Naruto :The Avenger

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: The Date Part 3

The two information he needs to confirm is the location of the Royal Family. The family would typically stay at or near the capital as it is the seat of power, but members of Royalty rarely shows up in the city. Naruto's clones found that they stay somewhere outside the city, but it's also mostly empty.

The next one is the weird movement of people. Groups of people would regularly trek towards the Wakandan jungle and return a few weeks later. Six months survey of the villages showed that there is some kind of cycle for each group to go towards the middle of nowhere. Even the caravans that are moving from village to village always travels through the forest, not around it.

That's why he's going himself to follow the people to where they are going.

Naruto was tree jumping through the forest a few kilometers away from Binin Bashega when he heard shouting and gunfire from nearby. He decided to check it out and run toward it. When he was around 100m away, he stopped on a tree branch and activated his Shinigan to watch the situation.

There's a large group of mercenaries surrounding a slave caravan. All the males are beheaded while the women and children are corralled on one side. The presumed leader of the mercs is interrogating a woman harshly.

The leader is wearing a tattered combat suit, hunter's hat, and a necklace made of teeth. He remembers his name as Mufasa. A warlord turned mercenary with a disposition for carnage. They often take the heads of their enemies as a trophy. He usually operates in southern Africa, so it's a wonder why he's this far north.

The woman, on the other hand, is wearing an assortment of green clothes. She's acting well enough for everyone else to pass as a refugee or slave but not for Naruto's eyes. Her muscle development and physiology can't be hidden from Naruto's eyes.

"I know who and what you are..." Mufasa said. "You think you're smart by sticking with refugees and slaves, but what you don't realize is that people talk. Give enough 'incentives,' and they would tell you anything..." He continued while retrieving his knife and running it all over the woman's neck. "Everyone of them said the same thing, an angel in green called a man in black and saved them from a terrible faith. I remember the stories of my childhood. The stories passed down from the ancestors, never fight the man in black..." Mufasa walked over to a girl and pulled her towards him. "I also remembered the story of a golden city hidden in Wakanda, where the man in black came from. I'm only going to ask you once, Wakandan..." He said while placing the knife on the now crying girl's neck. "Where is the Golden City?"

Nakia is in turmoil. She's a loyal War Dog of Wakanda. Her mission is to serve for the best interest of Wakanda above all others and keeping Binin Zana a secret. She hardened herself, believing the girl would die today.

But Bast seems to give her a gift.

Death wails of mercenaries echoed around the outer perimeter. Mufasa's men are dropping left and right, and he can't even see it.

Mufasa tossed the girl aside, took his gun, and scanned his surroundings, trying to find the man that's been taking out his man.

"I know you're there!" Mufasa shouted before he shot Nakia in the kidney. He grabbed her and pointed his gun at her temple. "Show yourself, or I swear to God I'm going to blow her head out! You got three seconds! 3! 2!"

That's when a man in a black suit showed himself.

T'Challa has just been appointed as the new Black Panther a month ago after his father decided that he's not fit enough to be the Panther. An hour ago, an emergency transmission came from Nakia's Kimoyo Beads. He immediately took a Dragon Flyer and set out to help her.

When he got to the location, he saw a gruesome sight. Bodies are piled up on the side of the road while the heads are in the back of an assault jeep. He took out the outer perimeter guard working inside.

T'Challa got spotted by one of the inner guards, and all hell broke loose. Rookie mistake. Now he's in front of a mad man with his love rapidly bleeding out, not sure if he can get to him first without him pulling the trigger.

"Ah. The man in black. The protector of Wakanda..." Mufasa theatrically said. "The Black Panther. Maybe you can answer where the Golden City is?"

T'Challa was now in the same position as Nakia a few minutes ago, but he doesn't have the same determination to let Nakia die.

"Don't tell him." Nakia forced out. She's getting weaker and paler as time goes on.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that, Nakia..." T'Challa answered. He faced Mufasa. "The Binin Zara is in." He never got to finish his sentence since a stone pillar suddenly impaled Mufasa.

T'Challa was surprised by the suddenness of the man's death. He looked around and saw that all the remaining mercenaries are suddenly impaled.

"You should help her before she keels over." A voice said out of nowhere.

T'Challa looked back to Nakia and saw her starting fall. He ran toward her and caught her.

"I got you. You're going to be okay." He said while checking Nakia's wound. It's a through and through. He took a Kimoyo bead from his and Nakia's to plug the entrance and exit wounds. It stabilizes her condition momentarily, but she just lost too much blood. She might not make it back to Wakanda for treatment. He's feeling the weight of the situation when a hooded guy walked over to him and crunched down in front of him.

"You need help, man?" The same voice that told him to catch Nakia came from the man. "Come on. Just nod if you need help..." The man said in a calm voice. T'Challa nodded. He would do just about anything to save Nakia right now. "Alright. Lay her on the ground and move three steps back..." T'Challa was hesitant to leave Nakia's side, but he knows he can't do anything now. Naruto did a single hand sign and placed his now glowing white hands-on Nakia's abdomen. "Fair warning. I have almost zero medical knowledge. I'm just boosting her resilience. So yeah."

T'Challa almost lunged at the guy, but he can't do any better right now. A few minutes of waiting, and he finally took a sigh of relief. Nakia's color returned slowly, and she slowly opened his eyes.

"Glad that worked, huh." Naruto said to T'Challa after he walked some distance back.

T'Challa rushed over towards Nakia and held her in his arms. He removed his helmet and checked her over.

"Thank you. Thank you very much..." T'Challa said in gratitude towards Naruto. He extended his hand towards Naruto. "I'm T'Challa. Crowned Prince of Wakanda, and I'm in your debt."

The man removed his hood, revealing a young blonde man. The man took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki..." The now named Naruto introduced himself with a wide smile. "Freelance contractor and I'm lost."

~Flashback End~

"...we talked for a while, and he gave me a communicator. That's how we kept in touch. I did some job for him and worked together from time to time. I also snuck in Binin Zana to leave some packages for him." Naruto ended his story.

"Baba is slowly losing his mind trying to find the intruder that keeps on leaving him a package. I only told him about Naruto this morning when he received a package with Klaue's picture. The price was a meeting and considerations for his request." T'Challa interjected with a chuckle.

"We're now approaching Wakanda." Okoye announced.

"You're going to want to see this." Naruto whispered at Natasha's ear. She looked out the front window and saw a mountain rapidly getting closer. She was getting nervous, but Naruto just held her hand and calmed her down.

The moment she thought they were going to hit the mountain, the plane passed through some kind of barrier and saw one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen.

"Welcome to Binin Zana. The Golden City. True Capital of Wakanda." T'Challa declared.

-Clint's Homestead, Missouri-

-January 29, 2007, 1500h local-

Clint burst through the door and rushed up the stairs. He went straight towards the master bedroom and saw Laura sweating profusely.

"Hun, The Johnsons just went into labor before you. The midwife won't be able to come until after she's done." Clint quickly said, clearly out of breath.

This kind of moment magnifies their living situation. Living partially off the grid would remove some comforts that people take for granted, like going to a hospital.

"Clint. Take a breath and find the birthing binder. You're going to help me through this." Laura said between contractions.

"I can take you on the jet and take you to SHIELD HQ." Clint suggested.

Clint Barton is usually calm and collected, but when the life of his wife and unborn child is on the line, the gloves are off.

"No time, babe. My contractions are 3 minutes apart and 60 seconds long. We're not going to make it..." Laura asserted. "You. Need. To. Do it."

Clint nodded and ran down the stairs to retrieve the binder, including some ice chips. He checked on Lila, watching cartoons in her room before going back to the master bedroom.

"Breathe, Love. You can do it." Laura reassured.

Clint opened the binder and read through it.

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