Naruto: Starting as a Root trainee in a White Room Program( Rewriting)

Chapter 13: Chapter 11: Tournament of Survival: Round Two: Ambush

{Might Guy: "Run into the setting sun. Run and suffer. But don't mess up your hair!" - Rock Lee vs Sasuke, Pre-chunin exams}

The trio had started snuffing out careless groups at night with the help of S-chan, such that under one night, no plaques in their possession had increased from a meagre two to a high 20.

Most of the work was done by S-chan alone, She really was skilled at assassinating people.

You blink and you are dead.

Anyway, going back to the topic, Their team was sleeping in the same bunker as before, they were going to spend the first half of the day sleeping as not all of them had slept in the evening of the previous day.

Life was good until they had to clash with a strong team on the third day.

S-chan was out of commission due to getting poisoned which could be reasoned due to Delta's idiocracy. He had one job of shielding them against Projectiles, but he failed even in that.

Now, #13 had to fight one against two with a Combat medic who also was a poison specialist along with a Ranged attacker using Wind style on par with S-chan.

Ice-guy was fighting against a fire user again, but surprisingly he was suppressing his enemy and was doing a good job at that.

#13 ducked under a crescent-shaped wind attack at him and was successful in touching the arm of the combat medic who was also trying to do the same.

Just as he touched her arm, he formed a chakra scalpel and severed the nerves connecting her left arm at the shoulder.

Now, he had done some permanent damage and if not healed quickly, she could lose her left arm permanently.

But that wasn't #13 's plan as he wanted her to retreat.

Now, the teamwork of both of these was not bad, and good for enemies who turned to allies from Round One to Round Two as this was one way of telling them that such scenarios happening by enemy ninjas teaming up to kill a third party was not that rare.

However, they should have had some more practice as #13 intentionally led that combat medic under the guise of her hand possibly getting severed due to his previous move to her head getting in the way of a crescent wind attack done by her 'partner' due to her losing composure momentarily which was due to fear of possibly getting crippled.

A head could be seen flying in the air.

#13 might not like to kill the children by his own hands due to reasons but he has no qualms watching them kill each other or make them kill each other indirectly. He was by no means a normal person and certainly not a good person.

He used the momentary shock of his opponent to send a flying chakra attack in the form of a thrust, it not only had penetrative power but was also fast. 

That attack hit his left lung and that guy blacked out, It was similar to the attack of how Hyugas hurt internal organs but instead of blunt force and short-range contact needed, this attack could be done from long range and had penetrative power.

If he was healed by a medic in time, then he would survive, if not then his death would be a long one and agonizing. #13 was thinking about whether he should kill this child to let him go from this agonizing fate he was responsible for.

'Meh, I am giving him a chance to survive instead of ending it all in one go, he should be glad that I didn't kill him outright' #13 nodded self-righteously like he had done a good deed for the day.

Even He didn't believe that he was doing a good deed, but like they say, it sounds good to his mind, so why not? He didn't mind entertaining this guy if he survived somehow and came for revenge, He loves challenges like this and questions of such people hurting people close to him?

It's simple, He doesn't have such kind of people in this life, some people had been very close to him in his previous life, but they were skilled people in their fields and were comparable to him, they were technically his rivals, this able to posing danger to them is same as posing danger to him.

He saw that Ice-guy was also almost finished and was toying with the crippled opponent who had lost one leg. He was probably taking his frustrations from his previous fights with this guy.

If this was actually a mission, then he wouldn't be allowed to do this as a root member as it is clearly mentioned in the rulebook, that this behaviour is not allowed.

Normal shinobis however had a lot of freedom in such matters, but back to the scene.

S-chan was still out of commission and was put to safety earlier by putting her in the ground. She seems to have broken out of the ground, using a wind jutsu indicating that she has woken up.

He had given her a temporary solution previously and now had to remove the poison for which Ice-guy had to take guard duty and reluctantly killed the guy he was toying with.

After removing the poison from her system and looting all the loot they got from this team, they left to collect more plaques.

On the night of the fourth day, somebody entered their bunker to rest, their fate was not a nice one, they had their whole chakra sealed and sucked to be trapped in a barrier with poison gas in that space.

It seems they weren't able to overcome the odds like the shonen protagonists and succumbed to their fate, slowly, agonizingly.

#13 was nice about such things, there was a reason that not a single victim survived in the first round due to dumb luck or somebody else kill-stealing, they all didn't die peacefully. It was a dangerous game he was playing, but he was ready to face the consequences of his decisions from the first day.

He wouldn't mind dying at the hands of people who come for revenge in the future.

Sun had already settled down and they were planning to camp in the ground again, but before that, they were ambushed by a yellow-haired guy.

This was not an ideal case as they were not at their peak case in terms of stamina which in turn means they won't be able to the maximum amount of chakra they could as chakra is moulded by converting stamina.

Projectiles were hurled towards them from all sides, and #13 formed some hand signs and used B-rank 'Lightning style: Electromagnetic tussle.

However, that only slowed them down, rather than stopping them completely as it seemed that somebody was using similar jutsu to throw the projectile at them. 

"I failed" 

The other two used some ninjutsu to repel the projectiles and it was clear that it was neither chakra-efficient nor helped the fact that their stamina was low.

#13 used C rank stone skin jutsu and let the projectiles hit him, this jutsu was not chakra-efficient for him at this point and he generally likes to keep it as a last resort.

He would have to do something else if the projectiles were coated with wind chakra, anyway back to the battle, the attacker seems to have sent a next wave of projectiles with target-specific projectiles but the trio has already dispersed.

If the attacker's goal was to separate them and use a 'Divide and conquer' strategy, then he was definitely successful, as they all had to go in different directions.

However, the yellow-haired guy was not that lucky as he chose #13 as his first victim.

The yellow-haired guy had lightning covering his whole body, it was a cheap version of famous Raikage's jutsu, but it was a B-ranked nonetheless.

B rank Lightning Cloak

In the next instant, a yellow blur seems to be trying to slice #13 with a big knife... which could be mistaken for a sword.

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