Naruto: I, Uchiha, Just Want to Die

Chapter 23: Brilliant! He Actually Wants to Kill Me!

Chapter 23: Brilliant! He Actually Wants to Kill Me!

Gurgle, gurgle!

Scalding hot water continuously burst into bubbles, sending white steam upward, while the sharp smell of sulfur spread in all directions.

In the depths of a pitch-black cavern,

Only one floating barrier on the boiling lake emitted a faint white light.

Crack, crack!

Pieces of rock and dust constantly fell from the volcanic walls.

The entire environment was like a boiling kettle with its spout blocked, continuously building pressure within.

The scorching air made it difficult to breathe.

The temperature had risen to a searing 50-60 degrees.

In such an environment, even a seasoned shinobi like Uchiha Ci couldn't help but feel dizzy.

The oppressive sense of crisis hung in the darkness, like a venomous snake waiting for the right moment to strike.

Uchiha Ci's vision blurred momentarily, and through the barrier's glow, he seemed to see a death omen star wildly flickering in the dark night sky!

He almost felt as though he could see his great-grandmother waving to him from the night sky.

This thought snapped him back to reality.

Fully awake, completely clear-headed!

He gradually understood everything.

This place had become a perfect burial ground, created by Cloud ninja Dodai's Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation, with the boiling spring below.

What happened to "When the cart reaches the mountain, there must be a way through, and every dark alley has its own bright spot"? 


Uchiha Ci thought he had wasted his money, with the explosive tags failing to detonate, almost leading to a miraculous comeback where he would pummel the Cloud ninja Jonin.

Not to mention the Elder Uchiha Satsuna's near self-detonation-level threat.

Those two Cloud ninja looked like they were about to flee the scene in terror!

But, but, but—who could have predicted—

Boss Dodai would pull out the big guns!

Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation to create a volcano, Lava Release: Great Lava River to seal the top.

Volcanic eruption, boiling springs gushing forth!

Over a hundred degrees of high-temperature, high-pressure water, combined with the impact of rocks, and a literal full-body boiling bath.

This was certain death!

A perfect combination of ninjutsu!

Uchiha Ci was almost moved to tears,

This was truly a blessing from Boss Dodai—a massive volcano!

Damn, it's not easy trying to get a life insurance payout!

While Uchiha Ci was tearing up with joy, on the other side, Cloud ninja Moroi was already at his boiling point.

This was the ninja world's version of the harsh reality: you're hot, I'm warm.

Moroi glared furiously at the seemingly frightened Uchiha Ci, feeling not an ounce of sympathy.

Only pure hatred!

His eyes were bloodshot, and the skin on his face twisted with rage, veins bulging on his forehead.

All because of this brat, because of him!

Dodai had just sold him out, using Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation to toss him, his barrier, and himself into the volcano!

Moroi had never felt so desperate.

The pent-up anger in his chest was ready to burst.

He glared at Uchiha Ci, his voice twisted with rage as he roared:

"Uchiha Ci!"

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation!"

Moroi clenched his fists, his eyes wide with fury, nearly losing his sanity as he screamed:

"I'll kill you!"

"I will definitely kill you!"


Upon hearing these words, Uchiha Ci wasn't afraid; he was actually thrilled!

He looked at the furious Moroi, almost clapping for the guy right then and there.

Brilliant, this guy actually wants to kill me!

It's like realizing you forgot to pack your parachute while bungee jumping in the stratosphere!

This was a double dose of good news!

Facing the man who looked like he wanted to scalp him, Uchiha Ci suppressed his inner joy and calmly nodded.

"Good, you've got spirit!"

He suddenly opened his eyes, and to make sure Moroi's rage reached its peak, he even raised an eyebrow, wearing an expression of disdain, arrogance, and unyielding pride, reminiscent of Sasuke's iconic attitude.

Then, Uchiha Ci sneered and said casually:

"Your struggle is meaningless in front of these eyes!"

With that,

Sharingan, activate!

The scarlet pupils reflected Moroi's twisted face, as the single tomoe slowly rotated.

It was like the world's most exquisite piece of art.

No more words were needed. Just that, and a kingly aura naturally emerged.

Anyone who saw this would want to rush up and give him a good beating!

Obviously, in the face of this act, which was at least ten years ahead of the current ninja world, Moroi couldn't resist.

His nostrils flared, veins bulged on his forehead.

The next moment,

Moroi stomped on the boiling lake, kicking up a wave of scalding steam as he charged in with a hideous expression.

But Uchiha Ci merely sidestepped, easily dodging Moroi's fast punch.

He then countered with a swift slash to Moroi's back.

Cloud Style: Reverse Slice!

Learning on the spot.

Uchiha Ci kicked Moroi in the face, sending him flying back, and then coldly remarked:

"Give it up; your moves, I've seen through them all!"


Moroi roared in frustration, ignoring his exhausted body, forming hand seals with both hands, and slamming them into the boiling lake:

"Dharma Seal: Lightning Binding!"

Uchiha Ci was suddenly taken aback, not expecting the other side to still be able to perform ninjutsu, and immediately tried to dodge.

But, water conducts electricity—changes in the environment indirectly enhanced Moroi's jutsu.

A blinding flash of lightning surged forward, forming a large "雷" character beneath Uchiha Ci's feet.

Four lightning chains pierced through, locking Uchiha Ci in place, preventing any significant movement.

Moroi showed a twisted smile,



He fell into the boiling lake.


Beneath the water, Moroi's mouth opened and closed, his face full of terror, eyes wide, his limbs weakly flailing.

The scalding water quickly cooked his body...


A large bubble rose to the surface.

Moroi, the special jonin of the Hidden Cloud, future captain of the Hidden Cloud's Barrier Squad, and a powerful shinobi capable of creating 36-layer Self-Regenerating Barriers,

was no more.

With Moroi's death, the Lightning Binding faded.

Uchiha Ci was left stunned.

"No, wait, bro, couldn't you hold on for two more seconds?"

"Get up here and stab me or something, damn it!"

He had no chakra left yet insisted on using a jutsu, not even leaving himself enough to walk on water.

Are all Cloud ninjas so quick to provoked?

Uchiha Ci gasped for breath on the spot.

At this point, he was truly exhausted.

He watched as the barrier before him slowly dimmed, the encroaching darkness swallowing everything.

Uchiha Ci let out a resigned sigh.

Reflected in the boiling spring, he saw his own face.

Once a handsome and charming face that made people want to pinch it just to see how soft it was,

now pitch-black, covered in dirt, blood, wounds, black ink-like stains, and sweat mixed together.

He looked like a miner who had just crawled out of a coal mine.

Uchiha Ci suddenly chuckled, looking at the water below, which had reached a critical point.

The boiling spring was about to erupt.

He imagined the upcoming scene of mountains crumbling, springs gushing, and the world being overturned.

"This... is my end, isn't it...?"

Uchiha Ci sat down on the water with a resigned laugh, his face peaceful.

He was so tired...


At that moment—

In the darkness, a sudden golden flame ignited!

It was like a beam of light that split the heavens and the earth!

A familiar shout rang in Uchiha Ci's ears:

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!"

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