Chapter 165: 163. Sayonara
"So, where are we now?" Jiraiya asked.
"Just in a nearby time, in a desolate place, as I would wait for my clone to actually track her, she must have used a lot of chakra for this transport as breaking my barrier that way would require a lot of chakra," Sora said.
"So, do you think that she had used most of the chakra that she has of you?" Naruto was talking about the chakra Urashiki had stolen from Sora. Despite not having the exact picture of what had transpired, he with his sage mode could feel Sora's chakra in the hands of the Uchiha lady.
"Hmm, Probably" Sora shrugged.
Normally, the lady's expenditure of chakra for teleporting herself with her MS ability is minimal, but due to the fact that she was trapped in a barrier that stopped her from normally doing that, she also transported over a long distance as his clones had a tough time finding her.
"Oh..., My clones were chasing a clone" Sora said blankly.
"Can't you just retrace the movement of chakra?" Naruto hinted at the movement of chakra when the shadow clone dispelled, returning to the original body.
"The clone exploded, all chakra was used up" Sora shook his head.
"What now?" Jiraiya asked.
Sora shrugged "Well, It is what it is, what can we do?" He created a shadow clone who disappeared from it's position.
In the next instant, shadow clones of Naruto were summoned, they were the ones who were left behind in Fourth Hokage's time.
Naruto got the hint without even Sora saying anything, he dispelled the clones and the sage energy rushed to him, refilling his tank.
Sora again stomped on the ground and the trio disappeared.
They appeared in a snowy area.
"Oh, we are back" Naruto could tell that it was his era/time as they had been around this area before when they had teleported initially.
"What would you do now? From what I can see, you have no other way of your own to track her" Jiraiya asked.
"Well, I will take help from other people, who can track her" Sora shrugged and summoned a very familiar fan with Uchida in it.
"Wait, so is this it?" Naruto instantly deduced that the arrival of this fan meant farewell.
"Yup," Sora said while grinning mischievously and doing an axe kick at Naruto's gut.
The latter, still in sage mode could perceive the attack, but couldn't react to it.
He let the natural energy from his body leave, as he had the capability to keep most of the natural energy within himself if he so desired, but he was scared that Sora would beat him continuously till all of the natural energy was expelled, and he unable to react.
"Ouch, that hurts, you really like to beat people, don't you?" Naruto asked while all the natural energy from his body got dispersed.
"Hehe, it's so fun to see their reaction" Sora who was still in sage mode giggled.
"Well, brat, don't get too arrogant, there is always someone stronger than you or even if you become the strongest, there could be times when you would feel helpless, so just remember to keep yourself humble" Jiraiya said.
"Yeah, and don't hit people" Naruto glared at the redhead who whistled innocently.
"Well, I will keep that in mind then" Sora stroked the fan and chakra-infused air went at them.
"Also, don't play with the heart of too many ladies when you grow up, The Hyuga girl would be sad" Jiraiya smirked while managing to say that before going into a trance.
Naruto also went into a trance.
"B-Baka" Sora said and disappeared from this time.
In a few seconds, Jiraiya and Naruto looked around confused.
"What just happened?" The blonde asked.
"It seems our memory was sealed" Jiraiya being a very old shinobi could instantly notice the gap in his memories and deduce what happened.
Ninjas don't even face this when having alcohol, due to how much paranoia and abilities of chakra.
"Who did that?" Naruto asked with a hint of fear in his voice.
He could feel the nature energy around him and could feel that somebody dispelled the energy out of him, making that person not only faster than him, but the force by which that person would have hit him, and knowing the technique to dispel nature energy from one's body makes him shiver.
"You probably voluntarily let it go, I don't think a person would exist who could make you involuntarily make you lose all nature energy" 'at least all at once' Jiraiya said while thinking of various scenarios.
"Anyway, what do you think happened? Do you think a Yamanaka is involved? Or somebody with special abilities/ unique kekkei genkai?" Naruto asked.
"Hmm, no I could feel a seal on me and you, but don't know where, it seems somebody on the level of grandmaster or somebody beyond that was involved," Jiraiya said while voicing out his deductions till now.
He was spot on as Sora was already beyond grandmaster.
It wasn't Jiraiya's fault for being unable to sense the seal, as it was directly tied to his soul.
Even the Nine Tails inside Naruto had a memory seal on him, him unable to do anything.
'This seal... it is the same as the one when I was inside that cursed woman... so, these two are related? Maybe somehow they interacted, and some third party was involved... also, I feel like this seal was not on me always... something is weird' Kurama inside Naruto thought.
"Anyway, this seal is similar to one in Forbidden Scroll, at least the base is similar, but the whole seal is too advanced version of it, At least the party was somehow related to Konoha and I think time-travel was involved" Jiraiya finally put an end to his thoughts.
Even without seeing the seal or sensing it properly, he could tell that it was based on the Jutsu Minato used during Roran Movie in the original and when the seal is used, the party at least knows why their memory was sealed or erased.
"TIME TRAVEL, that's so cool, wait, does this mean that we were somehow involved in a time travelling incident?" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes.
"I guess" Jiraiya sweatdropped at his godson who didn't seem that concerned about his memory being sealed.
Well, Jiraiya also let go of this matter, he has important things to do, like completing the next volume of the Icha Icha series and for that, doing some research.
"Hehe, I will brag this to Teme when I meet him, who can claim that they time travelled"
With that, one old man with a lecherous expression and a blond with a gloating face forgot about their worries and moved on.
Current Time--> 1.5 Years after Naruto and Sasuke Left the village.
Sora could be seen strolling in the street lazily.
Today was his rest day, which means that he is gonna eat as much as he could and try various different things.
'Still can't integrate automatic healing in my Shape-shifting jutsu' Sora grumbled at the difficulty of this task.
It not only required very delicate chakra control but also seal less advanced iryo nin techniques or something along those lines.
He still hadn't fully mastered whatever Baa-chan as teaching him as the amount of content is too much despite having more than 15 shadow clones working on it day in and out.
Heck, some of the clones were still training, but they were only a few as Sora wanted to keep his momentum and consistency.
Also, due to his chakra reserves increasing considerably, he had to spend more time on chakra control, as just letting his skill not decline in that aspect had become challenging for him.
'I wonder how I will fare when I hit my teen' Sora thought about the massive chakra increase he would experience, which would be multiple times his current rate.
For Uzumakis, this was both a blessing and a curse in disguise.
This was the decision for rarely any Uzumaki having good chakra control for Iryoninjutus.
Fuinjutsu has ways to approach even while having trash control, and Uzumakis had the internal knack to overcome that wall.
Sora suddenly looked at the top of one building and noticed an anbu hiding there, he made some signs and then left.
Sora took a deep breath and sighed.
His body flickered towards the Hokage tower and reached the top window.
"Baa-chan you called?" Sora asked while crouching on the window.
The anbus was used to his behaviour and hence weren't caught off guard.
"Yeah, I have a mission for you"
"Baa-chan you give me too many missions" Sora whined.
"Brat, it had been more than 3 months since you went on a mission" Tsunade had her eye twitching.
A/n- Well, What happened to the Uchiha Lady or the 12-year-old Sora would be told when we reach that point in this story lol
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