Naruto: Fourth Hokage

Chapter 98: Chapter 097

"What can I say," Naruto shrugged, "We all have our purposes in this life."

"…I suppose. See'ya," Shippo said before bursting into white smoke and leaving Naruto alone once again.

(End Flashback)

Naruto was snapped back into reality when he suddenly sensed several kunais flying at him and Shippo. The duo jumped out of the way as the kunais embedded into the spot where both Naruto and Shippo previously were.

"What the hell," Naruto yelled as he turned toward the direction where the kunai was thrown in time to see a fist connect with his face. The blonde was sent rolling to the ground as the woman advanced on him not giving him a second to make a counterattack. She placed her left foot on his chest the moment he stopped rolling. Naruto looked up to see from whom the ambush came.

"What's this," the woman said, "All that training you came here to do only to be caught off your guard? You got a lot of explaining to do Yondaime-gaki."

"Nice to see you too Anko-chan," Naruto said with his face to the side.

"Hey," Anko ordered, "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Naruto turned to face the older woman as his eyes gradually made their way toward her face, starting with the leg that was holding him down. His eyes made their way from her ankle and up her leg while trying his hardest not to look under her skirt; a feat that's easier said than done seeing that he caught a glimpse of what looked like black silk.

Damn it, Naruto mentally yelled, I feel like freaking ero-jisan! Knowing him, he'd have die happily from massive blood loss if he was in the situation I'm in now!

"If that's the case kit," Kyuubi mocked, "Don't take it lying down! Why don't you just do what comes instinctive and prove who gets to be on top. You know as well as I do that her place is beneath you."

Shut up you stupid perverted fox, Naruto yelled while fighting back a blush trying to make its way to his cheeks while doing what he could not to have a nosebleed. Kyuubi snickered at the blonde's plight.

"No need to fight it kit," Kyuubi taunted, "You know she enjoys the sweet taste of you so just let the blood rush flow."

You're disgusting you that Kyuubi-teme, Naruto retorted sourly. Naruto's eyes soon reached Anko's face and saw that she was grinning menacingly at him.

"Something the matter," Anko teased.

"Nothing really Anko-chan," Naruto replied.

"Yeah right," Anko remarked as she placed more pressure on his chest. The blonde shinobi felt the weight of her body being focused on his chest and he sensed that she was using chakra to add to the pressure.

While standing over him, many questions occupied Anko's mind about Naruto. She knew there were many factors about Naruto that made him stand out in the crowd, but there were other factors about him that made him more unique than he was letting on, especially after being briefed by Tsunade and Sandaime about the issues regarding Gaara and how Naruto brought about his defeat before helping him. Anko knew that Tsunade didn't tell her everything about the battle between Naruto and Gaara and frankly it started to bug her. And seeing how he summoned a creature she's never seen before only added to her suspicions that there was a lot more to Naruto than she was being told.

"Like I said Yondaime-gaki," Anko said, "You have some explaining to do."

"You mean as in how you caught me off guard," Naruto answered.

"No," she retorted, "As in what that summoned creature that was talking to you was."

"You mean me," Shippo yelled as he jumped over to her. Anko speedily turned and grabbed the small humanoid fox boy with her left hand. Seeing the momentarily distraction, Naruto hurriedly ran through a serious of hand seals and shot snakes from out of his right arm and onto Anko's leg. Before she could react, Naruto effective threw her off him before he got up from off the ground. Losing her hold on Shippo as a result from the impact, Shippo took the opportunity to run over and stand next to Naruto seconds before Anko stood back up off the ground.

The Special Jounin looked at the blonde who standing in front of her.

"Naruto," Anko interrogated, "What really happened between you and Gaara?"

"What do you mean Anko-chan," Naruto asked quizzically.

"Don't play dumb with me," Anko shot back, "I know there are pieces of that story that your mother purposely failed to mention to me and I want a thorough explanation."

Naruto thought about it for a moment before looking at her serious, "I'll explain everything that happened between me and Gaara, and everything that happened long before that to you in full details when drop that mask that you're always wearing."

"M-mask," Anko replied quizzically, "I don't wear masks. That's something Kakashi does."

"You know what I mean Anko," Naruto stated with the same serious demeanor. Anko saw that Naruto didn't use the "-chan" honorific with her name but she didn't let her facial expression show it. Naruto continued, "You may fool the villagers and everyone else, but you not fooling me. You hide a lot of anger, sorrow and hurt within you and I'm sure Orochimaru is the center of it. I want to know when you are going to fully open up to me like you said you would someday."

Anko unconsciously placed her right hand over the left side of her neck before she whispered, "I-its not as easy as you make it sound Naruto."

"I know but I'm not asking you to drop it for everyone though I would like you to. I'm not asking you to drop it all at once-"

"It's not that easy!," she shouted. Naruto saw that she really wanted to change the subject but he wasn't about to go for that this time like all the other times she refused to tell him about her past with Orochimaru.

"I know it's not Anko-chan but it's something you're going to have to get off your chest and tell somebody. I've been trying to get you into opening up to me but you keep pushing it to the side without giving it a second thought. I really want to help you through this; all you have to do is trust me. Just tell me how it started and I promise once you're finished, you'll feel a whole lot better."

Naruto saw that she was struggling and debating with herself as to whether or not to believe and trust him.

"Anko-chan," Naruto said, "Tell it to me as your close friend, not as your Genin student."

She sighed as she searched for the right words to start with. She wondered when the blonde reached this level of maturity that was far beyond his age.




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