Chapter 39: Chapter 39: The Black Cat of Konoha
It was a busy night on the most up and coming new market in Konoha, a one-stop shop for every ninja need; from weapons to custom made armor, from the new opening of the revolutionary Reman shop to a new noodle shop opened by a new sensation that took the village by storm, there was even a 24/7 medical ninja available along with clothing stores and food joints, this place had it all!
Shin saw numerous people, both ninja and civilians, going up and down the street. Couples walking arm in arm and hand in hand, finding warmth in their lovers and friends as the gentle falling snow and the countless lights and decorations gave a festive atmosphere.
Shin sat on a rooftop coffee and tea shop as he sipped the honey tea while spectating the droves of people going in and out of the street. "What do you think? Quite a view eh?" spoke a blonde man with a man bun, pride dripping from his tone as he watched the same view as Shin with a wide gleeful smile. "Quite a view indeed. What about the other matter?" Shin sipped the tea. The man looked away from the crowd and at the boy in front of him, "It'll take a while I'm afraid, the nobles are not so easily persuaded." he rubbed his fingers, signifying the main issue of money. Shin nodded, "No need to rush, things will turn for the better." Shin's eyes narrowed as he assured the man.
Shin took another sip of the warm tea before speaking again, "Did you locate the merchant I told you about?" The man drank his coffee before answering, "Soon, why do you want to find them though? From whatI've heard, there is nothing remarkable about him or his coven." Shin looked back down at the street as he casually replied, "Just a personal interest, don't worry about it."
"Hm? What's that?" Shin pointed at cylinders being taken off a cart and into the clinic. Ibuki looked over and replied, "Ah, those are oxygen cylinders. I have a friend who provides for the Konoha hospital. I had him supply us too." Shin nodded, 'Oxygen huh… Hey Assal, You can make anything if there is enough energy right?'
An Idea popped up in Shin's head as he got up, "Well, see you later uncle." The man nodded before getting up and asking with concern, "You should come by more often, Chicory would love to hang out." Shin nodded before leaving, "I'll try."
A week later, somewhere in the rocky desert that made the border between Sand and Iwa, a team of Iwa ninja were sitting under the shade of the tall salender rock, taking refuge from the blistering heat. "I can't believe it is so hot in the middle of winter. No wonder no one those sand ninjas are always trying to attack us, I wouldn't wanna live here either!" Her words had caused her fellow ninja to raise an eyebrow but neither of them spoke to refute her.
"When will sensei return?" The girl asked but received an unexpected answer, "Meow T~T" The three ninja were startled as they jumped at the sound, only turning to see a furry black cat walking into the shadow of the rock with her pink tongue sticking out. "It's a cat?" one of them spoke in confusion, they all wondered how a cat had snuck up on them, all except one.
"Oh you poor thing, you must be thirsty!" the girl that had complained about the heat rushed forward and poured water into her hand so the cat could drink it. The girl smiled as she pet the cat while it drank the water andafter it had, it looked up and rubbed against her hand while purring. The girl was over the moon as she gently picked up the cat, "Aren't you adorable-! Your eyes! They are so pretty!" The girl was taken with the red and blue eyes of the cat and nestled the cat into her arms while cuddling her. "I'm going to name you… Kuro!" the girl smiled. "Kurotsuchi, you can't just adopt a random cat." commented one other companion, earning a stink eye from the girl, "And why not?" The other two ninjas were tongue tied, they didn't want to get into trouble but they also couldn't let her bring back a random stray cat. In the end they decided to stay quiet and wait for their sensei to handle this matter.
And as if on cue.
The three genins were startled as they looked at the huge cloud of dust and smoke that had just exploded close by. "Do you think something happened to Sensei?" one of them asked in shock but their worries were unfounded as a middle aged man flickered in front of them, "Sensei!" the three genin cried in unison. They could see worry on his face as he ordered, "You three need to leave now! The mission has failed! Return to the outpost, I'll hold him back!" Two of them nodded but the girl holding the black cat asked in a worried tone, "We can't leave you sensei! We can help!"
The man's eyes went through complicated emotions as he looked to the other two and commanded them in a firm tone, "Make Sure to protect her with your life-! What is that cat?" Due to the situation, he had failed to see the black cat rolled up in her arms but as he did he realized just what sort of disaster he was facing.
Lightning struck the top of the rock where they had taken refuge as the man's expression twisted, 'It's too late! I have to hold him no matter the cost!' The man jumped up and punched the rock, exploding it into pieces as a shadow fell from the top and landed on the ground. "I've got you now!" the man yelled as slammed his hands onto the ground and two massive mounds of earth rose to sandwich the enemy inside.
Just as the two mounds of earth combined together, the Iwa jonin saw lightning escape upwards and a shadow casually landed on the new hill sized rock. 'He escaped!' the man cursed as he looked up at the boy that appeared to be nearly the same age as his own students.
On top of the rock, Shin was dressed in his usual robes but had taken a brown hooded cloak to blend into the surroundings. He looked down and a smile appeared behind his mask, "You seemed to be awfully concerned about that one." his words striking at the Iwa jonin's heart as he slammed his fists to the ground and brought them back up, covering them in hard rock. "You should worry about yourself, you won't beagle to get past me and Iwa ninjas would be rushing to this pace."
Shin chuckled at the man's words, "I'm not too worried about that, I doubt you brought an army while meeting up with a spy." His words struck true but that had made quite a commotion and Iwa ninjas would be here sooner than later but Shin was not as pressed for time as the man tried to make him believe. Shin unsheathed his Chokoto and lightning started to arc around him.
With a flash of blue light, Shin appeared before the Iwa ninja, bringing his sword down on the man's head. The man raised his arms, blocking the strike but the force from the lightning still zapped at him. The started to backstep while facing the rapid assault of Shin's lightning style kenjutsu until a powerful strike sent him flying, his whole body covered in burns.
"Well, you lasted longer than I expected. Be proud." Shin slowly walked towards the fallen jonin who struggled to get up.
Shin moved his head to dodge a kunai as he looked back at the three genin, the genins covered under his gaze as the girl that had thrown the kunai shuddered in fear, grasping the cat tighter in her arms. "Maybe I should take care of the spectators first." Shin commented as he moved with lightning. "NO!" the fallen jonin cried but his body could no longer move. The three genin braced themselves for death as the girl that had thrown the kunai rolled in to ball, trying to protect furry cat as blue lightning came towards her.
"Meow >w<"
The pain she expected never came as the lightning missed her completely and struck the ground next to her. The cat in her arms broke free and jumped towards her assailant and started to rub against his face after climbing onto his shoulder. "So there you were." The boy petted the cat while sheathing his sword and starting to walk away.
Seeing him leave left them all puzzled as the man spoke up behind him, "You are leaving? Why?" Shin stopped and looked back at the man, "Why else, You can't expect me to kill you all after Pineapple spoke up." After that the boy flickered away and the man slumped back to the ground, the three genins rushing to his side as he muttered in confusion, "He didn't kill us because… of the cat?" His confusion was mirrored by his students as his thoughts raced, 'I had heard the rumors but… he really doesn't kill someone if his cat likes them? That doesn't make any sense!'
Little did he know, it really made no sense and truth was different from what people thought it to be. It was not that Shin didn't kill anyone the Pineapple liked, it was more like if Shin didn't want to kill someone, he'd have Pineapple protest. It was a facade, a prank if you will. It was lame and made no sense to others but it was just Shin's way of messing with everyone, afterall he didn't want everyone to think that he was a bloodthirsty monster with no compassion.
"Kitsuchi sensei, what do we do now?" asked a genin to which the man simply shook his head, "Let's just return to the outpost." The man got up with the help of his students and the team slowly walked away from the battlefield.
After Shin had walked away, he met up with his shadow clone, dismissing it and creating a new one with more Chi so it would last far longer. The clone took the spy he had been tasked with hunting while his real self made his way towards the land of rivers.
Ibuki had finally found the merchant that knew the location of the energy vain and Shin had plans to take all of it.