Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Chapter 265: Chapter 261: A Morning in the Land of Birds

Chapter 261: A Morning in the Land of Birds

The first light of the sun creeps over the edge of the world and hits Malik's face as he floats high in the sky, while he could have gotten some more work done in the night time, the feeling of being watched never seemed to leave him, he wonderd if it was the ghost but knowing his luck it was something worst, something worrying enough to see past his mask of deep insivalblity, and Malik didn't like that, no sir, not one bet.

He would rather not be walking around all alone at night so he waited high in the sky for the run to rise, "Not that I can't get murderd while the sun is up, I just feel better with alot of poeple around is all." he though to himself as he floated down to the village as the sun kept rising up.

The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the bustling streets of the main village in the Land of Birds. As Malik strolled through the village, his presence was like a stone thrown into a still pond, the ripples of his fame spreading out and touching those around him. Known not just for his vast wealth and baking prowess, but also for his enigmatic charm and somewhat flirtatious demeanor, Malik naturally drew the eyes and whispers of the villagers.

Despite his ability to bend the fabric of reality with his magic, today Malik was determined to rely on his diplomatic skills. He wanted to secure a meeting with the Daimyō of the Land of Birds in a manner that was respectful and proper, without resorting to his usual magical shortcuts. It was a challenge he set for himself, partly to test his own restraint and partly to give the local leadership every courtesy due their station.

As he walked, Malik took in the sights and sounds of the village. The Land of Birds might not have been as affluent as other places he had visited, but it possessed a rustic charm that was entirely its own. The architecture was a patchwork of traditional designs, each building telling a story of survival and adaptation. The streets were lined with stalls and small shops, each vendor showcasing an array of local crafts and produce.

Deciding to immerse himself further into local culture, Malik entered a quaint restaurant that seemed popular among the villagers. The establishment was a bit worn at the edges, the paint peeling in places and the wooden sign creaking on its hinges, but it exuded a warm, welcoming air that drew him in, "Yes, this place shall do nicely, yes, yes".

Inside, the restaurant was simple and unpretentious, with wooden tables and chairs scattered across a creaky floor. The air was filled with the aroma of cooking spices and fresh herbs, a testament to the local cuisine being prepared in the back. Malik approached the counter, where a middle-aged couple greeted him with cautious smiles, clearly recognizing him but also unsure how to address someone of his renown.

"I'll have whatever you recommend," Malik said with a disarming smile, placing his order. He noticed the slight hesitation from the owner, a look exchanged between the couple, perhaps unsure how to cater to someone used to more refined fare.

"Are you sure, sir? Our food is simple here," the woman said, her voice tinged with a mix of pride and concern.

"Simple is often best," Malik assured her, his voice warm and sincere. "Please, treat me as any other guest."

As the meal was prepared, Malik made small talk with the owners, inquiring about the village and its history. When the food arrived—a hearty stew with local vegetables and a side of freshly baked bread—he was genuinely pleased.

Malik picked up the soft warm bread and held it in his hands, "You didn't need to bake a new loaf for me, this was clearly made for later, either way, you did't a great job, from baker to another, fine work."

The middle-aged couple at the counter smiled at Malik comment, but they quckly buised themselves with other things.

Malik found himself eating the food set in front of him, The flavors were robust and comforting, a perfect reflection of the village itself.

After enjoying his meal and the company, Malik insisted on paying well above the asking price. The couple tried to protest, but he waved off their concerns with a gentle laugh.

"Consider it a donation towards the preservation of this beautiful place," he explained, his tone light but firm, "Please keep making your food with the love and care you've showed me today, please."

=== sometime later ===

Malik, now seated comfortably in the corner of the restaurant, was deep in thought. He knew he needed to tread carefully in this land, especially when it came to dealing with its leadership. Meeting the daimyō directly might not be the best course of action, given his penchant for bending the rules. Instead, he considered approaching one of her ("his") chief advisors, someone who could help pave the way for a more formal meeting. Malik, leaning back in his chair with a contented sigh, pondered his next move. He knew that meeting with the daimyō directly might be difficult, given the cold shoulder he had received thus far. But he also knew that the power structure of the Land of Birds was complex, with many layers of bureaucracy and influence. The idea of going straight to the top, bypassing the usual channels, was not out of the question, but it required a delicate touch and a certain amount of finesse, "Thats one of the big promblems with theses smaller older villages, like the land of birds, so much tradtion and culter mixed in with goverment affairs, gives me a headace."

His thoughts were interrupted by the soft rustle of fabric and the giggles of young women. He looked up to find a group of five young women standing before him, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity, excitement, and nervousness. They were all dressed in simple, colorful kimonos that accentuated their youthful figures and diverse personalities, "Oh, god not now." As he sat there,doing his best to be lost in thought and ignore them, the group of young women approached him and trust brother, they were already close enough for him to smell them, their faces flushed with curiosity and a hint of bold nervousness. 

The first girl, Anenokoji Isa (Malik read from the title and name card that popped up above her head from the use of his skill), had long, midnight blue hair that cascaded down her back in waves. Her eyes were a soft, warm brown, and her smile was wide and genuine. She cleared her throat, her voice steady as she spoke,"Excuse me, sir," the one with midnight blue hair said, her voice soft yet clear. "We couldn't help but notice you. You're Malik, aren't you? The one who's been causing quite a stir in our little village?" "Um, hello. We are some of the locals, and we were wondering if you could... if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions for us."

Malik raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips as he took in their appearance. The one who had spoken was tall and slim, her breasts small and firm, her eyes a soft, warm brown. Her hair was a striking midnight blue, her skin a smooth, creamy white. Malik was a little stuck on her hair color, but pushed it out of his mind for the moment, Malik raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching with amusement as he took his time to look over the group in front of him.

The one with coral pink hair was shorter, her body full and round, her breasts large and firm, her skin a soft, golden brown. Her hair was a vibrant coral pink, her eyes a bright, emerald green.

The one with forest green hair was tall and muscular, her body toned and strong, her breasts medium-sized, her skin a deep, olive-ish white. Her hair was a rich, forest green, her eyes a soft, hazel brown.

The one with sunflower yellow hair was petite, her body slim and delicate, her breasts small and perky, her skin a soft, porcelain white. Her hair was a bright, sunflower yellow, her eyes a soft, sky blue.

The one with lavender purple hair was tall and willowy, her body lean and graceful, her breasts small and firm, her skin a soft, light almond brown. Her hair was a soft, lavender purple, her eyes a deep, violet.

Malik took his time, his hot pink eyes scanning each of them, taking in their unique features, their varied personalities. He could sense their nervousness, their excitement, their curiosity. He knew that they were just like any other group of young women, eager to meet someone famous, someone different, someone... exciting.

"Yes, I am Malik," he said with a warm smile, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and kindness. "And I must say, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. What brings you lovely ladies to my humble table?"

The one with midnight blue hair spoke up again, her voice filled with a mix of eagerness and hesitation. "We... we were wondering if you could tell us more about yourself. About your magic, about your travels, about... about your life."

Malik chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, my dear ladies, I would be more than happy to regale you with tales of my adventures. But first, tell me about yourselves. What are your names, your stories, your dreams?"

The one with coral pink hair blushed slightly, her voice soft as she introduced herself. "I'm Mizuno Jome. I work at the local bakery. I... I love to bake, just like you."

The one with forest green hair nodded, her voice strong and clear. "I'm II Shiname. I'm a blacksmith's apprentice. I love working with my hands, creating things from nothing."

Malik was a little surprised at that, " A blacksmith's apprentice! that is very interesting; not many young women would be interested in that, I bet there is a fun story behind that."

"Not really," Shiname said, doing her best to not make eye contact and hide her blushing face.

The one with sunflower yellow hair spoke up next, her voice soft and shy. "I'm Nanba Ichi. I'm an apprentice to the village healer. I... I love helping people, making them feel better."

The one with lavender purple hair smiled softly, her voice filled with a mix of pride and humility. "I'm Suwa Mashime. I'm the village librarian's apprentice. I love learning, reading, discovering new things."

The one with midnight blue hair, Anenokoji Isa, smiled at her friends, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and affection. "And I'm Anenokoji Isa. I... I don't have a job yet. I'm still figuring out what I want to do with my life."

Malik listened to each of them, his heart filled with a mix of admiration and pride. He knew that these women, like so many others in the Land of Birds, were the backbone of the village, the ones who worked hard, who created, who cared, who loved. And he knew that he was lucky to have met them, to have had the chance to listen to their stories, to learn from their experiences and to feed off of their emotions but just a little.

As the morning wore on, Malik found himself drawn into their world, their lives, their dreams. He told them stories of his own adventures, of his own struggles, of his own triumphs. And in return, they shared with him their own tales, their own hopes, their own fears.

"Well, that's a first," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "I'm always happy to answer questions, especially when it comes to one of my new favorite places, the Land of Birds. But I must warn you, I'm not one to hold back, so be prepared for some blunt honesty."

The girls exchanged nervous glances, but they nodded, their curiosity piqued. Anenokoji Isa, taking charge, began to ask, "So, you're the famous baker, right? The one who can make anything out of anything?"

Malik chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Guilty as charged," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And what else do you want to know?"

Mizuno Jome, a petite girl with short, coral pink hair and almond-shaped eyes, piped up, "Is it true that you can make a cake out of sand?"

Malik laughed, shaking his head. "No and Yes,But you might be thinking of a certain story and if its the one I'm thinking about then that's just a legend. But I can make some pretty incredible things out of other things, like... soil, or even dust."

Nanba Ichi, a tall, slim girl with short, sunflower yellow hair and a smattering of freckles across her nose, asked, "Can you really fly? Like, without a broomstick or anything?"

Malik nodded, his voice casual. "Yep, I can fly. I'm a bit of a magic user, you see. It's a handy trick to have, especially when you're trying to get around quickly."

Suwa Mashime, the last girl in the group, was the most shy. She had long, lavender purple hair that she had tied up in a messy bun, and her eyes were downcast as she asked, "Can you really make someone fall in love with you? Just by looking at them?"

Malik's smile faded, his expression turning serious. He leaned forward, his voice low and steady. "I'm afraid that's a line I won't cross, young lady. I won't use my magic to manipulate someone's feelings. That's not how I operate."

The girls nodded, their expressions thoughtful. They had all asked their questions, and now they seemed to be waiting for something more.

Malik leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning each of them. "So, what brings you lovely ladies to my table? You're not just here to ask about my magical prowess, are you?"

Anenokoji Isa blushed, her eyes darting to the floor. "Well, we uh... we were wondering if you could help us with something. It's kind of a big favor, but we think you might be the only one who can do it."

Malik raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? And what might that be?"

Mizuno Jome took a deep breath, her voice steady as she said, "We need you to help us find the Cursed Warrior."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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