Naruto: Starting as a Root trainee in a White Room Program( Rewriting)

Chapter 5: 3. Tournament of Survival: Round One: Trolling

{Shikamaru: "Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately, she is a mother and we should respect her."- Naruto Shippuden EpXXX}

A rat-masked individual could be seen kneeling on the ground in a chamber where his senses were going haywire. He was feeling things like the sense of Gravity changing erratically in random directions, the smell of the room as well as the texture or things like the Volume of the room spontaneously Expanding or Contracting such that even a Claustrophobic person would rather knock himself out if he was given a choice.

Only one other individual could be seen present in the room other than the masked man and this person or more like the old man was standing, he looked frail but at the same time, a sense of danger arose in one's heart if one stares at this person for too long. The bandages covering his body didn't give him a harmless aura but quite the opposite, it made him look fierce.

This was one of the Council elders of the Leaf Village and the person having the most political influence after the big man Hokage himself.

Danzo Shimura!

A person who bears the responsibility to guide the leaf from the shadows and the one whom the Third Hokage rely on, His relationship with the Third Hokage is similar to what Sasuke Uchiha is to the Seventh Hokage.

At this time he is reading a report on a certain candidate.

[Name- No.13

Age- 7 years 9 months old

Origins- Konoha

Chakra Control- Advanced(L3)

Chakra Capacity- average Genin

Bukijutsu- Advanced(L3)

Genjutsu- Interdemiate(L2)

Iryoninjutsu- Advanced(L3)

Chakra Enhancement- Intermediate(L2)

Earth Release- Intedemiate(L2)


Nin arts proficiency level-

Level 1- Novice(Beginner)

Level 2- Intermediate(Can use that skill to such level that the application of the skill is useful in Genin level battles.)

Level 3- Advanced(Same as above but for Chunin level battles)

Level 4- Expert (Same as above but for Jounin level battles)

Level 5- Master ( Same as above but for Elite Jounin level Battles

Level 6- Grandmaster (Same as above but for Kage(or S rank) level battles

Analogous example for above using Chakra Control as an example:

Level 1- learning Leaf sticking with different amounts of mass of an object, multitasking at different chakra points, having a basic understanding of internal chakra Control

Level 2- Water Walking(External Chakra Control) OR degree of Chakra Enhancement dangerous for Genins

Level 3- degree of Chakra Enhancement dangerous for Chunins OR Messing up other individuals' internal organs by sending your chakra to the opponent

Level 4- degree of .... for Jounins OR Shape Manipulation(Rasengan)(External Chakra Control)

Level 5- degree of ... Elite Jounin OR Mitotic Regeneration]

"So, this is the best student you have," the old man said with a neutral tone.

"Yes Danzo-sama!"

"Well, with his skills, he could barely be considered a Chunin, his skillset is rare but not that rare if we see some students of other classes, either way, inform your wards that a vast Tournament is gonna be held in six months, and failure in that will mean Death!, You are dismissed!"

The Rat-masked quickly made it out of the room as he didn't want to spend any more time there. Just as he left the room, he was knocked unconscious and carried by another masked individual.

Meanwhile, in the room, Danzo could be seen contemplating while looking at No.13's report, "It's all for Konoha" He calmly said and burned the report.

{Author's authority:- Timeskip 6 months}

"So, let's begin cadets, Rules are simple, you will be randomly shuffled in groups of 100 for the first round and released from random entry points in this forest, You will be given a plaque, and your goal is simple, just Get 3 Plaques before the exam ends,i.e, 24hours, to qualify, failure to do so will mean Death!, Anything is allowed in this exams, Also, the top scorers of the final round will get Rewards personally from Lord Danzo himself! so, on that note, let's begin the first match of the first round"

Previously called NO.13, now could be seen on the edge of a forest with a masked individual who in the next instant signalled him to go to which the child complied.

'So, the death match finally begins, there should be around 4 years for the Uchiha Massacre, should I intervene?'

He pondered while travelling via trees like a monkey!

After a few minutes just as he landed on a branch, he heard the sound of projectiles aimed at him from behind.

Instead of jumping, he formed a hand seal, 'Substitution: Evasive' and disappeared from view.

The shurikens passed through the air hitting nothing. The original substitution is the Jutsu which forms a thread of chakra that connects a log or similar object by chakra thread to the user and then a high-speed circular-like motion is done to do an evasive manoeuvre, which involves releasing some chakra from the body too, similar to Shunshin, but all that is done by the jutsu, thus is not full a conscious effort.

This action is done so fast that even a Jounin won't be able to keep track of the user, that is if higher chakra is provided compared to the academy counterpart, either way, it doesn't remain cost-efficient at higher levels than Jounin and some Jounins having specific skillset could counter it.

In this version, the chakra string is manually controlled by the user and is tied around a heavy object which is used as an anchor for the user to pull himself or herself towards that object, This is actually a superior version of this jutsu and requires high spatial perception along with chakra control and thus could be considered B rank in difficulty alone, however, the cost itself is less than or equal to original itself which is very cheap as it's an E rank jutsu.

Anyway, back to the battle or more like an ambush, a black-haired individual could be seen clicking their tongue at the failed attempt. To a sensor, their chakra reserves will appear at a high Chunin level.

This guy instead of trying to hide when his location got exposed, is now arrogantly standing waiting for his opponent to make a move.

He didn't have to wait for a longer time as a barrage of shuriken could be seen aimed at him from all directions!

This move was enough for the soon-to-be victim to wipe off the smug look on his face. He almost instantly weaved 3 hand signs and added in a low tone, "Great Banshee's scream!"

A wave of white-coloured wind could be seen coming from this guy's mouth, the shurikens that touched it instantly froze and could be seen in ice, this way he froze all the projectiles by rotating his body 360.

At least, that should have ended the whole attack... Right?

However, the black-haired guy didn't take one thing in his calculation, a visual genjutsu! Yes, a subtle jutsu that makes one ignore the existence of explosive tags on the back of the kunai.

In the next instant, the sound of a huge explosion could be heard throughout the forest, even hidden instructors were shocked by the loudness of the explosion.

No.13 could be seen wearing black coloured glasses and facing the explosion 'Watching an explosion is really fun, I just need some popcorn and soda... and also a sofa too, then..' His musing was cut short when he noticed a closed ice structure.

'So, He survived huh, that jutsu must have been sealess, huh, well, time for me to disappear' He thought while weaving hand signs and jumping off the branch in the backward direction such that he still had an eye on the closed ice structure.

The astounding thing was that his legs phased through the ground instead of ... not phasing.

After a few minutes, he could be seen appearing on the opposite side of the forest from where the explosion took place.

'I didn't know that Konoha had Ice-release Kekkei Genkai... Maybe Danzo abducted them as it shouldn't be that hard during the internal war, Still, that counterattack of his was very powerful, I would have probably been immobilised straight off, if not eliminated directly if I got hit.'

Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, the ice dome could be seen getting melted and the black-haired figure came out of it, with his shirt completely burned off.

He suffered some minor Burn marks, but fortunately nothing major due to his quick reaction.

"Tch, who the hell was that guy, I didn't even see his face," He said while opening his side bag to find some first-aid, however, shockingly he found out that his plaque was missing. 

Realisation dawned upon him...

"I will kill you!!!" He shouted with all his might.

Back to No.13, 2 plaques could be seen on his hand, and a smirk on his face, 'chakra strings are so convenient.'

However, something weird happened next, No.13 ducked his head and rolled sideways, 'What the hell! I didn't even sense anybody coming behind me' He quickly summoned a kunai from the storage seal on his armguards.

When he looked at his previous position, a black-haired girl could be seen with a kunai in one hand and 2 other plaques in the other.

"Thank You Oni-chan! for this!" She said and then promptly disappeared quite literally.

"What the fuck!"


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