Naruto: The Hidden Protector

23: It’s time for your teacher to keep her part of the promise

“ So, does anyone have any questions? “ Izanami asked as she looked at the people in the conference room.

After their little discussion, Izanami and Nagisa spent some time together catching up with each other. And the very next day Luna held a special meeting to discuss their future plans. And Izanami just now presented her plan in full detail.

Hearing her plans most of the people gathered here were too shocked to react. Most of them looked at Nagisa to see his reaction as his help is very crucial to this plan. But as usual, he had his poker face which he is quite famous for. So most of the attendees couldn’t get a read on him.

“ Hey, Izanami care to tell me why I am here. You don’t expect me to come with you to Konoha, do you? “ Tsunade asked. She was just relaxing in her room when she was dragged here by Izanami.

Izanami shook her head as she heard this. Honestly, she wished Tsunade would not be this stubborn on this matter. Whether she liked it or not she is still the Senju princess. If she really desired it there would be many who would support her. And for the plan to succeed smoothly, her participation is needed. Even a child could realize this. But she nonetheless explained the reason for her presence,

“ Tsunade do you really want to go back to your bad unhealthy habits? You should just stop running away from the problem. Whether you like it or not, the Village your grandfather created is beginning to break apart. You should at least try to save it before everything falls apart.

Don’t forget there is a reason your teacher didn’t want you to interfere with the village council. The authority you wield is not any lower than the village elders. So your presence is quite important for our plan to work smoothly. “

Hearing her words, Tsunade fell silent. She knew her responsibilities very well. But she is still hesitant to go back to that place. The village caused her too much pain.

Looking at Tsunade's still hesitant look Izanami sighed. She then began to bring out her trump cards to the table.

“ Sigh, well it looks like I have no choice. Tsunade Senju, if you come with me back to Konoha, I will pay off half of the debts you owe to the World Bank. “

“ huh “ Tsunade looked shocked at her words. ‘ When the hell did I borrow money from the World Bank ‘ she thought in wonder. But an unpleasant memory popped into her head.

It was during the time she was searching for the disappearance of her clan members. In one of the folders, she found out that a considerable amount of money was borrowed from the World Bank to complete the construction of the village. It was said that the Senju and Uchiha would be paying back the debt by giving a small amount of their mission rewards. Originally the debt was supposed to be paid off after 100 years but with two ninja wars, the time increased as more clan members had to borrow money from the bank to buy off their equipment. And with each war taking more clan members away it was estimated that the debt would be a considerable amount.

At that time Tsunade didn’t care about it as the debt of her clan members was the least of her worries. And she honestly didn’t hear about this in her entire ninja life so she mistakenly thought that Konoha somehow paid this off or the bank confiscated some assets the clan owned to cover the debt.

But now Tsunade knew the whole truth. ‘ This bitch overlooked it until I am driven to a corner ‘ She thought as she glared at Izanami angrily. Forget about paying the debt of her dead clan members she herself is in debt.

Tsunade really wanted to curse her grandfather this time. Unlike the personal debt she sometimes gets, this debt is a clan debt. So if the clan isn’t extinct the remaining members must pay off the debt.

Although this may sound unfair it actually isn’t. Unlike personal debts where the interest increases every month. Clan debts are very easy to pay off. Since they just have to give up a small quota of their earnings it is very popular amongst clans. Especially with the major clans who have more than hundreds of members. It just takes more time.

“ I really hate you, you know that “ Tsunade grumbled as accepted her fate. She knew that there was no way for her to escape this. And even if she ran away she doubted someone like Izanami would take too long to catch her again.

Izanami said nothing as she just gave Tsunade a small smile. Although this might be a little forceful, this is the only method she could think of to make Tsunade agree. And besides, Tsunade will definitely enjoy what she will do after they reach Konoha.

“ So does anyone else have any questions? “ Izanami asked just to make sure.

No one said anything as the work they had to do in this plan was very little. Most of them had small duties like spreading the news to other nations or making some good kimonos for Izanami to wear.

“ Well since no one has any questions let’s get this plan started. “Izanami finally said after no one raised any questions. The rest stood up as they went to do their duties. Izanami has to leave in a week after all.

Izanami gazed at the sky as she thought, ‘ Finally no more holding back. Hashirama and Madara, I will not let your dreams be destroyed by some idiots. It's time for your teacher to keep her part of the promise ‘

She clenched her fists as she remembered the times she was helpless in saving her students. That contract made Izanami regret many things. If she had the ability she would have never let Madara go down the dark side.

Izanami exhales deeply as she tries to calm down her mind. It's not worth lamenting about what happened in the past when you have the ability to change the future.

Thinking so she too left the meeting room. She also has some last-minute preparations to do.







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