Naruto: New World

Chapter 63

So fast!

No, it’s so slow, I can avoid it!

Get away quickly, move quickly, my body!

Kurumi Kushimaru screamed in his heart, but no matter how hard he struggled in his heart, his body could not move at all. In the end, his pupils dilated and the body fell heavily.


Metkai and the others on the other side swallowed hard, their bodies already numb.

If we were to face the Seven Ninja Swordsmen just now, even though they had only heard each other's name but did not know their specific strength, they could still keep their bodies tight and still have the courage to fight.

But seeing the fighting power displayed by Mingyu and Qiye, the three of them felt nothing but deep despair!

quick!too fast!

A speed that is invisible to the naked eye!

The first strong man in physical arts fought against two and still had the upper hand!

The second swordsman was even more terrifying, and he killed one with one strike!

When Metkai and the others saw it clearly, they could only see the fallen body of Kurihara Kushimaru. The process was completely unclear.

Not only the three people in Konoha, but also the other ninja sword users were shocked!

A sense of fear instantly rose from their hearts.

call! !

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost looked gloomy and quickly formed a seal with his hands: "Water Release: Iron Pao Jade!"

Boom boom boom!

The water balls sprayed out continuously from his mouth hit Nanaba like cannonballs.

Qiye's figure flashed, with sparks and lightning all the way, and he quickly approached the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost.

Swordsmanship and thunder in a flash!

With a roar like thunder, Nanaba's speed once again exceeded the limit, just like a line flashing past the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

This move was also based on the flash of the Konoha style swordsmanship, and incorporated the thunder escape chakra mode. While bursting with super speed, it naturally came at a cost to the body.

It's just that Nanaba has had thoughts about the Eight Gate Dunjia from the beginning. After years of training, coupled with the conditioning of pharmaceuticals, his body is not comparable to that of ordinary Taijutsu ninjas, and his strength has reached an exaggerated level.

Therefore, this burst will not have any impact on Nanaba. At most, his heart will beat a little faster, just like a fighter pilot who is used to overload speed.


The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon tried his best to resist Nanaba's sword, but he still could only save his life. The right hand holding Samehada was cut off by the roots!


The same shark muscle drew an arc and rotated into the ground.


The continuous explosions on the other side gradually increased, and two figures flew out from the smoke. They were Loquat Juuzang and Wuli Jinpachi who had fought with Mingyu before.

The two men stood with their knives in their hands, spitting out blood as if they were asking for money.

Because Qiye emphasized not to kill, Mingyu beat them half to death.

The entire battle lasted only one minute, and almost half of the famous Seven Ninja Swordsmen were killed!

Kurisu Kushimaru died, Suikoyama Fugu Oni's right hand was cut off, and Juuzou Loquat and Jinpachi Muuri were beaten to death.

Such a terrifying scene made the remaining three people feel cold all over and were already thinking about how to escape.

"At least we caught up! Huh~?" At this time, a man wearing green tights fell from the sky. After seeing the scene in front of him, his expression was a little shocked.

There were only three of the seven Ninja Swordsmen left who looked capable of fighting, which really puzzled him.

This man was Matt Kay's father, Matt Day.


Metkai looked at his father in surprise: "Dad, what are you doing here as a genin?!"

"Let me ask, do you have any misunderstandings about genin? Konoha genin are all very unfaithful!" Nanaba sat on the treetop, staring at Metkai with his eyes hidden under the mask.

Then he pointed to his forehead protector: "Did you see that, I am also a Konoha genin!"

Nanaba's words were indeed correct. They were indeed genin before they left Konoha.

But now there is a clear scratch on the Konoha forehead protector, proving that they are traitorous ninjas.

You should be the one who has misunderstandings about genin, right?

Ebisu, Shiranui Genma and the other three complained in their hearts.

Then Metkai said to his father: "Dad! The battlefield is very dangerous, you shouldn't come!"

"Well, although I don't understand the situation before me, these fog ninjas and these two rebel ninjas are enemies, right?!"

Green steam rose from Metadai's body, his eyes swept over Nanaba and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and they put on a fighting posture.

He shouted: "In short, you run, I will buy time!"

"Mr. Dai misunderstood. Although we are Konoha rebels on the surface, we actually saved your son and the others just now."

As Nanaba spoke, he condensed a Rasengan shuriken in his hand, glanced at something, and said coldly: "Want to escape? Do you have the ability to resist this thing?"

The unique sharp aura of the Rasengan Shuriken was immediately felt by everyone like a needle prick.

Several ninja sword users who had originally planned to take the opportunity to sneak away suddenly froze in fear.

Cold sweat continued to break out from their bodies, and their eyes were fixed on the Rasengan shuriken in Nanaba's hand!

I can't stand this technique!He will definitely die!

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost gritted his teeth and yelled at Qiye like he was breaking a jar: "What on earth do you want to do?!"

"It's very simple." Qiye smiled slightly and pointed at Matt Dai with his free left hand: "Fight him. If you can win, leave alive. If you can't win, turn him into nutrients."

His tone was very calm, but it shocked the six living ninja sword users.

"How can you guarantee that you will not deceive us?!" Loquat Juuzang asked.

Qiye's eyes turned cold: "Do you have any choices?"

The scene fell into silence, and all the ninja sword users stopped talking, but directed their fierce eyes at Matt Dai, obviously having accepted Nanaba's suggestion.

"Listen up! Kai! I will stop them from now on! Remember what dad said, restrain yourself! Now is the time to protect your most important thing even to the death!"

Metadai turned his head slightly, smiled, and gave a thumbs up to Metakai.


Metkai looked stunned, tears streaming down his face.

Although the relationship between father and son was very touching, Qiye had to interject: "But you can't leave now. It would be pitiful if Mr. Dai loses his strength later and has no one to take care of him."

He looked at Metkai, then turned to Metday, and smiled slightly:

"Mr. Dai, your enemies do not include us. Of the seven Ninja swordsmen, one is dead, one is disabled, two are half-disabled, and only three are intact. There should be no need to open the eight doors, right?"

"Live well, Mr. Dai. As a father, your children not only need education, but more importantly, companionship. And leading by example and teaching by words and deeds is the best way to educate, isn't it?"

"Then, come on..."

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