Naruto: New Begining

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: The Storm of Change

"Man I didn't expect it to actually work, khekhekhe." Kisame chuckled, his sharp teeth bared towards Itachi. They had just gotten the 6-tailed Jinchuriki without much interference from the Kiri ninja.

"I'm glad you are happy." a masked and hooded figure appeared on a nearby tree.

"What are you going to do now? You just betrayed the village." Kisame asked the masked figure.

"Nothing, I have other tasks here. I wish the Akatsuki well." replied the masked figure.

"Why are you helping us? No, more importantly, who exactly are you and who do you work for?" Itachi asked in a serious tone.

The Akatsuki had been approached by this figure, offering them help in abducting the Kiri Jinchuriki without getting anything in return. They had naturally been skeptical but due to the current restrictions on them, they accepted the help anyways. Even though they had gotten what was promised, Itachi was still skeptical as it was clear that this person was working on behalf of someone and he wanted to know if they would be a danger to Konoha.

"Because I was told to do so. Don't worry, we have no interest in the Akatsuki or their mission. In fact, you are doing us a favor by removing all the tailed beasts." the masked figure explained before disappearing with a gust of wind. Leaving behind the two ninjas.


"Well?" Hiruzen blew a puff of smoke as he inquired the white haired man in front of him.

"The reports are true, someone is gathering all the rogue ninjas in the land of fire." Kakashi reported in a grim tone.

The old man's eyes focused on the Jonin, his mind racing to decipher the schemes behind this move and uncover the mastermind behind it, "Did you speak with Shin?" he asked the man.

"Yes, he believes the crown prince is looking to start a war and is gathering a private ninja army. Apparently, Daimyo is aware of this but has forbidden Shin from interfering with the prince." Kakashi explained.

The old man's eyes narrowed as a headache assaulted him. The prince was adamant about going to war. Now with an army of ninja at his side, Konoha would not be able to stop him since he was the de facto leader of the land of fire.

"What about the daimyo?" Hiruzen asked.

"He only has a few days, weeks at most." Kakashi informed him, causing the old man to sigh. Hiruzen was too old for this, luckily his student had been commanded to return to Konoha to relieve some of his troubles, now he just had to push the position to Tsunade so he could finally rest.

Unknowingly, the old man's eyes drifted towards the blonde figure in the picture hung on the wall. Regret filled him, choosing Minato was the best decision of his life. Minato was the most beloved and brilliant Hokage of the village, sadly his life was cut short.


Amidst the chaos that spread all around them, the land of fire was hit with a ray of light, the princess had finally given birth to a beautiful and healthy boy.

"He's so cute~" the young princess Youhi held the bundle of blankets in her arms, looking at the sleeping baby with love and affection.

"He is indeed." Shin smiled at them.

"The cutest in the world?" Shin felt a threat as these words came from the new mother's mouth.

"*Ahem* definitely the cutest in the world." Shin replied. Shin had always bragged about how Shiharu was the cutest baby in the world but technically she was no longer a baby so he could say this freely. Not to mention the threat in Yukina's voice if he had dared to contradict her.

"Mhm" Youhi nodded, "He resembles you my lord." Youhi spoke up, looking back and forth between the child and her husband.

"Well, they say children change seven faces so I'm sure he will resemble a lot of different people." Shin explained to the girl. It was an old wives' tale but it was a widely held belief. That's why mothers were often told to see pictures of cute babies during pregnancy. There was no scientific basis for it but it didn't mean there was no truth in it.

"Really?" the young girl asked in innocent curiosity, "Then which one do they choose?" she asked her husband.

"Well, the one that gets kissed the most." Shin chuckled while joking.


Youhi kissed the baby with a beat red face, "W-well… I like this one…" she mumbled.

Shin could feel a poisonous gaze towards him from Yukina but he pretended to remain oblivious to it.

"Rawr OwO" the giant cat growled as it also nuzzled the sleeping baby, sniffing him and snuggling. Pineapple felt what Shin felt, Pineapple thought what Shin thought. If Shin felt love towards, so did Pineapple, if Shin felt hate, so did Pineapple. If Shin wanted to protect someone, Pineapple would protect them with her life.

Pineapple nuzzled the baby before walking to Yukina's side and laying down next to her, purring as the tired girl petted its head.


"How did it go?" The prince asked in a flat tone.

"Well, the 7-tails is gone. The land of lightning daimyo is growing bolder. IT's only a matter of time. Once the attack on you succeeds, the daimyo would have no choice but to start the war!" The shadow explained his plan.

"What about the recruitment of the rogues?" the prince asked, he was a bit worried about putting himself in harm's way but this was the reason why he had recruited an army of rogue ninjas, for his protection.

"It is nearly complete, we have recruited almost every rogue ninja in the land of fire, the mission is a guaranteed success." the shadow assured the prince.

The prince nodded before turning to another figure in the room, "Don't worry, your contributions will not be forgotten, Danzo. Once I am daimyo, Hiruzen's days are numbered." the boy smiled.

The bandaged man bowed slightly, "It is my duty your highness, Hiruzen is weak, sooner or later he will doom Konoha. Together we can bring this country to greater heights!" he spoke enthusiastically before leaving.

After the man had left the prince turned to the shadow, "What are the chances this rat would bite us?" the boy spoke in a flat tone.

"For now, none. But it's best to dispose of him. We could use the Uchiha massacre and launch a case against both Hiruzen and Danzo. After that, Tsunade is most likely to succeed." Shadow replied.

"She has been away from this world for years now, it would be easy to control her." the prince smiled.

The curtains were closing and soon the true king would be crowned. Once he had become king, no matter who it was, none would dare oppose him. Even Shin would be forced to do as he said. Then his greatest hindrance would become his greatest asset. He had already analyzed the ninja, Shin had no ambitions or aspirations, considering the life Shin had led, the ninja just wanted a peaceful life.

According to his spies in the Nagoya Castle, the elder princess and Shin had gotten rather close. This would become the bargaining chip that would win the prince his allegiance.

"When are we leaving?" the prince asked the shadow.

"Soon, the spies in Kumo are all ready." the shadow replied.

"Good, are you sure it will be safe though?" the prince asked again.

"Yes, besides, we would be taking Lord Hirano as back up. There is nothing to worry about." The shadow assured him.

The prince nodded, having Shin on his side was surely a boon and something that made him just as confident that this plan would succeed.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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