Naruto: New Begining

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: First Mission

*huff* *huff*

Shin and Atsuki lay there panting in the middle of a training field, a standard sword lay in their hands but none of the boys had any energy to grip it. It had been 3 months since they passed their Jonin test and were forced to train a week before they got their first mission which, surprise surprise, was a river cleaning mission!

During said mission, Shin had the bright idea to use the tree walking technique to pick up trash in the middle of the stream. When Fujio Sensei saw that Shin already knew tree walking technique and Atsuki too was able to walk and run up the trees, She started to train them even harder and the missions stopped for another 3 weeks.

After the first month, it was 3 missions a week and 4 days of rigorous training that didn't stop until the boys were bruised and too weak to move, even Pineapple was forced to train. The poor cat had tried to escape but how could it match the speed of a Jonin?

The 1st week was simply battle tactics and some advanced taijutsu such as Leaf Gale, the following 3 weeks were more advanced taijutsu like the Leaf whirlwind and mobility techniques such as the body flicker technique and combat practice on vertical surfaces. After the first month, Fujio started the weapons training, she mostly focused on the sword as she was a kenjutsu master herself.

In short, it had been a hell of a 3 months, Shin had leveled up 5 times due to the constant beatings but the real improvement was not shown in the Stats, Shin could easily beat down 2 of pre-training versions of himself but it also showed just how much the Jonin sensei just didn't consider genins a threat at all. He was shocked to see Fujio sensei's stats when he first saw her, which got her attention but was able to dodge the question by commenting on her hair. 'I mean seriously… this world is full of broken people…'

[Name: Fujio Hatake

Level: 109

Title: Jonin of Konoha/ Sword Master

Age: 22


Strength: 129

Vitality: 140

Agility: 130

Sense: 100

Chakra: 80

Control: 75]

Looking at her stats showed exactly where her specialization lay. Shin was rather happy that he had been able to get a Jonin sensei that trained them as hard as she did, especially since a fight in this world usually only ended when one part kicked the bucket and Shin wasn't planning on kicking any buckets until he was able to spew out tail-beast bombs.

"Alright kids, rest up. Tomorrow is mission day so be ready and pack your things." Fujio ended their training and flickered away, leaving the boys to stumble towards Shin's home.

Atsuki had moved in a month ago, since he was legally an adult and couldn't stay at the orphanage, Atsuki was given a temporary residence by the villages but Ryouka rejected it and all but dragged Atsuki to her home after yelling at the ninja who had come to take Atsuki to the allocated residence.

According to her, "No child that young should have to take care of themselves, living all alone!" When the ninja said it was on Hokage's orders She simply said, "If lord Hokage wants to take Atsuki then he can come do it himself!" And that was the last of that matter.

Shin agreed and his thoughts unknowingly wandered to Naruto, it had been more than 2 years and there was no news regarding the boy. Shin felt bad knowing that an innocent child would have to grow up alone and loveless just because of the paranoia of useless old men.

The boys headed home and rested for a while before packing up, Fujio sensei insisted that they had to pack a week's supplies every time even if the mission was inside the village and since they had never left the village, they just never unpacked the first time so they were done in minutes.

"What do you think it's going to be?" Atsuki asked as he did handstands while Shin sat on the roof of the room while reading up the Fuinjutsu scroll.

"Who knows, probably a super important mission like gathering intel in an enemy ninja village!" Shin gave a sarcastic reply as he drew a seal to store items in a scroll.

"Naa, I think it will probably be to track down a spy!" Atsuki suggested while smirking. "Meow >_<" Pineapple, the hard working cat that was busy training its jaw by eating snacks, also gave a suggestion.

Atsuki pushed himself off the ground while doing a handstand to land on the roof to start his upside down squats, "I think Pineapple's suggestion is the most likely, Isn't that right Pineapple." Atsuki flattered as the cat simply turned away from him.

"She still won't let you pet her." Shin commented as he dropped down and put a pillow on the scroll the disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"But why!? It's been almost two years! It's not fair!" Atsuki cried as his tears fell on the floor.

Shin unsealed the pillow and put away the scroll, "Who knows? Probably cause you're a loser." he commented offhandedly.

"What did you say!? Say that again!" Atsuki jumped down from the roof.

"You heard me." Shin smirked as Pineapple simply shook her head and went back to training her tummy.

When the morning came, the duo headed to the Hokage building and waited for their sensei so they could go get another mission. The duo stood on a side while watching the constant stream of ninja and civilians pouring in and out of the building. Shin had even noticed some [Anbu] in the hiding.

Unknown to them, Fujio sensei was already inside the Hokage office, discussing their future mission. While Shin waited he looked over his stats, a habit he had developed as, like any man ever, he liked to see numbers go up.

 [Name: The Overlord of Chaos (Shin Hirano)

Level: 25

Title: Genin of Konoha

Age: 7


Strength: 20

Vitality: 19

Agility: 22

Sense: 25

Chakra: 35

Control: 31]

"So you think they are ready, Fujio Sensei?" Hiruzen took a deep puff from his pipe before spewing out smoke.

"Yes Lord Hokage." She nodded.

The old man emptied the contents of the pipe in an ashtray before speaking again. "Tell me about them."

The woman briefly halted before replying, "Both of them are quick learners. Atsuki is exceptionally skilled in Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu but only has medium level chakra reserves, he makes up for it with his exceptional chakra control though. I've been meaning to teach them more but for now I want them to gain some real experience."

"And what of Shin?" The old man inquired.

"Shin is… truly exceptional, he might even give my little cousin a run for his money." Fujio replied with a wide grin as the old man raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Tell me." he let her continue.

"Shin is surprisingly gifted when it comes to battle tactics, I don't know if he can apply it to strategy yet but he makes full use of it during combat. He doesn't easily fall for the same trick twice, he can easily use misdirections and bluffs to gain advantage against a stronger opponent. Not to mention he had come up with nearly all of the training that the boys had done during their time at the academy." she explained.

The old man nodded, he had heard of Shin's intellect from Haruki and was glad to see that he was not just book smarts. He saw Fujio still had more to say so he gestured her to continu, "His Chakra is already at Chunin level while having the same amount of control. While his physical ability is naturally imperasive, I have a feeling that his true talent might be in ninjutsu."

"And why do you think that?" Hiruzen questioned her. "It's how effortlessly he uses Chakra, he doesn't even realize it yet but I could feel it during our spars; he is instinctively using chakra to strengthen himself. It's just what I feel, I'm not a ninjutsu expert afterall, even my chakra is only average when it comes to Jonin." Fujio scratched the side of her head, thinking she had embarrassed herself by talking about ninjutsu in front of "the Professor".

Hiruzen nodded with a smile, "I trust in your judgment. Then what sort of mission would you like to get?"

"I'll leave it up to you lord Hokage." She bowed and left. Going outside she appeared behind her students, startling them as Atsuki drew his kunai and she saw Shin's hand stopping right before the draw, 'Such fast reflexes, one might think he's an Uchiha.' she pondered before punching Atsuki on the head and taking them inside.

Fujio and Hiruzen acted like they had just met while the boys were ecstatic about getting a C-rank escort quest.

Since the two were already packed, Fujio told them to inform their families before meeting up at the gate. The two boys ran to the orphanage to say goodbye to a reluctant Ryouka before each of them left the orphanage with a deep hug from the woman. As they waited at the gate, Shin looked at Atsuki lost in thought but didn't say anything, instead he decided to check his friend's stats since it had been a while.

 [Name: Atsuki

Level: 21

Title: Genin of Konoha/ Orphan

Age: 8


Strength: 28

Vitality: 27

Agility: 20

Sense: 20

Chakra: 16

Control: 15]

Shin was impressed, Atsuki's level was lower than him because of his lower Chakra, otherwise Atsuki was in a different class when it came to strength and vitality. Shin did wonder though, as to where the limits of his friend's potential lay.

After a short while, Fujio appeared alongside a few carts and around 12 men wearing clothes with red cuffs and [Merchant] titles, but one of them also had an additional title.

[Name: Shinji Sone (Yousuke Sato)

Level: 24

Title: Merchant of Iwa/ Spy of Konoha (Root)

…See more]

'So this is that sort of mission huh.' Shin thought, 'Danzo really doesn't miss a beat, he really is a menace for the entire ninja world, though I can't deny the man's conviction.'

"This is my team, we will be escorting you to the border." Fujio sensei introduced us to the merchants who were skeptical about leaving their protection to a bunch of children.

"Konoha can't even afford to send "Real" ninjas, so much for being the strongest village huh!" The man called Shinji huffed to his "fellow" merchants. After assurances from Fujio, the caravan finally left the village and headed towards the land of Stone.

The trip was mostly silent, with occasional jibes from the spy about how Konoha was pathetic and how the real ninjas were all killed by the fox, "It should have finished the job." the man commented and Shin had to hold back a fuming Atsuki from punching the guy.

'He's on our side, kid.' Shin thought, 'Though he is laying it on a bit thick huh, I do wonder what his mission is. Knowing Danzo,it can't be anything good.'

"Let's stop here, we'll take a short rest before crossing the Kanabi bridge." Fujio suggested to the merchants and they accepted. They stopped in a clearing next to the road, the constant green that had accompanied them had made the excitement of the boys dwindle considerably.

"Land of fire and not a single volcano." Shin sighed.

"Volcano? Why would there be volcanoes here?" Atsuki looked weirdly at Shin who sighed again.

"I'm just saying, shouldn't it be called the land of trees or something? Apart from a few villages and cities that all look alike, there is nothing but trees! I want some color!" Shin complained.

"Well, that's kinda true. We've been traveling for days now but nothing happened! I thought merchants were attacked by bandits all the time!" Atsuki joined in on the complaining.

Shin sighed as he saw Pineapple "Meow." and whipped her head towards the forest, "You just had to jinx it didn't you."

"What are you talking about?" Atsuki asked Shin who didn't reply but instead turned towards the Jonin. Fujio met Shin's eyes and nodded, Shin silently whispered to Atsuki and the three separated, surrounding the camp they had set up for lunch.

Shin could clearly see [Bandit]s hiding among the trees but kept his focus on the cat. Pineapple's eyes shot towards a certain direction as he followed her gaze while drawing his kunai in one smooth motion.


He deflected an arrow and heard the *whoosh* of many more cutting through the air. He immediately sent shurikens flying in every direction his system displayed the [Bandit] title and instantly heard groans of pain.

This marked the beginning as nearly 2 dozen men jumped from around them, some holding rusted or broken swords while others held hoes or wooden spears. With a clear view, Shin easily took out 2 before they could get closer and threw a kunai at one that was behind him and trying to attack a merchant. One of the bandits ran towards him with a yell and a spear, [Bandit. Level: 8]. Shin easily dodged the attack and drew his sword, slashing the poor man's neck in a single stroke. Shin spun on his feat, dodging a slash from a chipped sword and thrust the blade into the man's neck before drawing it out and moving towards a merchant that lay on the ground as his arm bled and a laughing man raised his sword to kill him.

Shin kicked away the bandit and followed through with a few quick slashes that the man barely blocked, "Hahaha! You think you can kill me- ghuagh!" Shin threw a shuriken at the man's eye and then stabbed his chest. Shin turned back and helped the bleeding merchant into the carriage.

"You useless Konoha ninja! Why didn't you do that before! You little Shit!" The man cussed as he stumbled into the carriage. Shin almost wanted to finish the job himself but stopped.

'Stupid morals!' Instead he turned around to defend the carriage from incoming attacks.

Shin looked around and saw Atsuki engaging with a few bandits and Fujio beating down 4 at a time. Shin scanned the forest for any ambushes when he saw another title popup. [Bandit Leader (Chunin of Konoha (Root)), Level: 56] 'What the? Danzo is behind the bandit attack? But his own spy is here?' Shin was confused but he didn't attack the man as he was out matched and didn't wish to get involved with Root if he could help it.

The attack started and ended in minutes as all the bandits ended up dead and the chunin ran away. The merchants cursed the Konoha ninja the rest of the way, with the spy being the most vocal. In the end the group reached Kanabi bridge and separated after reaching an Iwa checkpost.

"Man, I so wanted to punch them!" Atsuki complained on the way back.

"They are the client and they got hurt during our mission and in our lands, there's nothing we can do about it." Fujio calmly explained.

"I doubt they would want to hire Konoha ninja again." Shin sighed.

"Who cares! That just means that I Can punch them the next time I see them!" Atsuki kept going as Fujio and Shin sighed.

'I do wonder though. What is Danzo up to?' Shin knew he had something but just couldn't put his finger on it. 'The spy was constantly saying things about Konoha and then they used the bandits to attack them. I bet the merchants would go and spread the news in Iwa, especially the spy. But to what end? Make them think that Konoha is weak? That would never work though, Tsuchikage would never start a war with Konoha as long as he is alive, the loss Iwa suffered during the last war was too much and they are surrounded by enemies like Suna who is allied with Konoha.'

In the end Shin gave up and the trio made their way back to Konoha. In Konoha, somewhere underground, an old man with a cane stood in a dimly lit carven as he supervised the sparing of two ninjas. A shadow flickered behind him as the man calmingly addressed it, "And?"

"It is done lord Danzo. The spy has successfully made it into Iwa. The Bandit attack was successful, they all died but none of the merchants were killed due to Jonin Fujio's presence." the shadow replied.

"Fujio?" Danzo inquired.

"Yes, her genin squad took their first C-rank mission." the shadow replied.

"Oh? And how were they?" Danzo inquired.

"Exceptional" Danzo heard the reply and narrowed his eyes. He had wanted one of the boys for himself but Hiruzen had denied him, 'No matter, there are many ways to get someone into my service without Hiruzen's approval. But Fujio… Hiruzen you old fox!'

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