Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Year 1
Shin was rather famous in the Academy, the teachers liked him because he was hard working and smart. The girls liked him because he was cute and Pineapple was always wandering around him. The boys hated him because the girls liked him.
Not to mention he was quite ruthless in his ninjutsu spars and along with Atsuki, the duo had beaten down 3 seniors that came to "give them a lesson about respecting seniors". All five had ended up in the infirmary but none dared to challenge the duo any more out of sheer fear. And the aloofness he exuded just added to his charm with the girls and that inturn added to the hate from the boy.
The cycle of life continues.
"Oh man, I hate exams. Especially maths! Why do I have to learn how to learn about triangles? Ugh! We're learning to be ninja, not merchants!" The boy complained while walking towards the academy. "What if we fail the genin exam and decide to become a civilian instead? Having learned all this stuff might even get us a nice job at a merchant company." Commented Shin, trying to placate Atsuki as they shared a nice warm bread along with a purring black cat.
"Oh come on Shin!" The boy exasperated "If we fail the genin exams then no one in our class is passing."
"haha, suppose that's true." Shin agreed. The duo had quickly become the best in their class in taijutsu, much to the disagreement of the two Uchihas and one Huga in their class. Shin was at the top of his class in every subject and even though Atsuki didn't like to study, and was barely able to pass with Shin's help, he usually tied with or even beat Shin in taijutsu and tactical training. Atsuki was a natural born ninja and his hardwork only propelled him higher and further than the rest of his classmates.
"Still, at least with the exams over We'd be able to focus on training full time!" Atsuki was excited for the vacations, he could focus on training without any boring lectures. Shin was also excited about it, as the duo had planned out their entire vacation. Shin was especially looking forward to getting strong enough to skip a grade at least. He was aiming for an early graduation, it was no secret from his friend and Atsuki was also looking to do the same.
"Meow" the cat jumped down from Shin's shoulder, opting to enter the classroom through the open window instead of going the long way inside the building and enter through the door.
Pineapple usually stayed lazing on the window sill, making the seat next to the window a hotbed for contest among the girls as sometimes Pineapple would sit on their desk and allow them to pet her.
As the duo entered the classroom, as always, they drew quite a few eyes as they went up to the back and sat on their usual seats. Quite a few of them sent challenging glares towards them while smirking, today was the last day of exams with math in the morning and taijutsu spar after noon, a lot of the clan kids had been sent to the infirmary by the duo and they had been wanting to exact their revenge today.
Haruki sensei entered the class soon after, holding a stack of papers. After a few words he distributed them and the exam started. Shin was the first to complete it, finishing the 1 and half hour exam in merely 30 minutes and that too because it was how long it took him to write all the answers. He didn't have his memory but that didn't mean that he doesn't have his knowledge.
After Completing his exam, he didn't turn it in but instead just put his head down as Pineapple jumped into his lap. Haruki Sensei saw this but said nothing, he knew that today's exam was far too easy for Shin so he just let him sleep.
The only thing was, Shin was not sleeping. Pineapple had actually brought him a small leaf, a leaf that he stuck to his forehead and focused to keep it there. Shin had been doing this exercise for years but it was only after entering the academy that it started to actually work. Shin figured that he simply lacked the chakra and the control necessary to make it work, but now he had been making steady progress.
After almost 20 minutes of practice Shin let the leaf fall, it fell onto Pineapple's nose who protested with a "meow >_<" while wrinkling her nose. Shin pulled his status to check his progress during the school year and was rather satisfied.
[Name: The Overlord of Chaos (Shin Hirano)
Level: 10
Title: Civilian of Konoha
Age: 6
Strength: 7
Vitality: 6
Agility: 9
Sense: 11
Chakra: 17
Control: 13]
In the 9 months in the academy, his level had increased from 6 to 10. It was a big increase but considering that his body was constantly growing and that the teachers in the academy had helped him with the techniques to quickly improve his strength and Atsuki constantly kept him on his toes.
It had become a matter of pride for him at this point, his bouts with Atsuki were always close and the win/loss ratio only slightly favored Shin because Atsuki was easy to bait but he was a quick learner and Shin was now losing more than he won.
Atsuki was simply more gifted when it came to physical conflict, hence Shin had been trying to find a way to learn ninjutsu since that was where his strength lay. Sadly for Shin, academy students just didn't have any access to ninjutsu and the library didn't contain any scrolls either as jutsus were like guns in this world, the government won't leave it laying where anyone can pick them up.
Shin had no other choice but to learn directly from someone. Once he had learned the three basic jutsus, he could apply for early graduation next year since he couldn't just squat down in the academy while learning all sorts of jutsus, he'd just find a jonin sensei to teach him.
"Alright class, times up! Stop writing Atsuki, if you couldn't solve it during the time, you won't solve it now." Haruki sensei moved to grab everyone's papers. "Alright everyone, rest up well. Your taijutsu spar is in the afternoon so don't overeat!" He emphasized the last bit was looking at a fat kid in the middle who looked hungry enough to eat the kid sitting next to him.
The wait for the afternoon was boring, Shin and Atsuki simply ate a simple lunch and did some stretching before it was time for spar. Unlike the usual, Haruki sensei couldn't put Shin and Atsuki against each other since the placements were random. While Atsuki got an easy win against a civilian, Shin was pitted against Yukia Uchiha. She was rather haughty, like all Uchiha are, and eager to prove herself to be a rival of Itachi who was only 2 years older but already a famous prodigy.
"Alright, no weapons, no poking the eyes and try to keep it clean. Shin, I'm talking to you." Haruki sensei glared at the boy who smiled in response.
"No promises." Shin responded.
"Don't worry sensei, I don't need to use cheap tricks to win this fight, unlike someone else, I know how to actually fight with honor." The spiky haired girl declared while looking at Shin with distaste.
"Well I just hope you don't cry later on." Shin smiled.
"Huh! We'll see who is going to cry!" the girl bit back.
Even though fighting dirty was frowned upon, it was not forbidden because when your life's on the line, no one cares about fighting honorably. "Begin!"
Neither Shin nor Yukia made any moves against each other, Yukia only shifting her stances and observing Shin while Shin simply stayed in basic academy stance since he didn't know any other."Hiya!" Yukia yelled as she charged at Shin with her right hook Shin simple brought up his left guard but didn't get ready to counter. Yukia's fist hit his arm, surprising Shin before she quickly twisted, bring her left leg for a kick.
Shin had seen the faint but didn't think she would actually go forward with the punch before following up with a side kick. The Uchiha style didn't use such open moves. Shin grabbed her foot before it could hit him but she used that as leverage to spin horizontally and bring her other foot at his head. Shin had no choice but to step back as her leg was twisted free from his grip.
He jumped back to gain distance as Yukia stood up with a triumphant grin. "I see you learned another style." Shin remarked.
"I don't need to use the Interceptor style to beat you, that would make it too easy." the girl declared, a triumphant smile on her face.
Her smirk deepened as she saw Shin spring towards her thinking she had successfully baited him. Shin started from simple punches that Yukia easily avoided before kicking his side again but before she could hit, Shin side kicked her knee. Yukia buckled, rolling to the ground, and as she looked up at Shin, a stomp came right at her face as her face jerked back from the impact. Shin jumped onto her and got her head in a hold, Yukia nearly went purple before Haruki sensei ended the fight.
Yukia looked at him with hate as he walked away. Shin knew he was not strong but he didn't have to be, he just needed to be fast enough to attack his opponent before his opponent attacked him, this was why he sparred with Atsuki so often. Atsuki was stronger and a very skilled fighter, Atsuki's potential with taijutsu easily outmatched Shin's so Shin simply focused more on being faster and hitting the weak points instead of being strong and simply punching.
"Yo! Nice one Shin." Atsuki gave Shin a high five "Thanks." Atsuki stretched as the students were dismissed. "Finally! Summer vacation, here we come!" he proclaimed to the world.
" Alright class, have a wonderful summer!"
After the class was over he went towards the staffroom, waving the students goodbye as they left for home. Finally the day was over and he could finish up his work and prepare for a great weekend. The summer holidays were here and he now finally had time to catch up with his old friends and release the stress that came with trying to teach a bunch of hyperactive, easily distracted children. 'Maybe I should call Fujio, just to catch up… no other reason' he mused, his face turning a light pink.
He was so caught up in fantasizing about a certain blue haired kunoichi that almost bumped into a small black haired child, a black cat lounging around his shoulders. "Ah! Shin, what are you doing here?" He inquired.
"Waiting for you sensei, I had a question." the boy replied before narrowing his eyes "Why are you red? Were you thinking about your girlfriend?"
"W-what? I-I was not!" He tried his best to not think of the kunoichi as his girlfriend while staring down at the boy "What is your question? Hurry Up! I am busy!"
"Got a date with your girlfriend?" the boy smirked.
"No! I do not!" he quickly replied, all sorts of fantasies rushing through his mind as blood started to rush.
"Alright then, I just wanted to know if you could teach me the three basic jutsu" Shin decided to get to the point.
"What?" The fantasies came to an abrupt stop as he heard the question. "I can't do that shin. Besides, you'll start learning them next year anyway."
"But then I'll have to spend the whole summer with nothing but workout and spar. Besides the clan kids will be taught all sorts of jutsus so I think it's unfair that I can't even learn the basic academy jutsu." Shin argued.
"Meow." Pineapple agreed.
Haruki sensei taught for a while before sighing "I'm sorry Shin, what you said is true but it's just how things are. Besides, using ninjutsu requires enough chakra and enough chakra control. These things are not taught in 1st year… How about this? I'll show you some chakra control exercises and you can improve your control during the summer so when you come back, you'll be ready to use ninjutsu?"
Haruki grabbed a leaf from who knows where and placed it on his forehead only to see Shin do the same. "H-How did you?" Haruki stuttered.
"Learned it from a senpai. I can do it for almost 20 minutes before I run out of Chakra." Shin replied.
"O-oh…" Haruki was honestly impressed, not many kids willingly did this exercise as it was rather boring and the ease with which Shin did it told him that he had done it regularly.
In the end Haruki relented and gave him the scroll but only under the condition that he didn't overpractice and a lecture about chakra exhaustion.