. Without flinching, he reiterated his command, "The Hokage awaits your presence. Follow me, or it will be considered defiance against Konoha."

Izanami responded with a smirk, her expression challenging. "Heh, do you dare to try, mongrel? I'd like to see how Konoha would fare when the World Bank decides to seek revenge." Her words dripped with confidence and disdain, daring the ninja to test her resolve.

“ That is enough '' Someone shouted as everyone turned to see the other person who came out of the carriage. It was Tsunade Senju, the princess of Konoha.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as everyone awaited Tsunade's response to the insolent girl's behavior. Surely, the legendary Hokage's student wouldn't tolerate such disrespect, especially in front of her revered mentor. But to the surprise of all, Tsunade didn't scold the girl. Instead, she directed her reprimand at the ANBU operative.

"Why the hell are you picking a fight with a little girl?" Tsunade's voice cut through the tension, her irritation palpable. "Don't you have better things to do?"

Turning her attention to Izanami, Tsunade continued in a stern tone, "And Izanami, what's the point of quarreling with this idiot? Let's just go and meet with the old man."

Izanami snorted dismissively, her disdain was evident. "Hmph, I have better things to do than argue with that mad dog over there. I just didn't appreciate his attitude. Who does he think he is?" Her defiance matched Tsunade's, though tempered with a hint of arrogance.

Just as she was about to continue her speech, Tsunade directly intervened. "Yeah, yeah, just leave the poor guy already. Let's go already. Come with me; I already know the way to where the old man is." Tsunade's tone was firm, signaling an end to the confrontation as she took charge of the situation.

Without waiting for Izanami's reply, Tsunade briskly left the scene, prompting Izanami to grumble about Konoha's lack of hospitality as she followed. Her entourage trailed behind her.

As the commotion subsided and the unexpected situation settled, the audience, particularly the older ninjas, gradually regained their composure. They understood firsthand or through hearsay Tsunade's fiery temperament, so her decision not to raise her fists or reprimand Izanami indicated only one thing.

The realization that Izanami commanded such respect, to the extent that even Tsunade refrained from confrontation, struck fear into their hearts. Throughout the Fire Country, Tsunade's respect was sparingly granted, reserved primarily for the Fire Daimyo himself, and even then, she did not extend such courtesy to his family.







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