Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 527: How about playing 1 game?

Zhang Lan is very interested in the changes of Phantom over the past two years.

Therefore, he didn't show up to stop, just staying in the crack of space-ordinary people can't do it so easily.

It is already reluctant to break through the space to construct the door of the space, let alone stay in the crack of the space for a long time.

After a long delay, it may be directly torn by the space storm.

Outside the space, the phantom confronts another frost giant in pairs.

To say that this frost giant is still from the world of Jotunheimen, once the hometown of Rocky.

Since their king was personally killed by Loki, the Frost Giant has lost his magical source of frost in a single vein, so much more dismal.

After Rocky ascended the Divine King, thinking of his own blood, he still gave grace to the Yutong Black Gate Mountains-as the Divine King, Xiao En Xiaohui could be without blood or a civilization's support, why not do it.

Therefore, with the assistance and permission of Rocky, the Yutong Hermon Mountains participated in the defense of the nine major countries this time, which was also very active, and dispatched the top group of strong men.

Even the most top group is still quite weak. After all, they have been weak for a long time. Even with the assistance of Rocky, the time is too short to recover.

However, the Yutong Hermon Mountains are not worried, because they will not be the bottom, there is also an earth.

Unfortunately, after they arrived, they saw the power of the earth, which was incompatible with the ideas in their hearts, making them very difficult to accept.

After the earth is strong, even to the extent of being comparable to Asgart, the Yutong Hermon Mountains have become the weakest existence, and they have been mocked-just what they thought to be mocked.

The most unbearable thing is that the people who commanded them were still the weakest people on earth.

Therefore, under the instigation of the intentional people, this group of frost giants were immediately provoked and protested by phantoms, and they meant to refuse to obey.

This is fun.

Then Zhang Lan came, and it happened that Phantom was going to take the simplest way-in the face of the muscles growing in his brain, he naturally showed his muscles.

The strongest one among the Frost Giants, immediately patted his chest and walked out of the queue: "Roar, boy you are very good, at least have the courage to challenge, I can interrupt you a few bones."

"Yo, Roland, beat down the commander, I will pack your wine tonight."

"Yes, you are good."

"It's a little lighter to start, after all, they are master commander, be careful he and the Rocky King complain, ha ha ha ha!"

People on the side, but they all exported irony and ridicule.

Zhang Lan in the space also smiled and shook his head: "This group of savage guys are still a little smart."

This seemingly ridiculous word, but inside and out, only revealed a message: Boy, don't go home to find a parent after being beaten down.

If you meet a hot-blooded person, you might really be irritated by this simple act of aggression, and then say that you will not go to the court and break your own course.

However, their cleverness is in the wrong place.

Phantom glanced up and down a few people very impatiently, then waved his hands.


Three flying objects with big fists appear in the surroundings, they are suspended in the air, and their only one-eye is facing the center of the field-this is the camera, but they are only 3d.

At the same time, on the top of everyone's head, the scene on the scene was played infinitely. It was the scene where the phantom stood against many frost giants.

"You...what do you mean?" The frost giant named Roland questioned the phantom, but the flame fell a lot.

While Roland was speaking, he found that his figure was repeated again and echoed in his ears-that was something that repeated his words.

This is... in live broadcast, or directly projected into the stars, I believe that people who participated in the defense of the nine nations can basically see it.

"It doesn't mean anything. It's just too boring to solve people like you one by one. It's good to do it once and for all." The phantom tone didn't matter.

"Everyone, I am the Commander Phantom this time. I have 3 people in rank A and 14 in rank B. I belong to the Frost Giant. If you are interested, you can check it yourself."

-"Now time is running out, I don't have time to remediate those who are not convinced or otherwise blameless, no matter what your reason is, after repelling the hegemony, Phantom comes to earth to trouble me."

-"However, if someone does me a small move in battle... hum!"

With that, a bright light illuminated in the hands of Mirage, and then gently towards the front.


There was a clear sound, and the bright dazzling light shone on this piece of earth.

The light came quickly and went quickly. After the scene was restored, there was only one person left in the scene, and where were the frost giants.

"Remember, we are fighting to guard the homeland behind us. There are people we know, loved ones, loved ones. Welcome to come to me when you have personal grudges, but now, I want you to Hesitate to execute any of my commands, otherwise no matter who it is, I will destroy him without hesitation!"

Some speeches are domineering, but unfortunately... not everyone pays.

This hand-killing is naturally very strong, but it will not be able to deter everyone. In addition to the ruined Jutong Black Gate Mountains, other civilizations have their own guardians and strong men.

They are like the ancient Yi, and the times protect their own planetary plane. Their strength has already precipitated an extraordinary height in the long years.

The stronger the person, the stronger his self-esteem is. How can he tolerate you as a threat?

Most of them are naturally sensible, and will endure in order to take care of the overall situation, but a few of them are also lacking in tempers, and now they are attacked.

Four breaths strong enough to contend with Phantom, rising from four positions, look like this is protesting.

Another person directly shouted: "If we do not follow, what should you do, do we have to line up to die if we let us die?"

This person's strength is also strong, and the sound can still spread far in space-this is also a strong person who has understood some of the laws, and his own strength is also a strongest s-class peak.

Although the other three breaths did not speak, but the momentum that had not converged was an indication that they supported the words of the strong man.

For a while, the phantom is quite a bit too much.

The four s-class peaks, among which there are more powerful people who understand the power of a rule of law, he is just the strength of the s-class peak, how to resist?

Seeing Li Wei's thoughts may be shattered, a hand rested on his shoulder.

The phantom was taken aback, thinking that someone had come to declare war with him, and immediately wanted to fight back, but found that his physical strength was imprisoned and could not be mobilized at all.

The only thing he can understand is his head.

It's Zhang Lan.

Welcome to see Zhang Lan, also relaxed.


Zhang Lan patted Phantom's shoulder, and then let go of his hand. The imprisoned Phantom was just afraid that he would react too much, and it was considered that it was not calm enough to affect his command.

Seeing the phantom being besieged by four strong men of the same level, Zhang Lan naturally couldn't stand idly by.

In 1v4, there is no problem with the ability of the phantom to escape, but if you are fighting head-to-head... not everyone is like Zhang Lan.

When Zhang Lanchu came out, everyone was still wondering who this person was.

Now Zhang Lan, the momentum on his body is too ordinary, and even the breath of life that an ordinary person should have disappeared, just like it does not exist at all.

The feeling of seeing a person but subconsciously denying the other's existence is quite a self-contradictory struggle.

Only some of the stronger people remember Zhang Lan's appearance vaguely. The stronger the person, the higher the agreement with the law, then the stronger the sense of smell related to the law.

"He... seems to be that person!" One of the four strong men communicated with his soul, full of hesitation.

"It seems... yes, but he was very strong at the time, and he didn't want this pair now..." Another strong man was quite puzzled.

Zhang Lan's breath is too deceptive.

"The breath can't be felt, but this face is memorable forever." Another strong man spoke, with a hint of hatred in the confirmation.

"Why, do you know Wolf Pan?" someone asked.

"Recognize, why don't you know!" The existence known as the wolf duster, with a terrible tone: "In the past two years, this guy... he, has been traveling in nine great countries, do you know?"

"Well, it does matter."

"What's the connection?"

"Contact?" Langji turned to complain a lot: "tm's too connected, the last kingdom he came to was my kingdom. I saw him with no momentum, I thought it was just like that one. The person whispered,'Hey, I really want to fight the so-called Blue God.'"

Speaking of which, the wolf-meal sounded as if... the language was stuffed up, and the look of the past was unbearable.

"Wolfpan, what's behind?"

"Speak a little bit, don't be sloppy?"

Langji heard the words and continued after struggling for a while: "Then? Very simple, he directly admits to me that he is the Blue God, I naturally do not believe it, and also said that he pretends that one is not practicing, then... . Just slap him to shoot my planet!"

"What! Shoot the planet?"

"Is it really a slap? Wolfpan is good at defense, how could... will it be caught off guard?"

"No, even if it is just its own defense, letting you and me attack, it is not so good to shake... You have amazing defense, but the attack power is not enough, I am afraid..."

"It's not that!" The wolfpan is now completely blameless: "I can't touch him at all, and he seems to understand something. See me if my defense is good. Let me experiment. At that time... it was... It’s a nightmare!"

"Comprehension? Can Wolf Pan know what the law is?"

"Yes, which one is so strong now?"

"There must be space, just don't know..."

"It's time." Langji's tone was low: "He dealt with me, he just used the law of time, and he didn't seem to use his full strength... Even so, I almost couldn't come back."

In the words, with a trace of fear.

"That... we still don't want to provoke him, let's withdraw quickly."

"Yes, take a step first."

"Wolf Pan would like to thank you for telling me that after this battle, I will treat you to my three thousand years of good wine."

The conversation between the three is long, but the communication of the soul is very simple, just a short time.

Of the four strong men, this left two, leaving only the wolf dustpan and the one who understood some rules, still in place.

The wolfpan is also going to go, but out of morals, it is still a breath to the strong man who is in trouble.

"Hum, timid as a rat, get out!"

The other party didn't accept it, and the nose of the wolf pant was almost crooked.

"Good intentions are donkey liver and lungs, if you don't come out after watching you retreat, who will tell you these things.

The wolf murmured, and then turned around to go.

However, he discovered that he didn't know when a simple hand appeared behind him, grabbed his body, and then pulled him into the space.

Once again, he saw Zhang Lan smiled and looked at himself. Phantom stood behind Zhang Lan respectfully, and there were the other two strong men who had just left.

"Blue... Blue God, I don't know what you asked me to do!"

The wolf on his mouth asked respectfully, but he was shocked in his heart-he didn't even feel the space fluctuations when Zhang Lan released his space skills!

This shows that if Zhang Lan wanted to kill him, it would be easy!

"Yo, wolfpan, right." Zhang Lan still smiled gently on his face: "I haven't seen you for a long time~~ How did the time law understand since last time?"

"This... fur, fur, thanks to your advice from the Blue God, you have the law of sexual contact time." Langji touched the back of the head embarrassingly.

This was what he didn't say just now. Even though Zhang Lan practiced him, he was also blessed by misfortune. He realized that the fur of a little time law is about to break through the s-level peak and become an ss-level powerhouse.

"Well, that's all right." Zhang Lan nodded. "After this battle, if I'm alive, if you have any questions, come to the earth and ask me, Phantom is my friend, let your tribe cooperate with him."

"Yes, Blue God."

"Yes, Blue God."

"Yes, Blue God."

Hearing that Zhang Lan would teach them the power of the law, there is still resistance in the three of them, and there is even a trace of little happiness.

That's the power of the law. In the Marvel Universe, where the law has long been broken, people who don't know how many geniuses are able to touch their edges well.

And now, there are people who are willing to teach you, does that mean that they can basically determine the promotion to ss level?

Therefore, the three of them are more respectful, and it is just a trivial matter to obey the phantom command.

"Well, go."

Zhang Lan waved his hand, and the three returned to where they had disappeared.

There is no trace of resistance before and after.

The three insisted, and their attitudes were increasingly respectful-this was not a magnitude of existence at all, it was simply a hopeless existence.

After solving three people, Zhang Lan is the last strong man in free cooking.

"Well... Would you like to come out and fight? I sent a avatar to fight with you. If I can break him, even if I lose, you will be the commander, otherwise, just follow the plan until the end of the battle, how?"

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